metabolism has stopped



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm going to be blunt - I don't believe your diary. It's not physically possible to "exercise heavily" with the intake shown over the past few days.

    Good luck!
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    I truly am struggling to eat1200

    Just Google calorie dense foods, nuts, seeds, etc protien shakes 1200cals is easily achievable if you have a healthy relationship with food no matter what your dietary preference...I myself am vegan and it does not interfere with me hitting or exceeding my calorie goal.

    Obviously I can not comment on your current medical status or medications you are taking so I will leave that alone.
    I am healthy and exercise for health and enjoyment.
    Maybe but if you continue to consume such low calories or poor macros no doubt it will manifest in bad health etc
    Some peoples comments on here have been uncalled for. I was only asking for advice.
    Nobody was being overtly rude they were just adding levity as the forums can be a little dull, a sense of humor is good for the health as they say.
    I am a vegetarian so I eat carefully and have cut back on carbs. I have brown rice, occasionally brown pasta, couscous. Etc. So trying.
    Trying is good and you can have a perfectly healthy diet as a vegetarian just be sure to read those links and here is one that deals primarily with macro and calorie allocation...
  • meganscarlet
    meganscarlet Posts: 21 Member
    Your metabolism wont have stopped but you might find that you've 'plateaued', especially if you're struggling to eat over 1,200 calories a day because your body simply will go into food storage mode where it will reduce your metabolism as much as possible. So aside from suggesting that you try to figure out your BMR and then work your MINIMUM calorie intake around that, I would say that you could try things like a cheat day once a week which will kick start your metabolism into overdrive - this is especially recommended for people who have found that they've plateaued. But you could also try things like HIIT workouts (high intensity interval training) which has been scientifically acknowledged to boost your metabolism from anywhere between 24-72hrs after doing a 30minute workout.
    But my main comment would be to eat!! You can't expect your body to produce rewarding results if you're damaging it in the process!
  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    Believe what you want. I have inputted everything I eat and the exercises I do. No point in lying as you won't get an accurate reading. Annoyed that I am now a liar. Well I am not.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If your metabolism stopped, you'd be dead.

    Uh oh. Maybe we should all take the "Zombie Apocalypse" thread more seriously.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    Believe what you want. I have inputted everything I eat and the exercises I do. No point in lying as you won't get an accurate reading. Annoyed that I am now a liar. Well I am not.
    you're not a liar, you're just not logging ACCURATELY.

    that's the issue. How many grams in that 1/8 of a baguette... or the 1/2 of edamame?

    No idea? Yeah, me either. Something isn't right.
  • cattitude123
    cattitude123 Posts: 50 Member
    lift weights, and that dreaded be patient..above all love yourself it will come together
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member

    Heres a list of simple things you can add that should help you get to your goal.

    This isnt all inclusive, I am not saying you need to eat these things. This is to give you an idea of what kinds of things to have to increase not only protein but carbs n fats as well but mostly with the protein macro in mind.

    Thanks so much for this link!! (edited for trying to fix the quote, unsuccessfully obviously)
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Any suggestions on how to kick start my metabolism?
    Well as already stated if your "metabolism has stopped" you would be dead, inert etc here is some info concerning 'metabolism'...
    Not losing weight, in fact gaining: (. I am having to force myself to eat more and I am struggling to get to 1200 as when exercising you have to eat more. I try to eat more protein, cut back on carbs and sugar. I drink 2 litres of water a day, drink coffee with just milk and green tea. I have started to drink a quartervofva glass of soy milk a few times a day. Help..
    If you are not losing weight than you are not at a true deficit, my guess here would be overestimation of your exercise calories burnt and a underestimation of food consumed.

    The statement "I am struggling to get to 1200" is concerning for numerous reasons, like how did you get overweight being unable to consume 1200cals a day without difficulty, and that you are most probably starving yourself in an attempt to lose quickly or as previously mentioned logging inaccuracies. All the things i just mentioned are one form or another of self sabotage.

    I recommend reading these links...

    Some brief information for protien sources...

    You have 11 pounds to lose. Unless you are an incredibly short, teeny tiny woman, you need more than 1200 calories a day. So if you aren't losing, you're either not logging consistently (or consistently choosing the incorrect entries - there are a LOT of user error entries on this site) or you are overestimating your exercise. i was just going to post the sexypants thread, but all the rest of these links are awesome reads, too.

    I know it can be frustrating, but taking the time to figure out what works for you, personally, is well worth the effort. Best of luck!
  • CandySugar500
    CandySugar500 Posts: 19 Member
    Green Tea is suppose to be really good for your metabolism I want to start drinking it at least once day, it has a lot of other benefits as well my mother drinks it everyday and it lowered her cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Also - I'm not buying 3 pieces of cheese pizza- even thin crust is less than 400 TOTAL.

    Most pizza ranges around 350 PER slice.

    Get more accurate with your tracking- and eat more calorie dense food. That will bring you're calories up.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    If your metabolism stopped, you'd be dead.

    HAHAHA, I was thinking that exactly as I came upon your post. :tongue:
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    If your metabolism stopped, you'd be dead.

    This. Unless you're dead it doesn't stop. World hunger wouldn't be an issue if your metabalism could just stop and have the nasty side effect of not being alive any more.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I'm impressed you get cell reception from your casket- I got into the basement and I can't send anything!!!

    I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop from busting out laughing! :laugh:

    Sorry, OP. You got some good links pointing you to the information you need.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I truly am struggling to eat1200 and I do exercise a lot. My metabolism has been up in the air since doctor put me on mini pill. Could only take it for 2 months as was bleeding all the time and having migraines. Since coming off it, my periods have been longer and heavier. This has been for about 4 months now. Apparently, this is a common side effect of this pill. I am healthy and exercise for health and enjoyment. Some peoples comments on here have been uncalled for. I was only asking for advice. I am hoping my metabolism will get back to normal after all the hormones have adjusted etc. I am a vegetarian so I eat carefully and have cut back on carbs. I have brown rice, occasionally brown pasta, couscous. Etc. So trying.

    I struggle to get to 1200 as well - as a consequence I've had to cut back on my exercise routine. It's just not healthy to consume 800 calories and burn 500. What is "decorating" anyhow and why do you consider that an exercise? I'm not criticizing, but it seems to be an odd entry.

    I'd do a few things - make sure your goal is set for .5lbs/week. With only 11 pounds to go, you don't need to be aggressive. I'd also make sure your activity level on here is accurate (sedentary, lightly active, etc). Weighing food isn't a must for everyone, but if you're not seeing the results you want, it's now become a necessity. I weigh everything - even prepackaged foods. IMO you also need to cut the exercise wayyyyy back. My goal is no more than 200 calories burned every other day, just because I struggle with my calorie goals and I want to make sure I'm losing weight in a healthy way.

    The easiest way I've found to up my intake are protein shakes, nuts, and protein bars. I don't like the typical foods suggested for calorie density (peanut butter, avocado, cottage cheese, etc), so I've had to think outside the box a bit.

    Good luck.
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    If you are truly concerned that you have issues with your metabolism, you need to check in with your health care professional. But even with issues, it's still a matter of energy out > energy in to lose weight. Your numbers may be different than everyone else's on this site, but the basic equation still holds true.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Believe what you want. I have inputted everything I eat and the exercises I do. No point in lying as you won't get an accurate reading. Annoyed that I am now a liar. Well I am not.

    Hey Joanne,
    I do believe you are measuring everything you eat. Keeping a consistent diary usually shows this BUT are you WEIGHING your food using a food scale.

    Just to show an example, having 1/2 cup of chips or 36 grams (usually what shows on the bag as a serving) are 2 VERY different things.

    I use only cups and such for a unit of measure when I am dealing with LIQUIDS (milk etc...) anything else, I actually weigh and log in grams/ounces.

    I find this MUCH more accurate.

    I would suggest changing to this method also - whatever you are doing now is not working - maybe try this for a week or 2 and see if there are results?

    It can't hurt right?

    Edit to add: I also just noticed a log of cheese pizza 3 slices I think for 400 calories? Yeah - that cannot be right either... either the person who's info you took from the database is wrong - or you should have logged based on weight not size. YOUR slice of pizza and MY slice of pizza and the COMPANY slice of pizza are 3 different things... you can't go wrong with weight! a gram is a gram is a gram!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Believe what you want. I have inputted everything I eat and the exercises I do. No point in lying as you won't get an accurate reading. Annoyed that I am now a liar. Well I am not.

    Hey Joanne,
    I do believe you are measuring everything you eat. Keeping a consistent diary usually shows this BUT are you WEIGHING your food using a food scale.

    Just to show an example, having 1/2 cup of chips or 36 grams (usually what shows on the bag as a serving) are 2 VERY different things.

    I use only cups and such for a unit of measure when I am dealing with LIQUIDS (milk etc...) anything else, I actually weigh and log in grams/ounces.

    I find this MUCH more accurate.

    I would suggest changing to this method also - whatever you are doing now is not working - maybe try this for a week or 2 and see if there are results?

    It can't hurt right?


    There is no real way to accurately log your food if you aren't weighing solids and measuring liquids.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Your metabolism has stopped? Now this is a true zombie post.
