Garcinia Cambogia - does it work?



  • I have taken it for almost 10 days now and have lost at least 2 lbs. I take hormones which make me retain water and no matter how hard I worked out and how religiously I ate well nothing worked. Now I eat the same good food work out about 1hr a day and it seems to be helping a bit which is more than I could say for being health concious and not taking them. Going to try a second bottle if it gives me the kick to lose rhe first few lbs then I would say it was worth it. I agree they probanly work differently with everyones I was having some huge digestion issues with bloating gas diareha and now I feel fantastic in my stomach. As far as energy I see no real difference maybe each person is different...if your losing with them congratulations and if your not hopefully you will find what is right for you:smile:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    It does work but like others have said, you need to exercise and control how much you eat. I lost 2 pounds the first week and 10 punds more the next two weeks. Just be aware of how much you eat. It wont be hard to control your urges since it acts as an appetite suppressant. Good luck!

    Wouldn't it stand to reason that controlling eating and exercise are what's working, not the 'magic' pill?

    Last year from the beginning of September to the end of October I was taking Garcinia Cambogia. The only thing I did differently was I stopped eating fast-food and I only drank water. I also worked out Tuesdays and Thursdays for exactly one hour. I still ate my mexican food (yes tacos, on flour tortilla), I ate certain junk foods but not chips, & I made sure to eat veggies everyday!! I truly believe these pills helped me, because I've tried this routine diet before without the pills and lost about 5 pounds. Within two months of this routine plus the pills I lost 20 pounds! I have never lost that much weight before and my metabolism is so slow! I recently bought the pills 3 days ago and have taken them before each meal and I've lost 2 pounds. In my opinion its worth a try, they're only $25 at the whole foods store here in S.A.
  • becomingittybittyme
    becomingittybittyme Posts: 23 Member
    I had a very close friend that used it regularly for a while. It helped suppress her appetite which, along with a healthy diet and exercise, helped her to lose weight. I've tried it a bit but not long term and it helped my appetite quite a bit. It's not a magic pill that some advertisements make it out to be but, it does help along with a healthy diet and exercise ☼
  • It didn't help me at all. It's easier to focus on good food intake and exercise. Nothing in a bottle will give you lasting positive results.