time of the month...ladies what exercises should i do?



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Its not so much as people or relatives failed to teach someone. In my family unfortunately its mainly men not only that the few women don't have periods, nor workout, etc...so if I feel like I need to ask I will ask cause it does concern about working out. And so far the advice is helpful.

    Then everyone wins. You learned something and the rest of us were entertained.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    I guess if that's how you view things...just really sad.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Exercising during that time of the month for me is just not going to happen. The few times I've tried I ended up curled up and crying or at the doctors office because I thought my uterus was going to fall out (no joke). I usually stick to stretching and maybe some light yoga. It helps with the cramps too, especially when paired with a ton of ibuprofen lol.

    you are exactly what I was talking about in my earlier post. People tend to group women together as one entity and people think women should 'stick together' ....but they don't. They say ' do it my way or *kitten* off' .

    This thread is full of ' ...well on my period ....I DO THIS' ...... There's no recognition or even AWARENESS that there might be something different out there

    I find it absolutely f*cking hysterical ... and kinda sad

    I'm a midwife (for the Americans that means Obstetric/Gynaecology nurse)... as I was saying, comparing one woman's menstrual period with another's is like comparing summer with winter...

    Absolutely futile

    My advice is... don't ask for advice.... not here

    Listen to your body

    If you need to rest, rest

    if you need medical advice or you're worried, speak to your doctor or nurse... don''t come here

    Remember... you're a woman... you're amazing...

    Take your time... believe in yourself and the future....

    And live it

    In your time....

    According to your own rhythms

    There's a time for everything

    And everything has it's time

    Don't be bullied... don't be tidal waved....

    Take your time

    Be healthy. Be good. Be kind. Honor yourself.

    She said "tidal wave"

    If I knew you were coming I would have said 'sociopath' ... and moved on

    Healthy bodies without the strong beautiful minds to go with them don't impress sweetheart.....

    And to be honest, I am confused... why are you even in this thread ?

    Oh wait... don't answer that... coz it will only be some bull**** to make people laugh.... it wont be true... why else would a grown man find himself in a thread about women and their intimate issues... did mama not include you when you were a boy?

    you're hardly worth impressing but you are entertaining. I'll give you that :flowerforyou:
    You're what's wrong with forums. Some if us are here to give and receive good advice. Can't you be serious? Your attitude is dampening my emotional flow. Ragging on people isn't constructive. I bleed my soul into my posts to try and help others in any way I can. I run into you in the forums every couple of weeks and it is sooo draining. You cramp my style. This flow of animosity needs to end now no matter what. Period.

    I'm going to give you my heart now. :heart:

    Don't argue. Just shut up and take it.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm too entertained for words. Best of luck, OP.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    It really does depend on you, OP. The only thing I consistently do is go for a walk. For the day before and the first couple of days, I get other exercise from trying to get up from the furniture while feeling fatigued (not my iron, it's a hormone issue) and just normal life activity. There's a significant amount of pain for me the first couple of days, and then that just goes away, so I can do whatever by the third or fourth day.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Actually I'm not sad, but if you were smart enough to figure it out that you are the sad one for seeing this as entertainment. Honestly funny how you are writing me back and not the other ones who were really onto you...but I could careless on what your purpose is haven't learned anything from you obviously.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Just wondering since I don't want to read all the responses-have you tried sex ? The kind with orgasms? That can actually help with cramping. Would probably make you more tired though....

    Iron supplements for fatigue, all month not just to play catch up when you are actively losing blood.
  • Fairytern
    Fairytern Posts: 11 Member
    I understand that cramps are really muscle contractions, not technically "cramps". Thus intuitively one should benefit from exercises and stretches that stimulate and relax the muscles around the reproductive organs. So that would include all core musculature - low back including pelvic joints and the sciatic nerve that runs out from that level, and abdominal muscles. In that blood loss is a given, the body uses more energy to heal and so a downgrade of your existing program for the week would make sense and some nutritional changes to help replenish energy. I find eating clean as a general habit, with lots of beta carotene and dark leafy greens helps minimise the pain ahead of time. For me, chocolate also helps...in moderation. I figure it's due to endorphin release that is apparently scientifically proven to occur.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    Actually I'm not sad, but if you were smart enough to figure it out that you are the sad one for seeing this as entertainment. Honestly funny how you are writing me back and not the other ones who were really onto you...but I could careless on what your purpose is haven't learned anything from you obviously.

    Valid point. What I have realized is people HAVE offered you information, you just refuse to absorb it. His comment on iron was legit advice. Every woman experiences different symptoms during their period, but the basic advice he offered was broad enough to cover everyone. Periods aren't some crazy hoodoo by the fertility gods. It's really basic science. If you reject sound advice, are you really looking for answers or just confirmation of some private idea you have yet to share?
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Exercising during that time of the month for me is just not going to happen. The few times I've tried I ended up curled up and crying or at the doctors office because I thought my uterus was going to fall out (no joke). I usually stick to stretching and maybe some light yoga. It helps with the cramps too, especially when paired with a ton of ibuprofen lol.

    you are exactly what I was talking about in my earlier post. People tend to group women together as one entity and people think women should 'stick together' ....but they don't. They say ' do it my way or *kitten* off' .

    This thread is full of ' ...well on my period ....I DO THIS' ...... There's no recognition or even AWARENESS that there might be something different out there

    I find it absolutely f*cking hysterical ... and kinda sad

    I'm a midwife (for the Americans that means Obstetric/Gynaecology nurse)... as I was saying, comparing one woman's menstrual period with another's is like comparing summer with winter...

    Absolutely futile

    My advice is... don't ask for advice.... not here

    Listen to your body

    If you need to rest, rest

    if you need medical advice or you're worried, speak to your doctor or nurse... don''t come here

    Remember... you're a woman... you're amazing...

    Take your time... believe in yourself and the future....

    And live it

    In your time....

    According to your own rhythms

    There's a time for everything

    And everything has it's time

    Don't be bullied... don't be tidal waved....

    Take your time

    Be healthy. Be good. Be kind. Honor yourself.

    She said "tidal wave"

    If I knew you were coming I would have said 'sociopath' ... and moved on

    Healthy bodies without the strong beautiful minds to go with them don't impress sweetheart.....

    And to be honest, I am confused... why are you even in this thread ?

    Oh wait... don't answer that... coz it will only be some bull**** to make people laugh.... it wont be true... why else would a grown man find himself in a thread about women and their intimate issues... did mama not include you when you were a boy?

    you're hardly worth impressing but you are entertaining. I'll give you that :flowerforyou:
    You're what's wrong with forums. Some if us are here to give and receive good advice. Can't you be serious? Your attitude is dampening my emotional flow. Ragging on people isn't constructive. I bleed my soul into my posts to try and help others in any way I can. I run into you in the forums every couple of weeks and it is sooo draining. You cramp my style. This flow of animosity needs to end now no matter what. Period.

    Impressive. That's all I'm going to say.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks always glad to have a jerk entertaining us all...you did your job well.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I think pilates is great. Helps me with cramping. You could try that and make sure to drink plenty of water to help with water retention.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Actually I never rejected anyone's advice as you can see me posting throughout the forum. And as I recalled other people before him mentioned about using iron pills. Just because he gave advice others have already given me doesn't mean I wasn't paying attention. It was just no need for what the extra crap he was posting towards others...thats what I was pointing out. Not only that I recall asking women...not him. The only thing I was specifically looking for was exercises and that's it.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    I cannot stick to my normal routine my first few days, but I LOVE yoga. The "Yoga with Adriene" YouTube channel is one of my favorites in general, and she has some wonderful videos for those special days.

    Yoga for Cramps - http://youtu.be/iglbdN1tmF0

    Yoga for Depression - http://youtu.be/7z6nRakUcWs

    Yoga for Acid Reflux - http://youtu.be/DQew7AiwPWw

    Yoga for Lower Back Pain - http://youtu.be/XeXz8fIZDCE

    This is wonderful! Thank you so much! excited to try these!

  • Strange_magic
    Strange_magic Posts: 370 Member
    How long have you been menstruating? Why is this now a thing?

    When I had this time of the month I found exercise mentality and physically therapeutic.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    How long have you been menstruating? Why is this now a thing?

    When I had this time of the month I found exercise mentality and physically therapeutic.

    Because menstruation symptoms can change over time. Fatigue and intense hunger were brand new to me when I hit my 30's.
  • I remember my periods being hell before having kids. Like curl up in bed not even wanting to walk until my Pamprin / Midol kicked in. The "gentlemen" in the forum won't understand. Pay them no mind. :wink:

    I'm finding that my periods are lighter and shorter with continued exercise, and I had some seriously heavy periods. Have you tried taking something like Midol and giving it half an hour or so to kick in and trying some low impact cardio? It may make things easier for you.

    My motivator to keep it up is the chocolate calling my name. I don't want it to cut into my healthy calories...
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Exactly they don't understand thats why I careless. Truthfully I'm laughing at them cause they think the advice is valid although they'll never fit into our shoes. I do use Midol, but it doesn't work as well. So far the iron pill helps along with light yoga so I will stick with that. I am trying to avoid chocolate especially cutting into the sugar intake. I don't want it to be over my limit at all.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Exactly they don't understand thats why I careless. Truthfully I'm laughing at them cause they think the advice is valid although they'll never fit into our shoes. I do use Midol, but it doesn't work as well. So far the iron pill helps along with light yoga so I will stick with that. I am trying to avoid chocolate especially cutting into the sugar intake. I don't want it to be over my limit at all.

    I know some dudes who would love to fit into your shoes but I'm not one of them. I still think you shouldn't be careless though.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I HATE PERIODS. Can't swim.

    October through June, I walk. Summer doesn't allow much walking - if I can get a short one in, I do. Otherwise, I just skip it and wait for the ridiculousness to end.

    They wouldn't put chlorine in the water if they didn't want people to swim on their periods.
    You've got to be kidding. No. Don't swim on your period.

    To answer OP's question, personally I don't like to eat much on those first days, so that it's not a problem if I also rest instead of exercise. A short walk, or easy bike ride would be my choice.