
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi. all,

    Welcome newbies. The weather here is gray, drizzily and my mood quite suits it.............just blah. Met up with 2 friends yesterday at Ihop just to get out of the house--hadn't been out since Tues. evening when I overdid it a bit after having the cold. Meant to get to yoga and tai chi yesterday but slept until 8:40 am because of taking the codeine so I could sleep w/o coughing. Slept in a bit this am too...........wow, I could get used to this.

    DD STILL has had no word for her appt at the college despite narrowing down her time frame to Mon.-Tues. at their request (and it's a 6hr. drive!!!)...............it's at the point where it has dragged on so long that it is just plain rude on the part of this professor she has been in touch with. I told DD we should just pack up the car for vacation, drive out there, and she can show up at the office to make the appt. in person or just sit until someone sees her. I don't care how many letters these people have after their names, rude is rude. ...........and I'm thinking less and less of their school by the minute.

    Have read all, best to everyone.

    Kim.........Saw your video; you look great.........it only showed a 1min. clip. Enjoy your new clothes; the sneakers I'm currently using are neon pink trimmed in green. NSV congrats to you!!!!

    Heather..........Your DH's first book is ordered.

    Patty........Never helped with a color run; thanks, I'll stick to working timing at the finish line........lol. Well, I bet it's an experience you'll remember!!

    Meg...........Happy birthday to your DH!

    Geri............Best wishes to your DH for a complete recovery.


    The orange tomatoes are prolific and I'm giving a lot to neighbors. Newest cucumber plants seem to be dying as the last set did..............heat?? humidity??? Who knows???

    Stay Strong!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's beautiful here at the lake this morning, but it's gonna be HOT! And the humidity is really high. I'll be doing my walking at the mall today. Last night I walked on the road around the lake and by the time I hit my goal and hot back to the cabin I was drenched.

    My son and his wife and I decided to have a cookout here at the lake to celebrate three birthdays (mine, his, and hers) and the kids going back to school. So we are doing that on Wednesday afternoon. I think it will be fun. It'll be hot though, so I'm going to try to think of a few things we can do indoors, like bingo or dominoes, or Uno. It'll be pretty easy to do food for me on the grill. I'm thinking of doing some pork kebabs with my no-salt BBQ sauce, along with the burgers and hot dogs for the others. I'm going to make baked-grilled potatoes too. You take potatoes, nuke them for a few minutes, then cut them in half, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with seasoning (mine will have Trader Joes 21Seasoning Salute) and grill. I'll use my big George Foreman for the potatoes. They are really yummy that way, and don't need butter. Olive oil is good for you, or so I'm told.

    Well, I'd better get busy. Here is the joke for the day:


    An elderly woman called 911 on her cell phone to report that her car had been broken in to.

    She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" she cried.

    The dispatcher said, "Stay calm. An officer is on the way."

    A few minutes later, the officer radios in. "Disregard." He says. "She got in the back-seat by mistake."


    Have a great day!

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 536 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!

    My new pic is not of me, but is a shot of my wonderful Hubby's bicep. He is my inspiration! He is a very fit 61 year old! Today I have done an hour of yoga and will get on the treadmill next.

    I have a smoothie for breakfast most mornings, it is a good way to get extra protein, fruit and fiber in for the day. I have been up 1-2 pounds for a couple of weeks, this week I plan to substitute another smoothie for lunch in stead of having a sandwich. I hope the extra macros and less bread will help.

    Sylvia, love your jokes! I hope the biking is going well.

    Yanniejannie, so frustrating for your DD. There's no excuse for such rudeness.

    Heather, he you feel better soon.

    Katia, enjoy the fishing, sounds wonderful even without the catching!

    Alison, hugs for you.

    Geri, I hope your Hubby is feeling better.

    Welcome to all new ladies.

    Time to treadmill. Best wishes and hugs to all struggling.

    Cindy in OK
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 536 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!

    My new pic is not of me, but is a shot of my wonderful Hubby's bicep. He is my inspiration! He is a very fit 61 year old! Today I have done an hour of yoga and will get on the treadmill next.

    I have a smoothie for breakfast most mornings, it is a good way to get extra protein, fruit and fiber in for the day. I have been up 1-2 pounds for a couple of weeks, this week I plan to substitute another smoothie for lunch in stead of having a sandwich. I hope the extra macros and less bread will help.

    Sylvia, love your jokes! I hope the biking is going well.

    Yanniejannie, so frustrating for your DD. There's no excuse for such rudeness.

    Heather, hope you feel better soon.

    Katia, enjoy the fishing, sounds wonderful even without the catching!

    Alison, hugs for you.

    Geri, I hope your Hubby is feeling better.

    Welcome to all new ladies.

    Time to treadmill. Best wishes and hugs to all struggling.

    Cindy in OK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,694 Member
    Michele – I feel the same way when folks leave “early” but it happens…

    Mimi – yes you will tower over me, I am 5’1”

    Alison – enjoy your burgers…. They sound good!

    Katla – isn’t it nice to be up while all is quiet…. Happy catching!

    Heather – hope you feel better soon!!!

    Yanniejannie - hope you continue to feel better…

    Sylvia – LOVE the joke!!!

    So am headed out to breakfast/brunch out... a friend is in from out of town - she is here for a funeral :cry: but a quick turn around, so did not expect to see her - last night she called and we are going out; new pants and top are on... we have not seen each other since me joining mfp - we'll see if she notices... I am going to have to be really good, as I am trying to "save" up calories for Monday night....

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xx
    Walk 45 minutes a day xxx
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week - week 1 done!

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's another joke:


    A very loud Texan Engineer was visiting Australia, and talking big about all of the large civil works in the USA that he was involved in. To be polite his Australian counterpart took him on a tour of some of Sydney’s larger constructions.

    First he took him to Gladesville Bridge. The Texan exclaimed, "What’s that!” In reply the Australian said, "Thats the Gladesville Bridge".

    "Hmmph" said the Texan, "How long and how many men did it take to build?” The Australian replied, "About 5 years with 1000 men."

    The Texan replied, "Well in Texas we would've done it in 2 years with 500 men."

    Next they went to the Sydney Opera House. "What's that" said the Texan. "That's the Sydney Opera House" was the reply.

    "Hmmph" said the Texan, "How long and how many men did it take to build?” The Australian replied, "About 10 years with 200 men". The Texan replied "Well in Texas we would've done it in 4 years with 100 men."

    By this stage the Australian was a little put out by the Texan's attitude so he decided to get some revenge, they walked around the Sydney Opera House and as they did the Sydney Harbor Bridge came into view.

    Immediately the Texan exclaimed, "Wow! What's that?"

    The Australian Engineer replied, "I don't know, it wasn't there yesterday."

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I wish it was summer here - the last week has been cool, then hot with tremendous storms, then cool.

    Our pool ( solar heater too) has not reached swimming temp, except ONCE this summer.....one swim does not equal
    all that hydro, chemicals, and time put into opening and closing. Hmmm...I may never get DH out of this house, but that fact may help.

    Hope everyone else's long weekend is great!


    OMG, I SO hear you on the pool effort. I was just thinking of taking the solar cover off and vacuuming the poor thing since it MIGHT be 82 today. Only if the water is at least 80 degrees though.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning lovely ladies!

    My new pic is not of me, but is a shot of my wonderful Hubby's bicep. He is my inspiration! He is a very fit 61 year old! Today I have done an hour of yoga and will get on the treadmill next.

    Cindy in OK

    Good thing I stopped to read as I was thinking "gosh she has some manly arms" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi everyone!

    Just passing through in the middle of my crazy day. Aaron's out "cruising" with grandpa in his Corvette. I'm about to set some sauce started for dinner. Going to deviate from my usual Sunday tradition (since childhood) at make turkey meatballs since I'm going into my last "official" week of The Biggest Loser eating plan.

    I've been having just a few bites of my whole wheat pasta each Sunday and eating "zucchini noodles". I just use a vegetable peeler on the whole zucchini and sautee in a little olive oil and add sauce. I actually enjoy the flavor and texture A LOT.

    Have to go back to the funeral home for the first time since my mom's. Not really looking forward to that and am hoping I won't be visiting the same room, not that it really matters since just walking in the door will bring it all back.

    Also started reading The Last Lecture again. I read it when it first came out but thought I might see it with different eyes since experiencing pancreatic cancer with my mom.

    I ate right on plan this week but didn't exercise enough. Goal for next week is to get back to 5-6 days of at least 50 minutes.

    Have a great day, make smart choices and remember your health and happiness is much more important than imitation food.

    xo- Gloria in summerish Metro Detroit
  • Hello everybody.
    I have to admit that this board is a little bit challenging for me. It looks like an exercise in memorizing everybody and everything, so it might take me some time to start commenting on everybody. After all I am entitled to my senior moments, am I not?

    Got up at five and went biking with the first daylight. But there was not much light today, dark clouds and thunder in the background, so I only rode 23 miles today. I was hoping for something like forty miles but I did not want to get caught in a downpour. Here in the desert we drown in summer and motorists tend to shower cyclists by driving too fast through puddles, so it is no fun to be on the road when it rains.
    I will make up for not doing enough biking by doing some Yoga.

    Anne in the Mojave desert
  • cjml1129
    cjml1129 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, I'm gonna try to do this, not sure how to follow the group but I know how to use the app. I'll be 55 in November and weigh 200 pounds. Use to be a runner, had trouble walking 50 minutes today and am sore after playing wii for an hour yesterday! Gonna try to lose 25-30 by my birthday.

    CJ from RI
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello lovelies & welcome to new friends. Thank you so much for the good wishes & prayers for DH. I absolutely know they work! He is doing well but frustrated a slow progress & he’s only been home since Thursday! I keep telling him baby steps at the moment. He’s worried he won’t be fit for our New England trip in September. Home visit from the Doc tomorrow so we’ve making notes of things to ask.

    Forgive me if I mention old news but I’m catching up here -

    Meg - your comment about hair colour made me smile. That is the exact same thing I say to my hairdresser.

    Joyce - sounds like a lovely day with family at the water park. Eeek - elephant poop!

    Michele - a store with Christmas trees! Really!! It seems earlier & earlier each year. I hope the pool social went well. My, you’ve moved some river rock! I hope Vince’s eye surgery went well.

    Sylvia - your trip sounds awsome. Loving the jokes.

    Tina - so much sadness. My thoughts are with you & the families of those taken so soon.

    Heather - great exercise! Oooh books! I shall certainly download DH’s books to my Kindle. Just my cup of tea.

    Rita - hugs. Keep on getting up & washed & dressed.

    YannieJannie - hope you’re feeling better.

    Grandmallie - all prayers & good wishes to your aunt after her surgery. I’m sorry the DFIL’s dementia is worsening. My DMIL suffered & it was so sad.

    Katla - hope DH’s pain is sorted quickly.

    Kim - the 102 year old lady sounds a wonderful person. I’d like to be half as healthy now.

    DH & I sing too. We are in a small choir run by the local schools music service so we are currently on summer break. We have a new choir mistress when we go back in September. We have a varied repetoire from classical to motown, gospel to Beatles & more. I always come away from rehearsal uplifted.

    Better close & get dinner.

    Have a wonderful week all.

    PS - Jane, I hope you have good news about a house very soon.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Kim ... thanks! I am happy with 40 pounds lost in year ... but definitely need to keep moving ... I am so very good at slipping back into old habits.

    I had a woman in her late 80s become my mentor and very good friend over 20 yeas ago. She was a dynamo too! Had hip replacement at 90 and went to a local Physical Therapy college to demonstrate her running form and show them that geriatric care was not what they thought it was. She lived in her own home ...cleaning gutters, mowing the lawn, etc until she died at age 101. I miss her!

    Michele and Joyce ... I wear compression stockings when taking long drives. Should wear them all the time ... Unfortunately, I have to wear the full stocking to the waist! So very hot. I had a serious episode when I was in my 30s with DVT ... overweight, on hormones, broke an ankle, too tight of a cast ... all the causes. And since then have venous reflux disease ... which is causing veins to "blow out" above the knee. One of my goals is to get below 200 and stay there so I can have the veins closed and get my legs back to looking normal. The surgeon would do it now, but I think it makes more sense to have less weight on my legs before surgery.

    Heather ... ok, my husband is not thrilled with your DH!! I have spent the last two days reading volume one and two of your husband's trilogy ... spending little time with my husband! :laugh: And now I'll tell you why Amazon priced the first two books so low on Kindle ... to hook the reader into the more fairly priced third book! Of course I'm ordering book 3 ... I have to know what happens with Winfrith and Leofranc!

    As for pool use in Western New York ... it's been a bust. We were lat4e in opening the pool ... missed the two weeks of hot weather actually. And since then it's either been rainy or cold. Today it's just dreary.

    Doing a lot of baking and cooking today ... cleaning out freezers and using up food!

    Gloria ... like your statement about "imitation food" ... my health and happiness is definitely more important!! Good reminder!

    Beth in WNY
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    August goals:

    Be mindful of what I eat and drink.
    Continue walking or swimming each day.
    Add yoga twice a week.
    Enjoy working in my gardens.
    Do fun activities with my son.

    Terri, from Oregon.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,863 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies.:flowerforyou: Well the rain went around us again last night. Sure could use some. My blood surgar was 77 this morning, same as yesterday. I go to the doctor on Thursday so hoping to cut down or stop taking the metforim.

    Meg--hope your evening went well. Did you get any of the rain? Sorry to hear about DFIL, it is really hard when they change so much. Prayer sent that he does better and is happy.:heart:

    Annecarolone--hope you get that infection cleared up soon. Looking at the stars sounds like fun. I love to drive in the country at night to look at the stars. Have not done that in along time.:flowerforyou:

    Heather--Glad you had fun with the DGC. I am working on being that kind of grandma also. I want them to have lots of good memories of us when they grow up. :love:

    Kim--Congrates on the size smaller. I love the colored shoes and try to get the most colorful ones I can find. Know its silly but makes me feel younger. WOW 102 and exercising like that.:flowerforyou:

    Michele--glad your social went well. I am sure those there had a very nice time. I am like you when I am having something at the house I about drive mysel and DH crazy trying to make sure everything is done perfect. I am so afraid of someone judging me.

    Patty--sounds like you had fun at the run and made some good memories.

    Yanniejannie--I agree the school is being very rude. :huh:

    Cindy--Happy Birthday to DH.:flowerforyou:

    I am really sleepy today. Glad I am off tomorrow. Another hot one today. Glad I am inside even if working. Trying to talk myself out of going down and get a snack. I hate when I am tried and then all I can think about it eating. Just been having some restless nights and feel I am awake more then asleep. So ladies enjoy your day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • My first posting on here so a bit about why l am here.
    My name is Gail l am 55 hitting 56 in October. I am trying hard to change my life around although its not easy and l have had to be honest with myself.
    My goal is to reach 10 stone within the year. This time last year l had hit 13 stone 8 pound on a 5'1 frame mostly around the middle as l am type 2.
    In feb of this year l started to change things slightly then l had my check ups firstly my eye-sight had been slightly affected by the type 2 and now l have drops to lessen the pressure, also my feet were starting to burn and the nurse told me if at my next check my blood sugars won't coming down then l would have to go on insulin.
    Well l want to be able to walk, l want to be able to see and l sure as hell didn't want to go on insulin so changes had to be made.
    7 weeks ago l gave up smoking and because l definitely can't afford to put on weight l got me a treadmill and started off with gentle walking l am now doing 20 mins at 3.5 km. But as l don't work l have way too much time on my hands except for when l have the grandchildren so through the walking l had more energy plus because l was eating better and drinking more water l felt that l could do more.
    Now l go to the gym 4-5 times a week its a body building/sculpting gym as l mainly wanted to build my upper body strength and try and reduce my waist as l look like "Mr Potato head" with my skinny arms and legs and fat waist.
    Its still early days and l go alone and its hard some days to get motivated as l am the only women in the place its all male doing weight lifting although never really many there and they are nice enough but l am a lot older so although polite they don't really engage me in conversation, that said when l have needed help its been readily available and at no time have l ever felt self concious they have made me feel at ease.
    I do try to use more calories then l eat although l have days like today where it all goes to pot and l have eaten too much of all the wrong things which makes me feel sluggish to be honest but my will power can be awful.
    Also l have one very poorly pooch she is only 7 but she isn't well and hasn't been for almost 4 weeks she has more drugs then the dealers around here, at vets most days but l fear we are fighting a losing battle.
    Although l have friends none are interested in coming to the gym with me, and l feel rather isolated with it, l really haven't had much encouragement or support and l am really struggling finding ways to reduce inches which will take time.
    Although l have seen changes in my health my check ups last week blood sugars down, eye pressure down, and so no insulin.
    its that which is keeping me focused is my health but as for weight loss l am really struggling.
    Its lovely to read your stories and to hear about your life.
    gail x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,988 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    well i havent sat down to much, and didnt really get any formal exercise.. just been cooking and packing stuff in fridge and freezers...
    I thought the DH was going to have a heart attack with the reciept from the grocery shopping, he didnt , he said that is it? go figure lol
    overcooked the pork chops trying to do to much all at once .. oh well...
    I did buy 4 slices of cheesecake for the DH, I have enough calories left where I could have one.. but gonna stick with the no sugar rule.. though it would be really yummy:bigsmile: not gonna rock the boat though :wink:
    dont have to go to work until 12:30 tomorrow, so I will get up early ,go to the gym,then come home have breakfast and go out to see my DFIL.. come home and sweep and wash the floors..
    DH will be going to Watkins Glen next weekend, so it is me and the boys for the weekend ....
    Patchworkpers- where in New England are you going? Rita, Jill and I are all in Connecticut and Southern Mass... would love to see you
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Quick pop in to say Hi! to Gail, the new person.:flowerforyou:
    Stick with us - we will encourage you.:flowerforyou: You have done really well, getting your sugars and eye pressure down and giving up smoking. Just take it day by day and you will be amazed.

    DH thanks all of you who have bought his books - he is really touched.:flowerforyou: I have just put the 3rd one on my Kindle, though I read it in an early draft. I think The Morning Gift is the best of the trilogy, partly because King Alfred features more. I think you can tell from the heroine Winfreth that DH likes sparky women! ! ! ! ! :laugh: :tongue: :wink: She sometimes reminds me of his elder daughter, but she is probably his own female alter ego. He has a great sense of justice and truth.

    By the way, love the biceps! ! ! ! ! :bigsmile:

    Heather, still recovering in Hampshire UK

    PS - the salt cod stew was good, but could have been great if I had soaked the cod for a few more hours.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Read all of the new posts but need to head out the door for an evening walk with DH.
  • Hi! Started MFP around 2 and a half weeks ago. My name is Wind from Florida. Going to be 51 in September. I am a person that eats organic and non GMO verified or clean eating is another term. I am allergic to corn and gluten, so not much choice anyway. And I am disabled, so I can't do too much exercise that is real tough. I try to walk and swim.Nice to meet you.