

  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Like everyone said, do a shorter workout.

    I don't function well on less than eight hours sleep either, btw. For one or two nights, sure, but not constantly. The comments calling this an excuse are not only rude but potentially unhealthy. People have different sleep requirements and getting too little sleep is extremely unhealthy. It impairs overall phyiscal performance, memory, the body's defensive system, power of judgement, responsiveness, your brain etc. I can't find it right now but I read an interview with a chronobiologist who said that a person sleeping less than six hours a night over prolonged periods of time is basically in the same physical state someone with a blood alcohol level of 1mg.

    Edited to add that just because somebody thinks they're doing great on extremely little sleep (whatever that exactly means for that individual) does not mean it's healthy for them. The context of mentioned interview was how proud a lot of politicians are about how little sleep they presumably need to function well and that in a way their lack of sleep means we're governed by a bunch of drunk people a lot of the time. There was also one lady mentioned (a journalist, I think) who advocated for many years that she didn't need more than four or five hours or so of sleep - until one day she collapsed over her computer and broke a bone.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Try cooking in bigger batches so that you can just microwave the food when you get home. Ta da! 45 mins of cooking just turned into 5! Now you have 40 extra minutes a day to exercise.

    Next, do max 10 mins of tidying a day and clean and do laundry only once on the weekend. Ta da! Now you have 30 mins extra time!

    Next, go to the gym and skip some of the TV! Ta da! There's an extra 30 - 60 minutes...

    If you go to the gym every second day, and record your TV while you're there, you can watch those shows on rest days. Don't cut out your sleep though. Getting your 8 hours of sleep will aid your weight loss.

    Also, can you make your commute shorter? 12 - 13 hours for 8 hours of work a day.. what kind of work do you do that you either have that much overtime or how far do you live that you spend 5 hours traveling?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Drop-in babysitting at the gym is a lifesaver. I have an extremely active 5 (soon to be 6) year old and a baby on the way. I take the kid to babysitting at the Y and go do whatever I want to do - treadmill, swimming, Zumba, etc.

    On the weekends, hubby watches her while I go walk 4 miles.

    I spend, at most, an hour and 15 minutes working out. You don't need to work out 2 hours, unless you have the time, or you're doing some activity (like hiking, biking, etc) that takes longer.

    My daughter starts kindergarten this fall, so I'll have more time until baby comes, but when baby does arrive, guess who is getting strapped in a carrier or stroller during walks? Guess who is getting dropped off at the babysitting at the gym? You probably guessed it. :P

    Point being, even with a busy life and kids, you can still do it. You just have to find a schedule that works for you and get it done.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I find it very helpful for me to get as much done on Sundays as possible. I do all my laundry / cleaning on Sundays. I also cut up any fruits / veggies / snacks for the week. That way it is handy and available. I also try to make a big meal on Sundays so I have leftovers for part of the week. Maybe if you cook something, try to make a big batch of it so it goes further? Or, you could do freezer meals in a bag ahead one weekend. That way you can just throw the meal in the crockpot, you get home from work and dinner is ready :) Sounds like you have Very long days during the week!!! And, yes I like to have 8 hours of sleep as well!! Hope this helps!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I pack my gym bag and walk out the door *shrug*
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Oh, and did you say you run 30-40 minutes a day? That seams like a good workout during the week. Maybe try adding another 20 minutes if you need to?? 2 hour workouts would be hard to fit into my day and my days aren't nearly as busy as yours. Just get longer workouts during the weekend where you have more free time?
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    How do all you gym bunnies find the time.

    I manage to get in a 30/40 min run

    Im sorry but I'm missing the point:huh:
    What else are you trying to add on top of your already doable workout that you seem to have already accomplished...may be the question?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    How do all you gym bunnies find the time.

    I manage to get in a 30/40 min run

    Im sorry but I'm missing the point:huh:
    What else are you trying to add on top of your already doable workout that you seem to have already accomplished...may be the question?

    She wants to start weight training. She cannot do that and have her 30 min cardio sessions in.
  • SquashedChocolateFrog
    I work changing shifts so I basically just fit in workouts whenever I can - usually around midnight, and sometimes at the sacrifice of long sleeps, but as long as I get in around 6 hours of sleep I'm usually ok - probably not much help if you want to find a healthy balance
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You will make it a priority if you want it to be one.

    I wake up at 4:30am to go to the gym - then get to work by 7:30am - get off of work at 4pm - do my online classes for school - then bed around 10/11pm and repeat.

    You can function on less than 8 hours of sleep, you just don't want to.

    edited to fix something
    Why do you think you need to work out for 2 hours?

    Do a shorter workout. Workout at home. Go for a run or a walk after work. Find a closer gym.

    these two things.


    we are ALL busy- no one "finds time" we MAKE time because it's important.

    I work 3 jobs- train as a dancer for 10-15 hours a week- 3 solid lifts a week (usually M-W-F- for just under 2 hours each) and I maintain and out of town long distance relationship.

    It can be done. You just need to adapt your schedule and what drives you to make it happen.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You will make it a priority if you want it to be one.

    I wake up at 4:30am to go to the gym - then get to work by 7:30am - get off of work at 4pm - do my online classes for school - then bed around 10/11pm and repeat.

    You can function on less than 8 hours of sleep, you just don't want to.

    edited to fix something
    Why do you think you need to work out for 2 hours?

    Do a shorter workout. Workout at home. Go for a run or a walk after work. Find a closer gym.

    these two things.


    we are ALL busy- no one "finds time" we MAKE time because it's important.

    I work 3 jobs- train as a dancer for 10-15 hours a week- 3 solid lifts a week (usually M-W-F- for just under 2 hours each) and I maintain and out of town long distance relationship.

    It can be done. You just need to adapt your schedule and what drives you to make it happen.

    QFT!!! I have 4 kids and make it to the gym almost everyday.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    They're YOUR priorities, you pick 'em. Then accept the consequences of 'em.

    How about: YOU do YOU, and maybe worry less about what other people you've labelled "gym bunnies" do? Because I honestly can't tell from your post how much of this comment is frustration that you want to do more than you're doing, versus how much of it is judging other people for what THEY'RE doing.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    How do all you gym bunnies find the time.

    I manage to get in a 30/40 min run

    Im sorry but I'm missing the point:huh:
    What else are you trying to add on top of your already doable workout that you seem to have already accomplished...may be the question?

    She wants to start weight training. She cannot do that and have her 30 min cardio sessions in.

    Oh Okay,

    OP..,umm solution:
    alternate days for strength and cardio (30-40min workouts)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I gave up on the dream of 8 hours of sleep a long, long time ago. I am up at 4:40am, at work until 6pm most nights, off to kids sports or my sports until 9pm week nights and all weekend, and usually don't hit the bed till 11pm at the earliest. I find 15 minutes windows to take brisk 1 mile walks. I use my hour lunch to get in a good 40 minute workout. I rotate a lot of HIIT and regular cardio workouts in where I can.

    Just the way it is.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    you may be happier with the results from lifting instead of cardio.
    maybe do lifting a few days a week and pick one day to do cardio or something.

    cardio isnt necessary and lifting is much more fun. ;)
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    They're YOUR priorities, you pick 'em. Then accept the consequences of 'em.

    How about: YOU do YOU, and maybe worry less about what other people you've labelled "gym bunnies" do? Because I honestly can't tell from your post how much of this comment is frustration that you want to do more than you're doing, versus how much of it is judging other people for what THEY'RE doing.

    Yowza... let's all take a deep breath now...:wink:
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    You will make it a priority if you want it to be one.

    I wake up at 4:30am to go to the gym - then get to work by 7:30am - get off of work at 4pm - do my online classes for school - then bed around 10/11pm and repeat.

    You can function on less than 8 hours of sleep, you just don't want to.

    edited to fix something
    I call bull on this comment!

    You have NO clue how much each persons body needs to sleep, everyone is different, different ages require different amount, health issues demand a different amount. Seems she'd be far more aware how much her body needs than you would. If it works for you to get less sleep so be it but don't go telling another person that they are the same as you!

    What a silly comment to say to someone asking for help "you just don't want to. How ridiculous to tell another person what they feel they need is not what you need.

    Come on get real, the OP is 34, you're 21, now that I see how young you are I can see a comment being made like above. Age truly does make a different in needs.

    Yes someone can sleep 4 hours and feel it's enough, but because we think it's enough doesn't mean our body thinks it is.

    I'm sorry but I highly doubt if she got up 45 minutes earlier to get a workout in, she would not be able to function. Let's be honest, most people that workout at the start of their day have more energy and feel better the rest of the day. There are mornings that I clearly just don't want to get out of bed....and I get an extra 45 minutes of sleep, I am 42 years old, and I dont' function any differently sleeping 7.25 hours as I do 8 hours.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    These "can't find the time" threads always go well.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You can always nuke the world...
