Too "heavy" to work out... Any tips??



  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    Do your knees bother you so much that you can't walk?

    No, I can definitely walk... Hurts the most going up n down stairs but I do feel it when I walk...
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    I have similar issues with both the weight and a bad knee. I was in a bad car accident last year and broke my leg. I had to have a rod put in and surgery on my knee. It has caused me chronic pain and my knee is always swollen. I started riding a stationary bike in physical therapy and it helped, but I got lazy and stopped. I just started back with the bike and have significantly improved my knee pain as well as burning lots of calories.

    That's actually what I have been doing, I can last half hour right now on the bike and it doesn't bother me at all... but I feel like my feet kinda cramp up by the end which is weird...
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.

    Go work out, that's an excuse.

    No, it's not an excuse!! I have been in the gym 8 days out of the past 14, trying to work out. I asked for tips, not smart *kitten* comments smh
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    Wow thank you all SOOO MUCH for the tips and encouragement!! I'm still reading the comments but a popular one is swimming, which I really like to do but never thought about it for exercising... I go to L.A. Fitness which does have a pool, but there only seems to be senior citizens in there... I think that I would feel out of place and would attract attention and I'm still very self conscious being there as it is [I'm sure not everyone is staring at me but it feels like they are!]
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Lots of great advice here...I agree with the walk or swim. ..those are excellent choices. The Leslie Sansone Just Walk DVDs are great. ...affordable and you can find them at Walmart. Good luck. can do it!
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh honey, I feel you. I'm 4 ft 10 and 260. Walking and a little bit of elliptical is all my poor body can handle. It's working though! Just start slow, five minutes if that's all you can do. I've finally built up to 36 minutes today. You can do it! <3

    Edit: I also agree with what someone above said. Swimming is great too!

    Congrats on your progress!! I tried the elliptical but couldn't last 2 mins on it :( I should try again tho, even if for a few mins
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    My son was 314 lbs and kept complaining of knee pain. Anything he did would hurt so much he could barely move. I know he was truly in pain and could see how hard it was for him. But I also knew he was in pain from having so much weight on his poor knees. He finally decided to put up with the pain in the name of progress. He started walking, slowly and not a lot and bicycling. A little more each day. Also dieting. At the beginning his knees hurt so much he wanted to give up but he didn't and eventually, after he had lost some 50 lbs, his knees stopped hurting. He is now 120 lbs lighter and lives pain free.

    It's really hard to get yourself going but it is worth it.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    No gyms in this small town. I lost most of my weight riding a recumbant bike. Swimming is also a good exercise. I've had problems with my knees for several years. I take glucosamine Chondroitin twice a day... it takes a while to build up in your system before you notice a difference... but well worth it.

    Don't worry about what other people think... they're too busy worrying about what people think of them.
  • ag27404
    ag27404 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm only 5'4 and was 230 when I started out about 18 months ago. I started out walking....just half a mile, then a mile. When I finally joined my gym, the first time I was on the elliptical, I thought I was going to die. On level 1, I made it 15 minutes. I never believed I'd make it any further. I also had knee issues. I took it slow. A few minutes at a time and also did strength training to help my knees. 4 months later when I ran on the elliptical for 60 minutes straight at the mid-level -- I almost cried when I got off.

    So start small. 5-10 minutes. One step at a time. You can do this! Good luck.
  • anewstart1011
    anewstart1011 Posts: 72 Member
    I started 50 days ago. I joined a gym in January and went for 3 months and my knees got so bad. For now the best thing I ever did was quite the gym all I could do was treadmill. I bought a fitbit July 4th, got cortisone shot in knees and meds. I started walking. In the beginning I would walk then rest only a few feet. I was crying pain but I know that I had to walk that the pain I felt today would be better tomorrow. I have lost 15lbs since walking and logging my calories.

    At some point I will be ready to join gym again today I was scouting out treadmills with weight limits under 300lbs I found one today. I am working hard to get back in shape and my gift to myself when I am back into 200 land is going to a treadmill! I should be in 200 land in the next month or so!

    I also have a special needs child and I am trying this time to not let my circumstances get in the way of loosing weight!

    I am averaging 4 to 7 miles a day walking.

  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    Okay this is my very first post to anyone on here. I'm 47 years old, 5'4 and 266 lbs. The heavier I've gotten, the harder it is to work out, it just seems so hard and I have no energy. I just had tendon repair surgery 6 weeks ago (I am just now getting off the scooter and crutches), and in the last year I gained over 40 lbs from having to stay off my foot and eating Baskin Robbins! Seriously...that is what I would have everyday. Looking back I wish I hadn't but this is where I am at now so here goes!

    First of all: KUDOS for going to the gym!!! I literally would get to the parking lot last year and talk myself out of working out. You are already in the game! Someone told me once that getting there is the first step. Next just go in and work out for 5 minutes. More if you want to, but set a goal of 5 minutes and when your done, your done. No beating yourself up over it. You set a goal and made it! Next time do the same and do this for 3 or 4 visits. Then set a goal of 10 minutes and repeat. Never beat yourself up over not doing more. You'll get there. Okay, now work up to 15 minutes and so get the picture right?

    Motivation doesn't always come easy for me. I've decided I just have to do my work out, motivated or not. I am always thrilled when I've completed my goal for the day and I need to remind myself of that. I am just beginning my weight loss and health journey (again). I refuse to give up even though I've been on this journey for 26 years. I truly believe I can be just like all those other people who manage to lose weight, keep it off and get healthy. I just have to find the way that works for me and have faith.

    Your post inspired me and put things back into perspective as I've been procrastinating my work out all morning. I can't stand on my foot completely but I know I have lots of exercises I can do sitting down. So I'm off to work out! Don't give up! You made a difference in my morning, I don't feel so alone. One moment at a time :)

    Thank you so much for sharing that with me <3 You're right, it's taken me a few years, I feel self conscious and discouraged, but I am still THERE. I like the idea of mini goals! Then I don't set myself up for failure with too high of an expectation... Thank you and congrats on your progress so far! :)
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 450lbs when I first set foot in the gym, so I don't really buy this "I'm too heavy" stuff... You just have to accept that it's going to suck for a while and take it slow, figure out what your body can do and then push yourself a little bit more each time you work out.

    FWIW, the recumbent bike was my best friend when I started exercising.

    You can do it! Good luck!
  • Blesmols
    Blesmols Posts: 35 Member
    I started out around 244 pounds at 5'6" and let me tell you, I very much understand the knee situation. Both my knees, my left hip, my back, and a number of other things hurt me every day. I started exercising by walking as slowly as I needed to walk and only as long as I could stand. At the beginning, this was about five minutes on flat ground. What I did is commit to doing that until it seemed easy to do and lost some body weight from calorie control. When the walking seemed easier, I just walked at the pace I could and adjusted my time upwards. If you do any exercise at all and afterwards it is too painful, take the next day off. If you do not feel the pain lessen the next day, see a physician. The point is just to appreciate yourself for exercising as much as you can and doing as well as you can with your calorie control. I would recommend that if you feel pain every day without exercise that you go see a physician before even trying what I suggest.

    I started doing things how I do it two years ago. Today, I weigh around the 175 mark and I do a 6' stepper with two-pound hand weights for 55 minutes pretty well most days. I do this six days a week and take a day off. If I hurt too much any day though I take the next day off whether it's scheduled or not, and on that extra day off I watch my calorie intake. My body does still hurt some days because some of it is old injuries, but my knees and hip improved much from the weight loss.

    Be patient with yourself. See yourself as recovering from a weight condition, not exercising, and praise yourself for every step you can take, even if it's just two steps. :smile: I use the Japanese view on dieting for almost anything hard for me to do. I read a piece of their wisdom that says a person should diet by removing one grain of rice from his or her food each day. Good luck!
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    A NICE BIG SCHWINN BIKE. Started at 278 pounds on a bike. Now down 50 pounds in little over 100 days. On my way for a 100 mile bike ride tomorrow and will burn about 6600 calories. Have two blown knees, torn meniscus, ACL and can ride just fine. BIKE, BIKE, BIKE...burns more calories than walking, elliptical, and most "gym" stuff. Plus, you get to sit on your butt and work out.
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 450lbs when I first set foot in the gym, so I don't really buy this "I'm too heavy" stuff... You just have to accept that it's going to suck for a while and take it slow, figure out what your body can do and then push yourself a little bit more each time you work out.

    FWIW, the recumbent bike was my best friend when I started exercising.

    You can do it! Good luck!

    Well I don't mean it literally, but being as short as I am, I could only describe my feeling as Heavy. My work out partner is 100 lbs thinner than I am and I can't do a quarter of what she does and it's discouraging since I want to so bad... I have been able to do 30 mins on the bike tho :) Congrats on your amazing progress and thank u!
  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    Last October I was 275 lbs. I'm 5 ft 4 in. I also have a bad knee and hip due to a car accident. I've had two knee surgeries and one back surgery (although this was many years ago).

    When I started exercising in October I could walk for 5 mins. so that's what I did. I walked every day for five minutes. I started with six days a week of exercise and one rest day. I also began to lift weights. Albeit a 2 lb weight but I did strength training 3 days a week plus walking.

    Within a month I was up to walking nearly half a mile a day. I took it slow but I did it every day. Regardless of how sore or how much I "thought" I couldn't do it. I did it.

    Now I've lost a total of 65 lbs and run six days a week. It IS possible. Exercise is more mental than physical. That doesn't mean to completely ignore your body and get injured. It means to learn when your body is seriously unable instead of when it's just your mind telling you that you "can't".

    I still can't do the elliptical even though I can run. There are things I may never be able to do but there are lots of things I CAN do. So find what you CAN do and do that. Even if it's just five minutes.
  • rnwendy67
    rnwendy67 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been reading all the wonderful advice people have given. A lot I've heard before and some I have not. I do agree, we have to get our bodies moving now before we aren't able to move them anymore. I am a hospital nurse and the patients I care for who have the hardest time with aging are the ones who are overweight. I don't want to be that patient someday. When I had surgery, my doctor said my tendon was shredded. After doing some research I've found that the largest reoccurrence is due to obesity (yes I hate that word). It took 9 months before I had surgery as we did not know how bad it was until he opened up the site. Even the night before surgery I wanted to go back to work and put it off. This whole process has been so limiting. For 9 months I was encouraged to stay off my foot. I completely became unmotivated to workout or diet. Anyway...I don't want to go through this again. I know I have to find it in myself daily to make choices to improve my life. This of course is easier said then done. I wish you the best of luck! Your not many of us are starting over just like you. We can do this!
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    Last October I was 275 lbs. I'm 5 ft 4 in. I also have a bad knee and hip due to a car accident. I've had two knee surgeries and one back surgery (although this was many years ago).

    When I started exercising in October I could walk for 5 mins. so that's what I did. I walked every day for five minutes. I started with six days a week of exercise and one rest day. I also began to lift weights. Albeit a 2 lb weight but I did strength training 3 days a week plus walking.

    Within a month I was up to walking nearly half a mile a day. I took it slow but I did it every day. Regardless of how sore or how much I "thought" I couldn't do it. I did it.

    Now I've lost a total of 65 lbs and run six days a week. It IS possible. Exercise is more mental than physical. That doesn't mean to completely ignore your body and get injured. It means to learn when your body is seriously unable instead of when it's just your mind telling you that you "can't".

    I still can't do the elliptical even though I can run. There are things I may never be able to do but there are lots of things I CAN do. So find what you CAN do and do that. Even if it's just five minutes.

    Thank you for your advice :) I am going to put that to the test when I get back in the gym, how much of my "can't" is mental and also not devaluing what I can do... I couldn't last more than 2 mins on the stair stepper thingy today, but I did last 30 on the bike... I felt discouraged vs feeling good. Congrats on your success :)
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    I've been reading all the wonderful advice people have given. A lot I've heard before and some I have not. I do agree, we have to get our bodies moving now before we aren't able to move them anymore. I am a hospital nurse and the patients I care for who have the hardest time with aging are the ones who are overweight. I don't want to be that patient someday. When I had surgery, my doctor said my tendon was shredded. After doing some research I've found that the largest reoccurrence is due to obesity (yes I hate that word). It took 9 months before I had surgery as we did not know how bad it was until he opened up the site. Even the night before surgery I wanted to go back to work and put it off. This whole process has been so limiting. For 9 months I was encouraged to stay off my foot. I completely became unmotivated to workout or diet. Anyway...I don't want to go through this again. I know I have to find it in myself daily to make choices to improve my life. This of course is easier said then done. I wish you the best of luck! Your not many of us are starting over just like you. We can do this!

    Thank you so much! I fell last winter on some ice, and my knee has been in pain since then, I have never had it checked out... That just scared me straight a little, that something could really be wrong. I'm going to go see a Dr so I can know exactly what is going on... I guess I just figured they would think the pain is from me being so over weight and the thought of that is embarrassing for me. But is time for me to take care of myself. Good luck to you as well! Yes we can :)
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I felt the same way. Motivation is hard. I got really motivated for awhile going to a gym near work, but I got bored after awhile. I quit for some time and packed 20 pounds back on. I just about a month ago decided it was time and I just needed to find something I liked. My kids and I joined our local Kroc Center, and I AM HOOKED! All three of us together do Aqua Zumba and River Trek (exercise class in the lazy river!). It's not boring, I can do it with my kids, and the workouts are different every time. We have so much fun, especially in Aqua Zumba. Moves I would never do on dry land I can do in the water, both because it's easier on my back and joints, but also because no one can really see how silly I look, so I don't care! I would strongly suggest looking for water classes. No matter how heavy you feel on land, the water makes you feel lighter. You also get great benefit from having to work against the resistance of the water--I'm seeing results faster than any other type of exercise I've done. The great music helps, too, and the instructor is very encouraging and pushes me to give it 100%. I don't know where you live, but look for someplace that has water fitness classes available. You can also look on the Zumba website for Aqua Zumba classes. Water fitness is becoming more and more popular, so you should be able to find something close to you.

    One word of advice, though--don't try to do the water classes in your swimsuit! I'm well-endowed and almost bounced right out of mine! I wear a sports bra, dri-fit (or equivalent from Walmart!) top, and dri-fit shorts. Much better support so I don't give myself black eyes (sorry, old Dolly Parton joke!) or put on a peep show!