My name is Mike and I weigh 400 lbs


I was referred here from a subreddit called "loseit", where I posted asking for exercise advice. As of my last weigh in I was 400-410 lbs. You can read it here if you really feel like it:

I'm 26 years old and am a Software Engineer. I'm 6 foot even and have been heavy my entire life. I was raised drinking soda from as early as I can remember; soda with breakfast, lunch, dinner, when bored, when not bored. Cutting it out has been a real challenge but I am 2 weeks without, drinking black tea instead in the mornings for the caffeine.

I've already begun with the diet portion (no sodas, no fast food, etc), but am having trouble with walking due to intense pain in my outer ankles. I have started to apply some advice received there, and started walking in short periods of time multiple times a day, and I ordered a 30lb kettlebell to start using on Friday.

I'm hopeful that I can stick with my plan and lose a few hundred pounds! If anyone wants to add me to friends, I would appreciate it. I feel like if there's a chance someone noticed I didn't update, I would be more likely to stick with it.

Thank you.


  • jsherrill0613
    jsherrill0613 Posts: 233 Member
    You have came to a good place for inspiration and motivation! I am on day 52 of MFP. I log everything I eat, every day. You absolutely can do this! There is nothing wrong with taking small steps and making shorter goals to reach those long term goals. I wish you much success!
  • thinpip
    thinpip Posts: 33
    Hi Mike. I'm Pippa .
    Just wanted to wish you well on your mission. I have only been here around a week so I don't have many friends on here yet. Feel free to add me. I will definitely notice if you stop posting.
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Mike, and welcome to MFP from a fellow redditor! :)

    This is definitely the place to find the support you are looking for. I'm sure you'll get a bunch of friend requests from this post... be sure to stay active in keeping in touch with them through updates... I know it makes me feel more accountable.

    The best of luck, you can do this!
  • RollTideLisa
    Good luck and congrats on taking the first step. Feel free to add me if you like, I try to motivate my pals on here, best wishes!!
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome! I am a software engineer as well...desk jobs can definitely make it a challenge to get activity in! Any activity is better than none at all, so I would take it easy to start and work up to more, especially if your ankles are bothering you. Don't do too much and injure yourself early on (been there, done that). :-)

    Congrats in the soda victory...I know that is a major challenge for many people. Good call substituting something else for the caffeine so you don't have to battle withdrawal of it as well.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Hi Mike! I am Crystal.

    Welcome to MFP!! Definately a good place to find friends and motivation!!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Mike! You can add me for support and I'll cheer you on!!!
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome to mfp! I will send you a friend request. I love chasing people down when they disappear.

    Also, I have a link for you:

    If you filter their workouts, you'll be able to find a huge range of low impact workouts that might be useful with your ankles (don't be afraid to start on level 1 difficulty, their videos get HARD). Some of the stretching/ flexibility videos may also be good. Additionally, they have several kettlebell workout videos if you want some variety :flowerforyou:
  • phrazzledmom123
    phrazzledmom123 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! Soda is really hard to give it's seen as an addiction...for some it's the carbonation, for other's the caffeine or sugar. I made the switch years ago to sugar free Snapple, which I get in packs and add to water. Still some caffeine, but not much. I just have always had a hard time drinking plain water, mainly because it's treated. I know I can get bottled water or filters, but can be costly too. You have made some good changes, that in time, will become habits. Hopefully good habits. Cutting out the processed foods will also help....white flour/sugar/rice...etc. Packaged foods like Hamburger helper are also laden with hidden sugars/ingredients. Also, portion control, start measuring your food. A diet high in protein...meats like chicken and beef, are low carb, and high in veggies, and save the carbs for the days you exercise more. And drink lots of water/fluids.

    As I see it, for exercise...and you have to do what works for you when your first starting out...any movement is good. Start out walking 5 mins, and work your way you lose weight, it should be easier on your joints. As a person who used to weigh over 400lbs, I know this as fact. I no longer weigh that, thank goodness, my knees thank me for losing the weight.

    If you want to friend me, that is fine, we all need motivation as we lose weight. Best of luck to you! I should add, that having a pedometer or something that tracks your steps, will help you make goals for yourself. I just got a Fitbit yesterday and have been tracking my steps and calories burned, and I feel it will help remind me to get up once in a while.
  • stemmingthetide
    stemmingthetide Posts: 363 Member
    Good luck Mike! Add me if you want. You are in charge of you- make it happen for yourself!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi mike! Congratulations on beginning your journey! Your food scale will be your best friend! Weighing and measuring is very important. Good luck and you can do it!!!!!!
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Welcome! I also love reddit :)

    You can lose weight without exercise. If your ankles are really bothering you, focus on your diet for now and start walking once you've lost a bit of weight and can walk more comfortably. I'm on here pretty regularly, so please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Bostonsoul
    Bostonsoul Posts: 151 Member
    Nice to meet another redditor..any of ya'll feel free to add me!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    The author of this thread may also be an encouragement to you:
  • melodiarentsen
    melodiarentsen Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, Mike:

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I will be happy to support you.
  • JSPictures
    Hi Mike! I'm a fellow gamer and soda lover!! :) You have definitely come to the right place. Lots of great people on here! Please feel free to add me as a friend. :) You can do this!
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    Hey Mike. I'm Lisa. This is my 2nd go-round on this site and it is wonderful, provided you use it regularly. For me, it's all about calories and accountability. Doing this by yourself with no one pushing you or supporting you is hard. Most of the people here are good supporters! Add me if you want to. I'm always looking for good supporters/motivators. :)
  • mandyosetti
    mandyosetti Posts: 72 Member
    Good luck on your journey Mike! I am active on the site everyday. Feel free to add me! :happy:
  • LadyCouerlyn
    LadyCouerlyn Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome to MFP. :) I've only recently started my journey, as well, and only even more recently started to reach out the community, but even just lurking in the shadows I found SO MUCH inspiration here! I really wish you all the best, and I'll be right here to cheer you on!
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome Mike, we are all here to help. You may want to revise your macros from a better calculator, has a decent one. Based on your stats you could cut weight at 3000-3200 calories a day for quite some time, I would set your fat at 80 grams to start, protein at 180, and the rest would be carbs (around 430 grams). Your current protein number is way to low. I would run those macros for 2 weeks and then drop the carbs some if you aren't losing. The best advice I can give you is, there is no magic supplement that will cut weight, fad diets are unsustainable wastes of time, learn your body, how it responds to certain macros, and track everything to the gram.

    Go to -
    follow the directions there, it will allow you to change your settings to grams instead of a %.