Is it okay to have a treat?



  • wallelf1
    wallelf1 Posts: 36 Member
    I LOVE Oreos and I eat something Oreo themed every single day, whether it is one 60 cal cookie or an oreo pop tart when I've got loads of cals.

    The point is to make this last forever, and there is no way I am giving up Oreos forever, so they have to work in!

    Oreos are a real problem for me (and husband, too). While we love, love, love them, we cannot have them in the house :); absolutely NO control when it comes to those. So we just don't buy them. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    The point is to make this last forever, and there is no way I am giving up Oreos forever, so they have to work in!

    This^^^. You just learn to work in the treats. Occasionally, you eat something and think "that wasn't worth what I went through to fit that in to my diet today". That's how you tell what you really love...was it worth the effort to fit it in.

    Yes, exactly. It's got to be worth it. The only time I get upset is if I have some crappy treat somewhere that I didn't enjoy that much. ... Planned treats are the way to go. Plan to have the treats you love and try to fit them into your calorie count.

    Yes to all of this! My husband and I both end up having the same treats over and over like 6 weeks in a row until we get sick of them, if it's something that we realllllly enjoy. Around Easter I probably ate 20 Cadbury creme eggs over the course of 2 months because they're 150 calories and totally satisfying to me as a treat.

    This is also one way that I steer clear of many other treats and desserts and foods that are not that great...feeling it's just not worth it. Last night I took my mom out for dinner at Logan's Roadhouse and I ate 1/3 of a roll which had no flavor and then only 2 bites of my macaroni side for similar reasons. Ate grilled chicken and broccoli, then had a small ice cream cone later. Was so satisfied. In the past I would have just polished off the entire Logan's meal with a couple of rolls w/ butter but I have learned to eat what's most satisfying to me including treat options.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Of course.
  • ljacksn3
    ljacksn3 Posts: 32 Member
    Of course... Just as everyone said , it's all about moderation. I make sure I can have a glass of wine every night to unwind. If I couldn't indulge in that I wouldn't last very long. It's all about a lifestyle change. No one can be on a diet forever, but anyone can make healthy choices.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Now I'm jonsing for a swiss roll, one of my favorite treats as a kid. That and Ring Dings.

    Oh well, already had some ice cream and a drink today and stayed within the calorie goals.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Everyone has a different view on treats.

    For those with binge eating disorders some treats are trigger foods and need to be avoided. That isn't the case for me. If I have enough calories for something I'm craving, then I'll have it. And if don't have the calories today, then I'll plan it into my calories for tomorrow if I'm still craving it.

    I believe that telling myself a food is 'bad' or 'off limits' gives it power. Just by saying I can't have it makes me crave it.. Once I gave myself permission to eat whatever I want as long as I'm within my calorie goal, then suddenly I stopped craving those foods. I do still eat a real dessert or chips every now and again, and I actually have learned to savor them and enjoy them more than before.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I think Cookie Monster said it best...A cookie is a sometimes food...

    For me, today was one of those sometimes. (I also had a martini before dinner...but still ended up under my calories)

    I certainly don't think an occasional treat is going to set you on a path of self-destruction (assuming it doesn't lead you into a massive binge, but if you have triggers, I am sure you know what they are). I confess I have a sweet tooth, and will indulge in some sort of dessert a few times a week. As long as you are within your calories/macros, I don't see it as a problem. Sometimes I think when you are craving something in particular, and you don't give in to it, you can end up eating around the craving...consuming more calories worth of other (supposedly "healthier") foods before ultimately giving in and eating the thing you were craving anyway.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Oh god I feel that way with peanut butter, can't have it around, I can eat like half a jar, why can't they make the little portion controlled packets? I have yet to find a place that offers peanut butter on a bagel.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Swiss cake rolls sound deadly. Send me some immediately for testing. Yes, I probably just saved your life. I know, you're welcome.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    Of course! Just stay below your calories limit for the day, but make sure you get all the nutritions and macros for the day! However, I wouldn't recommend for you to HAVE THE TREAT EVERYDAY, but it's a very healthy way to have treats in a while :D
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I've eaten entire pizzas as treats. Obviously not the best thing to do so don't use that as an excuse. :p I've lost 45 pounds even while doing that. As I like to say, there's no point losing weight if you lose your sanity along with it.
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    If it's within your calorie goal why not?! :drinker:
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Yes. I say 80% healthy foods and 20% indulgent. If you never let yourself have a treat, you're more likely to binge later. 80/20 is a habit that you can continue even after reaching your goal.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Hmmm, I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree... It's not ok*

    *with the following caveat that if you're already at your goal/target weight/whatever then yes, a planned treat is ok. If not then you're just harming/delaying your progress.

    How are you harming or delaying your progress if you still end up under your calorie goals for the day? Is it because of "evil" sugar or some BS like that?
  • sophysings
    sophysings Posts: 28 Member
    I think it's OK to have the odd treat even if you go over your calorie goal by a small amount - as long as you know it will slow you down a bit. I have my weight loss goal set at 2lb a week loss but don't really mind if some weeks I end up losing 1lb; I am changing my habits a little bit at a time after years of comfort eating and that works for me :)
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Absolutely! I make room for a treat daily!

    yes, this
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Yes :) I have ice cream almost daily :)
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    No. Never. You must always restrict yourself and touture yourself in order to lose weight and inches.