Vegetarian and Vegans out there...



  • weightliftingaddict
    You work out seven days/wk? Wow. Gotta have my rest days! As for vegetarianism, I grew up that way and was one for over half my life. Once I introduced meat, I was having it six days/wk. Eventually, I reached the point of feeling so weighed down and went one month without any meat. I felt worlds better and then further cleaned up my diet. I did reintroduce small servings of meat, but now only have it once/wk (maybe twice), and fish several times/wk.

    I eat lots of beans, nuts, veggies of all sorts, seeds, fruits, roots, squash....make something different everyday and spice/herb the junk out of everything, and love everything from greek, middle eastern, indian, to italian name it. Never a dull meal! I juice daily as well and make all sorts of things like peanut butter, sesame paste, my own flour, you name it. Though my diet is not 100% perfect, I do avoid processed food within reason, run from grease, limit dairy, and keep my alcohol to two or three beers/wk. Never felt better! This might not work for everyone, but does my body good. The hardest part was developing new habits -was a PITA at first. Now I enjoy it.
  • leslime8
    leslime8 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Fellow Vegans and Vegetarians:

    I'm new to the forum, but not to MFP. I'm 50, 5'4", run to stay fit, and have been vegan about 9 years. I've fought my weight since I was ten years old, but since becoming vegan have had an easier time of maintaining a lower weight. Still, I have 15-20 pounds to lose, and it's sometimes been pretty frustrating.

    It's normalizing to see other plant eaters and regular exercisers who also struggle with weight.

    I look forward to contributing to the bean and legume enthusiasm, as well as sharing meal ideas.

    Oh yes, I also enjoy "No Meat Athlete"!
  • AusteenaHayes
    Hi! I would like to know how you guys started and how you "stuck" with it... I am very interested in becoming mostly vegetarian/ some vegan. Reasons: I feel like we were meant for this diet, very much against animal cruelty and it's environmentally sound... Would very much appreciate tips for beginners! Thanks!!!

    Well I would like to tell you what not to do. And that is, do not go around those who do eat meat and talk about how much much you hate meat and don't like it. Their sensitive, well some are and don't like hearing you trash talk their diet. Also when going vegetarian, start off slowly. Take out one kind of non-vegetarian item from your diet. That way you won't shock your body too much. Like for me I removed red meat and then stuck to chicken for a while and when I was ready I removed that as well.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi! I would like to know how you guys started and how you "stuck" with it... I am very interested in becoming mostly vegetarian/ some vegan. Reasons: I feel like we were meant for this diet, very much against animal cruelty and it's environmentally sound... Would very much appreciate tips for beginners! Thanks!!!

    It's not like a fad diet you "stick to" for most people. It's a moral thing for most people. People in general don't cheat on their morals as much as fad diets. That being said it's not always an overnight thing but it is for some people. Evaluate why being vegetarian is important to you.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Hello! I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 14-15 years. I gained weight because of alcohol, pure and simple. My diet/lifestyle does include a lot of carbohydrates. I don't have a problem staying in my calorie allotment while still consuming a lot of carbohydrates and fat.

    I get most of my protein from meat substitutes (gardein and quorn are my favorite brands, though I've been eating a lot of Morningstar for lunch), extra firm tofu, and beans/lentils. I am learning to cook more with vegetables outside of my comfort zone thanks, in part, to pinterest. I cooked with rhubarb the other week. That was a learning experience. I also eat a lot of Indian and Ethiopian foods when I go out to eat with my husband. Both cultures have a lot of vegetarian dishes.
  • greenstar25
    greenstar25 Posts: 45 Member
    Listen to the advice of aldousmom! Read the books she recommends, and you will be 100% ok, guaranteed! Also, check out Angela Liddon's website "OhSheGlows", lots of great healthy, vegan, delicious, easy recipes. Oh yeah, and have one rest day a week ;-)
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    I've been vegan for around 10 months. I, too, try to avoid things such as bread, pasta, and other carbs that aren't directly from fruits or vegetables. Mainly, I love to just snack throughout the day on fruits and veg in order to stave away hunger in between meals. I'll have a big bowl of steamed vegetables (add some seasoning if I want), some melon, berries, apple, pear, or peach... usually once in between meals. They're low calorie and natural, so I don't worry about those kinds of carbs as much. I do still try to avoid eating too many carbs (like 50g - 100g over my goal) per day, so if I've had a good amount of carbs earlier in the day I don't eat, say, a potato, rice, or beans at dinner. I don't know if your question was mainly about carbs but that's my input on that, lol.
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Been a vegetarian for 9 almost 9 months, maintained my weight...never went up or down. But I do feel better!

    What were you eating while vegetarian that caused you to get underweight?
  • itzabellaa
    itzabellaa Posts: 7 Member
    I've been vegan now for about 3 years (and vegetarian for several years before that), evolving and changing first for health then ultimately for ethical reasons.

    I found a whole new world of food when I went vegan - my favorite resources for recipes are Oh She Glows, any of Dreena Burton's cookbooks, Choosing Raw (site and new cookbook!), etc. I have discovered some food sensitivities along the way that make things a bit more challenging, but I definitely don't feel deprived. I feel better eating the way I do now, for sure. :)
  • goneundone
    goneundone Posts: 38 Member
    Legumes! I stay away from the fake meat products because they are so over processed with many added ingredients. I focus on black eyed peas, black beans, lentils, navy beans, lima beans... beans beans beans! Add some rice and you have yourself a complete protein.
  • ToeMayToes
    Thanks guys!! I completely agree!!! Great advice...
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member

    I'm a vegan ultra-marathoner (trail runner). I maintain a healthy weight by eating a whole foods plant based diet (no protein supplements or protein shakes or whatever), but I'm also interested in reading dr. mcdougalls book "The Starch Solution" to see what that's all about.

    I followed the information from Dr. Furhman, The Engine 2 Diet, The China Study, Neal Barnard, Doug Lisle, Brendan Brazier, Happy Herbivore, and also Dr. McDougall (they all have books, websites, and facebook pages) to get started and found that I've not had troubles with maintaining my weight, health or energy, even while in my "busy" season running one or two ultra-marathons per month.

    Good luck!

    Another recommender for mcdougall, with the advice for slim active people and kids- which is a starch based diet, added veggies and fruit, and added to that fruit juice, dried fruits, avocado, olives, and nuts. (Calorie dense foods he recommends for kids/active people)

    The amount of energy on a high carb low fat regime is incredible. I'm not a vegan but I think meat and dairy is expensive and not all that good for ya. So I'm limiting animal foods as much as possible.

    Fuhrman and the others don't resonate with me, personally.
  • AusteenaHayes
    Hi! I would like to know how you guys started and how you "stuck" with it... I am very interested in becoming mostly vegetarian/ some vegan. Reasons: I feel like we were meant for this diet, very much against animal cruelty and it's environmentally sound... Would very much appreciate tips for beginners! Thanks!!!

    It's not like a fad diet you "stick to" for most people. It's a moral thing for most people. People in general don't cheat on their morals as much as fad diets. That being said it's not always an overnight thing but it is for some people. Evaluate why being vegetarian is important to you.

    I totally agree with you! So many people are thinking and calling it a diet when really its a lifestyle choice. Being vegetarian or vegan or even Raw Vegan does not always mean the person will lose weight. For some yes, but for others no. As a vegetarian and vegan you still got to watch your diet.
  • AusteenaHayes
    Been a vegetarian for 9 almost 9 months, maintained my weight...never went up or down. But I do feel better!

    What were you eating while vegetarian that caused you to get underweight?

    Well when I first became vegetarian I didn't really do much, well, any research on this lifestyle so I mostly consumed only salads. And since I'm a runner that isn't another to live off salads for me.