2000 calories a day - still not gaining



  • Focus on a big breakfast and drinking liquids to stretch out your stomach
  • Hi there, you might have to increase your calories by 500 every 2 weeks or so. Your stomach would have expanded by then so you can eat more.

    I am also 5 foot 5 and when I started MFP I was 9 stone. My goal is to get to 10.5 or 11 stone then reduce my calories to 2000 a day to maintain my weight.

    I eat very clean as I also suffer from eczema and cannot really eat out except very rarely and I have to choose what to eat very carefully.

    I do not eat or processed food except sausages 2ce weekly.

    Breakfast is 3 large raw organic eggs from Borough market
    32 oz of avocado, celery, carrot, apple, cucumber, spinach smoothie with one raw plantain to make it taste great.

    Lunch - this varies between 1 salmon steak with salad
    Or fried plantain and sausages
    Followed by 1 Delamere goats yoghurt with 2 tbsps Udos oil
    3 rAw eggs

    Pounded yam with mackerel stew or salmon steak (Nigerian food is nutrient dense and calorie dense)

    Snack 250 g of cashew nuts, avocado smoothie as above

    Once a month I spoil myself with either carrot cake slice or 6 hot cross buns! Processed but delish! With plenty if salted butter!

    I also make homemade kefir with kefir starter culture rather than kefir grains. This is very good for getting lots of friendly bacteria into the gut and to heal a leaky gut.

    I am now 9 stone 9 since I started My Fitness tracking on July 12. This site has really helped me achieve my goals as it is easier to lose weight for me than to gain.

    I am very pleased...
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member

    I want to look fat, have curves ect, have all my bony parts covered. I hate my collar bones, wrists,ankles and hips. I could not care less if I was toned , cellulite wont bother me. long as I am seen as fat or curvy I would be happy.

    Maybe you should just invest in a good shrink instead :(
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member

    I want to look fat, have curves ect, have all my bony parts covered. I hate my collar bones, wrists,ankles and hips. I could not care less if I was toned , cellulite wont bother me. long as I am seen as fat or curvy I would be happy.

    Maybe you should just invest in a good shrink instead :(

    That was mean......sorry. I would take it back if I could.
  • Hi there, me again - think I posted on a different page in same topic.

    I must admit eating more than usual is hard at first. The first 3 weeks on my fitness, I was averaging between 2000 and 1,500 cals a day.

    Then when I realised that I would gain 5lbs then lose it by the end of the week, I upped my goals to 2500 calories and consistently logged everything I ate.

    I then realised that my body and skin feel better with a higher protein and fat intake than carbs so I try to get 30% protein 30% fat! and 30% carbs.

    I can understand how you feel about wanting to be curvy. I am black and most black girls are quit curvy cos guys prefer them thicker in the right places.

    I went to a barbecue in a park with 1000 other people from my cousins church. I just happened to notice that I was one of the thinnest people there. At that was at 9 stone 7! I was absolutely mortified! I did not realise that I was so thin! My nieces took photos with me at the park on the day, and they are in their late teens whilst I will be 50 this year!

    The problem is that I actually look 15 years younger because I am so slim. However, though I do not believe I have anorexia as such, I too want to cover my bones as I wad 11 stone 2 years ago after having my first baby at 44 years.

    My belly did not go down so I lost weight including muscle to try and tone my belly down. Unfortunately, I lost the weight to fast and my face looks gaunt.

    So I totally understand about wanting to put on fat rather than muscle.

    For you though, you need to find calorie dense food that you can tolerate gut-wise like myself.

    It took me 15 years to finally get this right and now my skin is be coming clear, my moods are stable and I am gaining much needed weight all at the same time.

    Trust me, My Fitness Pal is a real blessing.

    Take care,
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    Hi there, me again - think I posted on a different page in same topic.

    I must admit eating more than usual is hard at first. The first 3 weeks on my fitness, I was averaging between 2000 and 1,500 cals a day.

    Then when I realised that I would gain 5lbs then lose it by the end of the week, I upped my goals to 2500 calories and consistently logged everything I ate.

    I then realised that my body and skin feel better with a higher protein and fat intake than carbs so I try to get 30% protein 30% fat! and 30% carbs.

    I can understand how you feel about wanting to be curvy. I am black and most black girls are quit curvy cos guys prefer them thicker in the right places.

    I went to a barbecue in a park with 1000 other people from my cousins church. I just happened to notice that I was one of the thinnest people there. At that was at 9 stone 7! I was absolutely mortified! I did not realise that I was so thin! My nieces took photos with me at the park on the day, and they are in their late teens whilst I will be 50 this year!

    The problem is that I actually look 15 years younger because I am so slim. However, though I do not believe I have anorexia as such, I too want to cover my bones as I wad 11 stone 2 years ago after having my first baby at 44 years.

    My belly did not go down so I lost weight including muscle to try and tone my belly down. Unfortunately, I lost the weight to fast and my face looks gaunt.

    So I totally understand about wanting to put on fat rather than muscle.

    For you though, you need to find calorie dense food that you can tolerate gut-wise like myself.

    It took me 15 years to finally get this right and now my skin is be coming clear, my moods are stable and I am gaining much needed weight all at the same time.

    Trust me, My Fitness Pal is a real blessing.

    Take care,

    Thank you

    After confirming with the doctors nothing is physically wrong with me (its just anxiety that is causing me to not gain) I know that I just need to adjust my eating habits

    I have gained 1 kg already, so its a massive confidence boost :) Simple things such as adding more protein and drinking hot chocolates every night ect is making a big impact on my calorie intake. I have to be careful as I have IBS so some foods push me back a step.

    Thank you for your advice and story :)
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.

    Its what my Doctor has recommended . I use to only eat around 1000.

    I am not a body builder or a man so please do not compare my calories to yours.
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    I don't feel like reading everyones comments, so in case it wasn't said: Hyperthyroidism, celiac and crohns can all make it difficult to maintain or put on weight. Not sure about diabetes, since most diabetics I've known have had the opposite problem. And I'm in no way a medical professional so I'd just wait to see what the doc says on testing to be sure.

    Quoted for emphasis.

    OP, I wouldn't worry about it too much until you get your tests results back. Usual advice is to eat calorie dense things like nuts, seeds, peanut butter, pasta, eggs, avocado, full fat dairy, etc. But if you have digestive issues or some sort of intolerance, some of these may make it worse. Therefore, it's best to get your medical review squared away and then work on any changes you might need to make. In the meantime, keep eating as much as you can and seriously consider counseling. I get you're hesitant but with a history of ED and admitted body dismorphia, you really could use it.

    Currently having therapy as recommend by many people on here. I am adjusting my food intake but my stomach is still very sensitive to certain foods ( test results suggest IBS and nothing serious)

    I have gained 1 KG already, a small amount yes but I think it is progress :)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.

    Its what my Doctor has recommended . I use to only eat around 1000.

    I am not a body builder or a man so please do not compare my calories to yours.

    Plenty of women can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight or even lose weigh.

    His advice was correct and had nothing to do with being a body builder or a man, at no point did he compare his and your calories - you're very defensive and I suspect a talk with a councillor would be a good idea.

    You're doctor recommended 2000 - but that doesn't mean it is the right amount, I'm sure now if you had gone back he would up it again since you were not gaining weight.

    I'm 5'3 and can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    It depends on your activity level, age, height, weight and gender. I'm incredibly active, 5'4", 145lbs, female and I'm LOSING weight on 2000 calories a day. If you're not gaining weight, then you need to eat more to accomplish that goal. I promise it's truly that simple. I see that your doctor recommended 2000 calories, but most doctors are surprisingly ill-educated about diet and nutrition. My mother's doctor has switched her to many different, what I refer to as: "as seen on TV diets." It sounds crazy, but aside from a doctor who specializes in nutrition, many are as ignorant as the general public when it comes to weight and diet.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    this is fascinating.
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.

    Its what my Doctor has recommended . I use to only eat around 1000.

    I am not a body builder or a man so please do not compare my calories to yours.

    Plenty of women can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight or even lose weigh.

    His advice was correct and had nothing to do with being a body builder or a man, at no point did he compare his and your calories - you're very defensive and I suspect a talk with a councillor would be a good idea.

    You're doctor recommended 2000 - but that doesn't mean it is the right amount, I'm sure now if you had gone back he would up it again since you were not gaining weight.

    I'm 5'3 and can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight.

    Because I am defensive I need to go see Councillor?
  • bethoves
    bethoves Posts: 2 Member
    your metabolism may be fast. Age will take care of that. Mine slowed down at around 35 years old. I was thrilled to be able to finally gain weight, but now i wish I had a fast metabolism back. Eating everything I wanted was more fun than dieting.
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    your metabolism may be fast. Age will take care of that. Mine slowed down at around 35 years old. I was thrilled to be able to finally gain weight, but now i wish I had a fast metabolism back. Eating everything I wanted was more fun than dieting.

    My family believes its just hereditary or possibly to do with hormones as the females in my family were all around the 8 - 9 stone mark when my age before having kids. After they had kids they all went to around 12-14 stone.

    Not positive if this is the case for me.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.

    Its what my Doctor has recommended . I use to only eat around 1000.

    I am not a body builder or a man so please do not compare my calories to yours.

    Plenty of women can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight or even lose weigh.

    His advice was correct and had nothing to do with being a body builder or a man, at no point did he compare his and your calories - you're very defensive and I suspect a talk with a councillor would be a good idea.

    You're doctor recommended 2000 - but that doesn't mean it is the right amount, I'm sure now if you had gone back he would up it again since you were not gaining weight.

    I'm 5'3 and can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight.

    Because I am defensive I need to go see Councillor?

    Because you shoot down good advice and appear to have some issues surrounding your ED that a job public really aren't equipped to deal with.

    You ask for advice and get defensive when people tell you the truth. So yeah - you have issues, nothing wrong with that, lots of people do - but no-one here can help you with those. If you aren't willing to listen to good advice and find a reason to ignore every bit of good advice offered to you, well...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ^^^ truth.

    There is no reason to get defensive and upset when people tell you stuff- we have no reason to lie to you- or give you bad information- we don't get anything out of this- we really are here to help and give advice- but we cant' give advice to someone who is defiensive or dismissive. it's counterproductive.

    Plus seeing a professional can help sort out some of the back story issues and emotional things that accompany food problems- that as Iron Feline said- we just are not equipped to deal with.

    that being said- I maintain around 2000 calories- in order to gain I have to be between 3000-3500.

    it really is that simple... if you aren't gaining after 2-3 weeks- eat more food.
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.

    Its what my Doctor has recommended . I use to only eat around 1000.

    I am not a body builder or a man so please do not compare my calories to yours.

    Plenty of women can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight or even lose weigh.

    His advice was correct and had nothing to do with being a body builder or a man, at no point did he compare his and your calories - you're very defensive and I suspect a talk with a councillor would be a good idea.

    You're doctor recommended 2000 - but that doesn't mean it is the right amount, I'm sure now if you had gone back he would up it again since you were not gaining weight.

    I'm 5'3 and can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight.

    Because I am defensive I need to go see Councillor?

    Because you shoot down good advice and appear to have some issues surrounding your ED that a job public really aren't equipped to deal with.

    You ask for advice and get defensive when people tell you the truth. So yeah - you have issues, nothing wrong with that, lots of people do - but no-one here can help you with those. If you aren't willing to listen to good advice and find a reason to ignore every bit of good advice offered to you, well...

    I understand completely

    I am finding it very difficult to eat over 2000 calories, it is a struggle for me. The thought of being pushed to eat more then that terrifies me. I know it needs to be done, it wont help me getting angry about it .

    Is there any foods you can recommend that have a high calorie count but easy to eat?

    I cant have large amounts of dairy as it effects my stomach.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    2000 calories is nothing, of course you're not gaining.

    Its what my Doctor has recommended . I use to only eat around 1000.

    I am not a body builder or a man so please do not compare my calories to yours.

    Plenty of women can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight or even lose weigh.

    His advice was correct and had nothing to do with being a body builder or a man, at no point did he compare his and your calories - you're very defensive and I suspect a talk with a councillor would be a good idea.

    You're doctor recommended 2000 - but that doesn't mean it is the right amount, I'm sure now if you had gone back he would up it again since you were not gaining weight.

    I'm 5'3 and can eat 2000 calories a day and not gain weight.

    Because I am defensive I need to go see Councillor?

    Because you shoot down good advice and appear to have some issues surrounding your ED that a job public really aren't equipped to deal with.

    You ask for advice and get defensive when people tell you the truth. So yeah - you have issues, nothing wrong with that, lots of people do - but no-one here can help you with those. If you aren't willing to listen to good advice and find a reason to ignore every bit of good advice offered to you, well...

    I understand completely

    I am finding it very difficult to eat over 2000 calories, it is a struggle for me. The thought of being pushed to eat more then that terrifies me. I know it needs to be done, it wont help me getting angry about it .

    Is there any foods you can recommend that have a high calorie count but easy to eat?

    I cant have large amounts of dairy as it effects my stomach.

    Peanut butter. On everything. All the time. That would be my plan.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Peanut butter. On everything. All the time. That would be my plan.

    This is great advice. 3x a day eat a tablespoon of PB. That's an extra 300-350 cals a day right there and can be sneaked in between meals without a problem. Snacking on some dried fruit and nut mix can easily add another 200-300 a day without much in the way of actual eating.

    That's 500-650 cals a day extra without trying or bulk eating. It can be done!