time of the month...ladies what exercises should i do?



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member

    Oh, did you questions about your body? :flowerforyou:
    You're so nice...love a male perspective!!

    Oh, bless your heart
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Yup and the good thing I hit the "ignore" so ill never have to be bothered by that negative guy either :).
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Cardio- I try and try my best to get on the treadmill or to the park because the flow passes faster and easier in the end. I have a cyst that Dr. doesn't see a threat and so I'm in severe pain every month all my life-the more i get out then the faster the pain goes away. Working out on my first 2 days makes the rest of the week a breeze-IF I can't then I really really try to as soon as I can- I hate that time of the month

    If you can. Its a given that you do what you can handle but with advice you have more options AND encouragement to actually try something new for a change to see if it WILL work for you because you won't know if you try which is why you asked ^_____^
  • SinCityFit
    I don't change any of my workouts. Running, swimming, biking, Zumba, BodyPump, TurboKick, boot camp... business as usual.

    And you know they sell stuff in the store that makes it so that's what's yours stays yours until you're ready to get rid of it ..... I swim all the time (I'm a triathlete). I've even been in that time of the month during a race (only one though which is kind of surprising it doesn't coincide more often). But if you're in a heavy build (for a race) you don't.... stop.

    And yes I go up in weight all of a sudden and feel like eating everything. I've eaten a loaf of bread by itself in one sitting lol I seem to crave bread and granola a lot. I can usually even tell it's coming because of the scale.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Yea if I crave chocolate then a brownie is a must or the richest gooiest ice-cream, my faux fur blanket and midol/tylonel is a must if working out dOESNT work out (pun intended) I feel mentally sharper on those days when I do run when I start my period.

    Regarding swimming yeah its icky. I agree with MINMIN97 I don't swim in free public pools because of that and even with chlorine no just no. lol We Have all done it once or twice (to us that don't normally think its right? probably:embarassed: :wink: ) HEY I said once or twice in my life. Anyways if you do it on the regular then um ew just ew :) sorry but it is icky to know the girl next to me is on her rag.

    Just as gross since on topic is people working out then swimming. Im mean if your not gonna shower OK some reason doesn't bother me but the rag and post workout immediate swim? no. JUST no.
  • SinCityFit
    You know people have blood inside of them.... ALL the time. What's the difference between ANY time of the month if it stays in? People should not be disgusted by their bodies.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    You know people have blood inside of them.... ALL the time. What's the difference between ANY time of the month if it stays in? People should not be disgusted by their bodies.
    I do assume your talking about the pool portion topic of this forum. Well, because if that blood potentially gets out-it can mean bacteria or disease that someone can get affected by is why.
    If you meant working out then yeah I agree-I sometime worry about me smelling gnarly but hey I workout first thing in the morning when I do get up. I will shower after I get sweaty not before and after-there are people who do that and yea no one has time for that.
    But with the pool its just a safety thing. The odds of that happening yeah not high-but I would like to think the days I GO swimming the ladies are not pms'ng because the more woman feel its ok then the higher the chances of bacteria getting released EY IDK if you or the others have an std-
    My grade school friend had a pool-and the stepdad always tested the water and they test waters to see the levels of things in the water-yeah if those levels are too high in something then its just gross ok? its respectful to wait and if its like the only time you get to swim then lets all hope that every female swimming that day also is on the rag .
  • SinCityFit
    How exactly does it get out??? Just change right before, pick an appropriate device, and there is NO leaking out. None. It does not just leak out, it's physics. If you run towards a brick wall that's properly constructed by yourself you will NOT get through. Two solid matters cannot occupy the same space at the same time. It doesn't just get out.
    But with the pool its just a safety thing. The odds of that happening yeah not high-but I would like to think the days I GO swimming the ladies are not pms'ng because the more woman feel its ok then the higher the chances of bacteria getting released EY IDK if you or the others have an std-

    And please tell me you did not just say you can get an STD from the pool.... please tell me you don't really believe that ....

    Now if Pool is 5'8" with rugged good looks, then, well....
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    How exactly does it get out??? Just change right before, pick an appropriate device, and there is NO leaking out. None. It does not just leak out, it's physics. If you run towards a brick wall that's properly constructed by yourself you will NOT get through. Two solid matters cannot occupy the same space at the same time. It doesn't just get out.
    My experience of being a woman SAYS other woman are just plain NASTAY, UMKAY. Nastee!!! OK in a world where ladies restroom are filthy as ever By that I mean where the toilets are left with period pee and poo (yea i am going there) yeah I rightly assume that those people swim and those people probably don't care about not changing right before? you think everyone does things to your standard? I know because i have that error as well with other areas of life and learning to not expect the world to live by the golden rule as i try so yea um i think a lot of the woman who, oh, not all but a lot of the woman who do swim at free public pools who are on the rag may just not have that changed right before-dont be naive-its gross
  • SinCityFit
    No, IT is not gross. If you want to say that some PEOPLE are gross because of the habits they keep, then yes.

    But no one should be discouraged from swimming. Be corteous to others and do what needs to be done to leave the pool like you found it, but that applies to every day really. Be clean, safe, corteous, respectful, but there is NO reason not to swim while on that time of the month.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    No, IT is not gross. If you want to say that some PEOPLE are gross because of the habits they keep, then yes.

    But no one should be discouraged from swimming. Be corteous to others and do what needs to be done to leave the pool like you found it, but that applies to every day really. Be clean, safe, corteous, respectful, but there is NO reason not to swim while on that time of the month.
    If you read my comment thoroughly I said not all but a lot. Not many respectful woman out there. I can guarantee you that 8 out of ten bathrooms I visit regularly have at least one if not ALL- YES i SAID all-I had visited nice places where every toilet has been darn near catastrophied -period stools left behind with TP all over the darn place like it was their house. So like I said I didn't say ALL if you had read me clearly….gross
    To prove-I also said that yeah if its THE ONLY time you get to swim and it happens to be your period then ok fine I guess whatever and hope I am not there too but you got some ghetto girls-meaning just anyone who just don't care about you or me or themselves and they can be of any type-white, blue pink colored skin whatever but you got some rich ghetto people and poor ghetto people that just don't care and that is where i was getting with all that and IDK but its gross it happens they happen and it gross
  • SinCityFit
    No, IT is not gross. If you want to say that some PEOPLE are gross because of the habits they keep, then yes.

    But no one should be discouraged from swimming. Be corteous to others and do what needs to be done to leave the pool like you found it, but that applies to every day really. Be clean, safe, corteous, respectful, but there is NO reason not to swim while on that time of the month.
    If you read my comment thoroughly I said not all but a lot. Not many respectful woman out there. I can guarantee you that 8 out of ten bathrooms I visit regularly have at least one if not ALL- YES i SAID all-I had visited nice places where every toilet has been darn near catastrophied -period stools left behind with TP all over the darn place like it was their house. So like I said I didn't say ALL if you had read me clearly….gross

    You are replying that I'm not reading your comments when it doesn't seem that you are reading mine.

    I am making a differentiation between something natural that happens to women and women themselves. IT is not gross. Some people than less than desirable grooming habits. There's a difference.

    So the reply to "should I swim in that time of the month?" should not be "eewww eewww icky gross cooties," it should be "Sure! Just be respectful, buy the proper products, make sure you think of others and ensure you take the steps necessary to be clean and safe."

    (although not even "safe" because even with blood you cannot catch anything in the pool, so it's just the "clean" part).
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    No, IT is not gross. If you want to say that some PEOPLE are gross because of the habits they keep, then yes.

    But no one should be discouraged from swimming. Be corteous to others and do what needs to be done to leave the pool like you found it, but that applies to every day really. Be clean, safe, corteous, respectful, but there is NO reason not to swim while on that time of the month.
    If you read my comment thoroughly I said not all but a lot. Not many respectful woman out there. I can guarantee you that 8 out of ten bathrooms I visit regularly have at least one if not ALL- YES i SAID all-I had visited nice places where every toilet has been darn near catastrophied -period stools left behind with TP all over the darn place like it was their house. So like I said I didn't say ALL if you had read me clearly….gross

    You are replying that I'm not reading your comments when it doesn't seem that you are reading mine.

    I am making a differentiation between something natural that happens to women and women themselves. IT is not gross. Some people than less than desirable grooming habits. There's a difference.

    So the reply to "should I swim in that time of the month?" should not be "eewww eewww icky gross cooties," it should be "Sure! Just be respectful, buy the proper products, make sure you think of others and ensure you take the steps necessary to be clean and safe."

    (although not even "safe" because even with blood you cannot catch anything in the pool, so it's just the "clean" part).
    Its still gross :) & yes I did read your comments except the last 2-:tongue: goodnight :yawn:
  • SinCityFit
    And I really do hate bringing up age but I wonder what the age spread would be between those who view as gross and limiting and those who view it as something natural, normal, and not a reason to change your routine.

    And please talk to a doctor before telling people you can catch an STD at a pool. You can't. You cannot catch an STD at the pool.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    So guys, does anyone ever get cravings and bloating during their period? I've gained like 0.5lb? Anyone else experience this? Wtf?

    Let me preface this by saying I am not a doctor. That being said, your symptoms sound excessive. Gaining 0.1-0.2 lbs is typical. 0.5 is downright scary. I would take a pregnancy test, you could just be spotting. If negative, the bloating symptoms tell me you likely have a fatal infectious disease. Accumulation of abdominal fluid would explain all of your symptoms. This CAN be triggered by several very deadly viruses. Don't take these symptoms lightly. You are clearly not healthy. Please seek medical attention immediately, preferably near the CDC and away from me and my drinking water.
  • SinCityFit
    So guys, does anyone ever get cravings and bloating during their period? I've gained like 0.5lb? Anyone else experience this? Wtf?

    Let me preface this by saying I am not a doctor. That being said, your symptoms sound excessive. Gaining 0.1-0.2 lbs is typical. 0.5 is downright scary. I would take a pregnancy test, you could just be spotting. If negative, the bloating symptoms tell me you likely have a fatal infectious disease. Accumulation of abdominal fluid would explain all of your symptoms. This CAN be triggered by several very deadly viruses. Don't take these symptoms lightly. You are clearly not healthy. Please seek medical attention immediately, preferably near the CDC and away from me and my drinking water.

    Uhm... I'll go up 3-4 lbs. I retain a ton of water. Then it goes back down after. I can tell it's coming before it comes because all of a sudden I'll gain a few lbs. Works like a charm because I'm prepared. 0.5 lbs is nothing.

    Edit: Nevermind. It's 3:59a and I'm about to get off of work. Carry on :p
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    getting a walk and swimming are what works for me. Even though I will be all crampy and have all the symptoms that SUCK bad, I know that once I start an activity that I will start to feel better. In fact I have to make myself do it but since I started staying so active my symptoms have reduced significantly and my mood during this time has improved. IT helps out in the relationship department as far as me feeling not so irritated and miserable so we don't argue as much during the dreaded tom. I just don't jog or hit the weights as hard on those days but I definitely stay active. Pretty much anything can be exercise as long as it gets your heart rate up and you sweat. Clean the house. Swim. Walk. Play at the park. BIke ride. Thank god for Tylenol, motrin, pamprin if you can handle the caffeine ( I cant, it messes with my coffee and I feel od'd on caffeine when I take it) and tampons. TMI maybe but sport tampons are the best. For food on these days I keep the carbs low, the gassy foods like broccoli or beans low or avoid them, Lots of water helps out a lot too.

    Edit: I also get more hungry during this time, so I just split my calories into six meals and that keeps me satisfied and not so ravenous feeling. Protein and fiber always are my go tos.

    Swimming during your period is not gross. WHat is gross is that anyone doesn't practice good hygiene. Shoot most of us are adults and have been dealing with this since we were like eleven so its a way of life and a smart person knows how to take care of themselves. I don't thing its any nastier than swimming in the pool with kids not your own, who knows what they are doing in there. Or someone who doesn't use the shower before coming in. Or someone who gets water in their nose or mouth and spits it out. Its whatever. That is why chlorine was invented. Get over yourself and go eat a **** ton of food and lay around for three days and gain weight and wonder why while I will be working out, swimming and losing weight or at least maintaining for the week. This is why tampon sport was invented. They are like a gift from the gods. :drinker: :laugh:
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    This thread has made me chuckle.
    The answer to 'should I go swimming on my period' shouldn't be 'no', from the sounds of it it should be 'noone should go swimming just incase someone who is on their period has been in there before you'. Lol.

    Personally my period doesn't stop me doing anything, but then I don't get severe cramps. I still swim (gasp). The only thing is tries to make me do is eat more. Oh and want sex more. Now there's a topic for you. Ha!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    The only thing that changes for me is the amount of Ibuprofen I take. Business as usual for me. Mother Nature doesn't take time off (Damn her!), so neither do I.