My nutritionists advice for an endomorph - what you eat



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I used to be ectomorph. Never did any exercise but could eat whatever I wanted. Did used to do martial arts twice a week and skate every night even in the rain, though. :laugh:
  • mrzpeppers
    mrzpeppers Posts: 1 Member
    I share your pain. I'm a text book endomorphism as well. I played college football and even though I could pass all the fitness test, and tied or broke most of the strength records on my team (they wouldn't let me sqaut or deadlift over 450 for a 10 rep max or I would of been the strongest player they're yet)my coach still hastled me over my weight which was a roller coaster for the most part. During post season (the period my coaches set aside for adding mass lost during season)it wasn't unusual for me to hit 400 to 420 , but in preaaeason I was usually down to a cool 380 which they wanted me at that weight because it isn't unheard of for a lineman to lose 20 to 40 lbs during camp. The problem I faced was losing and gaining up to 60lbs a year which is pretty extreme to do for 4 years straight. It was always a pain though because I had to balance adding mass, losing fat, and maintaining mass within NCAA rules. What I found was the 40 30 30 rule worked best for me. 40% of my diet was protein, 30% was fat, and another 30% was carbs. The problem I found was preseason which meant less lifting and more cardio. During that time I tweaked to it 60% 20% 20% which this app did wonders for me. During post season I ate around 3500 to 4000 calories a day, off season (strength training) 2500 to 3000 and preseason below 2500 calories day.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Holy crap the amount of people being jerks on this forum post.

    I use these labels endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph to EXPLAIN different body types. I don't give a damn about the psychological or theories the guy who came up with these had. The fact that they allow us to identify and help different kinds of body types for weight loss/weight gain Is so helpful since the fitness world is so full of hate and narrow mindedness. It is ridiculous how much bad advice there is and ignorance.

    I don't understands. There is no evidence to suggest that these different body types exist. IMO, it is far worse to buy into the belief you fit in one of these categories and, worse, that you need a specific diet for it.
  • Obviously we cannot convince or change anyone's beliefs on if different body types exist, however I believe they do. I am too an endomorph with a very sluggish metabolism, however I manage to stay pretty lean because my weight training is intense, my cardio is intense, I time all my carbs, and I count calories. I too struggled with a sweet tooth until the day came where I was weighing in at nearly 245lbs at the age of 12. As far as my diet - CLEAN! My staples are egg whites, chicken, talipia, asparagus, broccoli, coconut oil, spinach, and sweet potatoes for my carbs. I can't even do brown rice because I immediately get bloated, my stomach gets distended, and my abs dissapear. My girlfriend didn't really believe in body types (being an ecto morph) until she met me. She has never seen someone have to work so hard, and eat so clean to stay lean. She weighs in at 120 with abs popping and she is able to eat more than myself, weighing in at 172. If you are an endomorph, and truly struggle to get lean and are doing everything right, be patient!!! This cannot be accomplished with diet and exercise alone, but it can if you make a conscious choice to yourself to go balls to the walls to dedicate your life to your goals. Fellow endomorphs - keep going! Yes it seems nearly impossible to do, but once you get to the point where you are constantly mistaken for mesos - you bet your a** its worth it. Hope this helps! Love & Light, Nick
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Solid first post :noway:
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    "Clean" eating, pseudoscience, claims of non-believers being "hateful" and "non-supportive" and sketchy anecdotal evidence from a first time poster...

    Looks like I got bingo.

    So what do I win?
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    45% fat is NEVER good for a diet - it should always be 33% or lower

  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Stalky vs stocky

    :wink: NOooow it makes sense!
    thanks for the translation :laugh:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I am of the Shelmikedmu tribe.
    yeah, you can imagine how this can make losing weight next to impossible =/

    I'll never lose this mama belly, yanno...cause, babies. ...and fat -_-

  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    "Clean" eating, pseudoscience, claims of non-believers being "hateful" and "non-supportive" and sketchy anecdotal evidence from a first time poster...

    Looks like I got bingo.

    So what do I win?

    Strong third post :laugh:
  • "Clean" eating, pseudoscience, claims of non-believers being "hateful" and "non-supportive" and sketchy anecdotal evidence from a first time poster...

    Looks like I got bingo.

    So what do I win?

    I never said anything about being "hateful", or "non supportive" - I'm simply saying there are people that can be lean by sticking to a relatively clean diet and exercising, and then there are those who have to dedicate their life to their fitness goals and work their *kitten* off. Not trying to prove my worth whatsoever, though I do want to provide my personal experience for those who get discouraged and think it can't be done. What's wrong with trying to help people? And this may be my first post here, however this isn't my first rodeo ????
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Pseudoscience and meaningless buzz terms like "clean eating" don't help anyone. "Clean eating" can mean anything to anyone. There is no universally accepted definition, so it serves little purpose to anyone but the individual. I get that you want to be supportive, and that's great. But spreading bunk like this is setting people up to fail. Some for the second, third or even fourth time. Think about what that does to people.

    It sure as hell doesn't help them, regardless of your intentions.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    "Clean" eating, pseudoscience, claims of non-believers being "hateful" and "non-supportive" and sketchy anecdotal evidence from a first time poster...

    Looks like I got bingo.

    So what do I win?

    I never said anything about being "hateful", or "non supportive" - I'm simply saying there are people that can be lean by sticking to a relatively clean diet and exercising, and then there are those who have to dedicate their life to their fitness goals and work their *kitten* off. Not trying to prove my worth whatsoever, though I do want to provide my personal experience for those who get discouraged and think it can't be done. What's wrong with trying to help people? And this may be my first post here, however this isn't my first rodeo ????

    More often than not somatotypes look the way they do because of activity level and food intake.

    Ectomorphs tend to move a lot and not quite eat enough to compensate for their activity level.
    Mesomorphs tend to be semi active and eat appropriately for their activity level.
    Endomorphs tend to not move around much and eat more than their activity level requires.

    If you change someone's activity level or their intake it will change how their body looks. I used to look like an endomorph, but I got more active (regular daily activity as well as exercise) and I started eating less (it had nothing to do with eating "clean" just not eating fast food for EVERY meal).
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Pseudoscience and meaningless buzz terms like "clean eating" don't help anyone. "Clean eating" can mean anything to anyone. There is no universally accepted definition, so it serves little purpose to anyone but the individual. I get that you want to be supportive, and that's great. But spreading bunk like this is setting people up to fail. Some for the second, third or even fourth time. Think about what that does to people.

    It sure as hell doesn't help them, regardless of your intentions.

    How do you know it doesn't help anyone ? He did'nt tell any body to eat that way, he said that's what he does.
    I did'nt see any hate or anything like that .
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Pseudoscience is termed as such because it is without merit. Encouraging people to make better food choices is always a good thing. All these "types" are nonsensical and have no bearing on scientific reality.

    My problem with the "clean eating" crowd is that they're rarely specific about what they mean.

    If I was unclear, I apologize.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Pseudoscience is termed as such because it is without merit. Encouraging people to make better food choices is always a good thing. All these "types" are nonsensical and have no bearing on scientific reality.

    My problem with the "clean eating" crowd is that they're rarely specific about what they mean.

    If I was unclear, I apologize.

    Well shucks , I by the way am not a "clean eater" :flowerforyou:
  • Pseudoscience and meaningless buzz terms like "clean eating" don't help anyone. "Clean eating" can mean anything to anyone. There is no universally accepted definition, so it serves little purpose to anyone but the individual. I get that you want to be supportive, and that's great. But spreading bunk like this is setting people up to fail. Some for the second, third or even fourth time. Think about what that does to people.

    It sure as hell doesn't help them, regardless of your intentions.

    Alright cool - i listed briefly what i eat and stick to but If im not helping, then let me know what would help and maybe i would be able to answer it more descriptively.