One year, 50 pounds (w/ pictures and a question)



  • toronto88
    toronto88 Posts: 21 Member
    Although you may have gotten rid of your sleep apnea with all the weight loss you've had.
  • davidoneil13
    davidoneil13 Posts: 26 Member
    If you dont mind me asking, on the days you eat "bad" what do you usually eat? How does it compare to your regular diet? Do you eat "junk food" or do you just eat more of the foods that you usually eat when you stay on key with your diet?

    I don't mind at all. Generally, I just eat more of the same stuff. Instead of a slice of pizza and a beer, I'll have half the pizza and a couple beers. Or three granola bars instead of one. A double helping of spaghetti; more cottage cheese; even more fruit. A lot of times it's carbs, but it could also be extra butter and sour cream on a baked potato. My maintenance calories are about 2,000, or 2,500 with exercise. When I eat 3,000+ calories a couple days in a row, that's when I start to notice the health problems creeping back (usually the indigestion and pain in my face comes first). When I go back to 1,000-1,500 for a day or two, it all sorts out. Generally, I average 1500-2000 calories with some variance based on more intense work-outs like an eight-mile run.
  • ramiromuniz1
    ramiromuniz1 Posts: 13 Member
    I wouldnt see whats the problem. You have a good diet, limiting portions of foods you enjoy is key and from what you described you do just that on most days. Im not against eating over maintenance every now and then. All I can say is Vitamins, but honestly its gonna have to be a doctors call on whats wrong. I have no clue. Good luck!
  • davidoneil13
    davidoneil13 Posts: 26 Member
    Your sleep apnea is the most likely reason you are feeling tired. With your sleep apnea you are never getting restful sleeps. Getting your CBC (complete blood count), thyroid, iron, B12, and glucose checked might be helpful. Problems digesting gluten or lactose could also be culprits. If I were you i'd get those general things checked out as well, but I would try to focus on working to find a CPAP machine that works for you to get the sleep apnea better because that will make a huge difference.
    Although you may have gotten rid of your sleep apnea with all the weight loss you've had.

    My first sleep study was done when I weighed 160-170, which is a great example of how I had the classic symptoms of obesity even at a normal weight. No doubt the symptoms got much worse when I actually became obese, but they also improved after the weight loss. I'm back in the 160-170 range where I was when I got diagnosed, but I'm in much better shape now--much stronger, much leaner. Probably I can eliminate sleep apnea entirely if I achieve 10% body fat in the next few months. The CPAPs were completely ineffective for me, so cutting fat is the only feasible solution.
  • davidoneil13
    davidoneil13 Posts: 26 Member
    I wouldnt see whats the problem. You have a good diet, limiting portions of foods you enjoy is key and from what you described you do just that on most days. Im not against eating over maintenance every now and then. All I can say is Vitamins, but honestly its gonna have to be a doctors call on whats wrong. I have no clue. Good luck!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts anyway. I'm not expecting anyone's going to solve my problem, but talking about it helps me clarify my own thinking. I've decided I'm just going to keep burning fat while trying to hold on to muscle (and hopefully build a little). If my last remaining issues disappear when I really lean, then the problem is solved. Otherwise, I'll seek out a new doctor. In any case, a lean physique wouldn't be so bad a thing to have, even if it doesn't help. I hope to post here again in several months with the subject line, "Fixed chronic health issues by getting ripped!"
  • toronto88
    toronto88 Posts: 21 Member
    If you have sleep apnea at a low weight it might be because of big tonsils or something
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Nice work.......if Seth Green is looking for someone to be his stunt double, I think you're it.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Although my kids tested negative for celiac they were eventually diagnosed with leaky gut and various food intolerances with an ELISA test. Changed their worlds to sort it out!
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Keep up the good work the health benefits are the best part
  • bnovak226
    bnovak226 Posts: 135 Member
    Have u tried cutting out meat for a few days?
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    First, congratulations on your progress! You should be very proud.

    I didn't read through all the responses, so maybe someone has already given you the answer to your question. As the first few people said, always good to check with a doctor. They MIGHT be able to run some tests & find the answer. I suffered from daily headaches & sinus pressure for almost 2 years. The doctors I worked with couldn't figure it out & could not understand why I wouldn't be happy with just taking perscription pain killer every day to numb the pain.

    I would also suggest getting an allergy test. It won't catch sensitivities or mild food aversions, but it is worth checking out. Perhaps when you're cutting calories & eating healthier, you're also cutting out some type of food that you react badly to.

    If you're getting headaches, I would also suggest you think about seeing a chiropractor. Take the time to find a good one & get referrals from friends. If your spine or neck is out of wack, that can really affect your nerves & pain processing. My neck is straight & my atlas (top vertebrae which is around the brain stem) gets twisted & crooked. Getting adjusted by a chiro has made a HUGE difference for me. Because I was in so much pain at the beginning, I went twice a week for a month, once a week for a few months & now I just go occasionally. My chiro also gave me stretches & exercises to help. It has made a world of difference.

    If you're experiencing digestion/stomach issues, you might also think about a probiotic. Do your research & pick one you feel confident about. Another good thing to get referrals about.

    What I'm trying to convey is that traditional western medicine might be able to fix your problems. But if it can't, don't be afraid to try some other tactics & see if they help. Keep in mind that most health issues are not fixed by changing one thing. It's always a combination of factors. Make sure you're sleeping enough & managing stress as well. Two huge factors that many people don't give enough weight.

    Good luck! Hope you find something that helps!
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