Wii Fit



  • I love the yoga on the wii fit and some games for balance and flexibilty. I do not like the running on it and feel that running outside or on the treadmill gives me better form and endurance. I just got two biggest looser for xmas and have started one a little and like it.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I use it on my days "off". It is a fun way that I can burn extra calories and have a good time with my kids while I do it. I use my HRM when I do it though...I don't go by the "calories burned" indicator that the Wii has. I wouldn't use Wii Fit as my only source of workout although Wii does have some other games (Zumba, Just Dance, Biggest Loser, etc) that can give you a good workout.

    As for Wii Fit itself, it just takes longer to burn calories.
    Yesterday I played for 60 minutes and burned 250 calories. Normally I can walk on the treadmill at the gym for 35 minutes and burn almost 300. But Wii Fit is a PERFECT way to burn extra calories when you do not want to have a hard/intense workout and you have extra time.
  • jcsalsa
    jcsalsa Posts: 25
    Yes I say it is worth it if you don't have time to run to the gym. I was using mine everyday and stopped for a while and totally miss it. But now I am getting back in my habit and I am also going to the gym.
  • AngelUK1985
    AngelUK1985 Posts: 84 Member
    I couldnt wait to buy the wii fit and for awhile i did use it but like normal i got bored of it but i do use it to eigh myself with and recently started using it again it does work though i think one week i tested it i think i worked out maybe 4 or 5 days in the week maybe an hour to an hour and a half each doing the step game and the hula hoop etc and i lsot 3lbs that week and i never gained it back, shame i got bored :) could of been a skinny minny by now...
  • Bockety
    Bockety Posts: 21
    I use mine every day. I know there are better workout systems out there but this one is great for me. I wish it had a better interface and menus, but the workouts are fine. I do the Free Step every day. I like that one because the controller keeps the beat for you, tells you how many steps/minutes you've done, and does it all while I'm watching TV. I turn the pace up for a good workout and use light dumbbells while I'm stepping. The biking one is also a good workout for me, and is the rhythm boxing. The first time I did the boxing my arms ached for two days!

    It's a great alternative to regular workouts for me for a lot of reasons. One, I can't afford a gym and a one-time purchase of $100 (I already had a Wii) for the Fit Board and Wii Fit Plus is way better than paying for a gym every month. My job isn't a regular 9-5 gig, and even if I could afford a gym I don't want to have to go to a gym after getting off work at 10 at night because I'm worried about my safety. And I prefer doing the step aerobics in my living room because I'm way too self-conscious to work out in public.

    The biggest downside is having to stop what I'm doing to change activities or to re-start the Free Step program (it only lets you do 30 minutes at a time).
  • katikati
    katikati Posts: 35
    Totally Love My Wii the Wii Fit Plus keeps you accountable and the work outs can be varied as you like. Great for when the weather is cold or too hot! Fun work outs and keeps track of your weight.:love:
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    IMO if you're not using it as your sole source for exercise, yes it can be a fun way to work out on your rest days.
    Considering I'd have to play Wii Fit for 3.5 hours to burn the calories I'd burn on a 45 minute run, it's certainly not a practical way of exercising, but as I said it can be a fun way to burn a few calories on the weekends or something.

    I disagree.

    We bought our Wii Fit in January, 2009. It helped me establish a regular exercise habit where I'd had none before. It helped me work my way up from the simplest step aerobics to being able to do an hour or more of aerobics at a time if I want or need to.

    The Fit Plus software doesn't give you as intense a workout as, say, an elliptical trainer or a Zumba class, but it is working well for me as my primary form of exercise. And some of the other software, like EActive, gives a more intense workout. I've made my own workouts more intense using hand weights and a riser for the step.

    The Fit has a lot of advantages for me: It's small -- it takes up less space in my house than almost any other piece of exercise equipment I could buy. It makes exercise convenient -- if ten minutes is all I have, well I can do ten minutes (and frequently do, while supper simmers or while I'm waiting on some other thing). I don't have to change clothes, go to the gym, go out in bad weather, or find a sitter. It doesn't cost me anything beyond my initial $300 investment in the Wii and the Fit, except for what I've chosen to add.

    I am absolutely convinced that the Fit can work just fine as a primary form of exercise, because it's working for me. I have no gym membership, no exercise equipment other than my bike (which I use during warm weather), and I attend no fitness classes, but by combining the Fit with MFP I've lost 16 pounds and gone from overweight and stuck at a plateau to normal BMI and losing steadily toward my goal weight.

    I say go for it. Best $300 I've ever spent on exercise and fitness.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I am bumping this for more replies :smile: I might get this for Christmas and I am wondering about the Wii Fit Plus..we already have a Wii system. I started going to zumba classes about 4 weeks ago so I am getting other exercise that way...but would like to have this to do at home :smile:

    If you have the Fit board the Plus disk is only $20, and well worth it. It gives you calorie counts and BICYCLING!
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    It is a fun alternative and gives you a burn.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I love my wii...just haven't used it much. I need too though! The boxing is a KILLER! I sweat buckets!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    Since joining MFP (2 weeks ago) I've lost 7.5 lbs. And that's due to Wii EA Sports Active 1, Wii Fit Plus, Horseback Riding (which I was already doing just as much of), & walking my roommate's puppy (we've taken 4 long walks now that the weather is nice).

    So, yeah, I'd say Wii Fit is worth it.

    I find the aerobics & strength/yoga training to be best & strongly recommend setting up a 'my wii fit plus' routine to be done every day. I have a 20 minute routine that works my lower body, upper body & core for 104 calories - may not sound like many calories but I FEEL the burn. And for me building muscle is more important than the immediate calorie loss, because the muscle will continue to help burn calories over time.

    The balance games are interesting, but not (in my opinion at BMI 33) the most helpful.

    I can't wait to get EA Active 2 (after I finish the 30 day challenge on the 'hard' setting) & will continue to Wii my way to Fit.
  • itsjustme77
    itsjustme77 Posts: 102
    I like Wii Fit, but I really like Just Dance 2. I burn a ton of calories with that game and you don't need the balance board.
  • leamgood
    leamgood Posts: 32 Member
    Wii fit is ok but EA sports Personal Trainer (ACTIVE) is a much better workout in my opinion.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Wii fit is ok but EA sports Personal Trainer (ACTIVE) is a much better workout in my opinion.

    Wii Fit worked well for me for two years. When I needed something more intense, I bought EA Sports Active, and BOY HOWDY is it a better workout. I still can't do half that stuff. Mountain climbers? I'm so hopeless I cut them out of my workouts; I just gave up on those. But because of EA Sports Active I can now do six push ups! It wants me to do twelve, of course, but after six I'm literally on my knees for the rest...
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