My girlfriend said I have Moobs :-( Help please!



  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    Cardio to lose initial weight adn to get your metabolism going, weight lift to tone and build.

    You can also try drinking green protein smoothies. My friend and I started the green eating and I helped him lose 50lbs!!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    You want a strong core and a nice chest...pushups are the way to go, youll gain lean muscle without looking bulky.

    where's the line for fat muscles???
    I want to be in that line.

    And while I agree if roles were reversed it would be a *kitten* storm- I dont' think it's right. If I was turning into a lard a** and my BF wasn't attracted to me- I'd want to know about it!!! How hurt I would be that he didn't love me enough to SAY something. Rubbish.

    you're still going to have moobs if you have a GF or not- work out- take care of yourself. Regardless of what the wominz folk says.

    Banging sex life is just a bonus.

    Pretty much everything I wanted to say.
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    I dont understand why people are telling the OP to dump his GF...

    he came here for fitness advice - not for his relationship. obviously he is happy with his GF.

    i like the OP's attitude here. get in shape and show your lady how awesome you can be.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I dont understand why people are telling the OP to dump his GF...

    he came here for fitness advice - not for his relationship. obviously he is happy with his GF.

    i like the OP's attitude here. get in shape and show your lady how awesome you can be.

    It is the MFP forum world.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I dont understand why people are telling the OP to dump his GF...

    he came here for fitness advice - not for his relationship. obviously he is happy with his GF.

    i like the OP's attitude here. get in shape and show your lady how awesome you can be.

    you must be new here... EVERYTHING is about dumping your girlfriend. and losing fat and gaining muscle.
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    A. Dump girlfriend (that's rude!)
    B. Lift and eat healthy
    C. get new smoking hot girlfriend
    D. Revel in your awesomeness..

    A & C are optional... B&D are not.

    :drinker: :smokin:

    I agree, no matter how hot-tell her to leave. You don't need a "loved one" to make you self-conscious, that is what the media is for.

    Try swimming the breast stroke will help :D
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I dont understand why people are telling the OP to dump his GF...

    he came here for fitness advice - not for his relationship. obviously he is happy with his GF.

    i like the OP's attitude here. get in shape and show your lady how awesome you can be.


    I'm sorry I tell my guy all the time his boobs are bigger n mine, just to irritate him, cuz I CAN!; irrelevant!
    The point is OP wants advice, I'm sure from the men here, on how to tighten those puppies up.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member

    Kidding. I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but I've read that excessive soy consumption can lead to man boobs. So I don't know if you eat a lot of tofu or take soy protein powder (as opposed to whey) or maybe chug soy sauce (you'd probably have bigger problems than moobs), but that might be something to cut out.

    Agree with others who say to do push-ups. I made it a goal to get to 50 consecutive push-ups, which is effing awesome to be able to do. My morning routine during that time was: wake up, chug disgusting amounts of water, do as many push-ups as possible, get on with my day.

    And, as others have wisely said, just start lifting free weights. Doing them consistently (like three times a week, every week) will cause you to see changes all over your body.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I dont understand why people are telling the OP to dump his GF...

    he came here for fitness advice - not for his relationship. obviously he is happy with his GF.

    i like the OP's attitude here. get in shape and show your lady how awesome you can be.

    you must be new here... EVERYTHING is about dumping your girlfriend. and losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Anytime I reach some kind of weight loss plateau, I dump a girlfriend. It helps.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    I was sporting a pretty nice B cup... Doing cardio and dropping 35 (of 47lbs) and transitioning to weights has me back in a training bra. Its fat, so you gotta lose the fat. Muscle under the fat is fine, but wont get rid of the soft bouncy part we all love.

    And even tough I just got off the phone with my girlfriend before reading this thread, I just called her back and dumped her. It was time.. She was getting annoying (er)
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I was sporting a pretty nice B cup... Doing cardio and dropping 35 (of 47lbs) and transitioning to weights has me back in a training bra. Its fat, so you gotta lose the fat. Muscle under the fat is fine, but wont get rid of the soft bouncy part we all love.

    Yup. It's just that some guys (perhaps the OP as well) need to lose quite a bit more than they initially think to attack those moobs and love handles.

    One of the more inspiring photographs of a MFP member who trimmed down to remove as much fast as possible was really quite eye opening to me on how far I had to go (in my case, another 15 pounds which I have not yet reached).

  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    I was sporting a pretty nice B cup... Doing cardio and dropping 35 (of 47lbs) and transitioning to weights has me back in a training bra. Its fat, so you gotta lose the fat. Muscle under the fat is fine, but wont get rid of the soft bouncy part we all love.

    Yup. It's just that some guys (perhaps the OP as well) need to lose quite a bit more than they initially think to attack those moobs and love handles.

    One of the more inspiring photographs of a MFP member who trimmed down to remove as much fast as possible was really quite eye opening to me on how far I had to go (in my case, another 15 pounds which I have not yet reached).


    sexy body both ways imo. I prefer a bit more weight on you. Cap makes you look like a thug lol. Wanna be my Glenn?:P
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    Grow some balls and deal with it. If you don't like it, then dump her.
  • AdamJBischoff
    I am sorry to disagree!

    You should be a little active. But it doesn't matter. .-. We're not meant to literally lift weights. We're meant to run, and climb a lot.

    But, all I do is clean my house to keep my excorsize, though I really don't need to. I don't have to because diets are meant for people who don;t exocrsize often. ^.^

    Add me as a friend, and I will share what I am doing to keep me away from a lot of food.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I just wanted to say that in the past few months i've seen a fair bit of nastiness on these forums from time to time, but good for you OP; you asked an honest question with honest intentions, and people used that as an excuse to rag on your relationship which was not the subject of your question. Instead of rising to it, you let it go and acknowledged that actually, she may have just been being bluntly truthful;, you've made a change and that's awesome. I can't add much more to the great advice everyone else has given you, just wanted to say keep it up!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I am sorry to disagree!

    You should be a little active. But it doesn't matter. .-. We're not meant to literally lift weights. We're meant to run, and climb a lot.

    But, all I do is clean my house to keep my excorsize, though I really don't need to. I don't have to because diets are meant for people who don;t exocrsize often. ^.^

    Add me as a friend, and I will share what I am doing to keep me away from a lot of food.

    Thanks for letting us know what we are meant and not mean to do in life. :drinker:


    To the OP....

    No worries. You started gaining some weight, didnt really notice until one day it hit you. Whether it was someone else saying something or you finally figuring it out for yourself youve finally come to terms that you dont currently like where you are at and you want to do something about it.

    You didnt get this way overnight. It wont come off overnight. The good news is you are here, with tools and people at your disposal to figure out what you need to intake as part of your goals to look a certain way. To lose weight you will need to eat less than your body is burning. Depending on what you want your body to look like this will take some more effort in figuring out if and what types of exercise routines and macro nutrients to target during your daily intake.

    ETA: You really arent going to spot reduce fat.... For example no matter how much I want to burn fat from my stomach and how many 8 minute ab sessions I complete, the fat from my body will be removed from my feet first (true get bigger) before my stomach. Sucks to be me.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I agree with his comment. .. and I am a female. . I think that's horrible to say that to u...and if it were u insulting her she would be devastated and most women would tell her to leave she deserves better.. The relationship doesn't sound healthy God forbid u put on 100 pounds then what would she call u

    more people should speak up- it's stupid to just coast through life keeping your mouth shut.

    I'd be HORRIFIED if my BF didn't say something at some point. Seriously. I've told mine I don't like the way he treats his body- and then I let it go- he's a grown man- he knows i don't like it and that's it.

    Take it for what it is and then chose to do something or not. But just saying "oh saying something is wrong" is complete and utter rubbish.
    I am sorry to disagree!

    You should be a little active. But it doesn't matter. .-. We're not meant to literally lift weights. We're meant to run, and climb a lot.

    But, all I do is clean my house to keep my excorsize, though I really don't need to. I don't have to because diets are meant for people who don;t exocrsize often. ^.^



    glad your house is clean- welcome to boredom and never knowing whta it's like to try and fail and then try and succeed.

    You don't get to tell people what they are "meant" to do- that's why we are so amazing- because we do things man wasn't meant to do- and it's awe-inspiring- and incredible.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I am sorry to disagree!

    You should be a little active. But it doesn't matter. .-. We're not meant to literally lift weights. We're meant to run, and climb a lot.

    But, all I do is clean my house to keep my excorsize, though I really don't need to. I don't have to because diets are meant for people who don;t exocrsize often. ^.^

    Add me as a friend, and I will share what I am doing to keep me away from a lot of food.

    You're new so I will let this comment slide. It is very funny though . I wonder how weak this person is?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I am sorry to disagree!

    You should be a little active. But it doesn't matter. .-. We're not meant to literally lift weights. We're meant to run, and climb a lot.

    But, all I do is clean my house to keep my excorsize, though I really don't need to. I don't have to because diets are meant for people who don;t exocrsize often. ^.^

    Add me as a friend, and I will share what I am doing to keep me away from a lot of food.

    translation: "I'm happy with my mediocrity"

    Good luck with that.