Things that suck about being fat



  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Aw man. This. I went to Hot Topic back when I was like 22 and saw an awesome pair of knee high boots. I had the guy grab me my size from the back and when I pulled up my pant leg to put them on, he said...loudly..."wow you have huge calves!!"

    I said "yeah I know, @$$ hat, thanks for the reminder" and walked out.

    I haven't tried on a pair of knee high boots since.

    This makes me so sad! *hugs* Good for you for not taking it lying down. I would have been such a doormat about it. :^(
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Try to concentrate on them. Every time I see an ad for food on television I remind myself that these are multibillion dollar corporations who only want to make money and do not care about your health, wellbeing or satisfaction at all.

    There's a book out there I believe that investigated food companies and restaurants and claimed these companies investment millions in research to find certain additives that cause chemical reactions in our brains that make us crave certain foods.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Working on a list for my motivation board: "Things that suck about being fat"

    What pet peeves are you most looking forward to leaving behind?

    I'll start...

    chub rub / chafing
    compression garments
    not fitting knee-high boots because my calves are too big
    neck sweat
    getting winded going up 2 flights of stairs
    having breathing problems bending over to tie shoes (or painting/cutting toenails)
    not quite fitting into airplane & stadium seats
    being the fat girl engaged to the skinny guy
    one size all doesn't fit me
    wanting to sit/lie down all the time
    depression/anxiety related to weight and health
    the Bad Habit Cycle
    not feeling sexy
    being the fattest of my friends
    my outside doesn't fit my personality
    poor posture
    back problems

    one million points for using FUPA. (I've always avoided that, thank god. My sister has that)

    I will add "wet seat-of-the-pant syndrome" (grrr)
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life getting as high as 333lbs. I lost 140lbs and its amazing how differently I was treated. I felt that I was perceived as smarter, a more worthwhile human being. I was the same person so I guess what I am trying to say is I am looking forward to being smarter.

    I also hate boob sweat...
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    WTF is FUPA?

    HAHAHAHAH! I love it. Fat Upper P---- Area
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    "having breathing problems bending over to tie shoes (or painting/cutting toenails) " THIS!

    and sweaty back in the rolls ( and no I don't mean getting hot and sweaty in the back of a posh car).

    The way people look at me if I dare to eat in public (must be your 15th whatever I'm eating)
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Working on a list for my motivation board: "Things that suck about being fat"

    What pet peeves are you most looking forward to leaving behind?

    I'll start...

    having breathing problems bending over to tie shoes (or painting/cutting toenails)
    not quite fitting into airplane & stadium seats

    I liked your list, though I can't say I have/had the boots problem ... not that I'm admitting to, anyway. ;)

    I remember losing my breath while trying to tie my snowboard boots, and looking like the Michelin Man while snowboarding.

    Also, my knees were a wreck!

    The good news is that now that I'm nearly at my goal, those problems are history. So, as a word of encouragement to you all, keep up the good work, and look forward to crossing so many of those issues off your list!
  • sro2118
    sro2118 Posts: 14 Member
    I hate feeling excited to get dressed up and go out, only to find things are tight and you look even fatter than you felt.

    Also, feeling like you are ok with overeating "This time," only to find it is just as much guilt as the last time you said that phrase to yourself.

    Being sad/frusterated about being fat in general. Being positive is great, but it is hard to do it everyday. The days that I am crabby, that feeling is absolutely awful.

    On the other hand, even losing 5 more lbs is great to get ready with!
  • FUPA the things I learn on this web site. Learn something new everyday.:laugh:
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    I will add "wet seat-of-the-pant syndrome" (grrr)

    All the time! I pray it's not noticeable!
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    I think you are awesome! I love this thread- I have never been obese, but I think everyone should feel happy in their own skin and I felt chubby and unhealthy 26 lbs ago. It's a personal choice- ironically, my husband liked me better at 140 lbs (he likes curves) than 115 lbs, but he knows I am happier and feel much better about myself.

    Thank you! :) My goal is set at 135 - but I'm really hoping for "comfortably healthy" - it's just not something I can really count down to.

    Funny about significant others and weight. My fiance requested I keep my boobs and butt, but I told him that I can't pick where the weight loss comes from. Too late for the boobs anyway, those were first to go. LOL

    Glad you feel happier! :)
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    Personally, I don't hide from pictures, or dread going to the doctor, but I know people who do and I totally see where they are coming from... I don't (hate myself)
    I'm glad to hear that. We're both sharing thing we've learned that may help others depending on where they are in their journey. Best of luck to you on your weight loss. May we each achieve all our goals. :)

    Absolutely. Best of luck to you too. Thank you for your encouragement!
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    I am so confused about chafing, especially when welts were mentioned, what!? I did not experience this at 307 lb nor do I at 177...just don't really get what it is!? And I'm a skirt wearer.

    You could just be lucky. Chafing is especially bad for me and it was even when I was in shape because of how my legs rub against each other no matter what. It's part of how your pelvic bone is positioned, how much it rubs and all that.

    You could be very lucky! I get painful, deep boils about the size of a dime or nickel on the inside of my thigh. Not all the time, probably once or twice a year, but I do everything to avoid them now. They're caused by blockage of sweat glands and/or hair follicles, and they can happen even to thin people. If they get excessively bad - as happened to my fiance once, his was the size of a golf ball - they require medical attention. There's an actual name for the condition, but I can't think of it now.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    i hate the wet-seat-of-the-pants thing.

    i hate under boob sweat. it makes me very uncomfortable.

    i hate people looking at me in a wheelchair or with my handicapped parking permit and assuming it's because i'm fat and lazy. it has nothing to do with my weight. nothing. at. all.

    i have had luck at some plus sized stores, luckily, but they drain my wallet. i'm looking forward to shopping in straight sizes.

    now, i'm not a very negative person - sure, i have my bad days, but i'm very positive and am always looking on the bright side of things. i appreciate how others jumped in this thread to inject some positivity, but imho, it just pissed me off. why can't we have a thread where current fatties can commiserate and complain about being fat? having your feelings validated is a HUGE thing for people, especially people who are struggling.
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    Too funny. As I read through this very long list, I can relate to many items. Boob sweat makes me smile. One of the benefits of a double mastectomy - no more boob sweat! Now that is a silver lining!!!!
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    Oh - and I have to fly across country next week and I am already dreading it! Airplane seats are not comfortable, the seat belt does not fit. the tray table does not go down cuz of my big belly.

    Oh - belly. So I just posted that I had a double mastectomy so don't have to worry about the boob sweat. BUT..... now my belly really sticks out. I'm sure I look 9 months pregnant, but I'm gray haired and 60! I don't have boobs to off set the belly.

    Bending over to tie my shoes is a chore - did someone already say that? And what about getting in a SUV without a running board? Laughable.

    My friend broke two (old) beach chairs! I look twice at chairs before I decide if I am going take the chance. Mostly, I don't. I just went to an outdoor wedding with cute little white chairs - I stood.
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    i hate the wet-seat-of-the-pants thing.

    i hate under boob sweat. it makes me very uncomfortable.

    i hate people looking at me in a wheelchair or with my handicapped parking permit and assuming it's because i'm fat and lazy. it has nothing to do with my weight. nothing. at. all.

    i have had luck at some plus sized stores, luckily, but they drain my wallet. i'm looking forward to shopping in straight sizes.

    Sweat. In my thinner days, I equated sweat to working out. Now I equate sweat to sitting down, or just existing in the summertime. I hate feeling like my pants are damp. I went to a baseball game over the weekend, and when I stood up I had two big sweat marks on the front of my shorts. Thank goodness they evaporated within a few minutes, because I was mortified. My boobs are small so I don't have too many problems with boob sweat, but EVERYTHING else sweats, OMG.

    I apologize if people think negative things about you being in a wheelchair. Part of me cringes because when I was younger, before I knew the world the way I do now, I would have been one of those people, and it's a wretched way to think. Not that you know me, or even that you need an apology from me, but sorry just the same.

    Plus size stores are nice, but you're right - expensive. Apparently cheap clothes max out around a size L, anything past that gets a little dicey in terms of style and availability.
    now, i'm not a very negative person - sure, i have my bad days, but i'm very positive and am always looking on the bright side of things. i appreciate how others jumped in this thread to inject some positivity, but imho, it just pissed me off. why can't we have a thread where current fatties can commiserate and complain about being fat? having your feelings validated is a HUGE thing for people, especially people who are struggling.

    ^^^ This! Thank you, thank you darling.
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    My friend broke two (old) beach chairs! I look twice at chairs before I decide if I am going take the chance. Mostly, I don't. I just went to an outdoor wedding with cute little white chairs - I stood.

    I broke an old camping chair last summer and now I inspect before I sit. It's a horrible, depressing feeling. Everyone told me the chair was old and on it's way out - which my logical self knows was true - but my inner demons screamed "FATTY!" at me for a little while, for sure.
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    Getting dressed in the morning, basically asking myself how can I best hide myself today...

    Spending money on new clothes, while your old clothes go in a bin.

    Realizing your boyfriend isn't as attracted to you as when you first met.
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    Going to the "Big and Tall" shop. I used to go there because I was tall. Now I'm Big and Tall. Sucks.