SAHM 1/17 to 1/23



  • mcurtis01
    mcurtis01 Posts: 22 Member
    well I have been able to get a half hour of treadmill in today!....I have been slacking in household duties lately so i really need to get the house in some sort of order today before the boys really take control of it.
    It appears that I am doing better planning what I am to eat throughout the day and sticking to that, but we will see as life with three boys as many of you know doesn't adhere well to planning.
    I have noticed for the past few days that my sodium intake is always over, even though I don't add anything to what I eat, has anyone elsehave difficulty with this or have any suggestions?
  • blessdmomof4
    not sure I will be able to squeeze in a workout today between homeschool (I have mine and my 3 extras today plus 4 more coming for book club in 45 minutes) and a trip to my moms (1.5 hrs away). Maybe I can get on her treadmill this evening after the kids go to bed,

    So hungry today!!!

    My calves are killing me from my step workout the other day and I need to drink more water!

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    WildcatMom~Teething is always hard on both parents and baby. :tongue: Good luck I hope that all goes well.

    Krislshoe~It all evens out some days being under others over. I hope that you are able to get in your run although both those alternative workouts are good ones.

    Nicole~Thanks I'll keep that in mind for when I start it. Good job on the pj's. Ticks are so :tongue:. Never had one and hope to never have one.

    mcurtis~cut out processed food. I used to have a BIG problem with this now it isn't as bad as it used to be. That is all thanks to what I call "sodium headaches". If I eat something that has too much sodium in it then I get headaches and it is pretty much right away too. Yesterday was the first time in a little bit that I went over and it is thanks to eating a brat.

    Melissa~I am sure they are hurting mine would be too. Using a step that high!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am torching some calories this week! I got in another exercise this morning. Thank you Stacey for giving me that "push" that I needed to get up and do something. So far I have went over my goal by 1000 calories!!! I still have tomorrow which won't be a ton of calories burned tomorrow but still it will put that much more above my goal. :happy: Got to go the oldest isn't feeling good today so I have all four of my boys home today and I still need to get ready for the day so that I can go pick up dd3 from school soon.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    well I have been able to get a half hour of treadmill in today!....I have been slacking in household duties lately so i really need to get the house in some sort of order today before the boys really take control of it.
    It appears that I am doing better planning what I am to eat throughout the day and sticking to that, but we will see as life with three boys as many of you know doesn't adhere well to planning.
    I have noticed for the past few days that my sodium intake is always over, even though I don't add anything to what I eat, has anyone elsehave difficulty with this or have any suggestions?

    Ugh, our house is getting out of hand this week, I need to jump on something before it gets any worse! Doesn't help the ILs are coming to visit tomorrow. I have the same issues with sodium - any day I have anything prepackaged I go over. The worst is turkey lunch meat! I have it almost every day for lunch and it's something like 900 mg per serving! All I can suggest is staying away from microwavable meals, freezer meals, things that come in boxes or cans as much as possible.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    mcurtis -- Schedule a playdate. My house was a disaster, but we had a playdate this morning so now it looks pretty awesome. :laugh: I even got the kids to cooperate since they were having a friend over and they were excited. It'll probably be a wreck again by morning. :laugh:

    I feel for you gals dealing with teething babes. I remember when my youngest was teething and he cut 8 teeth in the span of 2 weeks -- it was horrible. Here's hoping everyone makes it through with all your sanity intact.

    I just typed that I wasn't going to get a workout in today, but I erased it because you know what? I WILL. Since we had that playdate, the house is rocking, and I have no excuses. Well, other than the fact that the kids are around, but I'll just send them to their room to play. I don't like working out with them around because they will not stay out of the way, and Z always steps on my balance board when I'm trying to do the tree pose or something and then it docks me points. :grumble: Not that the points matter, but I'm a goody two shoes, I like to get good grades. :laugh: So I think when Z goes down for his nap, I'm going to send C somewhere to play and at least do 20 minutes. It's not much, but it's better than the nothing I've been doing.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Woo hoo! While Z was napping I broke out the Wii balance board, and C got all excited and asked me if I was going to "do the balance." I said yes, and she said she wanted to do it too. This is a new development, because she never used to want to do it with me. Today, she did it for 35 minutes, and wanted to do more so we did a short free run. And I figured out why she didn't want to do it with me before -- I used to do the hula hoop every time, and she doesn't like that one! Like seriously, if that's the only reason she doesn't like me to work out, I'll stop doing the hula hoop! :happy: She said she wants to try again tomorrow too so we can "get more stars." Woot! This is about to make my life a lot easier.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Just got back from a run in the snow......didnt see that one coming.......started lightly snowing when we were eating dinner but I purposed that I was going to run today and i hair is soaked, my legs are tired, and im sweating but I feel great.....have done great on food today after a crappy day yesterday......

    Great job on the wii workout AJ........nice to have your kiddo do it with you.

    KatieM awesome on the exercise calories....over by 1000 is AWESOME!!!

    Melissa....hope you have a safe trip to your parents house.

    Signin off for the nite.....
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    I am a SAHM with two children a 19 month old and 5 year old. And it is so hard to get a work out in everyday with the two of them. sometimes Lilly won't take a nap and then were running around the house and playing but that don't seem to help me lose weight. I did get to walk today for 20 mins wile she napped. Then played Wii with my 5 year old bowling and running. We were racing to see who was the fastest. we did it 3 times cuz he had to beat me once. You actually sweat with the racing one.
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    My goal this week is to not eat too much of my mother-in-law's cooking while we are visiting and to get some exercise in. I will be moving on to my sister's place tomorrow and she has a home gym, so that will be great!

    Today was a total gong show. My LO had a really hard time napping, he really didn't. I think he was just way too overstimulated with being in a new place. Luckily he seems to be down for the night now. He's been asleep for about 3 hrs. Unfortunately, we are changing places again tomorrow, but we'll stay at my sisters for about a week, so he should be able to adjust to her place before we come back here. It's his first trip, so it's a learning experience for everyone!

    Glad there are so many supportive Moms on here! Can't wait to get to know everyone better.
  • mcurtis01
    mcurtis01 Posts: 22 Member
    My goal for this weekend is to keep my calories in check while I work the 3-11 shift. I work Perdiem as a nurse about 4 times a month and this shift and the overnight shift I get the munchies...esp after 9 pm. I think I will take 100 cal. baggies of snacks and sparkling water to try to keep myself away from the vending machine. Oh and leave cash at home!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My goal for this weekend is to keep my calories in check while I work the 3-11 shift. I work Perdiem as a nurse about 4 times a month and this shift and the overnight shift I get the munchies...esp after 9 pm. I think I will take 100 cal. baggies of snacks and sparkling water to try to keep myself away from the vending machine. Oh and leave cash at home!

    I think those are great ideas to help you stave off the munchies. I don't know what the rules are at your job, but it might help to chew some sugarless gum too. Sometimes I just have to feel like I'm eating something, but gum helps.

    fouchou09, trips are hard with a little one. I hope he can settle into a good routine while you're visiting.

    Sara, on the days that the baby won't nap, have you tried just lying down with her until she goes to sleep? Or putting her in her bed with some quiet toys for some rest time? Z doesn't like to nap these days because his big sister doesn't, so I've just started going in and lying with him for 5 or 10 minutes to help him sleep. At first, I had to stay in there for like half an hour, but now it's easier and quicker. It might help.

    Kris, yay you for running even in the snow! That's dedication! :)

    Today I'm just hoping to make it through the day with my sanity intact. I stayed up too late last night because I was being a brat, and now I'm tired and my nerves are shot. I think I'm going to just turn off the computer and get down to the housework -- maybe if I get moving I'll feel better. C said she wants to do "the balance" with me again today, so I'll definitely get some kind of a workout in today. I think she might be helpful in pushing me to do "just a little more," because yesterday she didn't want to stop. I had to appease her by tacking on the free run at the end of my workout. If she keeps up with doing that, that could be a very good thing. :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Krisl- I love to run in the snow!!!!! When I used to live in PA, Iwould run in the craziest blizzard-like conditions. Now that I live in the PNW, I get to run in the rain.....I will take the snow!

    mcurtis- I would have trouble with that too! I used to have to get up at 3am for work, and man that would throw me off!

    I lost .8 this week, I am trying to get back to the 153 that I saw before Christmas! It was tough to eat when my parents were here. I ate waaaaaayyyyyyyy too much.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to any newcomers! ( I can't remember who is new and who is not so very sorry!)

    krisl~That is awesome that you ran in the snow! I personally couldn't bring myself to do that one. I often see people out running in the winter here but for me I can't bring myself to go out when it is that cold. I know you warm up after you get going but it is the waiting until then that would get me.

    fouchou09~traveling with lil ones is so very hard! I hope that he adjusts quickly to your sister's house. The worse part of traveling with lil ones for me is the drive. :grumble:

    mcurtis~Sounds like a good plan. Take healthy snacks and leave the cash at home!

    ajweekley~Don't forget turn on some music while your doing housework it will get you moving quicker and then in turn burn some more of those pesky calories. Lately I have been turning the music on and dancing with my lil guys. Talk about a workout holding that much weight will you dance around.

    Nicole~By the sounds of it we are around the same weight. I am currently 154 but did get down to 152. I really can't wait until I am 140 (that is when I will be in the "healthy" range for my height).

    I weighed and measured today. Although I did not change on the scale I lost 3/4" off my hips and I am excited about that one. :bigsmile: I worked out this morning for 20 min burned 243 calories. I got in all my exercise for the week bring on the two rest days I am ready for them. Although I may do something tomorrow to be a workout buddy for a friend that is wanting to exercise. For the week I have passed my goal for minutes and calories burned. My minutes/goal 243/200, calories burned/goal 2381/1140. :love: I could not have done this with out the push from Stacey (thank you Stacey) and the support from all of you ladies, Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yay Katie and Nicole! Nice to see results. :) That's some good progress!

    I didn't end up getting much done, but I did put away all the laundry. Like 5 loads worth. :laugh: I've been "taking a break" for an hour now, but the caffeine is starting to kick in so after we get C from preschool I'll hit it again. I just feel so sluggish today. Or maybe it's called "lazy." :laugh: That's one of the biggest lifestyle changes I'm looking to make: stopping the lazy. Have a great day everyone!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    My little guy has been keeping me busy so I haven't gotten a lot done today, good thing for me is he woke up late though so I was able to get my workout in before he got up.

    I lost 1.4 lbs this week and I'm just shy of hitting the 50 lb mark by 0.6 lbs.....I'm so excited, I'm 2.6 lbs away from meeting my January goal as well!

    My goal for this weekend is to continue the healthy streak and get lots of time in with the family.

    Sorry to cut short, but my lil one is needing me again.

    Congrats to all those weight losses! Good luck to the rest of you who have yet to weigh in!
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    So I got my work out in today. Lilly took a nap for her bother went to school so it was easy to walk for a half hour. And when she wakes up were going to go to the gym and go swimming for and hour or so hopefully if she allows it. I found that last night I still had calories left is that ok it was like 100 cals. Is that to much. I did work out a little yesterday. Not sure if that ok or not.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    So I got my work out in today. Lilly took a nap for her bother went to school so it was easy to walk for a half hour. And when she wakes up were going to go to the gym and go swimming for and hour or so hopefully if she allows it. I found that last night I still had calories left is that ok it was like 100 cals. Is that to much. I did work out a little yesterday. Not sure if that ok or not.

    Yay for getting in your workout! I've read around the boards here that it's best to stay within 50 calories over or under your daily goal. But for one day, I wouldn't worry about it. It only becomes a problem if you're doing it consistently.

    Barb, yay for meeting your goals! That's wonderful! Go you! :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Sara~I wouldn't make too much of a habit of it especially if your goal is under 1600 cals a day but agree with ajweekley, once is not going to hurt. I try really hard to come close to my goal but when you have a big burn day like I did the other day you find it hard to come close to the cals. The other day I had 610 cals left and I could not eat anything more BUT I ended up with 2597 for goal for the day because I had a VERY big burn day usually my goal is 1640. Just listen to your body it knows what it is doing. :flowerforyou:

    ajweekley~Way to go on the laundry. That is a down fall for myself. I hate doing laundry. I really need to get back in the habit of doing the laundry twice and week and putting the clothes away as they come out of the dryer.

    Barb~ you have been doing awesome on the loss! Keep up all the hard work.

    Got to go I have my oldest still not feeling good and dd3 is upset about something.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Sounds like everyone is doing really good on their workouts, great job! :happy:
    I am here, getting in my workouts & watching my calories I just feel like without hubby around I barely have any free time to catch up with everyone. But I just wanted to check in & say I'm still kicking!! :wink:
    Hope everyone has a great weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks Ajweekly and Katie! The last two months I've been trying to reach my goal of the 170 but last month especially I had a lot going on and everything and now that my mind is set, I've been working hard again and its paying off, even ifs its a slow process, its still progress.

    Sara-I agree with aj and Katie. I wouldn't worry about 100 cals being left over...the most I've ever had left over was 200 cals. You know your body and if you still have that many cals left and you're hungry, go for a small snack that would still let you be under, but I wouldn't fret about it too much!

    Not sure how much I'll be checking in this weekend, not sure if we have things going on or not, but if I'm not here hope everyone has an awesome weekend and continue to reach for those goals!