What's on your "No" list?



  • thecrushinator
    thecrushinator Posts: 76 Member
    Wheat products, anything out of a box. It's so hard when time is short and I'm rushing to work or something.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I like the "Not Worth It" list from the above poster vs. a "No" list. I have a "no" list because of the way things make me feel rather than to "succeed on my diet."

    I have not had any soda for 45 days. It is not good for me and to me it is NOT worth the calories. I don't like "just a little." I have learned to really enjoy the fruity flavored seltzer waters - no artificial sweeteners, no calories, and I get the "fizz"

    Just curious, what fruity-flavored water has no artificial sweeteners AND no calories? I'm guessing it has a sugar substitute that you don't consider "artificial."

    If it has, it does not have it listed on the ingredients list. It is not sweet. Just a mild fruity flavor.

    Scheweppes Seltzer Water:

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors.

    Poland Spring Sparkling Water:

    Ingredients: Spring water, fruit essence, and bubbles

    Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors

    So are you seeing something I'm not?

    I do not do artificial sweeteners.
  • auntyfred
    auntyfred Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have anything on my don't eat list as long as I am in a deficit, however I have found some foods are triggers to set me on a binge so I avoid them for that reason alone.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I really haven't given up anything for weight loss, and I don't see the purpose of it.

    Back in high school I gave up sugary soda (switched to diet), some years ago I decided that I didn't really care for fast food except as something one eats when on the road, so I had no reason to give up either of those (and got fat despite this, sigh). I also don't drink. But for dieting I simply (a) don't eat foods I don't care about; and (b) (kind of the same thing) pay attention to the cost-benefit analysis (are the calories worth it?) and don't eat it unless it fits in my day as a whole.

    (a) doesn't really result in giving things up, because it seems silly to give up something you wouldn't care to eat anyway. Presumably giving something up means something you eat or are tempted to. And (b) simply means that some things never or very rarely are eaten--I don't think I've had pie since I started this, since I'm picky about it anyway and have neither felt like baking it or been offered really excellent pie--but that doesn't mean they couldn't be if the right opportunity presented itself and it made sense.

    I guess the overall point is that for me giving something up doesn't help me eat better. It would probably make me think more about, say, pie, when in the real world I pretty much only ever eat it on major holidays so what would be the point?

    I eat much less of certain foods than I used to, but that's because after I eat the foods I am focusing on and given my calorie allotment they only fit rarely or in small quantities.
  • soidade
    soidade Posts: 116 Member
    I like the "Not Worth It" list from the above poster vs. a "No" list. I have a "no" list because of the way things make me feel rather than to "succeed on my diet."

    I have not had any soda for 45 days. It is not good for me and to me it is NOT worth the calories. I don't like "just a little." I have learned to really enjoy the fruity flavored seltzer waters - no artificial sweeteners, no calories, and I get the "fizz"

    Just curious, what fruity-flavored water has no artificial sweeteners AND no calories? I'm guessing it has a sugar substitute that you don't consider "artificial."

    If it has, it does not have it listed on the ingredients list. It is not sweet. Just a mild fruity flavor.

    Scheweppes Seltzer Water:

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors.

    Poland Spring Sparkling Water:

    Ingredients: Spring water, fruit essence, and bubbles

    Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors

    So are you seeing something I'm not?

    I do not do artificial sweeteners.

    I have to wonder what's being counted as a "natural flavor." Is Stevia a "natural flavor?" Something has to be making it sweet.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I like the "Not Worth It" list from the above poster vs. a "No" list. I have a "no" list because of the way things make me feel rather than to "succeed on my diet."

    I have not had any soda for 45 days. It is not good for me and to me it is NOT worth the calories. I don't like "just a little." I have learned to really enjoy the fruity flavored seltzer waters - no artificial sweeteners, no calories, and I get the "fizz"

    Just curious, what fruity-flavored water has no artificial sweeteners AND no calories? I'm guessing it has a sugar substitute that you don't consider "artificial."

    If it has, it does not have it listed on the ingredients list. It is not sweet. Just a mild fruity flavor.

    Scheweppes Seltzer Water:

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors.

    Poland Spring Sparkling Water:

    Ingredients: Spring water, fruit essence, and bubbles

    Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors

    So are you seeing something I'm not?

    I do not do artificial sweeteners.

    I have to wonder what's being counted as a "natural flavor." Is Stevia a "natural flavor?" Something has to be making it sweet.

    I repeat: it is NOT sweet. It does not taste any more sweet than unsweetened iced tea with a bit of lemon in it does or plain water with a lemon wedge. One of the bottles, the Canada Dry one, boldly and plainly states on the label "unsweetened."

    Edited to add: these do NOT taste anything like other flavored waters - such as Fruit 2 O - those are sweet like Kool Aid or regular soda. These seltzer waters I drink are NOT sweet and most kids probably would spit them out, lol.

    Ones such as Fruit 2 O also have sweeteners listed on their ingredients list ALONG with natural flavors - so I would assume if the natural flavors provide sweetening, they would not need to add sucralose to it.

    Furthermore, if it DID have stevia in it, I would not like it. I can't stand the taste of any artificial sweetener or sugar alternative (natural like stevia or not) with the exception of honey or agave nectar. They all have an unpleasant after taste.
  • Tisiwa
    Tisiwa Posts: 46 Member
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Margarine, that's pretty much it.

    Well, I'm vegan, so there are tons of stuff I don't eat, but not for health reasons.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

    As long as I'm meeting my macro and caloric needs I eat whatever I feel like.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I like the "Not Worth It" list from the above poster vs. a "No" list. I have a "no" list because of the way things make me feel rather than to "succeed on my diet."

    I have not had any soda for 45 days. It is not good for me and to me it is NOT worth the calories. I don't like "just a little." I have learned to really enjoy the fruity flavored seltzer waters - no artificial sweeteners, no calories, and I get the "fizz"

    Just curious, what fruity-flavored water has no artificial sweeteners AND no calories? I'm guessing it has a sugar substitute that you don't consider "artificial."

    If it has, it does not have it listed on the ingredients list. It is not sweet. Just a mild fruity flavor.

    Scheweppes Seltzer Water:

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors.

    Poland Spring Sparkling Water:

    Ingredients: Spring water, fruit essence, and bubbles

    Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water

    Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavors

    So are you seeing something I'm not?

    I do not do artificial sweeteners.

    I have to wonder what's being counted as a "natural flavor." Is Stevia a "natural flavor?" Something has to be making it sweet.

    It's not exactly sweet. It's like water infusion. Just like tea, it's not sweet unless you sweeten it. The flavor of the fruit is infused into the water by soaking for a while. Now I don't care for flavored water, and I'm not sure how it would be prepared commercially, but flavored water has 0-1 calories per cup so this must be something similar.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    There are foods I don't care for:
    Broccoli rabe
    Anything really bitter

    There are foods I don't eat because they are triggers:

    Brownies, cooked or uncooked. ( yes I mean that one)
    Any baked pasta
    Cheese Danish

    I eat very little processed food because I don't want the salt and other stuff in it.
    Everything else has to fit in my macros.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,375 Member
    I could never say, "goodbye, Talenti gelato, forever," so I don't say it now.

    That said, I'm very careful about when I have it in the house. I have to be sure I can work it in, because it calls to me, no matter how deeply I bury it in the freezer.
  • sharonpink
    sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
    I've given up candy and for the most part sweets. For some reason, if I eat something sweet, my body craves more sweets. That horrible sweet tooth! Other than that, I'm pretty much eating what I want in moderation and, most importantly, logging it!!!
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    My no list includes sugar and carbs in the evening. I do not need energy while I sleep.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I don't have a NO list ...unless I don't like a certain food that is...avocado is one I just can't like :/
    everything in moderation :)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    My no list includes sugar and carbs in the evening. I do not need energy while I sleep.

    Sleeping is when I do some of my best work...
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    I don't have a 'no list'. But I do have ONE food that I buy only in very small packages because I have no control when I buy a jar. Nutella. I can seriously sit and eat an entire jar of that stuff. 100 calories per tablespoon will wreck your diet quick fast and in a hurry when you eat the whole jar at once. LOL! NOW I buy the little snack packs. Whoever came up with the idea for those is a god.
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    weight watchers peanut butter brownie bliss.... its only a no because I cant seem to just eat 1! lol
  • Rachifloon
    Rachifloon Posts: 129 Member
    I've not banned or said "no" to a single darn thing (unless I don't like it). I still eat the same foods I did when I was at 205lbs that I do currently sitting at 140lbs. Moderation is key, and if you want that extra treat, add in some exercise. Tastes a whole lot better when you've worked for it.

    If I had to put one thing on the list then it'd be non-diet soft drinks. Purely because the carbonation makes me feel bloated so I only tend to have a soft drink when I'm eating out. and diet variety so I can have more of that oh-so delicious food. :tongue:
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Low fat cheese, low fat mayonnaise, anything pretending to be something tasty but failing like sugar free syrup, "diet" toppings... I think the fastest way to make me fall off the wagon is punish me with "diet" food. The real thing in moderation, pretty please!

    This! No margarine in my house, only butter. Also, years ago I gave up most breakfast cereals (except good quality muesli or granola that is actually worth eating) when I realised I was only eating branflakes for breakfast to stop me eating huge mounds of buttered toast. So I decided to find a breakfast that was actually nice and switched to yoghurt and fruit. Like having dessert for breakfast!