Anybody following a low carb way of eating?

Just wondering if anybody else was following a low carb way of eating. I have done it in the past with fantastic results. I had lost close to 50 lbs. back in 2006/2007. Unfortunately, I have been slacking off for the past few years and have gained 30 lbs., of the original 50 lbs., I had lost back. I didn't actually follow Atkins or South Beach back then. Just kind of did my own thing with great success. I kept my carb intake to probably around 60g per day and the weight came off slowly but, it did come off. Anyway, was wondering if anybody who is following a low carb way of eating would be interested in becoming friends on here so we can support/motivate each other...... :)


  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    I don't do low carb but try and cut the amount of carb I eat at night and get more for morning and lunch.

    I did Atkins many many years ago and although I did lose a lot of weight at the time it left me terribly depressed. not sure if that was just the affect it seemed to have on me... so I decided this time that I wasn't going to do any "diet" that meant keeping out a food group

    good luck
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    Nothing shreds off the last 10 pounds like low carbing. I lost about 40 on carb deficit and when I stalled near the end I started cycling carbs. Pro body builders have been doing it for decades because it works and fast!
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Yes I eat low carb and yes it works. Send me a friend request, I'm on everyday. I love low carb.

    **edited because I can't spell...
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    Mark........I do eat carbs. I just try to get my carbs from complex carbs (such as veggies) as opposed to (what I call) quick acting carbs. I am not following Atkins or South Beach to the point where I keep my carb intake to 20g or less. I just more or less use it as a somewhat quideline. Basically, what I'm doing is "staying away from the "white" stuff and things made from them" ...i.e. potatoes, rice, sugar, flour, chips, cookies, cake, etc. That's not saying I will NEVER eat these things again because, let's be realistic, I know I will. I just need to learn portion control as I go along. For instance, instead of eating a whole sleeve of cookies.......have 1 or 2 just to take away the craving. Either way, it worked for me before so I'm hoping it will work again. Only this time I have to look at it as a life-style change and not just a fad to lose weight and then go back to the way I was eating. At 52 years old, it's getting harder and harder for this weight to come off..........:laugh:
  • abear007
    abear007 Posts: 84 Member
    Either way, it worked for me before so I'm hoping it will work again. Only this time I have to look at it as a life-style change and not just a fad to lose weight and then go back to the way I was eating. At 52 years old, it's getting harder and harder for this weight to come off..........:laugh:
    Don't let the naysayers get you down. There's no scientific evidence whatsoever to back up claims that eating low carb is bad. For that matter, there's no evidence that eating high carb is necessarily bad either, rather it's about what the person is eating and you can certainly eat healthy on either a low or high carb diet.

    The big thing is to do what works for you and what you will be able to stick with long term. I'm currently doing sugar free/wheat free which ultimately ends up being low carb (always < 80 g per day), but that still leaves open a wide range of food choices.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I eat carbs but I eat natural carbs. Lots of rice and some potatoes. I don't really eat bread or desserts anymore unless it's a very special occasion. To be honest my stomach doesn't like that stuff anymore and I'd rather not be miserable all night with indigestion. Funny how our bodies dictate what's good for us and what's not! Anway, I say eat natural and toss the processed stuff. I've lost 64 lbs so far eating this way.

    Oh! Actually I do eat one treat every night. Dark chocolate chips! I eat 1 serving and it satisfies me and makes me feel like I'm eating something luxurious :)
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    Yeah.......I'm not doing Atkins where you can't have more than 20g per day. I'd say I average somewhere around 50g - 60g net carbs per day. Some days less........some days more.
  • Damir_Poljak
    Damir_Poljak Posts: 10 Member
    I try to eat lots of raw vegetables and fruit, mostly for snacks, that way I intake lots of fibres that helps with digestion system. Also that means I get plenty of carbs. It works fine for me cuz I get to 40-50% percent if carbs. Also my protein is around 30% and fat close 20%. This style works for me very well, I eat every 2 hours, don't feel hungry and with exercise I am getting slowly to my goals. I don't think that getting on low carb will work for me now.
    Best of luck
  • Lettee4
    Lettee4 Posts: 81 Member
    i eat low carb too, i've sent you a friend request :)
  • LeahMaria26
    LeahMaria26 Posts: 62 Member
    I follow a low carb way of eating, and I love it. I am honestly excited to eat the food every day! I am currently doing a short term very low calorie, very low fat diet (as directed by my nutritionist) that leads into the longer term goal to maintain my new weight and get back to low carb. So right now I miss my regular low carb meals, and I have no idea how people do low fat long term!

    FYI Here is a good piece of research that looked into low carb if you haven't seen it:
  • sallyadando1
    sallyadando1 Posts: 11 Member
    I did Atkin's a few year's ago, loved it, and lost a fair bit on it. I've recently decided to cut out bread, pasta, rice, etc, and 4 days on, I already feel less bloated, will weigh in after a week and see if I lose anything, have been stuck on for a few weeks on low cal diet.
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    Good for you, Sally.........that's how I started years ago. I cut out all the "white stuff" and anything made from it...... :)
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    Lettee4.........thanx for the friend request. I just accepted it...... :)
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanx for the link, LeahMaria. I'm going to go check that out..... :)
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Just wondering if anybody else was following a low carb way of eating. I have done it in the past with fantastic results. I had lost close to 50 lbs. back in 2006/2007. Unfortunately, I have been slacking off for the past few years and have gained 30 lbs., of the original 50 lbs., I had lost back. I didn't actually follow Atkins or South Beach back then. Just kind of did my own thing with great success. I kept my carb intake to probably around 60g per day and the weight came off slowly but, it did come off. Anyway, was wondering if anybody who is following a low carb way of eating would be interested in becoming friends on here so we can support/motivate each other...... :)

    Yes. Following low carb high fat. I was on injections for diabetes and opted to go off my injections altogether and decrease my oral meds to half or less. I have no choice but to keep my carbs below the 30 net grams else have high blood sugars. So, I am in this with you. Sending a friends request, as I have few LCHF friends currently.
  • Muscles_and_lipstick
    Muscles_and_lipstick Posts: 592 Member
    I follow Carb Nite and keep my carbs under 20g everyday unless I am having my carb nite. Then it will be considerably more.
    I've sent you and a couple of others friend requests :)
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    I'm following a low carb plan as well. I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    I eat lower carb... What I mean by that is weightloss is purely driven by calories and when I want to lose weight, I eat protein (maybe even a little bit more) and fat at a certain level (regardless of weightloss, weight gain, or maintaining) and drop my calories in carbs from where I maintain to my desired deficit. For me this still puts me around the 150-170g range of carb intake whereas my normal range would be closer to 300g of carbs daily. Where those carbs come from is moot from a caloric point of view (whether it's white rice, brown rice, pizza, broccoli, etc...). From a food volume and micronutrient point of view, it makes a world of difference (i.e.. 200 calories of broccoli compared to 200 calories of pizza...that is a "mountain" of broccoli compared to 1 slice of pizza, but there is nothing wrong with eating the pizza if you are staying within your caloric goals).

    At the end of the day, it's all about what you can adhere to though. If you can adhere better to shifting those calories even further to lower carb levels and in turn upping calories in protein and/or fat, then you are still achieving the same goal. I personally just don't like to restrict food items, but that's me.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Been following DANDR for 11 months.
  • I am following low-carb (20-30g) since it helps tamp down my appetite. I would suggest anyone that is following this WOE to check out the reddit boards, they have a massive amount of posting and good information on movring toward ketogenic diets. Friday is the day they all post ongoing results. There are several boards, including Lean Gains, Keto Ladies, Recipes and Results. I read the boards below more than MFP. There is just a lot of great information there and people are pretty open.
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member

    I'm doing a low-carb paleo style of eating and find it works really well for me. Feel free to friend me :-)
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Don't let the naysayers get you down.
    The big thing is to do what works for you and what you will be able to stick with long term.

    This is how you do it!
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    What's a macro? :D (ok, I really did ask a special friend a month ago!) I eat limited carbs but not fussy about anything but the cals/serv. I carb b4 exercise for energy, but not like runner portions. I wanna become a runner so I can binge on pasta. FR me if u want to laugh at my diary. I should buy stock in special K. Made from, er, the K...tree?
  • andreakurylo
    andreakurylo Posts: 15 Member
    Just wondering if anybody else was following a low carb way of eating. I have done it in the past with fantastic results. I had lost close to 50 lbs. back in 2006/2007. Unfortunately, I have been slacking off for the past few years and have gained 30 lbs., of the original 50 lbs., I had lost back. I didn't actually follow Atkins or South Beach back then. Just kind of did my own thing with great success. I kept my carb intake to probably around 60g per day and the weight came off slowly but, it did come off. Anyway, was wondering if anybody who is following a low carb way of eating would be interested in becoming friends on here so we can support/motivate each other...... :)

    I'm doing a low carb/caloric deficit type of diet..

    U need protein to burn fat, and lean proteins make u feel A LOT fuller than carbs. So limiting carbs isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. Carbs = Junk " I've been eating under 1200 calories everyday, but I also exercise 5-7 days/week. 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of different weight training techniques. You would be surprised at how full you can get by increasing your protein intake to about 30-35% of your daily intake of calories. PROTEIN burns fat and builds muscle, and is a healthy and essential way to lose weight and feel full. I'm usually under 50 carb/day...not per meal...per day! Chicken and Ground Turkey have NO CARBS and make u feel full for a longer amount of time than just eating veggies and fruits. I eat a ton of fruits, make smoothies out of strawberries, bananas and blueberries (blueberries have enormous amounts of antioxidants and aid in weight loss) with a little Organic Strawberry Banana juice. I cut up all my fruits as soon as I buy them and freeze them, so when I'm actually drinking a smoothie, it's 100% fruits and antioxidants...not watered down with ice. That's usually my way of snacking and what I give my 4 year old son instead of ice cream. I LOVE TACOS!!! So I've found some pretty amazing whole grain carb smart only has 11 carbs/wrap and one is 14 carbs/wrap and the one that's 14 carbs is only 50 calories too!!! So I'm getting whole grains, which help control insulin levels, ground turkey is the meat that I use...and it has no carbs at all and just a little serving or 2 of cheese. It doesn't matter if the cheese is 100-110 calories/serving because this meal is way under 500 calories!!! And what's more is that it's super filling!!! A mistake that people often make when it comes to tacos, is buying pre-packaged seasoning, and unfortunately, a mistake that I've made most of my life! I LOVE Old El Paso's Taco it. And when my son's father was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease 3 years ago, I started using the one labled "25% less sodium." With Meniere's Disease, you have to cut your sodium intake immensely and this helped. However, from a diet stand point it breaks down to this: 1 package is 6 servings (and u use that whole thing in 1lb of ground meat) 15 calories per serving, 270mg of sodium, and 3 carbs. Doesn't sound like much right? Until you multiply those numbers by 6!!! So I opt'd to make the seasoning myself (which is waaayyy better tasting and healthier!) using chili powder, red pepper, garlic powder (not garlic salt!) and onion powder. You can put in as little or as much as you'd like for flavor and there's no added calories, sodium or carbs! Top w/some organic salsa or even some bottled taco sauce (but watch how much u use of the bottled stuff cause it does contain carbs, but being that this is an extremely low carb containing meal, 2 servings is no big deal) I also chop up tomatos and dice green chilies and add them to the meat for even more flavor and nutrients!!! The only thing I look for with cheese is the reduced fat kind. And here's a direct quote of why u need some fat....

    "Triglycerides, cholesterol and other essential fatty acids—the scientific term for fats the body can't make on its own—store energy, insulate us and protect our vital organs. They act as messengers, helping proteins do their jobs. They also start chemical reactions that help control growth, immune function, reproduction and other aspects of basic metabolism.
    The cycle of making, breaking, storing and mobilizing fats is at the core of how humans and all animals regulate their energy. An imbalance in any step can result in disease, including heart disease and diabetes. For instance, having too many triglycerides in our bloodstream raises our risk of clogged arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.
    Fats help the body stockpile certain nutrients as well. The so-called "fat-soluble" vitamins—A, D, E and K—are stored in the liver and in fatty tissues.
    Knowing that fats play such an important role in many basic functions in the body, researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health study them in humans and other organisms to learn more about normal and abnormal biology.
    Despite fat's importance, no one yet understands exactly how humans store it and call it into action. In search of insight, Oklahoma State University biochemist Estela Arrese studies triglyceride metabolism in unexpected places: silkworms, fruit flies, and mosquitoes.
    The main type of fat we consume, triglycerides are especially suited for energy storage because they pack more than twice as much energy as carbohydrates or proteins.
    Once triglycerides have been broken down during digestion, they are shipped out to cells through the bloodstream. Some of the fat gets used for energy right away. The rest is stored inside cells in blobs called lipid droplets. When we need extra energy—for instance, when we run a marathon—our bodies use enzymes called lipases to break down the stored triglycerides. The cell's power plants, mitochondria, can then create more of the body's main energy source: adenosine triphosphate, or ATP."

    Eating leafy green veggies and fruits lower on the glycemic index is also SUPER important for weight loss and overall health benefits. Here's some essential info about the glycemic index...which was brought to my attention by my Endocrinologist.

    The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with a high GI are those which are rapidly digested and absorbed and result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health. Low GI diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). They have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low GI diets also reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance.

    Recent studies from Harvard School of Public Health indicate that the risks of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease are strongly related to the GI of the overall diet. In 1999, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) recommended that people in industrialised countries base their diets on low-GI foods in order to prevent the most common diseases of affluence, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

    This link will tell you all about the glycemic index of carb containing foods:

    Berries and Strawberries are really low on the glycemic index...making u feel fuller longer and more satisfied, while bananas are on the moderate side, slightly spiking your glucose levels...but not enough to be super concerned. They are to be eaten in moderation, while watermelon's GI ranges from 72-80 and cantaloupe's GI ranges between 65-70!!! Those should be avoided or eaten in moderation along with lower GI foods.

    I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistance 2 months ago and have a best friend who is a Team Beach Body Coach and I'm full of helpful information!!! If u have any questions or concerns feel free to message me and I'll hook u up with all types of info. Believe me, you can easily get filled on 1200 calories/day as long as u eat the right ones!!! The link above for will also allow u to search for your fav foods and see how they are rated on the GI scale. It's not just a blog talking about the benefits of eating low GI has all sorts of tools to help you!!! Good Luck w/everything!!!
  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    Taking the low-carb route beginning today. I found that preparation is key to helping to stick with any eating plan. Plan out your menu and take a few hours on the weekend to cook and prepare and freeze your meals for the week. Please add me. I'm still struggling to find carb smart snacks and lunches. I can use all the help I can get. :happy:
  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I've also just started back on a low-carb diet. I did it several years ago and lost 25 pounds, gained weight in the last year with caregiving/death of my dad. I would also like to be connected to others sharing a similar journey. Please "Friend" me if you are low carb also!
    To all the people who think low carb is unhealthy, it has actually been proven to be just the opposite! There is some wonderful information on this. Dr Steven Parker has a great website where he advocates the Mediterranean diet; either low carb or not. He gives very scientific but understandable explanations on the advantages of each type and how to choose for yourself. I recommend anybody who is trying to follow a healthy approach to low carb dieting read his information:
    Good luck to us all!
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    No, I don't do a low carb diet. I watch my fats as sodiums as best I can but basically, I eat whatever and as long as I am in my calorie goals and at a deficit, I don't worry much about it. Exercising regularly also has helped quite a bit but I don't go crazy with it.
  • For carbs. fat, and protein it's usually about balance more than minimizing/maximizing one of them.

    As for carbs themselves just make sure that foods with carbs you eat are also high in fiber since you'll feel fuller and won't have to eat as much.