Disappointed with Piyo

Day 3 of Piyo and I'm disappointed. I don't feel like I've had a workout. It's not easy when I'm doing the moves, but the workouts have been too short so far and I don't feel like I'm getting enough cardio. I don't know if it's because I've done Turbofire for 3 years now and am used to the high intensity craziness of that or what. Will probably be doing a hybrid with Turbofire so I feel like I'm getting my cardio in. If I do just Piyo I'll quit again.


  • paytenpar
    paytenpar Posts: 34 Member
    It's probably because you've been doing Turbo Fire for so long. What are your goals with the program? I haven't bought it, but I have been doing Turbo Fire/Jam on and off for several years, and I don't think that PiYo was created to be a major "weight loss" program. I think it's more about improving your flexibility, strength, and overall fitness level. I would suggest adding in some cardio if you feel like it's that lacking. :)
  • again7820
    again7820 Posts: 7 Member
    Good Evening,
    I'd stick with the Piyo, but maybe add cardio later IF you feel you need it. The program was designed to be just by itself, so it will give you what you need. Remember, the program is meant to be LOW impact, and not intense which is probably NOT what you are used to. It's an adjustment and like any adjustments will get better.
    Good luck!

  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    I am on day 3 of piyo too.
    It feels more like a mild form of yoga, rather than cardio. (Although, some may argue that yoga is cardio)
    I like it so far. It wont burn many calories or help you get super fit
    but it does help you breathe easier and helps you learn to be more relaxed when exercising.
    Asthmatic sufferers may benefit from this.

    There's more to good health than weight loss
  • Candicem99
    Candicem99 Posts: 71 Member
    I feel the same way and feel that I miss the cardio, I came off of doing several rounds of T25. I started doing TB for one week and the following week following the PIYO workout. Gives me the cardio, but also get the flexibility that I like with Piyo.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    I am training for my first marathon so PiYo has been a great addition. I think it is a great program coupled with another program. I love it with my running.
  • Recreateyourself017
    Recreateyourself017 Posts: 23 Member
    Which workouts have you done so far? The two defines (upper and lower) I'm guessing? This is one of those programs that starts out really slow with intro workouts.. if you are going into it from a high intensity workout and don't want the beginner workouts (and feel comfortable with the moves, of course!), maybe consider skipping to month 2? Once I finished Define upper and lower I started combining them back to back, and now I actually just replace them on the schedule with Sweat.

    I have been doing PiYo along with Les Mills Pump so I can improve my stretching and flexibility. I probably would only do Piyo on it's own if I had an injury or wanted to take it easy for a while... it's really more for flexibility than a high calorie-burn! But its also faster paced than traditional yoga, which is where the "cardio" comes in. I wear a heart rate monitor and during Sweat going all out, I averaged a heart rate of 152bpm. I haven't done all the workouts yet, though! I find Piyo really enjoyable and its fun to try to push yourself and do the advanced moves!
  • end0427
    end0427 Posts: 1 Member
    I am pretty fit and work out regularly, and my first week or so of PiYo I was convinced it wasn't working me hard enough. I am participating in a Disney 10-miler in October so I've continued running, but I have noticed now-after completing almost three weeks of PiYo-the workouts *do* get harder (the first time I did Sweat, I just sort of stayed on my back on my mat for a good ten minutes :) ) and I already have noticeable new definition in my abdominal area and legs that I wasn't getting from combining running and other light strength training. I'd recommend pushing forward; give yourself time to notice the definition you're sure to get. :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Turbo Fire is pretty much cardio, isn't it? PiYo is strength and flexibility. I'm adding cardio 3x a week or so, personally, but some PiYo workouts like Sweat are still a pretty good workout (and there's Drench later... I can only imagine). I haven't even started the real 'strength' workouts yet, as I'm only on week 3 (I bought the Strength workouts too). Heck if anything, it will improve my balance (Core is hard for me because of that!).
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    Sweat is a good workout. I am usually dripping sweat by the end. When you get to the work out "Strength intervals" , it has some cardio in it. I am still getting in shape so I was out of breath during that one. I also added the Turbo Fire bonus dvd after strength and I was drenched.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Do you have the deluxe version with the strength workouts and slides? I burn so many calories doing PiYo, you have to give it more than three days.
  • ammossrn
    ammossrn Posts: 43
    It's because you're on day 3. Skip forward to Burn and Sweat. You won't be sorry! :)
  • marysinh
    marysinh Posts: 11
    I'm on day 22 of PiYo. I felt the same way at first. But trust me it gets better. Plus you can always double up on the workout if you feel it's not enough. I sweat as much as I would in hot yoga!
  • Addigirl2003
    I also am an avid Turbo Fire user and was afraid PiYo wouldn't be intense enough. My suspicions were confirmed. Don't get me wrong, I love the workouts but needed more. I have been using T25 in conjunction with PiYo and love the combination. There's a hybrid schedule on the Beachbody website.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    how long did you give it? the ideal amount of time to see if a program is working is 3 weeks. after that you can scratch it if it's not.

    that being said, I know some of the testers, and these are some people that are quite athletic and already in decent shape. one guy, is a triathlete! And he totally changed the shape of his body! Another guy I know, lost 30+ lbs!

    It's not a cardio work out and really should not be compared to TurboFire. Chalene even said, this is something EVERYONE needs to be doing, because we all need to work on flexibility and building our core! The plus side is that it will burn fat. If you are already performing at the level the guy is ( in most of the work outs i've seen so far it's a guy that is going above and beyond) then it probably isn't right for you.

    I'm doing T25 now and just started PiYo too, and all I know is that it's KICKING MY BUTT!!! I sweat AS much in a PiYo work out as I am a T25! I say Give it time and don't compare it to TurboFire. they are COMPLETELY different beasts ;-)
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    I am glad to see people saying they like PiYo. Mine arrived tonight. I start tomorrow!
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm concerned. I ordered PiYo saturday and it's on its way. The problem is, I bought the program for STRENGTH training (body weight exercises). Especially because my husband sold all of our weight equipment. I thought the program would allow me to build muscle from my own body weight.

    I don't want it if it's more on the yoga end of things.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'm concerned. I ordered PiYo saturday and it's on its way. The problem is, I bought the program for STRENGTH training (body weight exercises). Especially because my husband sold all of our weight equipment. I thought the program would allow me to build muscle from my own body weight.

    I don't want it if it's more on the yoga end of things.

    There are a lot of poses that use body weight. It's not a yoga program, your heart rate will increase, and all weight you use is your own body weight.

    I actually thought the program would be "too easy" but I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

    This is my 4th week and I've lost 3 lbs of the "last 5" I'd been wanting to lose.

    I also do Define Lower and Upper back to back in one day and use the extra day as a "make-up" or "rest/walk" day. One "rest" day I did the TF Low HIIT 20 that came in the package (even though I already own TF I wanted to mix it up and I have the DVD set of PiYo at work during the week so it was already with me).

    I'm finding the better you get at the poses, the harder it is. Especially once you don't have to look at the screen.
  • jonesie220
    jonesie220 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm concerned. I ordered PiYo saturday and it's on its way. The problem is, I bought the program for STRENGTH training (body weight exercises). Especially because my husband sold all of our weight equipment. I thought the program would allow me to build muscle from my own body weight.

    I don't want it if it's more on the yoga end of things.

    Once you get it, you can try it out for a couple of days then return it. There is always a 30 day money back policy. I would suggest Focus T25 as he uses your body weight, but there are some exercise where ShaunT does use weights also. This is more or an intro to Insanity which is hard core, intensity with your body weight.

    I hope this helps you.

    Eva Jones
  • lmckinster
    Hi, I have been doing Piyo for a couple of weeks now & I think it is an awesome workout. It combines yoga with pilates & is defintely not a cardio workout. I think if you stick with it you will have more defined muscles & more flexibility. Plus it's not the same boring jump, push & pull that most cardio & strength workouts tend to be.