I mustent eat!

I am about 50 kg .
I am 162 cm tall (5.3 ft).

Year ago I lost abotu 8 kg in a year (12 month). My diet was:
1. morning: 1 joghurt 38 kcal OR an apple OR an egg

2. middle of the day the same OR 10 dg (0.2 lb) meat wihtout any fat (cooked, not fried, coocked salamy- dont know how to e3xpress rightly)

3 the sama

In short: lees then 500 kcal a day.
+ that all I was running (jogging) at least half an hour a day, peek 2 x 2 hours a day.

I went in that year from 60 kg to 50. Very rarely I was also 49.

I was avoiding ANY bread, ANY sweets, ANY fats. I had a lots of cola zero, minaral water , salads withoout dressings and a lot of fruit tead with artefitial sugar taste (no kcal). I had + all that even minearl/vitamines tablets as drinks, which dont contain sugar or do contain only those with no calories (artefitial ones)

Fruit yogurts , cheese- were poisons.
MOre then 10 dg ('.1 lbs) FRUITS was poison!!!

I managed my tummy look plain, BUT I had to go to plastic surgery for my *kitten*. The surgent could not believe neither my dieat nor my jogging, althoug i was jogging even to him , from railwaystation to the office.

On my legs , both, there is more than twice more fat then others.

Immediately after *kitten* operation we tried to make apointment for legs, but as it took too much money I coudl not accept.

Problem is, I simply mustent eat, I started with bananas, with (sometimes, not every day!) CORN YBREAD(brown, dark, containting seeds and simialr), I allowed me some fruit yoghurts, and did not jogg 2 hours a day as before bnut 1/2 to 1 hour.

I started putting on weight. My kcals a day are about 1200 now, and it shouls still be dietary, folloiwng all the rules but I feel like a bumbble bee, and look almost double.

Second problem: I had s , vefore even xs truosers, but in shop they offeredme M size, when tehy saw me.

Peopel in talk instead of 50 kg give me 60.

I have short legs, and all the foot I ead makes my tummy BLOWED UP LIKEA BALLOON.
How much the hell do other peopel eat?
Is that normal or is that sick, and is there any threatment that might help?

I just CANT LIVE TILL THE REST ON MY LIFE with JUST 3 apples a day.
I would appreicate any help!
Many thanks!!!


  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    5'3" and 110lbs --- I suggest eating more in general, but especially protein, and strength training. Protein consumption will help maintain and build lean muscle. I think it's definitely a body composition issue you have because 110 at 5'3" is already at the lowest end of "normal body weight", and a 6 pound loss puts you in underweight.

    What you're eating currently is way, way too low. Based on your height and weight, you don't need to lose anything at all, you just may need to tone and replenish the lean muscle that you've lost during that way, way extreme diet.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    Hello, many thanks!!!
    I makde fat analysis (one private firm that sells "healty food" did in on the street) and my fat tissue went from 11% to 22%.

    Anyway, I do not eat bread at all, I gor this fat cause I ate some bread (but no white bread, I also hate it!) , and I did eat some sweets, one day more another less, but alltogehter it SHOUDL NOT BE >1200KCALL A DAY!!!. AND IT IS STIL SAID TO BE FOR LOOSING WEIGHT!!!

    I got also some fat on stomach, but main problemis it is bulged like a baloon.

    Today I ate a peach in the morning, after that 5 x 125 danone fruit yoghurts 0% fats. SUgar is definitayl in, I dont know right kcals in there, causei it is not written.

    I do not plan to eat anything more today, maybe some salad without any dressing for lunch and maybe a fruit (apple or similar) in the evening, .

    I stil jogged abotu 40 minutes if nor more this morning (just easy jogging, but!)
    As it is definitely more than 500 kcal, which is obvioulsy my upper border, is todays day dangerous for my look?
    For fakes sake, peopel have to eat sth, we ar ento in Africa???

    Is that what I ate much? How much do others eat?

    P,s, WHen I had one glass milch coffee from AUTOMAT STREET MASHINE in the morning and so much at the noon + an apple or an egg in the evening my stomach looked ok, but, there was still fat on my legs, more then double then muscles and others.

    I started with serious diet and excercising 2 years ago. OK, it IS late, but why not to ask?
    I still plann to go to operation because of my legs, and wait to save money enough for it, but I really wonder about how much one MIGHT EAT to look a cultural way?

    Many thanks for all!
  • carliaimac
    I would request allergy testing from your Dr or a private provider. You cannot survive long term on what you're eating, it will be doing major damage to your body.
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    Are you sure you look fat or your stomach is bulging? You might just imagining it. You might not have the flattest stomach or tight body but I don't think you would look like how you describe. You should look skinny at that height even without exercise or much activity. I have friends who weigh more with really inactive lifestyle but still managed to look skinny. But you do workout so..From your post, I advise you to talk to a doctor.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Go see a Doctor
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    I am just interested wht others eat and how do they look like.
    It seemed to me, smaller and thinner girls eat more, and their stomach looks completely plain...this coudl only mean, they ate this what I saw and then few weeks nothing but 2 milk cups a day...but I definitely dont believe this...
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    OP what is your native language? I am trying to read what you posted to make sense of it, but I am not sure what you are asking - the only thing I got from this is that you need to be eating a lot more food than you are right now.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Go see a Doctor

    ^ That. Sounds like you have serious body image issues and you need medical help.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    Yes, but why do they offer me M size in shops then? Even the neighbours keep talking "I had put on weigh"???
    and that "I had STRONG legs"???

    Do U offer M size to someone who shoud leat more?
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    Can someone put on there any pic (photo) we coudl discuss? I can try to put mine here too...many thanks!!!

    (How about girls who a re really looking nice? Are they all underfeed then?)

    Please, how to put a photo on there? Is there a way?
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    Instead of visiting a plastic surgeon, visit your general health practitioner and after allergy tests ask to be referred to a psychologist.
    Sounds like you have Body Dysmorphic Disorder and it's turning/turned into anorexia.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    I suppose, i might be SLIGHTLY thinner than this one:SLIGHTLY means instead of muscles I have fat, and that collapses, so , looked from the side, , i MIGHT lookl thinner than this one..


    But I am definnitela at least twice big as, f.e.:

    or, this one:


    I might have heaps like the second one, but have significantly shorter AND stronger legs then she...appart form that, I also have shorter upper body.

    The relationship between her and mine head and bum size migh be similar ( the second thin one, not the first!)
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Why do you care what someone else thinks or what their hidden ulterior motive might be for offering you a *gasp* size medium, of all things?!
    You are spending waaaaaaay too much of your time on this ridiculousness. Seek help.
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    I am the same height, and look GOOD at 60kg. If you are 50kg then there is no way in hell you are fat
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    OP...... what are you even talking about???

    See a doctor. No one on this website can help you.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    Size doesn't necessarily mean anything. I mean, at one time when my best friend and I were at our lowest weight, we wore the same size trousers even though there was a 10kg difference in our weights.

    If you're worried about the way your body looks, the best way to change that in your case is strength training and eating much, much more - especially protein. You eat next to nothing and it's mostly carbs - that isn't going to give you the flat, toned, firm body you want.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    I look very similar as this one:


    less fat BUT alomost the same volume

    (remember, diet+at least one hour jogging daily, about 60 kg last before more than a year)

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    You are spending waaaaaaay too much of your time on this ridiculousness. Seek help.

    ^This. At age 44? :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    Please, how can I put the photo/ picture on, wihtout using that snaggy for help?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Please, how can I put the photo/ picture on, wihtout using that snaggy for help?

    Add "img" tags around your image URL.


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