

  • Back from many calories do you burn crying :sad: Anyway I am so happy for my son.. I really wished I had the opportunity to go away to seems so cool. I've done most of mine in either a mentoring/one-on-one experience or online...I love the freedom online gives me, but I think I miss out on the opportunity to spend some quality time thinking great thoughts.

    This week I expect to work out, work out, and walk, walk, walk...hhhmmm I'm being a little redundant here but I'm working on sleep deprivation, bad food, and loss....anyway...onward and upward...

    heartshapdworld, I know what you mean about growing up with some unwanted mother was no better...

    Im going to start my T'ai Chi tomorrow and see how that goes.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Hope y'all are having a good week. MA- hang in there!! ANd do some extra exercise to release those endorphins- Who says we can't have happy pills???

    Heartshapd- share your plan for your lower body- i'd loveto hear more. What kind of cardio are you doing?

    ANyway, i have barely worked out this week, but i am doing real well foodwise, so i'm hanging in there.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member

    Im going to start my T'ai Chi tomorrow and see how that goes.

    Oh, I hope it gets better for you, missing your son and all. :flowerforyou: It sounds like your trying to take your mind off things by working out - great idea! I've heard a lot about Tai Chi doing wonders for de-stressing. Please, let me know how that goes. :smile:

    Well, today hasn't been the best in the workout world......pilates will be nice later. I can't do cardio too late or I can't sleep. Oh well. Food wise, I'm really lacking today too. My pizza will come out of the oven in a few.....:embarassed: DiGiorno Ultimate focaccia with roasted vegetables *drool* :tongue:

    I'll check back in later~
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Back from many calories do you burn crying :sad: Anyway I am so happy for my son.. I really wished I had the opportunity to go away to seems so cool. I've done most of mine in either a mentoring/one-on-one experience or online...I love the freedom online gives me, but I think I miss out on the opportunity to spend some quality time thinking great thoughts.

    I wish I could have gone away to college as well. Ach, well, the the things one has to do when on a cousin went away to school. She didn't go very far-only a couple of hours from home, but I have noticed so many positive changes in her! She is more confident about herself and her desicions. And she is having A LOT fun, she is responsible though. Even if she does do a little underage drinking.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Heartshapd- share your plan for your lower body- i'd loveto hear more. What kind of cardio are you doing?

    My lower body:grumble: Even when I am thin-or I should say thinner-I still have a bum and big legs. My friends say I am proportionate; however, when you have to buy the "curvy" fit and they still gap at the waist and hip area, you know you have a problem. I have lost a few lbs since I came to this site. I don't have really high expectations, because I know I don't have all that much to lose. Realistically, I am looking at 10lbs, and that is not going to re-shape my body, you know?

    I have been taking my measurements, and I have be decreasing the waist, hip and low hip areas consistently. My thigh measurements are not moving.:noway: I don't expect them to move significantly, but I do expect them to move! This is one of the main reasons why I have gotten frustrated with diet&exercise and have not been able to stick to it consistenly.

    I went to a plastic surgeon once, and asked him for liposuction. He said it wasn't worth his time, because there wasn't that much fat to suck out to really make a difference. (I am about the same weight now as I am then).

    I have been doing lots of cardio to burn fat. Even though I post my goal as 4-5 days a week, I go at least 6 days a week-although it has been consitently daily. Mon&Sat is Yog for 1hr. Mon-Sun, I do the Ellipitical for 30 minutes and the Stairmaster for 30 minutes. Mon&Wed is strength training for the upper body and abs. Tues&Thurs is strength training for the lower body and abs.

    I am going to change the plan for the lower body only. My new plan is Sun&Tues&Thrus&Sat lower body strength training and abs. I am going to ditch the machines at the gym completely. I keep having to add a higher weight to keep it challenging. (nearly everyone to my post said lower weights/higher reps. I know this already that is why I posted my problem: to see what other people have done if they have come up against this problem. I mean you need to work, right, to see results?) What do you do when you are already doing 3 sets of 15 reps, and if you don't use a challenging weight then the 1.your body isn't working and 2. the "arm" swings out-of-control?) Instead of the machines at the gym, I am going to do exclusively weight bearing exercises. From what I have read on the internet this can be accomplished with minimal use of dumbbell, because I will be using my own body weight. All I need is a mat, which I have already. My hope is that I will be able to tone and define without adding bulk. (I add bulk easily.) I am going to give it 6wks to see what happens.

    Wish me luck, ladies!
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Not doing well, and a bit discusted at my lack of control.
    I need something.......shorter hours would help. I think I have to decide not to work so many hours, then I can move to goal two.

    Next weeks goals have slightly changed

    1) Work 8 hrs a day only, do not open lap top to clear emails at night at all
    2) Exercise 4-5 days
    3) Stay within close range of daily cals or at least eat healthy food choices (I'll be happy with either success)

  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    The plan for pilates last night didn't exactly go as planned....:frown: After my pizza, we watched a movie. Then the olympics. Man, I remember when I played beach volleyball - like ten years ago!!! :noway: Now why is it that the women's team wear speedo bikinis and the men's team wear loose shorts and tank tops??? SO not fair! :laugh: (I really just wanna see their bodies, haha)

    Anyways, today made up for yesterdays lack of movement. TaeBo and a nice walk with my doggie. I burned over 900 calories :noway: Now I have to make the right choices for all those extra calories I get :tongue:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Now why is it that the women's team wear speedo bikinis and the men's team wear loose shorts and tank tops??? SO not fair! :laugh: (I really just wanna see their bodies, haha)

    I can't remember if I read it or saw on the local news, but some Olympic Volleyball chick said it's comfortable, and then something about sand being stuck in suits not being a pleasant expierence. :laugh: What I really think is this: If you got it, then flaunt it. I surely would!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Now why is it that the women's team wear speedo bikinis and the men's team wear loose shorts and tank tops??? SO not fair! :laugh: (I really just wanna see their bodies, haha)

    I can't remember if I read it or saw on the local news, but some Olympic Volleyball chick said it's comfortable, and then something about sand being stuck in suits not being a pleasant expierence. :laugh: What I really think is this: If you got it, then flaunt it. I surely would!

    That's what my Big Mama(my grandma, and yes, we ALL really do call her that!) has always said! :bigsmile: I completely understand about the sand though.....One good thing is it's great for your feet; less pedicures! :laugh:
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Yesterday I took the day off from exercise, but remained within my calories.

    I just finished a Walk Away the Pounds (Walk & Jog) DVD.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    One good thing is it's great for your feet; less pedicures! :laugh:

    That's funny. :laugh:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Well my workout went great yesterday, but I gotta tell you all! I really hate it when the TVs at the gym don't have the closed caption on and when they change all the channel to news. Uh, do I really need 5 screens looking at me all with same news (or worse, sports)?

    Shouldn't the closed caption on be apart of the opening checklist for a gym?

    I missed Yoga this morning-maybe that is why I am feeling a little cranky. Went to bed too late last night, but I will be going to the gym later today! No reason to miss a work out!
  • Today went well for exercise and did ok on the food. I've been increasing my breakfast as I keep reading how important that meal I had a cup of oatmeal with raisins and 1tbs of honey...yum and boy was it just the comfort food I needed. The rest of the meals were within my calories.

    i also did something today I haven't done in!!! :wink: I used to be a runner way back I'm lucky to find enough energy to get up and moving let alone run. But I guess I had a lot of motivation today and even though it was only for 5 minutes...I was happy with the way I felt. I wonder if anyone can fill me in on the heart rate business. I cannot figure out what mine should be when I exercise. Any hints or sites to check out?


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mknipp
    mknipp Posts: 106
    Im going to start my T'ai Chi tomorrow and see how that goes.

    Tai Chi is wonderful exercise. The slower you move, the better results you get. I did it for many years (Tai Chi Chuan) as part of my Shao Lin Kung Fu class (I made 2nd degree black belt). So surprising that something done so slowly can cause you to sweat so profoundly! But the relaxation part is a great, wonderful way to banish stress for the moment. I need to get back into that, but no one does it here in our small KY town. Maybe I should start a class of my own :blushing: Have fun!
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    mknipp....why not? sounds like you have passion and loyalty to this sport. Thanks for sharing. I have a black belt in karate and spent many years watching the tai chi class in the next room. I agree slow but beautiful to watch.

    Well, me exercised consisted of a 4 mile trail run around a small lake in the adirondacks. I am running stronger this year and contribute it to yoga.

    I changed my approach...rather than watching calories I am beginning to pay attention to fats, carbs, and protiens. I also bumped up caloric intake....and find myself making healthier choices throughout day. Hope to see some change in the scale with this new approach!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Today I did a Walk Slim DVD (2 fast miles)
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Saturday I spent all day outside in the hot and humid weather, sweating my butt off. I went to a bbq and blues festival and I am soooo happy with how I handled myself! :blushing: I only had 2 lite beers, this was my biggest feat, and drank mucho water. :drinker: Def had something to do with the heat! The food was great and ended up getting a little of everything by sharing meals. As for exercise, I walked so much my legs were feeling it this morning. Today we went fishing and just taking it easy. We'll go for a "family" walk after dinner.....

    Hope everyone's had a fantastic weekend so far! :wink:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    ...comes dragging back into the Forums..... Mens Weekend... must warn others... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: but we also did a lot of activities too, frisbee golf, paddling, jumping to conclusions, etc. So now back to working out, and logging what I eat. There was simply no way for me to do it honestly this weekend, but I have some great memories :tongue:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hi y'all!

    hope you had a good weekend,

    I managed to walk a couple of times- yay!!

    Anyway, look for Geerating results 4 in Exercise and fitness...
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