Over 50s?



  • DianeinFL
    DianeinFL Posts: 20 Member
    im Diane, 51.8. I have about 20 pounds which I put on in the last year and a half. Happiness in a new relationship I attribute it too. Always looking for new friends.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Hi, I'm Paul 52 and have been a member for almost 2 years. Am always looking to add friends over 50.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Hi, I'm Rose, and I'm 55. I would like to lose 10 more lbs., but if I just maintain and recomp my body, I would be fine with that.
  • dauersmd
    dauersmd Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Shawn and am almost 54yo. Trying to lose 20 lbs and feels like I have been on diets my while life. I lose and gain. Never been able to maintain so now have weird mental thing about losing. I would love a weightloss buddy to keep me focused.
    Thanks and keep in touch. Do yo have an exercise routine?
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I am Pamela and I am 51 years young. I need to lose 15 pounds and get fit.
  • Hi Susan, I am 54 and am returning to MFP. I was successful with this program in 2008 but have lapsed with my weight over the last few years. So I am back! I intend to lose about 40lbs and am confident in my journey. Would love to have pals to encourage me and feel that team efforts work very positively.
  • Welcome Pamela!
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Hi all
    I'm Phyll, 56 yo, have been at this two months or so. My first goal is to move my BMI category. ...getting closer. My second goal is to run a 5k Mad Warrior dash as my fitness goal, I probably won't be able to do all the obstacles because of old injuries but I plan to have fun away
    Feel free to add me as a friend, any and all as long as you love dogs, life and internet strangers, just kidding:devil:
  • skinnyiwish2014
    skinnyiwish2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I am Lorna, I am 50 years old. I piled on weight after having my children then even more after I had a hysterectomy. I have struggled for years to get my weight down. Three years ago I decided to get fit and take on some challenges to raise money for cancer charities. I did the Blenheim Triathlon, you would think all the training would help with my weight loss but it didn't. Last year I ran a marathon still no weight loss. This year I walked100km from London to Brighton and again no weight loss. So now my challenge is to get my weight down and maintain my fitness levels.
    would love to have some support and to give support to others.
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    Joined the 50 club this year (where did it all go???!!!).

    Ya... I'm in.. 50 is the new 30!
  • Hi Pamela, I'm 53 and just getting start but finding it difficult to get motivated. I need a partner, anyone interested? I want to lose 50 pounds
  • dauersmd
    dauersmd Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone
    I had a good 2 days in a row - yeah me! Logging food helps. Feel free to friend me to be my weightloss buddy/ mentor.
    You can do it everyone.
  • Dilyn423
    Dilyn423 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone. Just checking in and reading all the posts. I find for me that logging my food keeps me accountable. It is amazing how often I used to lick the spoon or just clean up that little bit that is left. No more. I think I have this food thing down for now anyway and have to work on the exercise. I can talk myself out of exercising so quickly that it is unbelievable.

    Take care will just back later.
  • BossyAuntRhonda
    BossyAuntRhonda Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in. I'm 51, and joined today. I could use the encouragement, too!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome, I have been at this for a couple of years myself, and I am now in my 60's with just two pounds to goal. I started out with 25 stubborn pounds to lose.

    It's worth it, I feel decades younger than my physical age. I rejoined my Jazzercise class and love the workouts.

    Anyway it sounds like you're on the right track, just keep going and you'll get there.
  • Hello one and all :smile: .....I'm Mandy and another 54 year old female. I'm trying to loose another 14lbs and maybe some more, as I'd really like to be a comfortable UK size 12. At the moment my size 16s are getting a little loose and the 14s are still a little tight.

    I'm also working up to doing a 100km (62 mile) charity walk in July 2015 in under 30 hours. I've just reached my first mini goal of hiking 15 miles in under 6 hours and am now working on 20 miles in under 8 hours, which includes any rest stops. I'm trying to balance eating so I loose weight, but also help my muscles to work and build my stamina. ( http://www.oxfam.org.uk/trailwalker )

    Best wishes to everyone.
  • 10 day and 8lbs. I will take it. I know that this will not be a weekly or even an every other week loss.

    I love this idea of logging my food and planning ahead, it keeps me honest. I need to try to up my exercise in the next couple of weeks also.

    Welcome to all the new ones and nice to see those that are new to this thread.

    What has been you most difficult part of using MFP?

  • Hi I'm Carol....54 and just getting started. Have lots to loose.... We could share some friendly support.
  • ondopa
    ondopa Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm Patti! I'm 51 and have about 40 pounds to lose. Joined in May of last year, and I'm struggling to stay motivated. Started to make small goals for myself and one is tracking my food everyday and it dose keep you honest. Also I have been trying to go to the gym at lunch instead of shopping, but I still need motivation, so please add me to the list.......
  • Hi everyone: My name is Sheral and I'm in beautiful Portland, Oregon (Well it's sunny at the moment, but that might change any minute). I need to drop l00 LBS. I am 242 right now and am a Type 2 Diabetic caused by my weight gain. I am also looking at knee replacements very soon. I have to loose some weight before the doctors will even do those replacements. I just started keeping track of my food and exercise and if I keep track of everything daily, I should be able to drop about 8 - 10 LBS in about 5 weeks. I am trying to get more a bit more though the knee pain makes it hard. I look forward to connecting with you all as we motivate each other.
    Best wishes to everyone.....