How did you overcome anxiety of running in public?



  • MisterKinsey
    MisterKinsey Posts: 9 Member
    Let me add to my last post ...

    Many people have suggested music but I'd recommend limiting electronics. Rather than being distracted by some inane noise being pumped into your head, you may be better served by paying attention to yourself, your thoughts, and your surroundings. I have found that I enjoy my bike rides more if I maintain awareness of my surroundings, enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells around me, think about my day, and reflect on the good things I have in my life.

    Keep on keeping on.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    headphones.. that way i dont need to hear anyone remind me that i have tig ole bitties if i decide to run on a hot day in a tank top
  • vivian1616
    vivian1616 Posts: 27 Member
    It also doesn't help that one of the main reasons I didn't stick with it today is because my shorts were falling down and riding up at the same time, and my shirt was riding up...I will probably try again tonight, or go to the gym.

    I strongly recommend investing in some good quality, well-fitting running clothes. It can be very distracting to be in the middle of any workout and have your shorts riding up or your sports bra shifting on you. Also, a good set of workout clothes can help you feel better about how you look and give you a confidence boost. Trust me, it's totally worth the money.
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    Try to get into the zone! then you wont notice other people.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    mostly by realizing most people don't give a $%^* about what i am doing cause they are so concerned about what they are doing.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    It's always the same thing: I get ready to go for a run, I get out there, I start running...and then the anxiety hits me. I am scared people are looking at me or that I look stupid. Today I only made it ten minutes before I had to go home, as I usually run at night when it's less busy.

    Any ideas on how to overcome this fear? I know no one is ACTUALLY paying attention to me, it's just hard to get over...

    The people who count respect what you are doing - the rest are ambivalent or don't get it. Who cares about the latter two groups? A lot of people wish they could run but don't have the motivation or physically are unable - you can and do, so appreciate your capabilities and run!
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    Most people who are looking at you when you are running are applauding you and wishing they were out there running themselves. I can't tell you how many times people commented to me when I was running that they wished they could do that too. Stop thinking they are thinking negatively of you, and start realizing they are in awe of you. And just run!!!!!
  • Lorelyrra
    Lorelyrra Posts: 23 Member
    I usually run early in the day or later in the evening. Headphones definitely help me tune everything out and I wear a hat with a long brim so if I suddenly start feeling shy while I'm running I can just lower my head a little and block everyone else. I just recently worked up the nerve to start running on the busier main road by my house instead of sticking to the side streets. Honestly, in the 8 months I've been running outside I've only ever had one person really notice me: a fellow runner who gave me a big grin and a thumbs up as she passed me. I started out about 230 lbs and was so nervous, but now I'm realizing that I really didn't need to be! (And honestly: when you're driving, how much attention do you pay to joggers besides making sure you don't hit them? Everyone has their mind on their own lives, not what some random stranger is doing when they pass by for three seconds :) )
  • Nancy33333
    Nancy33333 Posts: 32 Member
    Just do it! I might be one of those people you think you fear, so let me give you my thoughts. My first thought might be "wow! That person is running slower than I walk." My second thought is always "Here's a person learning to run. That is awesome." It really doesn't matter what other people think. Just go run the best you can, and get better. Other people's thoughts are irrelevant. But know there are people out there thinking you're awesome for trying.
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    You made it 10 minutes today!!! Congratulations! Now, just try for 11 tomorrow! Keep trying, and I promise that eventually you will lose that self-consciousness. Oh - and buy yourself some really cute running clothes that make you feel good (well, that helps me anyway!):)
    also - absolutely no one can tell how fast you are going or how hard you are breathing if you are just running past them or they are driving past. And, honestly, breathing hard means you are working hard - and who would criticize that? There are often times that I am breathing very hard even though I am running VERY slow because I just finished a fartlek or speed repeat. Other runners know this, and non runners think all runner must breath hard :)
  • MystifiedFluff
    MystifiedFluff Posts: 50 Member
    I've got social anxiety, but when I walk I also bird/animal watch and spend more time wondering where a bird I hear is than what someone walking by is thinking. Also, smiling seems to help. Maybe it's just the friendly Seattle area people, but I've found most people smile back which really helps with anxiety. You can't think someone is thinking something negative about you when they smile.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I never really worried about other people before, but I just run at night because that's when my kids are asleep. I head out around 10pm usually and jog about a mile then come back home, take a quick shower, and watch some TV. No one can really see you running at night. This all depends on your neighborhood and stuff though as that can be a bad thing too. Just have to use your best judgment. Works great for me though with my schedule.
  • Jaeykub
    Jaeykub Posts: 5 Member
    I don't run, but I jump rope on the driveway. It's a very busy street so a lot of cars pass by and I see people stare, but I don't care. Sometimes people will smile, give a thumbs up, and sometimes even cheer. You just have to get out there and do it.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It's always the same thing: I get ready to go for a run, I get out there, I start running...and then the anxiety hits me. I am scared people are looking at me or that I look stupid.

    Nobody cares, they are too wrapped up in their own ****.

    I realize it's not that simple for you, if this is a serious issue it may be time to work with a professional. Good luck!
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Let me add to my last post ...

    Many people have suggested music but I'd recommend limiting electronics. Rather than being distracted by some inane noise being pumped into your head, you may be better served by paying attention to yourself, your thoughts, and your surroundings. I have found that I enjoy my bike rides more if I maintain awareness of my surroundings, enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells around me, think about my day, and reflect on the good things I have in my life.

    Keep on keeping on.

    I'll disagree with you on this one. While riding, definitely no headphones - need to hear traffic, etc. Running - absolutely have to have headphones with music - shuts out distractions, allows me to focus on technique and let's my mind wander. In the pool, it's just me and my crazy self thoughts.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I wear headphones but don't play anything on them. that way I can hear when runkeeper updates my status, but it also gives me the ability to hear real hazards and ignore people I want to pretend I didn't hear.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I had this issue with riding my bike, as an obese middle aged woman. It still bugs me sometimes, but I just tell myself...who cares. Even if they DO notice me I'll be forgotten by the time they go around the next bend. Just keep on keeping on. It gets better...the more you tell your mind to STHU (shut the heck up) and just get on with it. :)
  • HikerMom03
    When I run/jog/hike I breath like a pig. I can hear myself over my ear buds. Whatever. I just keep on moving. You have to. We are all here for you. People who stare are most likely thinking, "Geeze...she's doing it...why should I?"
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I find that running knickers are better than shorts because they don't ride up.

    You can get running shirts with little grippy dots inside the bottom hem to keep them from riding up. Also many yoga tops are designed to avoid riding up/falling off over your head during inversions. Yoga tops are also good for running.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    mostly by realizing most people don't give a $%^* about what i am doing cause they are so concerned about what they are doing.

    True. It never occurred to me to be self conscious about it. Running is such a common form of exercise; I'm just one of a bazillion other people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and fitness levels out for a run. Nobody cares.