I don't make friends easily...



  • AnCus
    AnCus Posts: 13
    What a great support group! ;-). Here I was thing I was the only one! However I do love shopping and shoes and I am girls, but the rest totally applies to me.

    Add me if you would like too.
  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    Great post. It's always nice to know I'm not the only loner out there! I too hate the phone and shopping. Not many people understand my need for alone time, it seems to mystify if not offend most people. Beyond my husband and two kids, I don't have that many friends. I get along with and like most people, but it's hard to find the ones that I really "click" with.

    I'd be happy to add you!
  • Katie0174
    Katie0174 Posts: 33 Member
    Hmmm a lot of these posts sound like I could have written them. I have a boyfriend [he has to be my friend] and a best friend [although I think she's got better friends than I am lol]. EVERYONE thinks I'm stuck up but really I'm the opposite, I'm just too quiet to set them straight ;). It doesn't bother me all the time, I get overwhelmed being around a lot of people or even just a few, so I prefer to be at home or alone anyway.

    I'm glad there are a few more people like myself out there haha :)

    ...I like shopping though!
  • I read your post and I can totally relate to you. I'm the same way. I work in a field of all men, monitor several computer screens, and i make constant phone calls throughout my day (dont get so much face to face time at my job) and I sometimes feel isolated! I'm sure we'd get along great :) Friend request sent.
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    You're not alone. I've always been this way. My main issue growing up was always absolutely HATING being told by others that i was shy or quiet. It always made me feel like i had some type of disease or something, lol. I tend to be mysterious and artsy, as opposed to the outgoing, bubbly type....Although i do consider myself to have a good sense of humor and polite to people that treat me nicely. I just always suffered from a poor self-esteem which never helped either. Most of what friends i had either got married or left the state for better-paying jobs and i have little energy to try and "make" new friends if that makes any sense.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I used to make friends really easily, I had alot of friends but when I got with my ex boyfriend I lost them. He was quite controlling and insisted I spent my weekends with him, I was at college during the week and I was exhausted at the end of the day so just came home and went to bed on the weekdays. The weekends were my only free time for friends but if I said to mark I was spending it with my friends he would do everything he could to make me feel guilty, and what do you know the next thing I knew I was on train on my way to his hm:/
    Now I have no friends. I'm not girlie and I hate shopping and social situations are very awkward for me because I never know what to say. I'm easily embarrassed, even when I'm with my work collegues I feel stupid for talking about anything because it seems dumb to me lol. So yep can't make friendS YAY lol!

  • operavagabond
    operavagabond Posts: 84 Member
    Your honesty and bluntness is like a burst of fresh air! :) friend request sent!
  • Shawnjay75
    Shawnjay75 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow! This sounds like me also...However I do like girly stuff. I had no problems in this area before having my son who's now 15 yrs old. I think the change came while with his dad. I started to not trust many people and became very selective with the people I had around me. He made statements all the time about people not really liking me. Well, I broke up with him years ago but those selective ways stuck.

    I talk about wanting to make friends often with my fiance and he strongly encourages me to do so, but I don't follow up. He even tries to make conections for me. I have lots of female cousins around my age and was spending lots of time with them but I still feel I need my own friends.

    I was really cool with this one girl, but I felt like she thought we were in compatition with each other. Also, she'd stand me up all the time... My fiance felt like I was always making myself available for her but she wasn't doing the same. She also would mainly call me when she wanted to party but never for day-to-day type stuff. We're still cool, we just talk via text or FB now.

    All I need are two "real" friends and I'm good...lol
  • jaiedyie
    jaiedyie Posts: 1
    I also have all of these social issues! Although I don't count hating to go shopping as an issue. You know it's the ones who like it that have a problem lol. In fact my husband gets me thouroughly drunk before company dinners just so I'll eat and talk to people. Wierd huh!

    Shopping is like eating... bad therapy!! :D
  • Mamacitanaz1
    Mamacitanaz1 Posts: 3 Member
    I know this post is a couple if years old but does anyone have room for one more?

    I too dont make friends so easily. I too am always accused of being moody, stuck up and surly, when in reality, I tend to be a bit shy and nervous around people, especially when I dont know them too well. Definitely a self confidence thing I think. X