Looking for moms of several . . .



  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello, I am mother of 3 boys 8,4,2. My 4 year old has Apraxia of speech and other issue that not completely understood yet. Only time i have to go to the gym is 530 am.. and i sleep through the alarm often
  • Blufae
    Blufae Posts: 21
    Hi,I'm a Mom to 3 awesome kiddos! My oldest is 15( my stepson) and my son is 12. My daughter will be two in October. My 12yr old has ADHD and my stepson has the teenage angst lol! So far my lil one is just an joy! I would love to make some Mom friends!!! Anyone can add me f you like:)
  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    I have 1 son and part of the time also have my boyfriend's son. They both have severe adhd and sleep issues. My son also has nightmares sometimes. I'm exhausted!
  • fit4myfamily11
    fit4myfamily11 Posts: 13 Member
    I can so relate to you.... im 39, I just had my 9th baby over a month ago....... i used to homeschool up until i had my 6th, and i could no longer keep up with it all... luckily i found a great small school to put my kids in..they are happy and give me time with my little ones... I have 5 that go to school .. and im at home with 4.. and they are aged 4, 2 1/2, 15 months and 6 weeks.... so still busy with them....

    trying to eat healthy now and trying to figure out when to workout with the littles at home.. i have alot to lose and im determined now... I want to be out running playing with my kids.. .. and don't want to hear my little kids say "mama, your squishy" or "mama why is your tummy big" when Im NOT pregnant...... uggg the innocent things kids say... :( tired of this lifestyle... ready for a change and to get my health back..
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Aww. My 6 yo started calling me big momma. I do not like it. So they have told me my belly is big too or I am squishy. Making me all the more determined after baby number 3. He is now 4 months so I want to start working out again on his nonfuss days anyways
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi! My name is Meg and I have three children, ages 3, 4 and 9 weeks! I had lost 34lbs on this site up until I got pregnant with our third. I am up most of the night with the little one as Im nursing. I am still recovering from gallbladder surgery and am 2 weeks out today, so I feel like I can finally start exercising. Things are still difficult because the baby isn't on a schedule yet, but we do the best we can. Im hoping to start walking a two miles for now, with the three kids in tow. Happy to meet you, and get on this journey!
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi! I am a mother of 5 also. 4 girls ages 15, 12, 9, 7 and 1 boy age 5. All of them sleep through the night fine but I am absolutely NOT a morning person. I set my alarm early to try to get up and work out but I never make it out of bed. I start nursing school on the 18th and have some pretty long days for my schedule so I am hoping I can try to force myself to get up earlier. I really think it would make this lifestyle that I can keep up with during the summer more sustainable if I could just wake up earlier.
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Wow I was just reading everyone's posts! I have been a SAHM since April 1st, 2013. I also "take care of" my mom. (Long story, but she is a hoarder, takes care of her father ((food, medicine, drs apts)) but has some issues (shes slowly "losing it" and just making less sense- shes only 62. My hubs and I moved in to take care of both of them. I mostly just clean up after everyone, make sure my mom checks her blood sugar, and stays on top of her own medical issues. I used to be a waitress, before that I was a home health care aid, and a CNA and being a SAHM can be oh, more difficult than any job Ive worked LOL. My heart goes out to those of you raising children with special needs. It can be exhausting. My dad runs a board and care home for the developmentally disabled. He stays there with them day and night, and yes a couple of them are awake all night. They are awesome "kids" though and a few of them are pretty talented. (I shouldn't call them kids, they range from 18- mid 30s lol My dad calls them kids, but hes older than all of them haha) Anyways, I cant wait to get to know you all!!! Im a good motivator once I get started, I promise! LOL
  • my_chrystal82
    my_chrystal82 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a single mom of a 13 yo boy and an 8yo girl. My oldest has adhd, short term memory disorder and also struggles with anxiety but thankfully, they both let me sleep! For the other moms with kids who have adhd and anxiety, don't lose hope! Their little brains are growing and changing constantly and this can lead to a change in their 'different-abilities'. My biggest struggle lately is the two kids fighting and I often am left feeling like a referee...or with an intense desire to hide! lol
    I go to school full time and am working full time for the summer. I miss my kids! And it seems like we did way more last summer (camping, hiking, swimming) even though I wasn't working and super broke, compared to this summer.

    I am also a sole parent, meaning their father is not involved what so ever and very few family, no community supports. I'm curious if other moms also struggle with friendships? I find it hard to get on the same wavelength with other moms I meet, as I don't get breaks (grocery shopping is about it!) every other weekend off, and have my kids 365/year. Feel free to add me :)
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    Hello there. I am a single mom to three children, who do not see there father for various reasons. My oldest is in college and is a big help to the younger two. My son has autism, sensory processing, and ADHD (among others) My daughter has mitochondrial disease and ADD.

    I have issues working out at my local gym as it is hard for my son to be anywhere without me and he does not like people most times. They have a lot of medications and a lot of appointments that I must attend.

    Feel free to friend me. Any positive support is great for me!!
  • Justamom410
    Justamom410 Posts: 90 Member
    I all...I'm Amy. I have one 5yo girl. I'm an "older" mom...I'll turn 38 this fall...and was heavy when I was pregnant and before. So I can't blame my size on my child!

    She doesn't always sleep through the night...she has anxiety about alot of things...thunder, fireworks, smoke alarms etc...and it wakes her at night. I work from home and it's still hard to find time to get a workout in.

    I recently (at the beginning of July) bought a bike and have tried to take a ride as often as I can...I'm up to 3 miles in 20 minutes. It's a start!
  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    Hello all -

    My name is Heather. I have 2 children: girl age 8 and boy about to turn 7. They are 17 months apart. I am not a SAHM, I work full time but my commute adds almost 2 hours so I am gone Monday - Friday from 7am to 6pm. Luckily my husband is able to get my daughter to school before he goes to work and picks her up on his lunch break. My son is primarily with his dad - they have different dads, so their schedules are a bit different, but we do have them on the same weekends and holidays.

    Anyway, since I work during the day (I am so grateful for my "banker's hours" - I can't imagine how hard it is for people who have varying schedules, my sympathies to you!) my evenings are devoted to family time with hub and the kids, and weekends are hectic with household things and more family time whenever we can. In addition to that stuff, I also sing in 2 bands, make tons of things from scratch (almost all our food including bread, makeup, deodorant, laundry detergent ,household cleaning supplies, I sew clothing here and there, etc), and my husband and I run a small indy/punk record label.

    Consequently, fitting in exercise is pretty tough! Mon-Fri I get up at 5am and do a 10-20 minute HIIT routine as often as I can. Some weeks I just don't have the energy (I also have some health issues, but I won't go into all that here) so I'll do some light yoga or use the stationary bike. I have found that high intensity interval exercise works best for me, especially with my limited time. I definitely see the most results there.

    I also try to stick to a nutrition plan (I try to avoid the D word lol) that is high in protein and "good fat" and low in carbs as I have found that to be the most effective for me personally. A new goal I have set for myself is to play with my kids more, and use that as a way to incorporate exercise so that it doesn't feel like a chore.

    Seeing all this in writing makes me feel a bit ashamed... I guess I am too hard on myself sometimes. I always think I need to accomplish more and I can never do enough - but I guess I do an okay job. I have to say, I am envious of the SAHM's... but then I see my husband who, since he is a totally understand how that is just as hard as working a "regular job."

    I guess I'm not sure where I'm going with all this, except that I would love to be an encouragement to those who need it, and look for support from those who have it to give :)

    Thanks for reading
  • dcpowers64
    dcpowers64 Posts: 3 Member
    2 boys 16 & 18, how do you post that pic of what you lost??!!!
  • kms_77
    kms_77 Posts: 7
    Hi! I am a single mum with two busy little boys, aged 7 and 9. I'd love for any of you mums to add me! :)