Is fluoxetine cheating?

I have been in such bad place with bingeing. My doctor has suggested putting me on fluoxetine again.

The thing is when I used to run, get out and about and keep busy I didn't feel this way. Yet my husband has a hugely stressful job and comes in late, stressed and wants a meal. I'm with my little one and sometimes more little ones. I should be proactive and find ways to get out and about but I don't. Each day I struggle with just wanting to eat. My day revolves around food (but it seems to with other mothers too -kids are always eating!).

I am not as resilient as I once was and it is probably tiredness and I have received some great advice regarding binge eating. What I can't do at the moment is be in the house all morning (which I have to be for a few weeks) with food, and a lack of sleep. I have no willpower and all I want to do is eat.

Years ago I took fluoxetine - but it had side effects- but it stopped my binge eating, or certainly helped me to feel more positive.

I'm just wondering if any bingers, or anyone else has been on it, for the longterm. I feel such a fraud going back on to it.

You've all been great and I have received, as I mentioned, so much support. Reaching out again...x


  • lizchic82
    lizchic82 Posts: 46 Member
    When my little one was younger, and I was going through a bout of depression again, I went straight back on fluoxetine - never before had I actively 'wanted' to, but this time, I knew I needed to, just to be able to continue every day being the person I needed to be. I was tired, listless, no energy (even though I was exercising) and just felt drained and down, and wanted food to help boost me, all the time. So I went back on it, and I regained masses of control. Energy went up, reliance on food went down, I felt like I was taking control and after 6 months I felt able to continue without it. Have a chat with your doc about it. Good luck x
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    I am a binge eater though have never heard of floxotene. My dr just tells me to work off the extra food... I am on meds for depression and anxiety which increase the sloth like feelings/increases appetite but I fight it.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    For those of us that adhere to a strict no fluoxetine regimen, yes, this would be cheating.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have no idea what this even is.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    My philosophy has always been, if you can avoid fluoxetine...then avoid fluoxetine.

  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    If your doctor places you on a medication, its really not our business to be judging that desicion.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    There's nothing wrong with medication if you really need it, but eventually you are going to have to learn to handle the issue on your own without medication. I think therapy is probably appropriate for your situation.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Usually a doctor will put you on it temporarily (like for a year). It creates a change that continues after you go off of it. It could help you while you are learning coping skills. Most doctors prescribe for an important reason. But, I agree that the side effects are no good. But, can be worth it, if you have long-term benefits.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member
    Fluoxetine is prozac
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Fluoxetine is prozac

    Oh, I was assuming a weight loss pill of sorts, but that's not what we're talking about. In which case, you do what you need to do for your mental health. That's between you and your doctor.

    As a weight loss tool, I personally would be adamantly opposed to taking it.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    There's nothing wrong with medication if you really need it, but eventually you are going to have to learn to handle the issue on your own without medication. I think therapy is probably appropriate for your situation.

    Hmmm... Is there a mental health concern here as well? If so TAKE IT and never be ashamed of that. I doubt cancer patients are ashamed of chemo.

    Taking an anti-depressant for weight loss? I've never heard of that, but I'm not a doctor.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    There's nothing wrong with medication if you really need it, but eventually you are going to have to learn to handle the issue on your own without medication. I think therapy is probably appropriate for your situation.

    Hmmm... Is there a mental health concern here as well? If so TAKE IT and never be ashamed of that. I doubt cancer patients are ashamed of chemo.

    Taking an anti-depressant for weight loss? I've never heard of that, but I'm not a doctor.

    She didn't specifically mention depression, but it sounds like she is dealing with a lot. On top of that if a doctor is giving someone a medication for binge eating there are definitely issues that she needs to deal with. She stated that her binge eating is stress related. Binge eating falls under eating disorders and people can benefit from seeking therapy.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    OP, it's not cheating. It sounds like you're under a ton of stress, so if your doctor thinks it will help, you should trust her/him. Some kind of talk therapy could help too -- it's not an either/or thing. Things like medication and therapy complement each other, so you might want to talk to your doctor about a range of treatment options.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I post the below more for people clicking on the link looking for a magic weight loss pill. I 100% support Prozac for it's originally intended purposes. I've taken it. Weight loss is listed as an infrequent side effect, and the frequent side effect list is troubling. The weight loss itself might come from some of the common side effects like loss of appetite and diarrhea.

    Does Prozac oral have side effects?

    The following side effects are associated with Prozac oral:

    Common side effects of Prozac oral:

    Throat Irritation Less Severe
    Sinus Irritation and Congestion Less Severe
    Dry Mouth Less Severe
    Indigestion Less Severe
    Drowsiness Less Severe
    Dizzy Less Severe
    Chronic Trouble Sleeping Less Severe
    Excessive Sweating Less Severe
    Involuntary Quivering Less Severe
    Rash Less Severe
    Loss of Appetite Less Severe
    Head Pain Less Severe
    Yawning Less Severe
    Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe
    Diarrhea Less Severe
    Nervous Less Severe
    Feeling Weak Less Severe
    Anxious Less Severe

    Infrequent side effects of Prozac oral:

    Hives Severe
    Chills Severe
    Trouble Breathing Severe
    Feeling Restless Less Severe
    Hyperactive Behavior Less Severe
    Problems with Eyesight Less Severe
    Abnormal Dreams Less Severe
    Ringing in the Ears Less Severe
    Abnormal Heart Rhythm Less Severe
    Widening of Blood Vessels Less Severe
    Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel Movements Less Severe
    Inability to have an Erection Less Severe
    Itching Less Severe
    Hair Loss Less Severe
    Joint Pain Less Severe
    Fever Less Severe
    Flu-Like Symptoms Less Severe
    Taste Problems Less Severe
    Weight Loss Less Severe
    Excessive Thirst Less Severe
    Fast Heartbeat Less Severe
    Heart Throbbing or Pounding Less Severe
    Cough Less Severe
    Chest Pain Less Severe
    Gas Less Severe
    Frequent Urination Less Severe
    Stomach Cramps Less Severe
    Confused Less Severe
    Sexual Problems Less Severe
    Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse Less Severe
    Problem with Ejaculation Less Severe

    Rare side effects of Prozac oral:

    Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Severe
    Serotonin Syndrome - Adverse Drug Interaction Severe
    Very Rapid Heartbeat - Torsades de Pointes Severe
    Prolonged Q-T Interval on EKG Severe
    A Spasm of the Larynx Severe
    Bronchospasm Severe
    Stomach or Intestinal Ulcer Severe
    Hepatitis caused by Drugs Severe
    Bleeding of the Stomach or Intestines Severe
    Inflammation of Skin caused by an Allergy Severe
    Erythema Multiforme Severe
    Seizures Severe
    Swollen Lymph Nodes Severe
    Throwing Up Severe
    Abnormal Liver Function Tests Severe
    Life Threatening Allergic Reaction Severe
    Giant Hives Severe
    Reaction due to an Allergy Severe
    Allergic Reaction causing Serum Sickness Severe
    Low Amount of Sodium in the Blood Severe
    Increased Risk of Bleeding Severe
    Behaving with Excessive Cheerfulness and Activity Severe
    Mild Degree of Mania Severe
    Having Thoughts of Suicide Severe
    Grinding of the Teeth Less Severe
    Abnormally Low Blood Pressure Less Severe
    Abnormal Bleeding from the Uterus Less Severe
    Sun-Sensitive Skin Less Severe
    Loss of Memory Less Severe
    Uncoordinated Less Severe
    Difficult or Painful Urination Less Severe
    Low Blood Sugar Less Severe
    Mood Changes Less Severe
    Loss of One's Own Sense of Reality or Identity Less Severe
  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 238 Member
    Nope, if used as intended by the physician.
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi all,

    Ah I seemed to have caused controversy. I presumed people new what fluoxetine was so thank you previous poster who clarified that!

    I am not looking for weightless as such, but I did find y binge eating stopped a long time ago when I took it, and we thought that was because my moods improved.

    I do think there is a depression link with eating, when I'm down I want to eat all the time, and just carbs (not even cake or yummy stuff, like chocolate).

    I am noticing my moods are worse in the morning and get better (as does my eating) as the day goes on.

    Running used to help, but I can't run any more :-(

    Prozac isn't a secret weightless pill, just to clarify but I have to say it really helped with my bingeing once before and I was hoping it would help.

    I can't afford therapy unfortunately
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    PS I don't mind judgement btw, I judge myself hence the title "is fluoxetine cheating".

    Ehat I would say from my limited experience I don't think eating is always oh these cakes are yum I'll just eat 5 more = hedonism. Binge eating is about feeling out of control and jet wanting more. I always find I'm not in a happy place when doing it.

    Of course it should be simple, if you don't want to binge eat (I have always been slim and binge ate for years and years, my earliest memory was being about 5 years old binge eating and because I was always very slim no one battered an eyelid when I told them about it) don't do it. It can cause me great upset yet I still do it, I have now gained weight and of course that's an issue, I have gained weight rapidly recently.

    BtW folks it completely gets any libido I have got... it has it's side effects. I suppose I wanted to hear from those taking it.

    I don't want to take it, and then come off it and be right back to square one, or worse!
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    When my little one was younger, and I was going through a bout of depression again, I went straight back on fluoxetine - never before had I actively 'wanted' to, but this time, I knew I needed to, just to be able to continue every day being the person I needed to be. I was tired, listless, no energy (even though I was exercising) and just felt drained and down, and wanted food to help boost me, all the time. So I went back on it, and I regained masses of control. Energy went up, reliance on food went down, I felt like I was taking control and after 6 months I felt able to continue without it. Have a chat with your doc about it. Good luck x

    This provides me with hop, thank you for replying. Did you find it hard to come off? how old was your little one when you went on it- mines now three so I can't blame PND.

    I can't work out if I am just not resilient or I have low serotonin (my aunt and grandmother had PMT and depression when they were younger) . I don't know if other people have better coping mechanisms than me. Some days I think the whole world is against me- and I have to logically tell myself they're not, and I have a quick temper (but maybe I'm just not that nice!!) and of course on these days I crave food... carbs. As i said it's not chocolate brownie I crave, it's bread, cereal, porridge (even!). Of course I would eat biscuits too given half the chance but it's like I have sensed I have a low mood and either my psychological or physiological I crave the carbs to feel that "hmmm"
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,035 Member
    If your mental health is such that you need to take a prescribed anti depressant - Take it!

    Of course it is not cheating - would we say a diabetic was cheating because they took insulin? Of course not.
    Mental health is no different - if you need medication,short or long term, you need medication.

    Please dont self medicate or self non-medicate. :flowerforyou:
  • lizchic82
    lizchic82 Posts: 46 Member
    When my little one was younger, and I was going through a bout of depression again, I went straight back on fluoxetine - never before had I actively 'wanted' to, but this time, I knew I needed to, just to be able to continue every day being the person I needed to be. I was tired, listless, no energy (even though I was exercising) and just felt drained and down, and wanted food to help boost me, all the time. So I went back on it, and I regained masses of control. Energy went up, reliance on food went down, I felt like I was taking control and after 6 months I felt able to continue without it. Have a chat with your doc about it. Good luck x

    This provides me with hop, thank you for replying. Did you find it hard to come off? how old was your little one when you went on it- mines now three so I can't blame PND.

    I can't work out if I am just not resilient or I have low serotonin (my aunt and grandmother had PMT and depression when they were younger) . I don't know if other people have better coping mechanisms than me. Some days I think the whole world is against me- and I have to logically tell myself they're not, and I have a quick temper (but maybe I'm just not that nice!!) and of course on these days I crave food... carbs. As i said it's not chocolate brownie I crave, it's bread, cereal, porridge (even!). Of course I would eat biscuits too given half the chance but it's like I have sensed I have a low mood and either my psychological or physiological I crave the carbs to feel that "hmmm"

    Everything you are saying sounds so familiar. Its sounds like you are mildly depressed, but I am not a doctor. Would heavily advise you seeing one asap and telling them your concerns. Also, do they not refer you for some kind of talking therapy, or are there any groups around your area which could help support? Mums/eating groups, overeaters anonymous etc?

    In a hollywood movie, someone would take you aside, give you some therapy, whilst changing your diet to green juices and clean wholesome foods for a few weeks, and you would miraculously feel better. You actually would. The trouble is; its very very difficult to do this whilst you're already feeling so crap, so dependent on food and carbs, and have a full life that is already quite stressful. Maybe buy a meditation/relaxtion cd off amazon, and liste to it every night as you go to bed... you will start sleeping better, so less tried, less craving, more control over your decisions etc etc... try it... can't hurt. While you're in theis constant sugar/carb cycle though nothing will change. I hope you see your doc, buy a cd, start trying to add in some more protein fibres and fats, so they fill you up before you can eat that loaf of bread, and if nothing else is helping, that you get some support xx You are not a horrible / bad person or a failure... you're human, going through a tough patch xx