sad- plz dont bash me



  • radario
    radario Posts: 59 Member
    Take one good decision at a time, focus on mini-goals; Focusing in the end goal can leave you feeling too far adrift. You're not alone and by consistently trying and ALWAYS get right back on track after a bad day, we will all get there eventually.

    The only sad thing about your post is that you felt the need to plea with people not to bash you. Anyone bashing you for coming back to try again after disappointment is not worth listening to. But I suspect you're bashing yourself more than anyone else. Don't. Just don't - it's not going to help you. You're human. Just persist, stubbornly persist. You can do it :)
  • Souchou
    Souchou Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Jenny,

    You're close to half way through- You're already many many many steps ahead of where you were- keep it up- It's worth it!!!!
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    It's so overwhelming when you look at it that way but hang in there and keep up the great work! It will come off eventually!
  • minervagonzalez
    minervagonzalez Posts: 4 Member
    I know the feeling. I have lost 25 pounds and have been at the same weight for about a month.Believe me I feel like giving up too, but we have to keep going....
  • SofiaofNY
    SofiaofNY Posts: 63 Member
    The best time to plant a tree was 100 years ago. The second best time, is now.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Try not to think of the big picture. Make small goals - mine was to focus on 5 lbs @ a time. Begin walking 5 or 10 minutes a day and gradually increase! You can do this!!
  • ferniejoy
    ferniejoy Posts: 61 Member
    People should never bash. We are here to support one another. You are still on the right track. Measure your successes, not your "failures." You are doing great.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    All I got are 2 safe (by MFP rules) motivationals:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Understandable that you're disappointed and frustrated. But those feelings can keep you from moving forward. Let it go, accept things as they are, then do what you need to do. In other words, forgive yourself. It's an important part of the process.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    makes me sad that i still have 17 more pounds to go before i get back to the weight i was at the LAST time i started my jouney, and 57 more to get back to where i was when i got off track :( im gonna never to this to myself again.
    that's on top of the 13 i ALREADY lost, then i have to lose another 60 after i get back to where i was. grand total of 130 pounds i need to lose. UGH!!!

    You'll get there if you want to. I'm trying my absolute hardest and it is worth it.
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I have been there. Actually, I'm there right now. I still have 16 pounds to go to get back to the point I was when I fell off the wagon in early 2013. The scale was stuck for three months before I said the heck with it and started eating everything in sight. I gained back everything I had lost plus 15 pounds more. I feel like once I get back to that number I can finally start over, so to speak, even though I have been back at it since May.

    Looking back, though, I know my food choices were poor the first time around. This time is completely different and I am looking at it more as a healthy lifestyle now rather than a diet. I am taking it day by day and pound by pound. The important thing is that you don't give up. It looks like you're already 13 pounds down which is great! You're healthier now than you were 13 extra pounds ago. Start taking pictures. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but you can see physical changes if you compare photos.

    Please don't give up. Use your sadness as motivation. You can do this!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    You are definitely not the first one to walk this path! *hugs*
  • xxval21xx
    xxval21xx Posts: 74 Member
    You have just taken the first step by admitting it to yourself instead of staying in denial! It can only get better from here
  • JennaD075
    JennaD075 Posts: 43 Member
    LOVE this! I'm so glad you made this topic. This is exactly how I feel and I love the responses.
    The best time to plant a tree was 100 years ago. The second best time, is now.
  • mandyosetti
    mandyosetti Posts: 72 Member
    You are doing great and don't think of your mistakes as a failure, think of them as a learning opportunity. Now you know even more about yourself and what you can do differently next time to avoid making the same mistake. :happy:
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    The best time to plant a tree was 100 years ago. The second best time, is now.
  • jbse26
    jbse26 Posts: 39 Member
    I know the feeling, having lost 40 and then put on 56lbs, started again in May this year.but now i only ever think i have one pound to lose-the next one. You are going forwards now , where you have been is not the issue other than to learn from it. Then forget about the numbers! Well done on getting back on board, that is a massive step.:smile:
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    Everyday you are one day closer to your goal and one day farther from where you started. You got this. Give yourself weekly goals. Next thing you know you hit you target weight. You deserve this!!
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I'm sure this is what everyone else is saying - but don't stress about the ACTUAL numbers - find little things to be excited about :) Good luck!
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    The math is day at a time, one pound at a time. That is all you need to do. Yesterday is over, tomorrow is yet to come, today is all you get.
