Too "heavy" to work out... Any tips??



  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I'm 42, 5'7 and started at 265lbs, I found a nice casual walk got me started, maybe like 2km then 3/4/5. Now I'm running 5km daily and at 179lbs. Main thing listen to your body, stop when things get to be too much. A treadmill is great if you are self conscious as I was when I started. Good Luck 8)
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.

    Since you have knee pain you want to discuss this with your doctor to help eliminate injury. With that said , low impact activities are possible like water aerobics ( some cities have local YMCA) , treadmill walking or walking outside is still low impact and maybe slowly can increase speed or intensity, or you could do upper body workouts too like punching and such.

    I started working out hard with no injuries ( except arthritis in my feet) at 311 lbs.
    I used these videos on youtube :

    Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout ( first 34 minutes is cardio/strength training)
    HasFit beginner workout
    Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

    Many of these have modifiable aspects of them , now I can do it all. also has some great 10 minute workouts.

    Best advice I can give is just start moving and eat well and it will all come together. Good luck!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    If you can't walk, look up "Sit and be Fit".

    Also, see a Physical Therapist about the knee.
  • kulakowskic
    Water aerobics is a good start because it puts low stress on the limbs and everything so you can move more freely even at a heavier weight.
  • MrsWilliams89
    MrsWilliams89 Posts: 4 Member
    When I started trying to lose weight after I had my daughter I weighed 260 am I am 5'7''. I bought a workout DVD and it was way too hard for me. I had to just walk for a long time because I did not have a lot of mobility because of my size. I think swimming would also be good because you feel lighter and it is still a very good workout. There are also chair exercises that can be done with resistance bands and small weights. Another option would be to do exercises 10-15 minutes at a time until they become much easier, or even less if you have to. Persistence is difficult especially when you feel like falling over but it gets better eventually.
  • HeidiGrrrl
    HeidiGrrrl Posts: 81 Member
    What I've done in the past is not worry about working out, or at least not at first. You will lose weight even if you never get off the couch just by eating less. Once the weight comes off, or a good portion of it (enough so you don't feel "too heavy"), then you can start adding exercise by simply walking. Even 15 minutes is better than none. It doesn't have to be vigorous at first. Stamina is built up slowly. Start by simply adding distance. Once you can go a comfortable distance for you, then you can start upping your speed.

    Weight loss is only about 5% what you do with your body, and about 95% what goes into your mouth. You can run the equivalent of the Boston Marathon every single day, and won't lose an ounce if you don't cut back your calories. I walk about 6 miles per day at 3mph, and that only burns 500 calories, so that should tell you something. I'm far too heavy to work out vigorously because it throws my heart into arrhythmia, or more accurately, "throw PVCs (pre-ventricular contractions)", as they call it, if I get over-zealous. I've had this heart problem since I was 21 years old, and was thin and fit as a fiddle back then, so it has nothing to do with my weight now. It started when I was in college. I've come close to fainting at times when it isn't beating right. It's very unpleasant.

    If you're looking for fitness more than weight loss, again, start by walking slowly. 2mph is a stroll, but you can add distance to that. Then slowly work up your speed until you can move along at a good clip, yet carry out a conversation.

    You aren't too heavy to work out some. You aren't 1000 pounds. If this fat old lady can do it, so can you. ;-) Good luck!
  • shelleymcdaniel
    When I started my gym membership I was 304 lbs. I started with the a speed that was comfortable for me. In 6 minutes I was huffing and puffing and I thought I would die! The next day I did 7 minutes. The next day I was aiming for 8 minutes and I did 10! I also tried the bicycle, the same way. And I found a swim aerobics class meant for senior citizens, and I did as much as I could. In time, I was sweating along with everyone and didn't feel so different.

    The point is you are doing something, which is more than you did before! You will gain muscle and become more fit. You may not be doing as much as the skinny little thing next to you, but you are doing what you can do, and you will do more when you can. Good luck! :happy:
  • FortWildernessLoopy
    FortWildernessLoopy Posts: 62 Member
    I lost 45 lbs without exercising due to medical reason... NOW with that 45 lbs gone I can work out just like I used to. Don't worry about the exercise yet, just concentrate on losing the weight, then in 6 months you'll be shocked at how much better you feel and are able to work out.
    Best of luck.

    ^^ This! I started over 345lbs at 5'10" and 41 yrs old. You are already doing more cardio than most people realize just by breathing. Whenever you see others who are able to just dive right in and exercise, remember they aren't starting with a whole nother human being in weight strapped on them 24 hrs a day. Start by cutting calories and getting your weight down. You don't need one bit of exercise in the beginning, just a calorie deficit.
    I got winded just going to the restroom. I started by weaning myself off my walker to go get the mail 1/4 mile away, but not until I had already lost 20lbs. I'm down a little over 70 now and I am just now starting my weight training and doing serious walking and even walking a 5K next month.
    You really can do this, just start off at a slower pace. You'd be amazed after you lose some of the weight how easy it will become to move around and stay motivated!
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    When I started out at 285 lbs I had to do a lot of modified exercises.

    Start with stretching. Sit down with your legs out to both sides in a V shape. Reach for one knee/foot at a time and then reach out in the center in front of you. Go until you feel it starting to pull and then hold it for about 10 seconds before releasing. Sitting with your legs apart leaves room for your tummy where having you legs together your tummy might get in the way before you got a good stretch.

    Do "super cheater push-ups" I still can't do real push-ups or girly push-ups. Stand in front of a wall and put your hands on the wall shoulder width apart. Lean into the wall until the tip of your nose touches. Push yourself away from the wall with your arms and then slowly lean yourself back towards the wall.

    In place of doing sit-ups sit on the edge of the bed, and slowly lean back into what would be a laying down position. When you get to the point where you start "shaking" and have to clench your tummy to stay up hold it for 10 seconds before laying down. It works the same muscles but is easier for people who have a hard time laying down on the floor or have too much tummy for a traditional sit-up.

    Stand behind a couch or in front of your kitchen counter and hold on to it for balance. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your feet pointed outwards. This position is also Ballet 2nd position if you need to look up a picture. Bend your knees, slowly lowering until you feel the stretch in your legs, or your heels are trying to come off the floor, then slowly come back up.

    These helped me a lot and I still do them a few times a month. Best of all they cost nothing to do. I hope this works for you and anyone else who needs them. :D
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    I was so fat I could barely walk, used a cane and scooter. Went to hydro therapy for my knee. Joined a gym with a pool. In 13 months I have dumped 130 lbs and I'm ooooooooooold. Working out in water gives you 12x the resistance of working on land. Swimming keeps all the pressure off your joints. If you need a new gym, find one before you can't move.
  • dearannna
    dearannna Posts: 60 Member
    You can do it :-) In January I was 390lb and 5'5 so really heavy. I was really really unfit, and also had limited mobility in day to day life - If I needed to walk more than a few metres, or stand for more than a few minutes I'd get searing back pain and my feet and legs would ache like hell.

    As part of my new healthy start I began going to the gym a couple of times a week and not beating myself up for what I did or didnt do when I got there - I just had to go. I tried loads of different types of exercise to find out what I liked the best. I found out that I (and my knees) definately do not like running or jumping, or stepping. But that I'm pretty strong when it comes to lifting weights. After all I have been hauling around an extra 200lb for the last however many years.

    So during this year I just kept going, trying new things, being consistent. Over time, I gradually felt a change. To start with, I'd get on the cardio equipment, my heart rate would go up, I'd feel like I couldn't breathe, everything would hurt, and it would be game over. Then I started to notice my that when I pushed myself I would feel my body respond to handle the pressure rather than threaten to keel over - and I liked it. That gave me the encouragement to keep going and taking small steps, trying new things.

    I still have a long way to go but 7 months on I am now going to the gym 5 times a week doing a combination of cardio, classes including circuits, body pump and spin. I also lift weights and am super proud of my 250lb squat! I am also 65lb lighter and went on holiday last week and walked at least 5 miles each day without thinking about it.

    I'm not trying to say 'oh look at me I'm so great' but the message is that if I can do it ANYONE can. You just need to keep going. As long as you do some form of exercise a couple of times a week you'll be making progress. Don't worry about how much you do - I used to beat myself up at not working hard enough, or doing enough, but you know what, we all do the best we can at the time.

    You got this :-)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    What will help you most with losing weight is to control the calories you're eating.
    Exercise helps some, but is more important to maintaining weight.

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake. However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."
    just go in and work out for 5 minutes. More if you want to, but set a goal of 5 minutes and when your done, your done. No beating yourself up over it. You set a goal and made it! Next time do the same and do this for 3 or 4 visits. Then set a goal of 10 minutes and repeat. Never beat yourself up over not doing more. You'll get there. Okay, now work up to 15 minutes and so on... you get the picture right?
    If you can only do 10 minutes, so be it. If you have to go slow, who cares?! Just do what you can.
    Start where you are. Take baby steps, and eventually you'll get where you want to be.
    Start where you are.
    If all you can do right now is walk to the end of the driveway & back, do that. Then rest up & do it again in an hour. And again the next hour. Before too long you'll be going around the block, then 2 blocks... You get the picture.
    If you have access to a gym, start on the treadmill for 5 minutes. Next day, do 6. Then 7. (Or if you're feeling good, and ambitious, add 2 minutes.)

    You might get some encouragement & info from reading my blog post about exercise.
    Motivation doesn't always come easy for me. I've decided I just have to do my work out, motivated or not.
    Yes. Just like you brush your teeth every day, tell yourself you're going to control your calories in AND do some exercise.
    I gained all my weight due to an injury as well
    No, you didn't.
    You gained weight because you ate more than your body needed.
    Doesn't matter whether you simply like to eat a lot, or your energy needs changed due to inactivity, thyroid issues, whatever,
    the bottom line is that people gain weight when they eat more calories than they burn.
  • rosah2
    rosah2 Posts: 40 Member
    I have read so much advice about using the pool, water aerobics at the Y, etc. I have to wonder if anyone else had the problems I did with that. Last winter I was going to the Y for water aerobics. I would have loved it except the water temperature felt cold to me and caused both my knees to stiffen up and lock. By the end of an hour session, I could barely hobble out to the car. For the rest of the day, my knees hurt and it was difficult to get up out of a chair. This was in what they called the "warm" pool. No one else complained about it feeling cold. I finally had to stop going so I would be able to walk.

    I went to physical therapy for my knees and the stretching exercises my therapist had me doing seemed to give me a kick start towards moving again. I use a sit down elliptical and now I am back to walking. I try to walk an hour a day.

    I have arthritis in both knees and both hips, spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. I am 65 yrs old.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.

    Go work out, that's an excuse.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Working out in water gives you 12x the resistance of working on land.
    No it doesn't.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Baby steps! You got there, is there a pool? Just walking in the pool is a good start, 5- 10 minutes at a time, then you swim. The more you do it, the better you will feel and the more endurance you will build up.
    You've got this!
  • losingforgood120
    If you can go to a pool that's shallow enough to wade through- "walk" through the water back and forth. Feels fantastic! I also had a knee injury. For awhile I couldn't even do long distance walking. (I could still do my day-to-day activities.) Once you feel like you're ready try going for walks. If the knee pain gets in the way then stick with the pool for awhile. Good luck. Feel free to add me!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Omigosh, I am you. Same size, same knee problem.

    I have been doing exercises to strengthen my knees, and I wear a brace to keep things from popping out of place. I am working my way up to doing Zumba, not at full speed or with full range of motion, but that's ok. It's still movement.

    I am also looking forward to swimming, as soon as I get a suit.

    I hope you find a workout that you can feel safe doing!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I started at 311 and the first thing I did was an aquafit class in the pool. Minimal joint pain, the water buoyed up my big body, and I could work at my own intensity level.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I also highly advocate water exercises - low to no impact on sore joints and great cardio.

    I have a bad ankle and almost no balance on my right side so jogging / running scares me, but I walk all the time. It's great for low impact while I'm working on strengthening my ligaments in my foot to take on a little more. It's working for me so far - I can't imagine picking up and strapping a 20 lb weight on my back now, but that's the equivalent of what I was doing while I was hurt and hobbling.

    The most important thing for weight loss is diet, but ANY movement is better than no movement.