So many little results



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    With so many changes going on your body is just in "WTF" mode and is trying NOT to adjust. Be persistant and your body will start to cooperate with you sooner or later.
  • TeddyCharlton
    TeddyCharlton Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I also have a long journey, your body can fluctuate in fluids dramatically. Try not to worry, I am a painter and it seems like when my whole canvas looks a mess-somewhere in the middle of start and finish, I'll have an aw haw space and that will be the turning point for my entire piece. Focus on your ankles or your fingernails or someplace you revere as pretty, focus on the process. I like to think of it as a living piece of art and I am just tweeking things, lining it up for a balanced image.
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    I've been feeling the same way the last few days, but I've noticed that all that stress & worry is going to show up on the scale. I think you're dead on about the sodium and drinking water instead of Crystal Light. Even though Crystal Light has aspartamene your body still reacts to it (increases insulin production) like a sugary soda would. So, I know from experience that when I eat or drink a lot of things with aspartamene that I crave something sweet the rest of the day. It's a personal struggle and something I am determined to overcome. Also, if you know that you've had a lot of sodium and want to flush your system take a large glass of water and a whole lemon (quartered) and microwave it for about a minute or so until it's nice and warm (very important to drink warm). I add some honey to mine sometimes for taste, but this is a great way to flush your system of extra sodium. If you do this for a couple of days in a row you will see a difference in how your body retains water. There's a great group on here you can join too "100 pounds or more to lose"
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I have been feeling th same way, but refuse to give up instead I have been working harder. Lets see what happends
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I didn't see how long you've been at it. These things take time and a healthy weight loss is typically around a pound a week, which may not seem like a lot but it can really add up. It may be helpful to step off the scale and measure yourself (I bought a cheap cheap tape Myo tape online) and focus more on the body changes and not necessarily weight changes. I would also suggest trying to drink regular water instead of crystal light. You can always squeeze a fresh lemon into it, but my body seems to like just plain 'ol water best. Good luck and remember that it will take time and you're not just doing this to lose weight - you want to have a healthy and long life free of diabetes and any other complications caused by weight!
  • mjrcjb26
    Hey everyone! I am new to this website and I read that you can monitor sodium intake, do I add those options? Also, I too have been frustrated. I had a baby boy 8 months ago but my mid section stayed the same while everything else has pretty much gone back to normal except for about 10 pounds. I haven't seen any inch loss in my tummy but my legs yes! I have been at it for two weeks working out 4-5 times a week at least 30 minutes. I did have a suggestion from a friend who said if you push yourself past 30 minutes you will burn more since your body will burn sugar first. :happy:
  • chelebe
    chelebe Posts: 13 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am the same way. I lose a little and gain it bck. It a horrible cycle for me. I have co worker who have lost 30 lbs while I have struggled to lose 10. It is defeating.

    But for every pound I lose, my jeans are loser.
    I can stay an extra few mins playing with my kids and not being so tired.
    I am happier.
    I laugh more.

    Small steps will get you to the same goal as will big ones. Keep the faith and find your postive. when in doubt lean on us.
  • mayana2002
    It is funny....
    We joined at the same time (I started my diet after New Years), lost the same wight and got stuck at the same time!!!! I am not checking my sclae for 2 weeks... I am confident and I do feel so much better! My skin is not oily anymore! I have mor energy and I want to try new outdoors activity! Keep it up! We can do it!
  • NuclearGirl
    Of course you can do it - you have all of us to nag you, encourage you and tell you to stick with it. Give your body chance to adjust. In a few weeks time you'll look at this post and think "Yes I can do it!"

    We are all behind you! :bigsmile:
  • glasielady
    glasielady Posts: 34 Member
    Don't give up, change takes time but change will come. You're on the right track, sometimes the body just doesn't want to cooperate and it takes it time to drop the weight. Hang in there and don't give up, when you start doutbing yourself remember this quote. This quote has gotten me through a lot of obstacles.

    "Believe in yourself and all that you are, know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle" ~Christian Larson

    Keep on keeping on one day at a time.
  • rbcool
    rbcool Posts: 20
    PCMOORE you're on the right track ......just keep going . focus on the healthy habits rather than the outcomes. We all get frustrated when we get on the scale only to find that we gained back the 3 lbs we just lost. They say it's all about establishing
    new healthy habits.! That is a lot easier said than done, So be patient with yourself ...Don't beat yourself up ! But it's not going to happen overnight. When you fall off the wagon , get right back up girl ! and keep on going ...... Somewhere down the line you will see results ........ Weight loss is a life long battle for all of us. Give yourself some time to learn about your strenghts and weaknesses through trial and error. .....How about we encourage each other. Nobody is on te mountain top all the time, I don't
    care what they say girl !!! word up. You are doing good keep going. O.K?:flowerforyou:
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    This really is an awesome place to be! Thanks so much for all the encouragement!

    A couple asked the question about was my calorie intake based on MFP suggestion and's 1200

    Thanks SO MUCH!
  • hallix
    hallix Posts: 4
    dont be despondent, keep at it!

    I know you know you need to drink more water, but let me tell you from experience, the more you drink the more you shrink! it really is true... when i did lighterlife last year i upped my water from 2 ltrs to 4 ltrs a day and lost an extra 3lbs a week! however i wouldn't recommend drinking that much, as i was on a very low calorie diet i needed the extra water to make up from not getting it from food.
    but if you can manage a couple of litres a day, it will make SUCH a difference...really! try using a 1 ltr water bottle and filling it up twice a day, doesnt make it seem so much!

    what foods have high sodium?
    just looked back at my diary after this thread and have kept around the 1,500 mark every day, not on purpose but i didnt realise the impact that could have on weight loss....