Do I look skinny?



  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I actually find the word "skinny" to be somewhat insulting or at least it's not a great compliment. Your pics look fine to me, I definitely wouldn't call you skinny and you're definitely not fat. That probably doesn't help because it's one persons opinion but there you have it.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Why are you trying to change anything?
  • o2cnpl
    o2cnpl Posts: 23 Member
    you look healthy... you look good
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    Why are you trying to change anything?

    I hate the comments I get from people in the street ect and dont feel happy with how I look
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Comments? from people on the street? About what? Are their comments really about you or about some internal issue of their own that gets triggered when they see you? Are these real comments aimed at you, or aimed to impress whoever they are with--men trying to display their hetero-ness to their buddies by making body-comments to women passing the construction site//women making catty comments about somebody's butt because they secretly feel they can't compete with the hourglass waist of their target?

    Why are you not happy with how you look? Because I do not see anything in how you look that would make me unhappy.
  • summer92008
    You are not too skinny at all. I would kill to be your size. My thighs are actually a little smaller than yours, but I carry weight in my belly. If I could get my stomach to look like yours, I would be one happy camper! I think you look great. Be confident and work that bikini! (-:
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Why are you trying to change anything?

    I hate the comments I get from people in the street ect and dont feel happy with how I look

    I think you must be interpreting comments incorrectly or you live in a very strange neighbourhood. Where I live most people consider it impolite to comment on one's body (either good or bad) and those that would say something would say "you are looking good girl". Either way there is something wrong with this picture. You are a normal sized attractive women with a body that most women would be very happy with (be one of these women!).
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    I was thinking the same as a previous posted stated below.

    If I might suggest something? Shoulders back, chest up, chin high. It will make you look stronger and more confident, after a while your mind will catch up (or as my dance teacher says, fake it till you make it :-D)
  • stusieq
    stusieq Posts: 3
    I think you look great. Not "too skinny". But your BMI is still underweight? Is your doctor concerned? Does he/she think you should continue to gain?

    Either way, I'd recommend weight lifting. It's great for both your physical and mental health. It can be very empowering and help you focus on something besides just your physical appearance.

    I need to gain a stone by the advice of my doctor

    Wait... 1 stone = 14 pounds? That seems a lot for a doctor to suggest, but maybe because of the previous ED, he/she wants you to be a bit more.
    As with other comments, I think you do not look skinny. Also in agreement with those who suggested setting a particular fitness goal, and those who suggested weight training. If you can, get a personal trainer for a few months. Then you may discover some strengths, and can focus on some strength goals.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I am worried because I think this thread here is a part of the BDD that you mentioned. Asking for reassurance from people about how you look can be a compulsive behavior and will reinforce your focus on your body. I don't think there is anything any of us could say that would be helpful at this point. I really hope that you are able to find a professional to work with who has experience in treating BDD, because it is a really tough thing to be facing on your own.

    I would encourage everyone to stop evaluating the pictures and just lend your support because BDD is one of the most challenging psychological issues there is.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You look normal and healthy, hon. Just stay and maintain the way you are and you'll be fine. :)
  • NorthernCardinal
    NorthernCardinal Posts: 18 Member
    Totally agree! Never encourage conversation about a persons body when they are known to have BDD. OP, please seek councilling if you aren't already in it, you wont find what you're looking for here, self love comes from within!
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    Totally agree! Never encourage conversation about a persons body when they are known to have BDD. OP, please seek councilling if you aren't already in it, you wont find what you're looking for here, self love comes from within!

    This is really patronising.

    I have the freedom to ask people's opinion of me
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    I am worried because I think this thread here is a part of the BDD that you mentioned. Asking for reassurance from people about how you look can be a compulsive behavior and will reinforce your focus on your body. I don't think there is anything any of us could say that would be helpful at this point. I really hope that you are able to find a professional to work with who has experience in treating BDD, because it is a really tough thing to be facing on your own.

    I would encourage everyone to stop evaluating the pictures and just lend your support because BDD is one of the most challenging psychological issues there is.

    Why are you asking people to stop looking at my pictures and to stop giving me their opinion. ?

    I have never felt so degraded then you have just made me feel

    I can see your comments you know
  • xxharleyquinnxx
    xxharleyquinnxx Posts: 166 Member
    You have a really enviable (not too sure on spelling hah) figure. Go you!
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I am worried because I think this thread here is a part of the BDD that you mentioned. Asking for reassurance from people about how you look can be a compulsive behavior and will reinforce your focus on your body. I don't think there is anything any of us could say that would be helpful at this point. I really hope that you are able to find a professional to work with who has experience in treating BDD, because it is a really tough thing to be facing on your own.

    I would encourage everyone to stop evaluating the pictures and just lend your support because BDD is one of the most challenging psychological issues there is.

    Why are you asking people to stop looking at my pictures and to stop giving me their opinion. ?

    I have never felt so degraded then you have just made me feel

    I can see your comments you know

    I don't think the poster above was trying to be degrading in any way. Rather I think they were trying to be helpful. As much as we try to reassure you that you do not appear to be too skinny, you don't seem to be buying it. And that is your disorder manifesting itself. I don't know you well enough to make a diagnosis, nor am I a psychologist, but you do seem rather textbook.

    - Preoccupation with your physical appearance with extreme self-consciousness
    - Frequent examination of yourself in the mirror, or the opposite, avoidance of mirrors altogether
    - Strong belief that you have an abnormality or defect in your appearance that makes you ugly
    - Belief that others take special notice of your appearance in a negative way
    - Avoidance of social situations
    - Feeling the need to stay housebound
    - The need to seek reassurance about your appearance from others

    When I look at your pictures I see a woman who appears slim, but healthy, with a normal amount of body fat and no visible bones (perhaps if you stretched your arms over your head you might see an outline of your rib cage, but that's perfectly normal) I don't see a body that would elicit horrified looks or negative comments from strangers in the street.

    You do seem to have some self-awareness that while you are only slightly underweight you see yourself as being shockingly thin. I do think you would benefit from some sort of therapy if you are not already under the care of some sort of psychological professional.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    No. You do not look skinny or skinny fat. You are beautiful.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am worried because I think this thread here is a part of the BDD that you mentioned. Asking for reassurance from people about how you look can be a compulsive behavior and will reinforce your focus on your body. I don't think there is anything any of us could say that would be helpful at this point. I really hope that you are able to find a professional to work with who has experience in treating BDD, because it is a really tough thing to be facing on your own.

    I would encourage everyone to stop evaluating the pictures and just lend your support because BDD is one of the most challenging psychological issues there is.

    Why are you asking people to stop looking at my pictures and to stop giving me their opinion. ?

    I have never felt so degraded then you have just made me feel

    I can see your comments you know

    I don't think the poster above was trying to be degrading in any way. Rather I think they were trying to be helpful. As much as we try to reassure you that you do not appear to be too skinny, you don't seem to be buying it. And that is your disorder manifesting itself. I don't know you well enough to make a diagnosis, nor am I a psychologist, but you do seem rather textbook.

    - Preoccupation with your physical appearance with extreme self-consciousness
    - Frequent examination of yourself in the mirror, or the opposite, avoidance of mirrors altogether
    - Strong belief that you have an abnormality or defect in your appearance that makes you ugly
    - Belief that others take special notice of your appearance in a negative way
    - Avoidance of social situations
    - Feeling the need to stay housebound
    - The need to seek reassurance about your appearance from others

    When I look at your pictures I see a woman who appears slim, but healthy, with a normal amount of body fat and no visible bones (perhaps if you stretched your arms over your head you might see an outline of your rib cage, but that's perfectly normal) I don't see a body that would elicit horrified looks or negative comments from strangers in the street.

    You do seem to have some self-awareness that while you are only slightly underweight you see yourself as being shockingly thin. I do think you would benefit from some sort of therapy if you are not already under the care of some sort of psychological professional.

  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    I am worried because I think this thread here is a part of the BDD that you mentioned. Asking for reassurance from people about how you look can be a compulsive behavior and will reinforce your focus on your body. I don't think there is anything any of us could say that would be helpful at this point. I really hope that you are able to find a professional to work with who has experience in treating BDD, because it is a really tough thing to be facing on your own.

    I would encourage everyone to stop evaluating the pictures and just lend your support because BDD is one of the most challenging psychological issues there is.

    Why are you asking people to stop looking at my pictures and to stop giving me their opinion. ?

    I have never felt so degraded then you have just made me feel

    I can see your comments you know

    I don't think the poster above was trying to be degrading in any way. Rather I think they were trying to be helpful. As much as we try to reassure you that you do not appear to be too skinny, you don't seem to be buying it. And that is your disorder manifesting itself. I don't know you well enough to make a diagnosis, nor am I a psychologist, but you do seem rather textbook.

    - Preoccupation with your physical appearance with extreme self-consciousness
    - Frequent examination of yourself in the mirror, or the opposite, avoidance of mirrors altogether
    - Strong belief that you have an abnormality or defect in your appearance that makes you ugly
    - Belief that others take special notice of your appearance in a negative way
    - Avoidance of social situations
    - Feeling the need to stay housebound
    - The need to seek reassurance about your appearance from others

    When I look at your pictures I see a woman who appears slim, but healthy, with a normal amount of body fat and no visible bones (perhaps if you stretched your arms over your head you might see an outline of your rib cage, but that's perfectly normal) I don't see a body that would elicit horrified looks or negative comments from strangers in the street.

    You do seem to have some self-awareness that while you are only slightly underweight you see yourself as being shockingly thin. I do think you would benefit from some sort of therapy if you are not already under the care of some sort of psychological professional.


    If you actually read my first post I am seeking help. Asking for people's opinions on if I look skinny is not a crime so please stop it. I am already seeing a therapist.

    And people do comment about my weight in public. Ive had someone shout comments whilst passing me in a car . Its not in my head.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    If you actually read my first post I am seeking help. Asking for people's opinions on if I look skinny is not a crime so please stop it. I am already seeing a therapist.

    And people do comment about my weight in public. Ive had someone shout comments whilst passing me in a car . Its not in my head.

    What does your therapist think about you asking these questions on the net?

    I've had people shout stuff at me from cars... Find a woman that hasn't happened to!