Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    Seeing how much weight you lost is inspiring, but today I have had such a hard day. i had a strong urge to eat whatever I found in the house, and I was out of bread, so I even made some. Of course I was in such a hurry, it is very heavy, but I ate four pieces anyway, I feel a little less frenzied but now I am depressed. Two pounds a week seems so paltry, and I am in a hurry although I can not deprive myself or I want to binge. I guess I am nervous I am having a moving sale weekend after next, and I just nervous about moving, even though I am really looking forward. I did walk today, which I felt good about, Not a total loss. I am going to keep giving it the college try. I promised myself that I will record no matter what I eat so I am honest, I am trying to excercise, but it is still like pulling teeth,which I need, to get myself out the door sometimes. The other promise I am making is that I will stick to healthy food, not the usual binge stuff, so that I stay on the healthy side of life. I have been using protein shakes as if I thought they would somehow magically cause me to lose weight, and am realizing that they can also pour on too many calories. Thank you for listening, I needed to just tell someone how I was feeling
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish people would turn in their paperwork so I can actually schedule them in my program.

    My first week at the big girl job is stressful, but I think I am handling it as best I can. One of my peers told me I was doing a good job. I am excited for my first big girl check though!!

    I am dying to go on a run. My foot hurts a lot today, and I'm wondering if I should get it looked at. I have been wearing my old running shoes to work (as opposed to flip flops) to try and help the pain. I don't want to run and mess it up again like I did 2 weeks ago. I am also excited to maybe go get my back looked at by a different chiro so I can start getting some relief. I have noticed my back and neck have been really out of alignment.

    I lost 2 pounds this week without trying! Yay! Tonight I am making a clean version of jambalaya and it smells delicious. Too bad the rice takes FOREVER to cook.

    I am so looking forward to some retail therapy this weekend :)
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello group!! :bigsmile:

    @ebailey, wow girl you got a lot going on. Yayy on the weight loss!! I’m sorry I don’t know what happened to your foot as someone who has suffered foot pain for years and years, I feel you and hope you get better soon! I just saw my first chiro for back and neck pain. He did sort of help me and gave me some exercises to do, but I don’t know if I will go back. I keep thinking that losing weight will solve all my ailments. You should share your jambalaya recipe. Yum!!:happy:

    @Kate, it sure takes a while to get it all figured out. I take one step forward and three back so I understand. Logging every bite was something crucial for me to start doing as well. I don’t like going over my calorie limit but in the end I do feel better just being honest with myself. Thanks for sharing and I also feel it helps to talk your feelings out so that you can get the control you need to get to where you want to be. Oh and 2 lbs a week is awesome!!! :flowerforyou:

    @ aimeemarie, you have done such a great job losing weight! What an inspiration. :drinker:

    AFM, I finally got a wish I’ve been having for a few months now and that is to get a new phone. I had the Galaxy s2 and today I upgraded to the s5. It’s so big and I LOVE it!!:heart::love: First thing I did was download the MFP and Fitbit apps to it. I hadn’t been able to have Fitbit on my s2 or ipad 2, so now at work I can track my steps and keep myself more motivate.

    I did go over 50 calories today, since I had to spend almost 3 hours at AT & T getting my devices all hooked up. I suppose I could have done laps around the store. :ohwell:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @erienne (ebailey)--If you have the means to get the foot looked at, I think you should. Feet are so important--especially if you're running. :smile: Congrats on the 2 lb loss--that's awesome! :drinker:

    @kate--that's what we're here for--and believe me we all have those days. You have the right attitude though by not letting a bad day drive you off track and picking out the positives, like the walk you took. :flowerforyou:

    @aimee--that math made my brain hurt. :laugh:

    @kelley (kah)--no, I don't think I can explain it any better. My understanding os the same as yours: BMR = what your body needs to function, but a sedentary TDEE still assumes you aren't lying still not moving all day, so it is higher. Hope you are feeling better tonight! :flowerforyou:

    @krisn--I apologize if I misunderstood your earlier post when you said, "Can't wait to feel good about myself and be able to get myself out of the house confidently and fit enough to walk and enjoy it again. And personally, I want to meet new people. So i can work on that anytime now. :) " I took this to mean that you don't feel worthwhile right now in your present state. I was just trying to give you ideas about how to start that process by celebrating the little successes, even before you start to see the progress on your scale and body.

    In your reply to me you said "sorry but I just don't want to 'wait to feel good about' myself," but that's not what I was telling you to do, so I'm not really sure where that came from. You also said, "I am just motivated by thinking about how I will feel when i lose weight. I just don't want and kind of can't feel good right now." and I wasn't suggesting it would be easy to do so which is why I prefaced my encouragement with the acknowledgement that it's "easier said than done." Certainly, you should use whatever motivates you to reach your goal, and if you are motivated by the thought of how you will feel when you are more fit, that's great. I was just trying to say, I think you're a worthwhile person right now, as you are. :flowerforyou: I think we just had a miscommunication, and again I apologize for any confusion.

    @tammy--now I know this isn't the answer you want (because it involves more math :grumble: ), but the best way to figure your TDEE is to use your REAL calorie intake numbers. If you know you've maintained over the past year, and you've been logging your food, whatever calorie level you've been eating IS your actual TDEE. How I did it was I took my TOTAL calories (not NET) for the last 100 days (I didn't include any days which had incomplete food logs like from when I was on vacation). I added those 100 complete days together and divided by 100 to get my average daily intake, and that's my TDEE. Then I just subtracted 10-15% for weight loss. Yes, it was a pain to go through my diary and write down all 100 numbers then add them all up, but I know it's my actual TDEE b/c it's what I've been eating to maintain my current weight.

    @kelley & L2T--I also love my caffeine, though I get most of mine in green tea and frappacino lights. I never understand when people say they are quitting caffeine to lose weight. :huh: Although I understand why people might want to quit drinking pop, there have been so many studies that show health benefits to moderate caffeine intake--including increased metabolism. Unless someone has other health issues the neccessitate quitting caffeine, I just don't get it?!?! :laugh:

    @tom (morgori)--Yay for Left Hander's Day!! I've been waiting all year to celebrate. :drinker: I am also the only left-handed member of my immediate family. I was hoping my niece would be so, but she seems to be trending "right." :ohwell: Thanks for uprighting kaye's picture--I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what it was. :laugh:

    @L2T--yes, you are slightly ahead of me--my scale read 185 today and my ticker is at the low of my range which is 183. Congrats on your drop today--we will get there! :drinker:

    @brenda--glad to hear about your knee. :smile:

    @betty--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @toots--I find the whole adoption discussion fascinating.

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that my 2nd day of Ipad training tomorrow actually includes some use of an Ipad. :mad: Seriously--we spent all morning listening to some woman talk to us about Understanding by Design which is just the most recent terminology for Backward Design. I learned Backward Design in college back in the early '90s, and we had a couple of years of professional development for Understanding by Design a few years back. Also, anyone who's a more recent teacher in IL has definitely learned it in college courses. It's so frustrating when we sign up for training and they drone out about something we already do. Every. Single. Day. That's what happens when administrators who haven't been in a classroom in 15 years plan our professional development. Such a waste of time and I still know nothing new about how to use my Ipad in my English Lit classes. :explode:

    On a more positive note, I did get to the gym this afternoon. It wasn't a great workout b/c I'm super tired, but I had to do something after sitting in a workshop all day.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + trainer DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 54
    100g of protein = 5/31 days
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    new chiropractor to run stem on the foot. He should be able to find the trigger point for the area of pain. I love my chiropractor and I can’t begin to tell you how many times he has worked on my ankles, feet and knees. Congratulations on the 2 lb loss.

    Kate-We all have days that are tough but we get through them and have experienced those same frustrations that you are feeling. 2 lbs a week may seem slow but it will help you to keep it off in the future. There will be weeks were you lose quickly and easily and then the weeks even if you did things right you gain weight even temporarily. 2 lbs a week is a good goal. There is no right or wrong way to do this and you need to find what works for you. You are taking the first steps by recording what you eat (good, bad and ugly). The second step you are also doing getting outside to take a walk or do so something active.

    KrisN- Welcome.

    Kaye- So happy no one was hurt. Hope your car is repaired soon. The rain was awful yesterday. Some places in my county had 10 inches of rain in a matter of hours.

    Jt- TDEE gives me a headache so I have not tried to figure it out. You can try not eating your exercise calories back and see if that helps.

    Kelley- Hope your vertigo goes away soon.

    L2T- Up in Maryland, summer has been great. This year we have experienced a nice mild summer with only a few days of extreme heat. I would like to see this continue provided it means winter is not as snowy and cold as last year. Where in NC do you live? Is there a fun event going on in the area?

    Betty- Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear that you will need to have surgery but it is for the best if you have developed a major complication. Have you seen a dietician? They can help explain carbs, proteins etc and help you develop a plan for eating healthy and how many calories you should eat per day. The more you walk the easier it will get and you will build endurance and your stamina for exercise. Walking is a great way to start.

    Susan and Karen- I am also looking forward to the trip and getting a way from school for a few days and the year has not even started yet.

    Skinny- Professional development classes that don’t match the tittles are very annoying. Hope it improves and you learn more about using the Ipad in your classroom.

    Tom- I love your daily post about what is happening or being celebrated on this day. Very cool.

    Well, I had a good day. I saw another lost on the scale this morning of about 2 pounds, so now I am at 189.8 and officially out of the obese category on the BMI scale. I am so excited about this achievement. I signed up to take a scuba diving class in September. Then went to a pool party today. I was going to swim tonight but decided I was too tired for swimming after being outside most of the day outside in a different pool.

    I will have a follow up visit next Thursday, when I will get all my test results. I am slightly nervous but so much better than I was earlier this week. The best part is that I can exercise again and that is what I am focusing on for now. While dealing with the stress of the heart issue, I learned a valuable lesson: 1. If I eat less at night, I tend to lose weight, 2. I have eating fewer calories throughout the day so maybe I can decrease my calories to see what happens. I have been making healthier choices as well regarding the foods I have been eating, so hopefully that will help.

    Wish- That all my test results come back with good news.
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    thank you Brenda, skinnyjeanzbo, and Lauriek70 for acknowledging me and welcoming me. I thought for a moment maybe I shouldn't have posted my personal story. Now I feel better that at least 3 of you read me and reached out. thank you for the helpful hints...most of which I have already enacted. But the best part is just finding another voice out there that cares enough to offer advise or support.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    I love this post site====so many people are losing so much weight and so supportive of everyone. I love all the variety that goes on in each of your lives.
    My wish is to achieve my goal of redesigning my family room. We have been overcoming finanacial problems of our own making and the 2008 crash and we are succeeding which is great. When we get there I want to do the family room, a fluffy goal to be sure, but dear to my heart.
    My calorie goal are going grea this week. My biggest hurdle in dieting is that I over eat alone alot. I have decided no more secret eating and sticking to three meals a day and two snacks a day. I have found a diet plan that I enjoy eating and am moving to more honest eating with no excuses. Does that make sense.
    I have needed to lose weight for 30 years; after having twins I just never flet the need to lose the extra 30 lbs. When I entered menopause at age 43 I began to slowly gain weight. When I hit 200 lbw I screeched to a halt, joined WW and began walking every day. I lost 35 lbs and then sort of stuck. Gradually I dropped another 15 lbs and kept it off for atwo years. Then last winter I had my knee replaced and gained back the crucial 15 lbs. i have healed my knee and it feels wonderful to be pain free. Now Iam back in the saddle to drop 20 lbs. I am encouraged and take a long hard look at my body and say, you have time and energy to stay on your diet and keep at it. Whew that was alot to say.
    Glad everyone here is supportive and full of great ideas.
    Have a wishful happy day.
  • Thats awesome. I have been struggling I started off so well lost 10 pounds in under 3 weeks using My Fitness Pal in combination with the insanity workout program but now it seems I cannot break the 270 mark on my scales. I am not understanding what is going worn but I still wake up and work out as scheduled. Eating and remaning at or under my calorie goal for the day each day. It is very frustrating. I cannot quit there is too much riding on a successful weight loss this time.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That someone ELSE in my house was in charge of dinner AND would cook a healthy meal! Well, I guess that's more of a gripe. Okay, for a wish with a world view: I wish various groups, organization and nations would stop harming/oppressing those they don't like or agree with.

    13/13 days this month under goal. (I think an alien has possessed my body. This has NEVER happened before. Really, I am not the poster old lady for self restraint.)

    Toots: I, like skinnyjeanz, love hearing about China. Forgive me for asking, but do the boys speak English? Tell us more about them. The two books on my Nook are Glitch and Peering into Darkness, my fav. Sequel coming??? I found Rules of Engagement on B&N today!

    Kaye: Ooooo noooo. Sorry about your accident, but glad you're okay. Praying that you'll be on your way soon.

    Day one of hearing aid: Nothing dramatic--just subtle differences. I can hear birds singing through the windows, kids playing outside, and that annoying squeak on my hubby's wheelchair. Got to get that fixed. :laugh: It does kind of tickle, but the audiologist says it will disappear soon. However, tinnitus is as bad as ever. Rats!

    Enough rambling. Stay well all.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thom, thanks for turning my picture. I'm not savvy enough to copy it. I tried.
    Karen(Skinny), I wonder if we could figure out a way for you to 'talk' to Nicole about your English class. She did some really creative technology applications last year with her middle school honors English class. She felt that it was really successful. She is on MFP. Could she send you a private message without being a friend?
    To the new members of our group, I don't do a lot of personal comments because I am using a notebook, and it is difficult, but I am reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your stories and your feelings. We are all here to offer a listening ear and encouragement.
    We got the estimate on our car today. We have a $500 deductible, but the 'loss of use payment will cover that. I was afraid they might try to total it, but the repairs have been approved. It won't be done until near the end of next week, so we'll have to figure out how to get it, but it will all work out. I didn't even get a ticket, so it could have been much worse.
    Food has been an issue again today. I'm not going to make my August goals, but I've decided to just accept that, move forward. I know things will be much better next week when Nicole goes back to school.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • SephoraJunkieRN
    SephoraJunkieRN Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to MFP and would love to have more support! Any tips and advice would be much appreciated. Please add me as I'd love to see everyone's progress. :smile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sephora-Welcome you joined our group just by posting. How long have you been on this journey? If you give us some more information, we can provide some helpful tips.

    Kaye- Glad the car can be fixed. Don't worry about your goals if you keep walking the weight will drop again.

    Grammy- You are doing great with meeting your goals. I am sure you will get use to the hearing aids.

    Toots- I also like hearing about China and the adaption. Please keep us updated.

    Nibrocolii-Welcome. 10 lbs in 3 weeks is great. Give your body time to adjust to the changes. You will lose water weight very quickly when starting this process and then it will slow down. However, it will pick up again. There will be a pattern and different things will affect your body and how it loses weight so don't get discouraged. Take your measurements because there are times when the body is shrinking and the weight is staying put. Stick with your plan and let you body work.

    BettJ- You have found a very supportive group of people on this thread. More people will respond to you just remember that we have members from all over the world that check in with us, so the time zones differences will impact when people post. In this thread you can share your concerns, fears, successes, joys etc. Not everyone has time to post personals replies but many people read what you write. This is a journey and through Robin's Thread we have made many friendships that are supporting us along the way. These friendships are priceless. We often say that even after we meet our goal we will still check in here because everyone has become a friend. We miss people when they are disappear.

    Has anybody heard from Big Aug, Christine, Linder and a few others that have been missing?

    Truth- Nothing to complain about today. I feel great, I have a busy day planned but will get in a great workout this morning with my trainer. I am so looking forward to it. Then I am meeting a friend for lunch and more people after that. I might try to sneak some shopping in today as well.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Here is a good article about weight loss plateau.

    Some additional information about the Mayo Clinic

    Losing weight: What works?
    By Mayo Clinic Staff
    If you need to lose weight, take simple steps to improve your chances of long-term success: 1. Make a commitment. Focus on all the good things about losing weight. 2. Get emotional support. 3. Be realistic. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week. 4. Learn to enjoy healthier foods. 5. Get and stay active.

    Found at

    The Mayo Clinic website has plenty of helpful information about various topics. Hope this helps you get started or to find a way out of plateau.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--Sounds like a good day!

    @kaye--I already incorporate a lot of technology into my classroom, but the administration is really pushing the Ipads. That's fine, but they've offered little to no training on it. I don't think Nicole can send me a message if she's not on MFP, but I could PM you my email though.

    @marsha--yay for your streak! :smile:

    Training is starting so I'll be back later.
  • Hi, I'm not new to MFP, just the forum. Currently I'm about 320lbs and hoping to get somewhere around 200lbs-ish. If it's less? That'll be cool.

    Mostly I just want to be fit, you know. Weight doesn't really factor in muscle. Like in 2007 I was lazy and was around 280lbs. Over the years working and lifting and all sorts of stuff - in 2012 I was 270lbs. But I dropped from a size 22 to an 18.

    Unfortunately, it was in 2012 that I developed an eating disorder and quickly dropped to 190lbs. I was losing about 10lbs a month by starving myself and working out. I broke down eventually and got better but unfortunately with depression medication and leaving my job and stuff I now sit at 320lbs.

    I'm at my highest weight ever. I'm a lot happier and better than I was at 190lbs, but I strive to lose weight healthily and be fit. It'll be a long journey but I want to do it the right way this time.

    I've started working out again and I'm already down a little bit. Not much just a couple pounds, but even now I feel much more full of energy. I want to do things like go swimming and play tennis. I'm limited with what I can so because of my living situation so it's basically biking, treadmill, weights, and boxing and stuff.

    So yeah that's me. The only thing that's got me nervous is calorie counting because in the past it was what motivated me in the wrong ways. I'm not even sure I'll count food calories as I go along. Just eat better and don't worry.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    checking daily is a great goal; keeps you aware of your goals of eating correctly for losing weight and taking care of your muscles and bones.
    Truth=losing weight is an uncomfortable feeling and it is difficult to embrace the change at such a slow pace and to know that you will not be able to go back to enormous amounts of food. But during the journey you slowly gain new food comforts and slowly drop body fat and gain muscle. It just takes time which we have in abundance every day and leads one to all sorts of unknowns.
    Losing weight for me forces me out of my comfort zone and in to a new responsibility zone. That is my truth for today.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @erienne(ebailey)~I’m sorry about your foot, I think if it’s been bothering you for a couple of weeks you might want to have it checked out. Also, you can ask your chiro to look it—they may have some suggestions on what is causing the pain and ways to alleviate it. They may be able to do some muscle stimulation to promote faster healing and get you running again.

    @Karen(Skinny)~I hope you get actual hands on “iPad” training today, instead of listening to someone lecture redundantly.

    @Laurie~Hooray for another loss! Scuba diving? I love how active you’re becoming! Enjoy your day today!

    @Betty~Welcome to the thread, glad you found us and thanks for sharing your story. Sounds like your body is definitely ready to live without the lap band, I hope you can find a comfort zone easily once you recover and are able to return to a normal diet—as Laurie suggested, if you can afford it (or if your insurance covers it) maybe visit with a nutritionist or dietician to help you start off on the right foot.

    @nibro~It is normal to lose weight quickly when you first start a weight loss program, it levels off after a while—especially getting in the type of hard exercise you do with Insanity. Definitely do some measurements, you could be losing inches if not pounds. Also, make sure you’re eating enough (especially protein) to compensate for the high calorie burn of Insanity.

    AFM~I did not go workout last night, vertigo was too bad to attempt it. I do seem better this morning, so hope I can make the session with my trainer this afternoon. I’m going to try and make up for my lack of activity yesterday, tomorrow or Saturday. Followed up with hand surgeon today, thumb is coming along—he has released me for bench press and dead lifts. :heart: I’m still having some swelling, so I’m on a script for that—follow up again in three weeks. Oh my, this has been the l o n g e s t recovery! :ohwell:

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 11/30
    Macros (within 2%): 9/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~None DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE! (sort of)
    Wednesday~Cardio NOT DONE! (Rest Day instead)
    Saturday~Rest Day
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Kaye – if you want to try just right click the photo in my post and a menu pops up click save picture as and another window pops up click desktop and the pic will be on your desk top to upload to your pictures in MFP. If it does not bother you do not worry about it.

    I miss Big Aug’s humor but have not seen him for a long time. Linder is on quite a bit she posts likes on my news feed. I miss Shrinkwrapt and Bellawares.

    (Victory over Japan Day)
    National V-J Day is celebrated annually across the country each year on August 14 to August 15. The official announcement of Japan’s surrender to the Allies during World War II was made at this time in 1945, and because of the time zone difference, both dates apply. On September 2, 1945, the signing of the surrender document occurred, which was the official ending of World War II.
    The formal signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender took place on board of the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. At that time President Truman declared September 2 to be the official V-J Day however, over the years, many citizens of the United States have celebrated August 14 as the official V-J date.

    “A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit.” ~Unknown

  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I hope you are all having a fabulous day. I am exhausted today as yesterday was a very long day. I left my house at 0530 and did not return until after 11 and I had to be up this morning at 0430. It has been a long yet productive day and I am ready to go home and sleep!

    Thursday Truth: I am super cranky when I am tired but I'm worse when I'm hungry!

    Have a great day
  • ddas66
    ddas66 Posts: 13 Member
    Newbie here.

    I just joined MFP a few days ago and love it. I have never been much of a calorie counter but boy does it help. I have always been a fairly healthy eater but my portions are out of control and I am a major grazer. I can literally eat all day long.

    My goal is to loose a total of 140 lbs and I am down 4 so far. The Thursday Truth is that reality really hurts. When I look in the mirror I don't think I am that big, but when I see photos of me I practically fall over.

    I recently went to my friend's daughters bat mitzvah and was looking through the photos and was shocked by my size. The next day, I found this site and started counting my calories. I am down 4 lbs so far. I have a long way to go but I am motivated to make a change.