45 Pounds Down ... 25 to go!



  • Winwin101
    Winwin101 Posts: 82 Member
    Congrats on your hard work because you look great. You are so close to your goal of 180 lbs. Keep up the great work and i wish you continued success and good health. :drinker:
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats! Keep up the good work. Do you find it easier this time around or more difficult? In any event, good for you. Keep focused and determined and you will get back to 180.

    Best regards,

    Without a doubt, it's a million times easier this time around.

    I dreaded starting a weight loss program again, because of how difficult it was last time. Last time, I had no idea what in the hell I was doing. I was letting Weight Watchers tell me what to do and really decide for me, without understanding the basics of how weight loss actually occurred. And I was working out so hard every day that I felt constantly beat to hell.

    I hated that feeling so much that I was like "Ya know, I guess I'm not *that* fat! I can deal with it."

    That's why finding MFP and learning about the science behind calorie counting was such a great thing for me. It helped me understand the process. And once I understood the process, and wasn't letting someone's "Program" (Weight Watchers) decide for me, it all mentally fell into place.

    I no longer had that feeling of dreading diet/exercise, because I felt better educated about what I was doing.

    Now I eat more than I ever did when I was on WW and I work out far less. And I'm still losing the same average amount of weight and I feel totally healthy doing it, instead of feeling constantly run down.

    Beyond that, just the mental factor of knowing I'd lost 70lbs before made it much easier this time to conceive of the very idea of losing 70lbs.

    When I lost the weight the first time, I hadn't been under 200lbs since I was 13. I was a huge kid. And that mental block was really difficult to get over. That constant inner voice shouting at me that I was fat, had always been fat, and will always be fat. It made it really difficult to believe I'd ever be an adult under 200lbs.

    When I finally hit 199 that first time, I literally broke down and cried because it had been so inconceivable to me for so long.

    But this time, I know I've been there. I was 180lbs just 4-5 years ago. And just knowing that it's a "been there, done that!" thing changes the way all of this feels mentally.

    So, yeah, to make a super long story short:

    Physically it's easier because I'm better educated, eating more, and working out less.

    Mentally it's easier because I've done it before so I am 100% positive that I can do it again.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    WOW! Congratulations! You look amazing!
  • Carolyn727
    Carolyn727 Posts: 5 Member
    Amazing job!!
  • taneyah2014
    Great job! Very inspiring!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    You look great. I agree about Weight Watchers. I was on that for a few weeks and was so hungry and moody I almost wanted to cry. I hate that program. It is pretty bad when a person doesn't even want to go back because of the deprivation.

    I'm glad you are finding answers and getting fit… you actually look like you lift weights.
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    You look great. I agree about Weight Watchers. I was on that for a few weeks and was so hungry and moody I almost wanted to cry. I hate that program. It is pretty bad when a person doesn't even want to go back because of the deprivation.

    I'm glad you are finding answers and getting fit… you actually look like you lift weights.

    Not to turn this into an anti-WW post, since it works for so many folks, but one of the core things I hated was the "shaming". It was always presented in a very sympathetic way, but anyone who has ever been should know exactly what I'm talking about.

    You step on the scale to weigh in. It reads higher, even slightly higher, than your last weigh-in. The WW-Person looks at you, sad look on her face, and in a very soft voice goes "Aw, do you know what you did wrong?"

    Yeah, I ****ing expected WW not to shame me for gaining half a pound after 7 weeks of steady loss. But whatever.

    Anyway ...

    Thanks for your comment :-) I'm not currently lifting weights but I'm doing a tremendous amount of hands-on work around the house and moving loads of stuff, so the weight loss is showing off a little more of that muscle definition.
  • Jpeezy85ny
    great job man my story is very similar to yours i was 185 for many years and on the last 5 i creeped up to 260lbs. I started May 31st after being disgusted with myself and trying to work my way down to 185. Currently sitting at 236. Working out 3-4 times a week and calorie counting like you.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Congrats on the hard work. How tall are you? I started my weight loss on March 5 with a goal of 60 lbs. I am 6-3 and started at 255.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Good stuff!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Great job! You look wonderful!
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    Anxious! Wow!!! That's amazing in that small amount of time! Def stick to doing what you like. I decided I was proud to admit I hated running..because I do! I decided I don't need to fit in with the fit crowd and can be my own fitspiration with the kick-*kitten* cardio and strength training I do at home. And I love it, because it's what works for my body and keeps me coming back for more! You look...well...HOT!!!!!
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats on the hard work. How tall are you? I started my weight loss on March 5 with a goal of 60 lbs. I am 6-3 and started at 255.

    I am just shy of 6'1", so I always just round down and enter my height into these things as 6' even.
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    Anxious! Wow!!! That's amazing in that small amount of time! Def stick to doing what you like. I decided I was proud to admit I hated running..because I do! I decided I don't need to fit in with the fit crowd and can be my own fitspiration with the kick-*kitten* cardio and strength training I do at home. And I love it, because it's what works for my body and keeps me coming back for more! You look...well...HOT!!!!!

    Well, being called "HOT!!!!!" is always a fine bit of inspiration to stick with it :-D

    I also hated running. But I do it because I was never good at it as a kid ... so I turned it into a challenge for me. That way, even if I hated it, I just wanted to know that I could do it. I actually started running last year and ran 8-miles in the Baltimore Relay, and this year I'm running a 10K across the Bay Bridge.

    That said, I do it at my own pace and run just enough that I always get better at it without getting tired of doing it.
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member

    That's why finding MFP and learning about the science behind calorie counting was such a great thing for me. It helped me understand the process. And once I understood the process, and wasn't letting someone's "Program" (Weight Watchers) decide for me, it all mentally fell into place.

    I no longer had that feeling of dreading diet/exercise, because I felt better educated about what I was doing.

    Now I eat more than I ever did when I was on WW and I work out far less. And I'm still losing the same average amount of weight and I feel totally healthy doing it, instead of feeling constantly run down.

    This! I have found the same thing - thanks to the fine people I have met and keep meeting on MFP. Thanks for sharing! Your story is very inspiring!
  • L4gym
    L4gym Posts: 81 Member
    Anxious! Wow!!! That's amazing in that small amount of time! Def stick to doing what you like. I decided I was proud to admit I hated running..because I do! I decided I don't need to fit in with the fit crowd and can be my own fitspiration with the kick-*kitten* cardio and strength training I do at home. And I love it, because it's what works for my body and keeps me coming back for more! You look...well...HOT!!!!!

    Well, being called "HOT!!!!!" is always a fine bit of inspiration to stick with it :-D

    I also hated running. But I do it because I was never good at it as a kid ... so I turned it into a challenge for me. That way, even if I hated it, I just wanted to know that I could do it. I actually started running last year and ran 8-miles in the Baltimore Relay, and this year I'm running a 10K across the Bay Bridge.

    That said, I do it at my own pace and run just enough that I always get better at it without getting tired of doing it.

    Yes, super hot! :)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    You're doing an amazing job! What a difference! I look forward to reading your update that you've reached your goal because you're definitely going to do it!
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