Tracking Confessions - I'll go 1st



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I flossed and didn't weigh the floss before and after so I couldn't subtract and eat back the calories I missed from that. I'll probably be hitting starvation mode any minute now.
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    Awesome! You're staying accountable :-)
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    Packing my lunch this morning and needed 3oz of turkey breast for my sandwich. I was an ounce over on the scale, so I ate the extra ounce to bring it down to 3oz!

    I did however feel guilty, so went back and adjusted my log to 4oz.

    I do this too!! I also eat nibbles while I prep for the next day meal (I pack my breakfast/lunch/all snacks) and figure it counts since it shorts me for the meals anyways.. An almond here, some turkey there, a know whatever I am cutting...
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Hit, the finished logging button with every intention of being done for the night. Then decided I wanted a bowl of frosted cheerios... Didn't bother to go back in and log it. I am okay with it...

    Most of my "leftout" items are like this. i keep my settings at sedentary, and I am far from sedentary.....
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I never count my coffee with french vanilla creamer....that I have every morning ;P
  • FourtyBelow
    If I miss a day I tell myself "Oh well better start over on Monday." For some reason I feel like I can only start things on Mondays.
    Missing Tuesday makes for a delicious week of self-loathing.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I don't log "tastes" while I'm cooking meals. I mean, I have to make sure it tastes good right? Plus, I usually log whole portions of food but my kids always sample part of my food. Like this morning. I was having toast for breakfast and made 2 pieces. I ate 1.5 because my 1 year old wanted it when he saw it. I also don't own a food scale so I estimate everything.

    Since I'm still losing weight, I'm ok with that. If I plateau, I'll have to get one. grrrrr....
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    I don't always log in my Coca Colas....that's my nemesis. Ugh, I hate that I love them so much. I may log one but never the 2nd. I have promised myself ot do better.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    When I eat gelato, I weigh out the amount I'm going to eat, and take another little baby spoonful for good measure that I don't weigh or log :)
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    If I miss a day I tell myself "Oh well better start over on Monday." For some reason I feel like I can only start things on Mondays.
    Missing Tuesday makes for a delicious week of self-loathing.

    This is me all the way as well. I always say "On Monday" whenever it comes to weightloss. Sigh...
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I only track exercises.
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    I don't log "tastes" while I'm cooking meals. I mean, I have to make sure it tastes good right? Plus, I usually log whole portions of food but my kids always sample part of my food. Like this morning. I was having toast for breakfast and made 2 pieces. I ate 1.5 because my 1 year old wanted it when he saw it. I also don't own a food scale so I estimate everything.

    Since I'm still losing weight, I'm ok with that. If I plateau, I'll have to get one. grrrrr....

    Yesterday, I was eating cantaloupe for breakfast. My kids all wanted some of my cantaloupe and all I had was a serving. I almost cried when I had to give some of it up, I was so hungry. But I had to log a serving because I couldn't figure out how much I ate and how much they ate. Little parasites! :tongue:
  • sinker59
    sinker59 Posts: 130
    I used to eat ice cream every Sunday night to prep for my new diet that started every Monday!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I made homemade lasagna for dinner last night and didn't feel like doing the work necessary to figure out accurate calories. So I just borrowed someone else's homemade lasagna from the database. I figure it's close enough. I'm usually pretty meticulous about weighing stuff so one off-kilter entry shouldn't kill me.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I sometimes eat Hershey's kisses at work and don't log them. It's usually only 1 maybe 2 of the dark chocolate kind though.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I sometimes eat Hershey's kisses at work and don't log them. It's usually only 1 maybe 2 of the dark chocolate kind though.

    Mmmmmm... those are the best!
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    My tracking for the last week oscillated between vaguely recollected and non-existent. I'm paying for it though- I gained seven pounds.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I don't log the drink of milk I take before I do my morning walk.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm a perfectionist - one day of going over my calories would wreak havoc in my brain (sad, I know). If it gets to the end of the day and I have no calories left but I need something to eat... I add something to my exercise log, like cleaning I did during the day, or mowing the yard. Things I wouldn't normally add as exercise, just enough to be able to have a snack.

    I am also a perfectionist and feel very similarly!! I act like my calorie goal is the LAW...but I also log little piddly stuff if I am close to going over, but not quite. Moving around boxes at work for 10 minutes is such a tiny thing but I'll log 10 min of light cleaning at least...just to eat another tiny cheese wedge LOL
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    After reading some of these I feel like a real Ahole!! I will go whole weekends without logging anything!! If I were to do so I know my beer intake alone would surpass my daily allowed calories!