What's on your "No" list?



  • MSouthernbelle87
    MSouthernbelle87 Posts: 63 Member
    There is nothing on my "No" list. It's a lifestyle change and I'm going to eat everything in moderation for life lol. If I eat bad then that means I work harder in the gym or run more miles.
  • losingforgood120
    The things on my no list... are the things that I don't enjoy enough to waste calories on. Especially carb calories. I eat the things I enjoy!
  • boogiefevah
    boogiefevah Posts: 1 Member
    All soft drinks and many sugary drinks.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    NO sex in the champagne room.
  • at_night_bookstore
    at_night_bookstore Posts: 249 Member
    certain people are on my no list
    i dont like pets so they on the no list
    i also dont eat pets... i also wont eat anything else but icecream, kinder chocolate n mikki D's...
  • lauraaautumn
    Basically just coke.
    All the other naughty-ish stuff in moderation :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    There are no foods that I want to eat, but forbid myself from eating. However there is a significant list of foods that I simply do not want to eat. Those foods are ones that I do not like the taste or which have a negative impact on me.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm meant to have a 'No' list?

    well darn.

    ^^^^ this

    no "no" list.... just portion control. In fact for me if I forbid myself from eating any particular food it just makes me want it all the more and be unable to stop eating it when I fall off the wagon... so I have much more success with eating what I want in moderation.
  • elliottbord
    elliottbord Posts: 3 Member
    All meat
    Artificial sweeteners
    Canned foods with BPA lining
    Non-organic produce
    White bread
    Fast food
    Potato chips
    Cookies, Ice cream, and sweets other than fruit/yogurt
    And the saddest of all...Chinese food (greasy) and take out pizza (make my own with whole wheat pitas)
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    Anything has has excessive calories in a single serving. Other than that, almost nothing is banned! Everything in moderation.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    There are no "No"'s in my house. If it fits in my calorie targets, and I've already met my major macros, then it's fair game.

    I would say instead that there are more "YES"'s than there used to be. I'm eating food like chia seeds which I never would have done before.
  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    SODA...all sugary drinks.
    hard to quit at first but a big help in weight loss.
  • fifty6ford
    fifty6ford Posts: 59 Member
    I haven't banned anything for myself. I've just tried to find healthier alternatives or limit the amount. I know for me if I tell myself I can't have something, that's what I want more than ever. I find that as I'm incorporating more veggies and fruit into my diet, I enjoy it more. I'm also thankful that my husband is willing to take this journey with me. He's not using MFP, but he's open to trying new recipes.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    There are certain foods we all try to give up completely when starting a new diet. What have you banned (or tried to ban) from your life? Pizza, pasta, soda, and red meat are on mine. Have you had long term success with banning these foods from your diet?

    I LOVE red meat, bacon, fried chicken, and pizza, I won't give it up or cut it down at all...... I want red meat four or five times a week! I have cut down diet soda from " drinks nothing else" to one a day. Pasta is not something I like, so I don't have any trouble eliminating most bread, all pasta, mac and cheese ( hate that **** with a passion), turkey (Yuck!) and all salty snack junk of the Doritos/Cheetos/chips sort, don't eat any of that at all. In short, the only things I*'m willing to give up are things I don't like in the first place. Life's too short to pass up a bloody rare ribeye steak with butter-sauteed mushrooms!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    All meat
    Artificial sweeteners
    Canned foods with BPA lining
    Non-organic produce
    White bread
    Fast food
    Potato chips
    Cookies, Ice cream, and sweets other than fruit/yogurt
    And the saddest of all...Chinese food (greasy) and take out pizza (make my own with whole wheat pitas)

    "All meat" ? OMG. I feel sorry for you.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Cheesecake or at least it is on the list that says...you eat this you add a mile to your running that day.
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    For health reasons (I am waiting for gallbladder surgery - and have been since January) I have cut out dairy heavy, rich and fried foods (I do not EVER want to revisit how ill the last curry I had made me feel) and because I am trying to repeat the last time I was successful on a diet I have cut all starchy carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) from my diet whilst I get things under control again. So far this time I have lost 11.4lbs, and I am feeling much better already.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    There's nothing that I'd say "Oooooh no, I can't eat that!"

    But there's lots of things where I choose to say "I dont want to eat that"

    Too much wheat makes my stomach bloat, so I ration the amount of bread and pasta I consume. I don't really like the taste of whipped cream or cheesecakey desserts, or even sponge cake. Sausage rolls or Danish pastries don't float my boat, though bizarrely I eat an almond croissant when I'm at an airport. Fizzy drinks - bloating again. But a gin and tonic once in a while is fine :wink:
    Coffee upsets my stomach, I don't like the taste of coconut, or barbecue flavoured anything.
  • reddavidson
    i really don't have a no list. i have a long list of things i am allergic or intolerant to. No soy, corn and corn byproducts, gluten, and lactose. i also can not have raw fruit or veggies. my kids have nut allergys also. its hard to find things that everyone will eat and like at my house.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    While I don't have a specific "no-no" list of foods that aren't "allowed",there is one food that I just don't ever buy because it was a major binge food for me. Barbecue Baked Lays are something that I only used to buy with the intention of eating the entire bag (or 2 - they have 11 servings) in one sitting. That doesn't mean I think all chips are off limits, I just have a lot of negative memories associated with bingeing on baked lays -lol that sounds so stupid- and don't need them anymore.