My name is Mike and I weigh 400 lbs



  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    So glad you're here!! Congrats ????

    I gave up soda, though I sometimes slip, but if I do I get diet because it's gross and I never finish it. I really liked the carbonation best and I switched to club soda and Perrier. Sometimes I mix juice in with the club soda and it tastes wonderful!!

    Definitely make some friends on here. I have been blessed to find some awesome ones!!

    Have you considered doing sitting workouts until you lose some weight? Just to get you started. But of course if you can go small distances do so. I could barely walk to the end of my street when I started.

    I'm on here daily and to have you as a friend!!
  • rubbersoul84
    rubbersoul84 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome fellow redditor! You will find lots of support here. Feel free to add me if you need another friend for support! Good luck and good health to you!
  • donnylou
    donnylou Posts: 46 Member
    Have you thought about water aerobics? Or other water classes? I know my doctor said the water would help alleviate some of the weight, pain and stress on the bones, muscles and's also a lot cooler! Might want to check out the local YMCA or what the rec center has to offer. Otherwise, I walk in circles in my pool for as long as I can. It's harder than you think! :)
    Baby steps! You're doing great!!
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Mike. Great victory with the soda habit. I am still trying to kick it. Feel free to add me! Anybody else reading this too feel free to add me. I am on here everyday and have only just started making MFP friends and it really helps!
  • skraus06
    Keep up the good work and stay motivated, the only person stopping you is YOU!!! Good Luck!!
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Mike,

    The biggest problem most people have with weight loss is inconsistency. They start on MFP and then either stop for a while and come back, or stop altogether. So, the best thing you can ever do for yourself is to stay consistent and log in every day, no matter what. Consistency is key! Feel free to add me if you have any questions.
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    Go for it Mike! You'll be amazing :)

    Add me if you'd like, have lost 79lbs since May 2013. Slowly but surely :) xx
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    You can stick to it!!! Remember you only fail if you stop trying, there are lots of stumbles along the way, however stand back up straight, dust yourself off and continue, never and I mean never give up no matter what this thing we call life throws in your way. You got this!!!
  • Water_Gal
    Water_Gal Posts: 52 Member
    You have made the first step, Mike! You changed something that's going to make a BIG difference. You will be walking in no time. Feel free to add me and I will be happy to support you.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Hi Mike :smile: I was in your shoes (except the ankle pain) 2 short years ago. So you can do it. This is a great place. Things to remember though.....Everyone here is an expert on their own diet so what works for them may not work for you. Always, Always do what works for you. Do your own research and there is some really good advice on here, it's just really hard to weed it out of the bad advice. All those damn experts ya know. There will be fights on us special "snowflakes", starvation mode, and clean vs. dirty. Also should you or should you not eat your exercise calories back. How much weight is "safe" for you to lose a week and how good or bad Carbs are. What is best to do IIFYM (if it fits your macros) or paleo. Should I detox or not? and my mom took my tv away for no reason at all (seriously, true story). Try not to get overwhelmed but be consistent and soon you'll be on your way to a healthier you.
  • jaymeebakerrr
    Good luck on your journey Mike!
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hi Mike!! Its nice to meet you! :) I have starting stats kind of like yours. I was 27 at the time and weighed 465 :) I have been on here about 3 years now and have made a lot of changes. This is a wonderful site full of so much help and knowledge and support! I cant say anything different that anyone has already so I will send fr and hopefully we can help motivate each other :)
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member

    I was referred here from a subreddit called "loseit", where I posted asking for exercise advice. As of my last weigh in I was 400-410 lbs. You can read it here if you really feel like it:

    I'm 26 years old and am a Software Engineer. I'm 6 foot even and have been heavy my entire life. I was raised drinking soda from as early as I can remember; soda with breakfast, lunch, dinner, when bored, when not bored. Cutting it out has been a real challenge but I am 2 weeks without, drinking black tea instead in the mornings for the caffeine.

    I've already begun with the diet portion (no sodas, no fast food, etc), but am having trouble with walking due to intense pain in my outer ankles. I have started to apply some advice received there, and started walking in short periods of time multiple times a day, and I ordered a 30lb kettlebell to start using on Friday.

    I'm hopeful that I can stick with my plan and lose a few hundred pounds! If anyone wants to add me to friends, I would appreciate it. I feel like if there's a chance someone noticed I didn't update, I would be more likely to stick with it.

    Thank you.

    Feel free to send me a friend request. 9 mos ago I couldn't walk from the parking lot into the store without my back killing me and being short of breath. I started losing weight and working out initially on an elliptical trainer because it was easy on my back. As the weight came off I started walking more. I now regularly walk 40 miles a week without any discomfort or shortness of breath. If you are truly committed to applying yourself to the process, the rewards are unreal. Good luck!
  • sharim1948
    Hi Mike, I am Sharon and new to this forum, but not new to losing weight...
    I see a lot of great suggestions and some not so good suggestions.

    One thing I would like to add to the many suggestions is to remember this is a Lifestyle Change...You have already taken a huge step in the change. Giving up the took me 45 yrs to give it up, but my gut feels so much better..

    I am on a journey to loose in excess of 150 lbs and yes I have been down this road many times. I have done some homework and found that staying away from canned foods will also help...easier said than done, but it is something to ponder.

    If you haven't been exercising be very careful...little steps as you lose because your joints will thank you in the end.
    You can't run carrying 7- 50lb bags of potatoes...figure out how many you need to lose in order to run....

    Add me as a friend if you would like. I am a great cheerleader..

  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    All that soda is calorie hell. You'll get used to diet drinks quickly. I have been drinking them for decades, and the real thing tastes weird to me now.

    Welcome and good luck to you.

    Calories in versus calories out, simply meaning eat less -- move more.
  • mrstanmicer
    mrstanmicer Posts: 13 Member

    Welcome and "high five" for being willing to start your journey. I know it takes a lot to make changes(like giving up pop) and not to give up(we slip every now and then). Truth is we all have great days and days we wish we could repeat over during our journey. Great thing is we can keep trying, have great tools on myfitnesspal and can get support here. WE CAN DO IT! Good Luck Sir and I look forward to sharing the journey with you on this board!
  • Thom78
    Thom78 Posts: 1 Member
    I have heard this a lot "be the change you want to see".

    You have support from follow MFP teamsters.

    I suggest you seek medical consultation in relation to your training regime in order to optimize your training and compliment your lifestyle & dietary changes. Low impact exercises taking pressure off key joints (in the early stages) would be prudent. See what the doc or personal trainer recommends.

    Your biggest supporter is yourself, keep your family & friends close by for much needed support and go get em' champ!
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member

    my doctor told me today what she thinks is a perfect plan, which pretty much matches what i do already. . and its working. and i still eat a lot of what i like. it also matches what i learned in college nutrition class and from my other two doctors (this one was my endochrinologist and without going into detail... you dont really want to get to the point where you need one of those, if you dont already)

    anyway she said

    eat 500 calories below your TDEE (find this number easily with a google search) (although i do 25% below)
    eat a lot of vegetables, beans, lentils and such to keep you full. minimal meat.
    avoid an excess of simple sugars
    eat good fats, but not too much.
    avoid over processed food, as it will not likely make you feel satisfied...

    dont starve yourself. all my doctors are thrilled when i tell them how many calories i eat.

    basically. thats it. its what i would have told you too, but its nice that it came straight from the doctor today.

    as far as exersize... i started with really low impact before i lost enough to handle more... and gradually increased. then i increased my workouts TOO fast at some point, and now i have been out of the gym two weeks with knee injuries. and its frustrating to say the least. so be slow. do what you can. if you push yourself too fast... it backfires anyway!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Hi Mike,

    Welcome to MFP!

    Sixteen months ago, at 60 years old and 317 pounds, my mobility was disappearing. Severe knee pain led me to a surgeon who said my weight would ruin artificial knees. I've now lost 160 pounds; and even though my knees are still shot, I can move again (a lot).

    Walking a little and cutting out soda are a great start! Baby steps will get you there. The more you do, the easier it gets!

    Congratulations on the important start you are making to improve yourself!

  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Mike, If you make it to this post, I'm not going to join in the "religious wars" of how you should eat to lose the weight. I suggest talking to a Doctor about that. I think you have made a great start by dropping sodas.

    I know exactly where you are coming from, and at my heaviest I could hardly move and was on 24 hour a day oxygen. I had, at my heaviest, 75 lbs on you and you are six inches taller. There were days I wished my kids would just tip me over and roll me down the street instead of making me attempt to walk.

    To your question. I saw someone suggest swimming and that is a great exercise suggestion. If you don't have any type of reservations about being in the water, you might also consider water aerobics. As it was explained to me, the water supports us, allowing freedom of joint movement and giving those joints some relief from the stress of carrying an extra adult (or two+ in my case) in normal gravity.

    Great idea! However for full disclosure, I ignored it because I did and do have reservations about being in a pool with large numbers of people. (Body shaming from a very early age left its scars.)

    What I did, and if you don't try the water aerobics, check on this: I bought the correct type of new shoes for walking. I bought them often! At that weight I was destroying shoes quickly. Find some that get your feet in proper alignment and provide you the best support you can find. Go see the podiatrist and get prescription support insoles to finish the job, in fact, the doctor might be able to give you a line on what type of shoe might be best. This pairing allowed me to start walking and the weightloss really took the stress off my feet and knees.

    I hope this answers your question. Best of luck to you in the meeting of your goals.

    edit: Because I shouldn't attempt to type at this time of the morning. Spellcheck doesn't fix grammatical errors.