Medifast? Extreme dieting?



  • AJHarman
    AJHarman Posts: 35 Member
    I love threads like this. I weed out the responses from people with no experience on the plan themselves and really focus on the responses that have life experiences with the program. I as well as 15 others of my friends and family have had amazing success with losing weight using the Medifast diet but also maintaining a health weight thanks to Take Shape For Life program that acts as a cheerleader, drill sergeant, and counselor. We all have learned so much about our body and how it processes food and how we got to where we were that it empowered us to create healthy habits and knowledge to keep the weight off for good. Couldn't say enough amazing things about it! I really chuckled at the comment about losing muscle because that is so contrary to the truth. The diet actually preserves muscle mass. Check the science from John Hopkins University. It is the leading diet at that institution's medical obesity center. Not all diets are meant for everyone, but I was glad I gave it a try for 30 days. Changed everything for me and my family!
  • timrap
    timrap Posts: 18 Member
    I am also on Medifast and love the program. It has taught me how to eat and I love the food. Money neutral for me cause I am not spending the money on the junk. I have kept the 40 lbs off since last May and am currently back on plan for the last 20 that I would love to lose. You hit a mild state of ketosis on this plan and the energy you gain is amazing. I would totally suggest you try it. Check out the medifast page on facebook and research it a bit more.
  • MeliNichole84
    MeliNichole84 Posts: 45 Member
    today is the first day i have ever heard of medi fast. my mom was telling me that her neighbor told her about it. she said that she only ordered the shakes. had a shake and store bought oatmeal for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and a regular dinner. she lost 80 pounds in four months and didnt work out at all. i am thinking of trying it to help get some of those weight off. tired of being obese. i just joined mfp last week, anyone please feel free to add me! thanks! good luck to you all.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Here is a blog from someone I know that is using Medifast. They are almost to their 100lbs lost mark.
  • For the most part, Happiness = Healthiness. If you can make the commitment to yourself to feel good about yourself, then you'll put good things into your body and exercise. Weight loss is normally most successful when it comes as a bi-product to living a healthy life.

    Change comes from within.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    I did it awhile back and lvoed it actually, it is definitely not the 'liquid fast' it used to be. Also, medifast has been around for years, it's reccomended by doctors, it isn't a fad diet.
    The food is not delicious, don't expect that, lol. I loved the orange shakes and mint bars, but alot of it was pretty blah.

    I found it easy to stick to, I had plenty of energy and was never hungry. I lost about 20 pounds on it before I started getting really sick, then found out I am allergic to a few of the common ingredients.
    Once I weeded out what I could eat off their plan, the choices were so limited I couldn't do it.

    I actually found my grocery bill went down a little, but if you are a thrifty shopper, you will find the food pricey.
    Also, the weight didn't come back like it does with 'fad' diets, I kept it off for a long time.

    As long as you have some willpower, and if you can't seem to get the weight off with what you are doing now, I would say try it. If I could do it again, I would.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I know someone who did it and had great success - as far as I know she kept it off. It looked way too extreme for me. 600 cals a day?! I would die! She called the food space food - it was freaky and nasty looking. I need something where I can eat real food and enjoy meals w/my family...
  • CoachChelsey
    CoachChelsey Posts: 3 Member
    The Medifast program is not 600 calories a day and it's not a liquid diet either. Many people buy Medifast and never properly do the program because they don't take advantage of the free health coach. I am a free health coach with Take Shape For Life (the health coach branch of Medifast) and I help my clients find success using the 5&1 plan. After a client reaches their healthy weight, we help them transition and then maintain their weight loss. Reaching a healthy weight is only the FIRST step, which is very different than the many diets out in the world. Also, this isn't a DIET - this concept took me a long time to wrap my brain around. This is a lifestyle change but done in small steps which become habits - this does not require some amazing will power either - it is about what you want and working with your health coach to reach your goals.
  • I did medifast three years ago and lost around 50 pounds. I gained it back plus some. Don't do it!
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    If you have no willpower or discipline, they paying for an expensive weight loss system may not be the way to go.

    Unfortunately, you won't be able to lose the weight and keep it off without willpower and discipline. I would say work on those issues first