What's on your "No" list?



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Nothing. I eat when I want and to meet my goals and that includes all the wonderful foods.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I banned banning things. If I want it I make it work in my macros and calories. Best thing I've ever done. My relationship with food is awesome now. I don't rule anything out.
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    Restaurants with no nutritional information available on the website are on my no list because I hate playing guessing games with my intake, otherwise I eat what I like in moderation.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    let me see...my No list

    No talking about people behind their backs, no cheating, no killing, no lies, no covetting my neighbours stuff, no sloth, no averice..

    you know basic clean living stuff.

    If you meant food...hmm...nope nothing on that list.
  • shuasmith
    Haven't "Banned" anything because I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my life. I'm not going to ban cheeseburgers or pizza for life. Now I haven't had any actual fast food since I started but it doesn't mean I will deprive myself if I get the urge because I know, from past experiences, as soon as I really deny that urge it will just blow up later.

    Now, I have found that the trick is realizing just how great and how much better home cooked so called "Healthy" food can be. I made an open face cheeseburger last friday that was possibly the best burger I've ever had and it had no beef (turkey) and no bun (portobello mushroom) but still had a delicious special mayo sauce I made along with home fries, veggies, and cheese. Whole plate under 500 calories.

    on that same note we made 'pizza' with the portobello mushroom caps as the 'dough' and turkey pepperoni and cheese. They were delicious and honestly it scratched that pizza itch just fine.

    But again, if I get to the point that I'm like, "I REALLY want a cheeseburger" I'm going to go get one, log it, and slowly enjoy every bite. Just like I do with my previous soda addiction. I may only drink water most days but if I want a sweet tea or soda I'm going to have it. Although the carbonation irritates my stomach now that I don't have it all the time.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member

    I'd eat anything for love

    But I wouldn't eat THAT

    This made my day.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Pizza and diet soda
  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    Mostly, it's Kettle Chips. Are these just a UK thing or worldwide? Either way, I can find myself eating a large bag ALL BY MYSELF and then feeling somewhat sick from the grease, and very sick from the guilt, afterwards. Hadn't had any for a year then stuffed myself two weeks ago :sick: with one of the two bags in my cupboard (left over from when my niece was coming over for a Film Night and didn't ...).

    And the other thing that is just about out of the door - and I love - is cheese. God, I miss CHEESE!

    Anything else is, I think, okay in moderation as long as it fits The Plan. Apart from things I loath anyway, like brussels sprouts, broad beans, offal, chickpeas (although I love hummus...).
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Right now my 'No' list is bread, grains and added sugar, at least during this weight loss phase. When I lose the unwanted pounds and am instead maintaining my weight, I shall re-introduce each, but in small ways, and see how it goes. To be honest, I don't miss any of them, and haven't for 7 weeks or so, but then I tapered back gradually on each until I reached the point I just cut them out completely. I think that helped a lot, and so far have had no cravings, although I do feel a little gentle pressure to relax things, especially as I am not a world away from my goal these days.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Honestly, nothing is on my "no" list.... somethings are on my "eat everyday" list and some are on my "don't eat everyday" list.
  • alfonsinarosinsky
    alfonsinarosinsky Posts: 198 Member
    I call these my red light foods. Peanut butter and Nutella. I can't seem to stop once I start.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    There are certain foods we all try to give up completely when starting a new diet. What have you banned (or tried to ban) from your life? Pizza, pasta, soda, and red meat are on mine. Have you had long term success with banning these foods from your diet?

    Anytime I ban certain foods I fail long term. Now nothing is off limits and my results and my life are better then ever...
  • kimekakes28
    kimekakes28 Posts: 103 Member
    Fast Food (Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, ect) is the only food on my "No" list. Too high in sodium, saturated fat, and a bunch of ingedients I can't pronouce lol. Everything elese in moderation.
  • xixshaiyaxix
    xixshaiyaxix Posts: 83 Member
    I stopped drinking soda completely 3 years ago, when I began to live on my own, and found out how expensive it is to buy soda all the time. Water is my best friend now. I also enjoy herbal teas. If i want a fancy drink, I have an occasional starbucks trip with my sister.
  • SteffiLatta
    SteffiLatta Posts: 31 Member
    If I have enough calories in the day, I let myself splurge, however I'm more motivated to fill up with good foods. Why eat a donut when I can save the calories for a healthy dinner out with my husband, and maybe have a glass of wine?? Moderation - that's what I keep telling myself.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    There are certain foods we all try to give up completely when starting a new diet. What have you banned (or tried to ban) from your life? Pizza, pasta, soda, and red meat are on mine. Have you had long term success with banning these foods from your diet?

    Not one single damn thing!
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm never willingly eating or buying grains/startches/processed sugar. If I'm out and can't have my alternatives I never eat a 2nd serving. That's how you maintain, my house is filled with junk food/pasta/cake/soda etc.
    My mom has been going to weddings and events and keeps bringing home legit boxes of cupcakes and pastry.

    At the end of the day I find myself throwing out the food. That's why I recommend not getting rid of the bad foods in your house already. After seeimg junk for so long, you build a huge tolerance. The only bad habit I have is opening the fridge when I'm bored but I never eat anything just stare get confused and leave. I've been 5 months in my journey, I do think I've cured my leptin levels. The only thing left is the need to eat certain foods in public, but I've gotten better at saying no. My last "binge" was on a Samosa and 5 plain onion rings.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Nothing. I believe everything in moderation :)
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I don't really have one right now because I have found that for me "no" lists just make me get rebellious. LOL But at the same time, I haven't eaten a lot of lovely luscious foods because they don't fit in my cals. So, technically nothing's off the menu, but I tend to try to stay with things that won't break the calorie bank. (So far. We'll see what happens when my bday and the holidays roll around.)
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    eggs, dairy, and meat, and processed foods.