Things that suck about being fat



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I am so confused about chafing, especially when welts were mentioned, what!? I did not experience this at 307 lb nor do I at 177...just don't really get what it is!? And I'm a skirt wearer.

    You could just be lucky. Chafing is especially bad for me and it was even when I was in shape because of how my legs rub against each other no matter what. It's part of how your pelvic bone is positioned, how much it rubs and all that.

    You could be very lucky! I get painful, deep boils about the size of a dime or nickel on the inside of my thigh. Not all the time, probably once or twice a year, but I do everything to avoid them now. They're caused by blockage of sweat glands and/or hair follicles, and they can happen even to thin people. If they get excessively bad - as happened to my fiance once, his was the size of a golf ball - they require medical attention. There's an actual name for the condition, but I can't think of it now.

    Thanks for clarifying, ladies. I have had the inner thigh or groin area zit/boil things, at any weight, but like ^ mentioned it was just once or a couple times per year. I was thinking more of chafing that causes redness on your thighs any time you wear shorts or a skirt which isn't something that I've had happen except once when I was about 15-16 and walked for probably ten hours on vacation in a skirt and that sucked. I was assuming those of you who mention chafing had that happen regularly or something (which I'm sure some people do). I guess I am lucky in a way, I have huge hips and thighs but even at 180-190 in tight pants or leggings I have a tiny gap between my thighs at the top so I'm guessing maybe I'm just built in such a way that it's less likely for me to have chafing.

    The posts about sweaty back fat though ewww I have had that in the past, definitely don't "miss" it! haha
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Going to the "Big and Tall" shop. I used to go there because I was tall. Now I'm Big and Tall. Sucks.

    Me too...I just referred to it as the "big and fat" section...I am into self degrading
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    - getting asked "when are you due" by complete strangers and you're not pregnant
    - plus sizes are a lot more expensive (in my experience anyway)
    - finding flattering clothes that do not make you look even more pregnant (see first point above)
    - pants rolling down due to big belly/overhang
    - bending over to tie shoes is a lot of work
    - sitting comfortably in chairs is an issue (the fold-up kinds)
    - knee, hip, back pain
    - wedding rings being stuck on my finger
    - shoes not fitting properly

    I don't see this as negative at all. I think it's great to list these things, because these are things I can look forward to going away when I lose the weight! :)
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Looking in the mirror
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    Going to the "Big and Tall" shop. I used to go there because I was tall. Now I'm Big and Tall. Sucks.

    Me too...I just referred to it as the "big and fat" section...I am into self degrading

    Careful with that self degrading! :) A nudge to get you on your way is fine, but don't let it eat at you. All I'm sayin'.

    I'm guessing this is similar to shopping in the "Women's" section and walking out feeling LESS like a woman.

    I was there yesterday at JCP, picking up a workout shirt I ordered online to the store. I wandered through Athletics and none of the sizes were bigger than an XL. I asked someone who worked there, and she said there was an Athletics area in the Women's section with larger sizes, so I wandered over there. It consisted of 2 small racks. Zero selection. Bad colors. Really ugly. Apparently, the nicer/neater stuff is available in bigger sizes, but they don't stock the stores with that. I wandered around the rest of Women's for all of 5 minutes - "no, no, white pants? ha!, no, no, ugh, no, eeew, no, uh-uh, ick, no...why do designers want to dress me this way? I'm outta here." It'll be awhile before I'm no longer "plus" - but it will be so worth it.

    And I have a new thing to add to my list of things that suck about being fat: Modifying yoga poses around my belly. I don't mind modifying in general, since it's called yoga "practice" for a reason, but I'm looking forward to not having to maneuver around my gut quite so much.
  • Wow, I have these issues too... here are a few more:

    *Serious HEALTH consequences, ie. diabetes, HBP, sleep apnea, the list goes on
    *Can't do sports, hiking or fun outdoor activities with my kids or other friends
    *Needing a fan or AC because I'm the hot one
    *Getting undressed in front of anyone
    *Bumping into things because I misjudged my size vs. space to move thru

    I think I will make a motivational poster for me, great idea. Much luck on your endeavor:)
  • missy5290
    missy5290 Posts: 68 Member
    The worst things are the people who try to make me feel like less of a human being because I'm overweight.

    Puberty hit me like a truck in 6th grade and I gained weight like crazy along with my tiger stripes. My diet was already terrible and I was too shy to be active so I was teased all the up until 8th grade. People are the worst.

    My list:

    -Being the fat friend
    -Being the fat girlfriend
    -Friends looking better than you at the pool and in the cute Halloween costumes
    -Back fat
    -People not believing you work out( had to start somewhere, right?)
    -Parents thinking you're pregnant and not believe you when you say you're just fat!!!!!!!
    -Being looked over by that guy at your 16th birthday party because he says your friend is skinnier
    -Going to school dances and prom alone.....
    -Looking like a whale in maxi dresses or anything with stripes
    - Falling in gym class and being laughed at
    - Classmates making fun of your stretch marks. Lifting your shirt and pointing them out to everyone
    -Too self conscious and shy to engage in social activities or musical when you know you have the talent
    -Getting told you cant get into the water park because your swim suit doesn't look like a friggin swimsuit.
    -Cousins teasing you because you're fat.
    -Not trying out for cheer leading team because of the uniform.
    -Being 3wayed into a phone conversation and hearing your boyfriend say hes breaking up with you tomorrow because you're overweight and only got with you because of your boobs.
    -Being told I'm only attractive because I have huge boobs.

    Clearly I'm still bitter about my childhood.....wish I made this **** up.
  • prettychelly
    prettychelly Posts: 112 Member
    Definitely the chaffing/thigh rub I've accepted that it may not go away because I carry most of my weight below the waist.
    Calling myself fat (other people don't really call me fat).
    Jean shopping is a nightmare because of my waist to butt/hip ratio but it has gotten better.
    Because of my butt certain dresses and skirts appear shorter in the back making them less appropriate for work.

    I think that sums up my fat problems.

    Side note... I don't get how people relate obesity to someone being unintelligent.. there's no correlation!!!! just like skinny doesn't mean genius!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    I hated chafing, to the point where I would never wear skirts/dresses. It only happens when I'm running without the right shorts, now.
    And I always hated limiting myself to dark/black clothing, but to me it was better than drawing attention.
    And sweat x1000000.
  • Elizabethgulick93
    Elizabethgulick93 Posts: 46 Member
    Lol! Your post made me smile! And there's many things I hate about being fat, including: being afraid to take pictures due to looking bad, no energy, constantly comparing myself to others, and not being able to find clothes that fit! You can add me if you want and we can motivate each other.
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    The worst things are the people who try to make me feel like less of a human being because I'm overweight.

    Puberty hit me like a truck in 6th grade and I gained weight like crazy along with my tiger stripes. My diet was already terrible and I was too shy to be active so I was teased all the up until 8th grade. People are the worst.

    My list:

    -Being the fat friend
    -Being the fat girlfriend
    -Friends looking better than you at the pool and in the cute Halloween costumes
    -Back fat
    -People not believing you work out( had to start somewhere, right?)
    -Parents thinking you're pregnant and not believe you when you say you're just fat!!!!!!!
    -Being looked over by that guy at your 16th birthday party because he says your friend is skinnier
    -Going to school dances and prom alone.....
    -Looking like a whale in maxi dresses or anything with stripes
    - Falling in gym class and being laughed at
    - Classmates making fun of your stretch marks. Lifting your shirt and pointing them out to everyone
    -Too self conscious and shy to engage in social activities or musical when you know you have the talent
    -Getting told you cant get into the water park because your swim suit doesn't look like a friggin swimsuit.
    -Cousins teasing you because you're fat.
    -Not trying out for cheer leading team because of the uniform.
    -Being 3wayed into a phone conversation and hearing your boyfriend say hes breaking up with you tomorrow because you're overweight and only got with you because of your boobs.
    -Being told I'm only attractive because I have huge boobs.

    Clearly I'm still bitter about my childhood.....wish I made this **** up.

    That's heartbreaking to read. I didn't really put on weight until my mid-20's. By best friend in high school (and to this day) was "The Big Girl" - sans boobs, which is a cruel joke by the Universe. I knew she had it tough growing up, but I can see through your post how truly brutal it was. smh

    I see you've made amazing progress though! That's awesome! :):)
  • foodiscomplicated
    foodiscomplicated Posts: 85 Member
    Has anyone had a skinny dream; one where you're lean, fabulously attractive, only to awaken to your gigantic self?
  • missy5290
    missy5290 Posts: 68 Member
    The worst things are the people who try to make me feel like less of a human being because I'm overweight.

    Puberty hit me like a truck in 6th grade and I gained weight like crazy along with my tiger stripes. My diet was already terrible and I was too shy to be active so I was teased all the up until 8th grade. People are the worst.

    My list:

    -Being the fat friend
    -Being the fat girlfriend
    -Friends looking better than you at the pool and in the cute Halloween costumes
    -Back fat
    -People not believing you work out( had to start somewhere, right?)
    -Parents thinking you're pregnant and not believe you when you say you're just fat!!!!!!!
    -Being looked over by that guy at your 16th birthday party because he says your friend is skinnier
    -Going to school dances and prom alone.....
    -Looking like a whale in maxi dresses or anything with stripes
    - Falling in gym class and being laughed at
    - Classmates making fun of your stretch marks. Lifting your shirt and pointing them out to everyone
    -Too self conscious and shy to engage in social activities or musical when you know you have the talent
    -Getting told you cant get into the water park because your swim suit doesn't look like a friggin swimsuit.
    -Cousins teasing you because you're fat.
    -Not trying out for cheer leading team because of the uniform.
    -Being 3wayed into a phone conversation and hearing your boyfriend say hes breaking up with you tomorrow because you're overweight and only got with you because of your boobs.
    -Being told I'm only attractive because I have huge boobs.

    Clearly I'm still bitter about my childhood.....wish I made this **** up.

    That's heartbreaking to read. I didn't really put on weight until my mid-20's. By best friend in high school (and to this day) was "The Big Girl" - sans boobs, which is a cruel joke by the Universe. I knew she had it tough growing up, but I can see through your post how truly brutal it was. smh

    I see you've made amazing progress though! That's awesome! :):)

    Yea. People can be cruel. I started to grow into my weight in HS and I joined show choir and started a dance team so I started to lose a little weight. My diet was still the same so no significant weight loss. I went to an all girl school so I didn't get teased as much but I was still self conscious and had low self esteem. I gained all the weight back plus more in college and started losing weight my senior year when I started dancing changed.

    I love the progress that I've made and I love my body. I feel accomplished and like I've worked really hard. I enjoy seeing people from elementary school and the looks I get...I've transformed into this awesome person and I've gained some amazing self esteem. It took awhile, but I got there and I'm still going.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    The worst things are the people who try to make me feel like less of a human being because I'm overweight.

    Those people are the ones who are less human, not you. I hope their humanity grows and someday they can see people as people. Some never will, unfortunately. You can do what is right for you, get as fit as you want to be - those who don't accept, well, they can shove off! Good luck on your journey!

    Hence, the "try" :wink: I discovered who I am a long time ago, and there isn't anyone going to make me feel worthless.

    Thank you, the same to you!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Has anyone had a skinny dream; one where you're lean, fabulously attractive, only to awaken to your gigantic self?

    All the time!
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    The top three for me are not so sexy--

    + The toll on my joints carrying and having carried extra weight for years.
    + Flabbiness where I'd rather see tightness; realizing skin rarely fully bounces back.
    + Increased health risks due to poor habits in the past.

    We can't go back. We can only do our best from where we're at. I'm glad I made changes before I ran into diabetes or high blood pressure, and in time to conquer some of my more adventurous dreams! It is still maddening being told by the medical community to be 'realistic' about what I can achieve.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Now it's FUPA. Hate it, has to go!

    But to be serious, when I weighed 245, it was starting to worry about my health for the first time in my life. Waking up with a tingly arm or a rapid heartbeat or just a funny feeling in my head, along with in general feeling horrible 24/7 of course. I was starting to seriously wonder if I was that far off from a heart attack or stroke. I might not have been. I know my blood pressure was high. And of course I had to think about diabetes. Especially since it runs in the family.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    The damn fat rolls!!
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    The biggest thing that sucks for me is not the physical aspects as much as the mental aspects! To feel not as worthy a person because of my size is the worst thing ever and certainly not the message I want to send to my children!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    The biggest thing that sucks for me is not the physical aspects as much as the mental aspects! To feel not as worthy a person because of my size is the worst thing ever and certainly not the message I want to send to my children!

    I was horrible about that for the first part of my weight loss. Several times I thought to myself I'm glad I don't have a daughter and I'm even lucky my son didn't develop an eating disorder or body image issues just from my attitude about my weight. But I'm all about the health food benefits now. My kid is so sick of hearing about how much better I feel on healthy food than junk he'll probably develop a selective hearing disorder instead. Oh wait, he's had that ever since I first asked him to clean up his room.

    And look at you running! Now that is a good message to send to your kids. Health!