Physically cannot do anymore

I haven't been exercising long, about two months. I workout everyday, doing cardio and strength training. I'm what people would call "skinny fat" in that I'm thin looking with clothes on, but when you take them off I'm lumpy in all the wrong places.
Anyway, for the past few days I've been having problems. About ten minutes in I feel like I'm actually about to die. My whole body and all my muscles ache from exercise. I feel like giving up. Is this common when you're new to exercise? Is there anything I can do to stop my body aching so much? I want to continue but I feel so bad about myself when I have to give up.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Are you allowing yourself any rest days at all? It doesn't sound like you are. I would encourage you to add in a rest day (or two) each week in order to allow your body to recover a bit from all of the activity.
  • moxxmh
    moxxmh Posts: 13
    I rest every Sunday. But even that doesn't seem to be helping. After working out I feel sick and shaky and more tired than I've ever felt ever, which is annoying because I really wanna lose weight.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Give yourself a rest day. If that's not enough, take a second rest day and just stretch instead of working out.

    You may need to try a different routine. If you're running and doing high reps, maybe switch to intervals and lifting heavy.

    See a doctor regardless. You shouldn't feel like death. Every time I start back up with heavy weights I ache everywhere but I don't feel like death. I feel sore and out of shape.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Your diary is closed; how many calories are you eating in a day? Without fuel for that kind of workout schedule your body is going to rebel.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Sounds like you are not eating enough.

    I will just leave this here for you to read:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For body composition, weights tend to be the answer.

    I'd look to something simple like starting strength or strong lifts. Three forty five minute sessions every week (I actually tend to do it every other day, so it's three and a half times a week - having my own weights mean I don't have to worry about schedules for the gym and so on.)

    It does sound like your body needs recovery - be it rest, calories or both.
  • moxxmh
    moxxmh Posts: 13
    Well according to this website I'm under my calorie intake. But I eat plenty of protein, chicken, sweet potatoes, a lot of fruit and veg. I rarely eat bread and sugary food. I have a homemade smoothie or eggs before a workout and wait an hour or two for it to digest. I just don't know if I'm hitting a wall or what. Recently I can't exercise for more than 10 minutes without feeling shaky and faint.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    What is your diet like? Are you eating at a deficit? If you are skinny fat then you don't need to be eating at a deficit. Deficit is for losing weight not for changing your body composition. You need to have a high protein diet with lower carbs.

    Less cardio too. Cardio is not going to help you get rid of the fat; you need to be lifting heavy.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Well according to this website I'm under my calorie intake. But I eat plenty of protein, chicken, sweet potatoes, a lot of fruit and veg. I rarely eat bread and sugary food. I have a homemade smoothie or eggs before a workout and wait an hour or two for it to digest. I just don't know if I'm hitting a wall or what. Recently I can't exercise for more than 10 minutes without feeling shaky and faint.

    What do you mean by "according to this website, I'm under my calorie intake"? How far under?
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor. Feeling shaky and faint isn't normal. Take printouts of your diary and exercise regimine with you.
  • moxxmh
    moxxmh Posts: 13
    Usually I'm under by like 100 -150 calories. Which I don't think is that bad?

    I don't have weights and I don't have access to the gym. Besides I can't see what heavy lifting would do? I have a good shape, just wobbly thighs, butt and a bit of a pooch stomach. So I thought some basic cardio like walking or running plus crunches, squats etc...would help. I've seen a little bit of a difference in photos but recently it's just HURTING each time and I feel like giving up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I should probably see a doctor, you're right.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Sounds like you are not eating enough.

    I will just leave this here for you to read:

    Eat to fuel your body. Being shaky is a good sign you are not.
    If you are consistently eating under, you are not getting enough calories. Eat to this websites calorie goal. Not under.
    Do you eat back your exercise calories?
    Re-evauluate your goals and expectations. I would bet that you have your expectations to lose 1 to 2 lbs per week and have set yourself up to eat right at 1200 calories. Maybe not knowing that you are close to your goal weight and recommended expecation is for .5 lbs loss per week is realistic. Gives you more calories to eat. Eat to that calorie goal. Not below. Right at it. + or - 50 calories.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Usually I'm under by like 100 -150 calories. Which I don't think is that bad?

    I don't have weights and I don't have access to the gym. Besides I can't see what heavy lifting would do? I have a good shape, just wobbly thighs, butt and a bit of a pooch stomach. So I thought some basic cardio like walking or running plus crunches, squats etc...would help. I've seen a little bit of a difference in photos but recently it's just HURTING each time and I feel like giving up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I should probably see a doctor, you're right.

    Combined with the right diet, it will do wonders.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    get your doctors advice. might be medical
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Keep on keepin' on..........
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Usually I'm under by like 100 -150 calories. Which I don't think is that bad?

    I don't have weights and I don't have access to the gym. Besides I can't see what heavy lifting would do? I have a good shape, just wobbly thighs, butt and a bit of a pooch stomach. So I thought some basic cardio like walking or running plus crunches, squats etc...would help. I've seen a little bit of a difference in photos but recently it's just HURTING each time and I feel like giving up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I should probably see a doctor, you're right.

    Combined with the right diet, it will do wonders.

    Listen to this woman.

    You said you feel skinny fat. The cure for that is weight lifting. It really will make a serious difference.

    Yes to all of this.

    Also, 100-150 under what amount?
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Lift all the weightzzzz. Srsly. And my guess is also eat more, but since you have a closed diary we can only speculate. But lifting does a LOT for body composition, I promise.
  • squishycatmew
    squishycatmew Posts: 151 Member
    Usually I'm under by like 100 -150 calories. Which I don't think is that bad?

    I don't have weights and I don't have access to the gym. Besides I can't see what heavy lifting would do? I have a good shape, just wobbly thighs, butt and a bit of a pooch stomach. So I thought some basic cardio like walking or running plus crunches, squats etc...would help. I've seen a little bit of a difference in photos but recently it's just HURTING each time and I feel like giving up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I should probably see a doctor, you're right.

    Heavy lifting builds muscle, in every muscle you use (assuming you are consuming enough calories to build). It will build muscle in your thighs, your stomach, your butt, and everywhere else, which will deal with that "wobble" and "pooch". If you're under maintenance, you'll have trouble building muscle (since your body will be using everything you eat plus some of your energy stores to function and provide the energy for your daily activity), but it will still help you lose fat rather than muscle. There are absolutely body-weight exercises that are great, but you will not see the results squatting without weights that you would with weights.

    If you feel *that* exhausted, you probably aren't eating enough, but you really should see a doctor. (Also, keep on top of your fluid intake and remember that if you sweat a lot, you have to replace electrolytes as well as water.) Also, where is it hurting? Is it the same place(s)? You might have injured yourself - again, see a doctor.
  • moxxmh
    moxxmh Posts: 13
    At the moment I can't get weights. I mean I can't buy them. And like I said I don't have access to the gym. I just got done with college and I'm in a load of debt.

    Is there any other option? You all mean to say cardio and crunches etc will have no effect? What about dancing? I do that a lot too. I'm looking for something I can do at home.