Has anyone told you to stop losing weight?

I hit my first goal weight this week, 150, and I'm now teetering around 148. I was going to go to 145 and then possibly to 140 but literally THREE people came up to me today and told me to stop losing weight. I could not believe how uncomfortable I was. What's their reasoning? I still think I have work to do and weight to lose. But how do I know when enough is enough?

Oh, and I should mention a friend tried to make me feel better by saying "Don't worry, you are in NO WAY skinny"....Maybe everyone should just mind their own bees wax and I should keep doing my thing.


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You consult with a physician and/or a dietitian, who can give you correct goals for weight loss.

    Honestly though, it's no one else's business. Is your weight loss journey something you've discussed with these particular people before? They may they have the right to say something if you have.
  • softmountains
    Hey, i have the same problem, I was always around 107 lbs and during summerI somehow went to 115, not only everyone thins i'm an idiot trying to lose my weight gain, they say it was a good thing, since I was 'too skinny'. My goal hovever always was 100 so hopefully, one day... I'd say it's too low when your BMI is below 18.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    You consult with a physician and/or a dietitian, who can give you correct goals for weight loss.

    Honestly though, it's no one else's business. Is your weight loss journey something you've discussed with these particular people before? They may they have the right to say something if you have.

    No, you're right. I think they're just sticking their noses where they don't belong. It did make me wonder though.
  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    It may be different reasons. people may be jealous of your success. People may just not be used to seeing you skinny. People don't like change! In America, the standard is to be overweight. Who knows? As long as you're healthy and not exhibiting disordered eating, don't worry about it. Evaluate if these people think you're starting to look sickly or are concerned by the type of foods/quantity you eat. For example, if you have coworkers that are concerned, and you never eat lunch anymore, then people could be concerned. If you eat a well balanced meal with protein and veggies and good fats in front of them, then most likely they are being petty.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    1. I think we get used to seeing someone as they "were" and the drastic change is uncomfortable
    2. Per medical guidelines, our "normal weight" is lower than what most people consider to be "normal" I am 6' 0".. To be normal weight on the high side, 185 is where I need to be. I am a twig at 185. 165 would be my mid-point, I would be able to hide behind a pencil.

    So I think it just comes down to perception.. Get where you want to be, and they will get used to your new size. :D
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Its no ones business but you and your health provider.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    As long as it wasn't my husband, close family or friends I would tell them to mind their own damn business. As far as a healthy weight I would consult with a physician or dietitian to ensure you stay in healthy ranges. Other than that....tell 'em to kick rocks.
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    That's just one of those things people say when they see a difference. Looks like you weren't massive to begin with so they're used to see you in a certain away and I guess it means the loss is showing!

    Do these people matter to you? I'd say it's only worrying when the people you really care about say it.

    They probably mean no harm, people just say things flippantly without realising it's a huge deal to us.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Its no ones business but you and your health provider.

    Love your hair.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    This just happened to me last week. It surprised me because I just hit my goal...

    I just ignored it. I have about 10-15 more to lose and I plan on staying at it despite what people say. I think people are used to seeing the old me and since the weight loss, I look different. It could be the same for you. Congrats on your loss!
  • culturedkey
    I think body fat and height matter more than weight - if you're still within a normal body fat percentage then its fine. I can't find any of the sites that talked about BF% ranges for an athletic build, normal, etc so sorry I can't give specifics.

    As for anecdotes, I know I got a lot of "you're too skinny, eat more" when I was younger, but my BF% was a bit low and I had zero muscles...so I looked pretty spindly. I still am getting a lot of "You don't need to work out" despite being at 33% body fat.

    Congratulations on hitting your goals and don't worry about the haters if you're within healthy ranges.
  • QAPmom
    QAPmom Posts: 458 Member
    Yes, my 7 year did, told me I am perfect just how I am. :)
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I've had a few people tell me to stop losing weight. I already have stopped. I don't want to lose anymore, i'm maintaining but wouldn't be apposed to gaining a few lbs. I just don't need people (who are not close friends or family) giving me their input.

    From your pics, you have a lovely figure. You'll know when you've lost enough.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Yes, my 7 year did, told me I am perfect just how I am. :)

    Oh my god. Love kids....

    Though before my weight loss one of my 5 year old students was playing with my arm fat one day and saying "Wow...you're so mushy!"
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    My wife used to complain when I would either cut or bulk. She just like the in-between times. She gone!
  • WonkaCat
    WonkaCat Posts: 42
    One thing I have come to realize is that no matter what you weigh or what size you are, someone, somewhere will think it should be different and fit into what THEY feel is correct for another person. I'll never be able to fathom how people can just randomly give you their opinion on what you should weigh or how you should look. Mind boggling really and none of their business. It's one thing if you ask for input but when people have to throw in their ideals, that's just wrong.

    Do what's best for you and file other people's unwanted and unsolicited opinions in the Useless and Pound Sand file. :happy:
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Yeah I got it a lot. That was my main reason for starting to lift
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    I hit my first goal weight this week, 150, and I'm now teetering around 148. I was going to go to 145 and then possibly to 140 but literally THREE people came up to me today and told me to stop losing weight. I could not believe how uncomfortable I was. What's their reasoning? I still think I have work to do and weight to lose. But how do I know when enough is enough?

    Oh, and I should mention a friend tried to make me feel better by saying "Don't worry, you are in NO WAY skinny"....Maybe everyone should just mind their own bees wax and I should keep doing my thing.
    You should smack those people. Violence is always the answer.