I never knew I ate this much

I never knew I ate this much until I started using this site a few days ago. No wonder I'm over 650 pounds! I have to stop eating like this. But I'm always so hungry. How do I stop?


  • shelbyentendu
    shelbyentendu Posts: 10 Member
    I know it sounds hard but eat smaller meals more often.
    I just got serious about 3 weeks ago and feel like I am constantly eating. It's all about portions and what you're eating and your b ody will adjust though!

    Try healthy snacks that don't have a lot of calories. raw veggies are great. Also, don't starve yourself! Use the calculation for how much to eat and go ahead and eat it if you feel hungry!

    GOOD LUCK! STICK WITH IT :) and feel free to add me if you'd like!

    - Shelby
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Patty, we are SO proud of you!

    Everyone's gonna tell you different things. I didn't have 400 lbs to lose, but I did lose originally more than 100. And I can tell you this: I was never hungry. I ate whenever I was hungry. But I didn't eat "mindlessly."

    You have such a long road ahead of you, but you're worth it. FIGHT for it, girl!

    I'm gonna give you some of the things that helped me at first. But it's really just my experience. Your mileage may vary ("YMMV").

    -I stopped eating anything with high fructose corn syrup and "trans" fat. Just gave it up for two months. I would still eat chocolate chip cookies and things like that. But if the label said it had "HFCS" or trans fat, I just ate something else. I don't know for sure, but I think doing this helped me cut out a lot of other processed ingredients, which just re-trained my brain and tastebuds to crave different things. I SWEAR TO GOD, I now crave things like carrots. And apples. Hand to god, I CRAVE vegetables, like sweet potatoes. And once you have a taste for carrots and celery, you can literally eat them all day and stay in a caloric deficit.

    -Remember to watch the clock (again, just my experience, YMMV). If you ate an hour ago, YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY HUNGRY. You're either bored, lonely or thirsty.

    We love what you're doing. Keep it up! <3
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I never knew I ate this much until I started using this site a few days ago. No wonder I'm over 650 pounds! I have to stop eating like this. But I'm always so hungry. How do I stop?

    You don't have to go cold turkey! Setup your account to lose 2 lbs per week and see if there aren't a few things here and there you can either reduce quantities, or that don't even really satisfy you. Also any movement you can do will burn additional calories and potentially earn you a few more calories to eat. Logging is an excellent first step, it presents you with data you can evaluate and decide what can be shuffled around to help you meet your day to day calorie goals

    Please Read this:

  • chelseasans
    chelseasans Posts: 73 Member
    You can still eat the same volume of food, just make healthier choices. Im not sure what your eating right now, but a nice big mixed green salad with grilled chicken and a light vinegar based dressing is plenty filling and has many more nutrients and less calories than say a few donuts. Just look in your diet where you can make healthy swaps (mustard for mayo, skim milk, red sauce for white sauce, etc.) You would be surprised! Just the other day I steamed up a decent sized artichoke for a "snack" but it ended up being lunch because it was so filling!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    For those who haven't looked, before you give advice, you might want to check out Patty's diary. She eats about 25,000 calories per day right now.

    This isn't meant as a criticism!! I just want people to understand what's going on here.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I think if you're truly eating large quantities of food maybe you don't want to go "cold turkey" right away? Maybe just cut your intake by half for a week, then again for another week, until you get down to the right amount. Good luck! Everyone has to start somewhere.
  • jamieyuerek
    jamieyuerek Posts: 15 Member
    Watermelon is a nice low calorie snack in the summer too! I crave sweet foods :smile:
  • mommysews67
    mommysews67 Posts: 60 Member
    Weight loss is simple and difficult. All you have to do to loose weight is consume fewer calories than you expend. That said it is not easy. We are all tempted by extra helpings, our favorite foods (sweets are mine) emotional eating, metabolic issues and many other challenges,

    Hunger is one of those problems. The best suggestion I have is to eat foods that are filling. a cookie and an apple may have the same number of calories but the apple will be much more filling and help you not to be hungry again in 20 min.

    Also make sure that you are drinking enough. Sometimes we eat because we think that we are hungry when in reality what our bodies need is water not food.

    At stressful times I tend to eat. When I am under stress I feel hungry all the time even though I know that there is no real reason for me to be. In cases like that I will wait until my stomach growls - then I know that it is legit hunger and not stress or emotion.

    Another idea for when you think you are hungry is to wait. If you feel you want to eat, but know that it is not really time see if you can distract yourself - do a cross word puzzle, fold laundry, check your email, do some exercise etc. Then if you are really hungry it is a good time to eat, but you might not feel hungry after you have been distracted

    Get some friends that you can see on your home - that is great support but much more personal than the message boards.

    Hope that help
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    For those who haven't looked, before you give advice, you might want to check out Patty's diary. She eats about 25,000 calories per day right now.

    This isn't meant as a criticism!! I just want people to understand what's going on here.

    I agree.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    For those who haven't looked, before you give advice, you might want to check out Patty's diary. She eats about 25,000 calories per day right now.

    This isn't meant as a criticism!! I just want people to understand what's going on here.

    I honestly had not looked.

    Unless she gained all the weight very recently, though, that must not be an average intake, seeing as she needs a little under 5000 calories to maintain her current weight (according to MFP)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    For those who haven't looked, before you give advice, you might want to check out Patty's diary. She eats about 25,000 calories per day right now.

    This isn't meant as a criticism!! I just want people to understand what's going on here.

    I honestly had not looked.

    Unless she gained all the weight very recently, though, that must not be an average intake, seeing as she needs a little under 5000 calories to maintain her current weight (according to MFP)

    After people become bed-ridden due to their weight, the weight can start to pile on due to depression and caretaker's enabling. Her goal is to walk again in 2015.

    Patty, we absolutely love you. I hope you're able to get to a doctor soon.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    If your diary is accurate (scratches head), then you're eating way too much food that won't keep you full for long.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I just want to say I think It's wonderful you made it here, and welcome to MFP!!!
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    If this diary is accurate.. and the weight is true.. then I am going to have to guess that there is an enabler in the picture. Someone's going out for all that food and I doubt it's the OP. Speak to whoever it is bringing the food in and ask them to stop.

    Swap to real food. Add in vegetables.

    This isn't to say that pizza or burgers are inherently bad but two whole pizzas in one sitting is way overboard.
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    Congrats to you for getting the ball rolling on making healthy choices! Tracking your food is definitely an eye-opener.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    No offence, and I have never until now suspected more that a poster is not actually genuine.
    I mean, 34,000 calories? 40 rashers of bacon at breakfast? Even a super obese person has their limits as to how much food their body can actually hold and I am fairly sure 34,000 calories bypasses that.
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    I have a feeling this is a troll...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have a feeling this is a troll...

    Yep, that was my initial thought on reading their first topic on here, prior to this one.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Profile pic is an actress, Rebel Wilson
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    For those who haven't looked, before you give advice, you might want to check out Patty's diary. She eats about 25,000 calories per day right now.

    This isn't meant as a criticism!! I just want people to understand what's going on here.

    I honestly had not looked.

    Unless she gained all the weight very recently, though, that must not be an average intake, seeing as she needs a little under 5000 calories to maintain her current weight (according to MFP)

    After people become bed-ridden due to their weight, the weight can start to pile on due to depression and caretaker's enabling. Her goal is to walk again in 2015.

    Patty, we absolutely love you. I hope you're able to get to a doctor soon.

    +1 :flowerforyou: Good luck, Patty!