

  • Newkatrinah
    Good Morning. I am totally new to this, so not sure how this will work. I have used Fitness Pal on and off for quite a while. Obviously, on again. I am 60 and a full-time RVer, currently in Florida. Great lifestyle...working at campgrounds and going to places I haven't been. Diet is an issue since money is tight (as always). Do not have a support group of any kind. Am reaching out here hoping maybe this can help me a bit. Just wanting to say Hello to all of you out there...sounds like you are doing great things! Cathi
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I did get a reply and found water under the blue plus sign. I'd still rather have the previous version back. They ought to give a person the choice of whether to "upgrade" or not.

    Katla, still grumpy about the phone app changes.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Kathla 49 - :drinker: You asked about my be. My DH likes adjustable beds and I wanted something firm, so we broke down and spent the extra money to get 2 twin sized adjustable beds with a Serta "black -something or other" latex (memory foam) mattress. I tried a whole lotta mattresses before settling on this one. I wanted to be comfortable. It was expensive :noway: but I was able to finance it which fit in my budget. I told the sales guy how much I was going to pay or less, otherwise I wouldn't get it at that time. They bent-over backwards to meet my budget and voila! :tongue: We have the beds we wanted, needed, and they fit our needs perfectly! My DH and I sleep in separate rooms due to sleep habits but you can put the two beds together and create a king size if you want. Separate adjustable make it easier to conform to what each of you want and need.

    Did good yesterday on food and my 30 minute walk. Breaking the walking into 3-10 minute sets works so much better and eliminates my back and leg pains. Went to Curves today and so far did 1-10 min walk on top of that. Kind of hot so may not walk outside for the rest. We will see.

    Rita from CT (hot and 'muggy!')
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tonight I made a 5-gallon bucket of cherry tomatoes and a bunch of peppers into some pretty yummy no-salt salsa. I'm going to have to learn how to do canning, as I don't think it will last in the frig too long. I'm having so much fun with this stuff that I think somebody should go into business making salsa, BBQ sauce, spaghetti sauce etc, all with no salt added. I wonder how hard that would be to start. Hmmm... Probably pretty difficult and expensive to start up.


    I found a great no sodium taco seasoning recipe on line. Perhaps you'll be able to find salsa recipes, too.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Morning Friends,

    Rita sorry you and your son went through that trauma.

    Meg the consequences for my son’s actions is making it more difficult for him to start rebuilding his life in positive ways. We can only offer support best we can without it causes health problems for us. He is the one who needs to do the work to get his life back on track.

    Katla I looked up moderation in all things and could not find an exact quote either.

    I’ll have to look up that virtual choir. Sounds interesting.

    The global foods class was not quite what I expected. I still learned some interesting things. The morning and early afternoon was spent on the the effect of supply and demand on the price of food. They also touched on opportunity cost affects the efficiency of food production and the price of food. The food industry makes no moral judgment about food. The only reason they care if a product is healthier is your perception so they can sell it to you. They showed diets of families around the world. The wealthier the family the more meat and processed products they consumed. Often times the heavier the family looked as a whole.

    We took a field trip to a company now owned by Japan that works in the movement of grain across the world. It is still cheapest to move commodities by the river than by rail and by truck. Moving the oil out of North Dakota has risen the price of moving the corn out of North Dakota because moving the oil is more lucrative.

    The last part of the day was a speaker from a big food company supplier. They work in supplying the raw ingredients to the big food companies. Again they placed no moral judgment on the food others consume. They look at the world as a market of buying and selling. One thing they do study is the age of a country. The younger the country the higher the calorie needs the country will have and the more likely it is a potential market for some of their products. Political force are factored in because of the potential of disrupting supply. For example most cocoa is from West Africa. They are trying to find other parts of the world to grow cocoa. He also talked about how China is stockpiling corn and cotton because they are trying to subsidize their aging population through price subsidies.

    What I took from all this is it explained to me what some of forces that are driving food costs up that I wasn’t aware of. It also drives home to me my own responsibility to decide what I put into my body should be best for me not the food companies.

    Today the better informed I am as a consumer the better the choices I will make, so tomorrow I will be healthier.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Thanks to Kim(?) who inquired about me. It's wonderful to be missed and feel cared for!

    I am still here. I've had a busy couple of weeks combined with feeling a little down. My house has been on the market for a little over a week and there have been no nibbles. I wasn't expecting to sell it within a week, but I did hope that someone would at least look at it! I'm getting more and more worried about being able to afford something I want for a new home. The places that I *think* I would like to live are in a really weird location for taxes; they are in the next county over for county taxes (at an exorbitant rate) but in the same city that I live in now (rates not so high but still have to be paid). I was truly hoping that, since they were several miles out of the city, that there would be no city taxes. :ohwell: I get so depressed thinking about living paycheck to paycheck forever.

    In other news, my daughter will close on her condo on August 27. The giving up part of me says to just buy one where she did because they're cheap, but I know I would be unhappy there. They are so very small! I have to keep reminding myself that, once I get moved, I can look for another job that would potentially pay more! Please help me keep that in mind!!

    In the meantime, I am trying to enjoy my time alone this week because next week will bring a flurry of packing and last minute purchases, culminating in moving the boy child into his dorm on the 16th. I truly wish that it could be just the two of us getting him moved, but he doesn't feel like he can exclude his dad. His dad will whine about everything and I am mentally and physically stronger so I will be doing more of the heavy lifting and running up and down steps when needed and calming our son if he gets panicky. Also, we have exactly 15 minutes to unload the cars so there is no time for his attempts to be center of attention. I would rather rent a truck or cargo van than to deal with the ex! :grumble: Thanks for listening to that rant...

    So many of you have big things going on in your lives! I've kept up with the reading even though I've not posted much. Prayers have been whispered and virtual high fives given as I've read.

    Oh! One happy thing is going on this month! The pastor at my main job is on sabbatical for the month so I have the office to myself! Awesome!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So, I have made a difficult decision and am working up the gumption to follow through. My handyman shares an apartment with his daughter and two granddaughters. The mother is negligent (sleeps a lot during the day while the 7-year-old watches the 1-year-old, doesn't get the 7-year-old to school, etc.) in addition to her drinking, drug, and sex habits. She brings home strange men and then leaves the little girls with the men while she goes out to her part time job OR to go have sex with someone else in the other side of the duplex. I'm pretty certain the 7-year-old has been sexually abused within the past couple of months and I know that the 1-year-old was left alone in the house. To demonstrate how negligent she is, the older child has lice. A friend found the lice on Friday, promptly went out and bought the lice kit, spray, etc. (out of her own pocket), but it was Sunday night before the mother got around to treating the child. Not because she didn't have time, but because she didn't want to; she argued with her dad (Grandpa) about it because she wanted him to do it. I know there are drugs in the house, the house is disgustingly filthy, etc. I talked to a social worker at another elementary school yesterday and she gave me the number to call DSS. I hate to make the call, but I can't knowingly let these children continue to be in this environment without intervention. :cry: I also am pretty sure that they will figure out who made the report. :frown:

    Thanks for listening to that one, too!

    I supposed I ought to do some work. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh my goodness Carol. I'm not one to judge anyone for living differently than how I choose to but if a child was in danger I don't really give a rip who knows I reported it. You don't have to answer to anyone expect yourself so follow your conscience.

    On a lighter note, went back to Tuesday morning Zumba for the first time in a while. One of the owners took over for my usual instructor and I forgot that she's not happy until you feel like you want to vomit in her class:sick: It was tough, and fun, and I rose to the occasion while keeping my breakfast down.

    Supposed to be focusing on work right now and am having a VERY difficult time, as you can see.:ohwell: Trying to work on some very necessary sales and marketing plans.

    My turkey meatballs tasted the same, maybe a little better than my usual. Couldn't even tell it was turkey meat after simmering in the sauce for 3 hours. Just had one for lunch with zucchini "noodles". Who knew this old Italian dog was so capable of new tricks?

    Didn't lose or gain over the past week so I need to amp it up a bit, hence the brutal Zumba class this am.

    Hope everyone's having a great day!

    xo- Gloria in soggy Metro Detroit
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope you are having a good day. I am not sure what happened yesterday, but I was in a funk. I did almost nothing all day, but eat. I was surprised when I weighed in this morning I am down .5. Did spend time in prayer last evening and feeling better today. So not giving up. It is to be HOT again today with a chance of rain. Rain would be nice.

    Welcome Gail & Wind--Hope you come often this is a great group for support.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome back Anne!:flowerforyou:

    Kim--Glad you are not beating yourself up. Today is a new day and a new start.:heart:

    Meg--Glad you had a fun birthday for DH. Hope the talk with DD's BF goes well. Sounds like he has alot of growing up to do. Sounds like DD is trying to share the baby experince with you.:heart:

    Michele--DH has a Sam's card, but we do not buy our gas there as we shop HyVee and with the points we can get a good discount most the time. I have noticed the last several times we have went to Sam's there is no one at the door to check your card. Guess doesn't matter as you can not check out without it.

    Sylvia--Now I have that song running around my head. Do think if I was not at work I could dance to that.:laugh:

    Rita--Pray the new doctor can get the answers you need and you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Renny--congrates on the loss!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Patty--sounds like the classes are going to give you alot of information.

    Welcome Cathi--Are you doing voluteer work at these camp grounds? Acouple years ago a couple came to our church in the park and they said they travel around in their camper and work at different camp grounds as voluteers doing whatever work needs done. They sign up for how long each year they want to do it and then the company tells them where they need to go on how they signed up. DH and I think it is something we might be interested in when we retire as there is alot of the USA I have not been to.

    Katla--I know how you feel. I do not do good with change.

    Carol--I know it will not be easy, but do it for the children. Sounds like they have no one else. Prayers for their protection.

    Well ladies I pray all have a good day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: Thanks for the information on beds. It is appreciated. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We will use it when we're ready to shop. Right now we're in the process of setting up back surgery for DH. He has a herniated disc at L5-s1. We want this to happen asap. We have a call into the surgeon's office and are waiting for a return call.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Carol, what a horrible situation! No matter what, you have got to report it to the authorities. I know it's awkward if they know who reported them, but for the sake of the kids it has to be done. I once saw a man severely beating his child in the parking lot of Wal-Mart in Wichita. It was in the days before cell phones. I pulled up behind his car and wrote down the license number. His wife saw me do it and they started chasing me through the city. They even bumped into the back of my car three times! It was really scary. Finally, I pulled into a convenience store where a police car was parked and the idiots stayed outside and waited for me to come out. Well, I told the cop and that was that. He was arrested. I didn't see what happened to the kids. After I wrote my statement, the cop said that the guy didn't have any insurance for what he did to my car either. I lived in fear that they would track me down for a little while, but I never heard anything more about it. I just hope the kids got the help they needed out of the whole mess.

    I think all my exercise while on vacation is finally catching up with me. Down another little bit this morning.

    Here is the joke for the day:


    One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her brunette head.

    She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

    Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."

    The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said,

    "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"


    Have a great day!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I've made the call. :brokenheart: Thanks, Gloria, for your input. Sometimes, even though you know what is right, it seems hard to take that first step. I feel sad, but relieved.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Carol,you did the right thing.The kids safety is at stake.:drinker: :drinker:
    Welcome Wind and anyone else I may have missed.:flowerforyou:
    No word on the townhouse.Won`t call back.The sign is up,think he`s showing others.How many people do you need to show?:sad: :grumble:
    My schedule is off,since I haven`t been to Violet`s.I go tonite til Thurs.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Just want to echo that you did the right thing, Carol.
  • strassenkoenigin

    I was very interested in your post about the food seminar you participated in. We certainly can be sure that the big corporations are not interested in us eating healthy, only in the profit they are making.

    I was surprised that you wrote that the wealthier families eat more meat and more processed food and subsequently are heavier. I thought it is the opposite. The wealthier people are the ones who eat more fresh , organic and unprocessed food . I mean, it is a sort of obvious. Go to a very expensive restaurant and the portions are minuscule, but first quality, eat cheap and everything is supersized and loaded with fat, sugar and salt..

    Also the majority of the overweight and obese population is poor. I think Mexico now has surpassed the US in obesity. And in the US the statistics are certainly leaning that way that the poor people are more overweight than the wealthier ones.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 461 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today I did yoga and then was on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I have lost those 2 pesky pounds I have gained and am back at 125 lbs. again. I have been making a smoothie for lunch this week instead of my usual sandwich. I have been a bit hungrier in the afternoon but have kept busy and made it until dinner.

    Michele, I am sore today after the eccentric workout. I did plié squats and regular squats for my legs. This is a great method for lifting weights.

    Renny and Sylvia, congrats on the pounds lost! Sylvia, what a scary story too!

    Carol, you did a great thing making that call.

    Jane, how frustrating for you. Hoping you find the right place soon.

    Welcome new ladies.


    Cindy in OK
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, I turned 50 in March and think of myself as pretty fit, but my weight loss has stalled and I have actually increased my activity. Is this a product of being 50? Is this what I have to look forward too....eating less and exercising more just to stay the same. I have a bet with my husband and when I lose 30 pounds , he will quit chewing tobacco, I am highly motivated and I don't want to be discouraged, but It seems so much more difficult than when I was in my 20's. I am glad I stumbled onto this group, you ladies seem very supportive. I'm 5'81/2 and weighed 179 this morning, I would like to get to 150 and maintain.:smile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Some of these families were more the middle class of their countries not the wealthy. The ones who were eating their indigenous diets did not have a weight problem. Some who were really poor seemed thin. Not all families had a weight problem. You are right some families had the money for fruits and vegetables and little processed food did not seem to have a problem. Just on observation it appeared the more processed food the higher the weight. Not getting enough protein also created health problems for these families. Again there were just observations on the pictures they showed us.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Finally, getting ready to get out of work. Had to miss my Y job since balancing and the full time job has to come first.
    Now home to do some yard work.

    Margaret, The class sounds really interesting. I love learning and esp. about food, diet and nutrition.

    Carol NC, Hard call to make, esp. since you know the grandfather but the kids truly need to come first. You did the right thing

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Love to all who are making difficult decisions.:heart::flowerforyou:
    Hard times, hard choices. Butt you did the right thing, Carol.

    Jane - I am so frustrated for you.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret - you are right, in so many countries, e.g. India, the middle class see a Western diet as "cool". Especially the teenagers. Middle class Mexicans also are getting fatter. Doughnut shops are on every corner in the cities. We have exported our worst food to countries who used to eat healthily.

    Congrats to the losers. It is so hard to lose those stubborn pounds when you get a bit lighter. Well done!
    Sometimes I feel even maintaining is a life sentence. I eat well, but in order to do that I have to exercise a LOT. Today I quite enjoyed it, other days it is hard going. All I know is I don't really have a choice if I want to stay fit and healthy. So I get on with it and sometimes I enjoy it. I'm ALWAYS glad I did it. :bigsmile: My one regret is that it takes up the time I used to spend writing in the morning. If I want to get back to writing I will have to create some new good habits and a regular time for my writing. I know that if I don't do my exercising first thing it doesn't get done.:ohwell:

    I sent an email to my friend that I lost my temper with on the phone. I so rarely lose my temper with a friend, but it's a sign that I care about her. We shared a flat at university for a year and a term so are unusually close. I apologised and duggested an alternative arrangement, whereby she can catch a local train and we can pick her up from a station 40 minutes away. She seemed to go for that. Neither of our men folk are keen on putting themselves out so we can meet. The men have never met and DH is often resistant in that kind of situation. There is no need to drag her reluctant husband on a long car journey. I also emailed my other friend, the one who broke her hip, to encourage her. We shall see.

    It should RAIN tonight, but we hope it will clear for the afternoon's cricket. Friday looks like it will be a wash out so DH'S friend has transferred his coming for lunch to tomorrow. Panic stations on my part, so I rushed to the kitchen this evening to rustle up the gazpacho and melt some onions for the onion and cheese tart. Not too much to do tomorrow and DH will give the house a quick spruce up.

    I also rang my London friend and she is coming down for a couple of nights the week after next. Hooray! I've been trying to get her down here for over a year! She's the one with cancer. I don't feel I have to go mad with the catering for her as we are best friends and she will fit in with us. We might go out for a couple of meals as it will be a treat for her to have a more social time. Don't want her to think country life is boring! ! ! :laugh:

    Love to all. Heather in Hampshire UK

    P S - Katla - hope your DH gets his op asap. :flowerforyou:
  • strassenkoenigin

    I am so jealous . My weight is not budging. I thought I would be in the 120s by now, but it is not happening. Today I went on a 50 miles bike ride and even after that I did not weigh less, usually I show some water weight loss after a long bike ride.

    I decided also to replace one meal a day with a juice. That means I throw everything but the kitchen sink in the blender, usually stuff I do not like to eat otherwise like kale, red beets, etc.


    I have traveled extensively around the world and always thought that the people who still ate naturally (meaning cooked from scratch) were in the best shape.

    In the last decades everywhere in the world the big corporations have got their claws into the eating habits of people and the result is a population of more and more overweight people. Sodas, fast food, junk food have conquered the world.

    Not only are we going to have 9.5 billion people in 2050 (up from 2,5 billion 1950) but they are going to be mostly overweight.

    We really have to force the big corporations to produce healthier food and we have to start by not buying their genetically altered crap.


    Yeah, it gets only harder the older you get. I thought it would be only a temporary thing , a bump in the road called menopause, but no, now I am 69 and still struggling with weight.

    I never had a big problem when I was younger, but now I have to fight every pound.