Over 50s?



  • Hi everyone - I'm Karen... 55 years old chronologically, a lot younger at heart and spirit. I'm new here and looking forward to making new friends, finding and giving support, and doing my best to get healthy and back to where I can do all the things I miss doing from my younger (but not always thinner) days. I live in Arizona, where the sun almost always shines and there are so many amazing places to go and things to do... and I'm ready to start taking advantage of that again!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend - I'd love to be part of your journey and have you be part of mine!
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 50 soon to be 51 in Nov! Can I join in. I was at MFP a couple of years back and lost 40 pounds. Unfortunately I gained every bit back after having some medical issues. This time it going a lot slower but I'm trying to not let my medical issues to derail me this time. I would love some friends too. I log every day even if sometimes I have to guesstimate my day. We go out to eat quite frequently at times. Still the weight is going in the right directions just a lot slower. The last time I was doing some exercise but this time I'm not allowed to do much yet so it's going to be harder. I'll send you a friend request. Hopefully I can get some too!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Bumping for later. Have to leave for a friend's house shortly. All females are welcome to friend me. I've reached goal but am still here daily to maintain. Old habits are hard to break!
  • Awesome job....!!!!!!!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    For all the ladies over 50, or almost 50, there is a terrific forum called women 50+. Sorry guys, you'll have to make your own. We are very, very active, chatty, supportive, nonjudgemental. We would love to have you all!!!!

    I hope this gets you there http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1401019-women-ages-50-for-august-2014

    Yeah!!! It worked.
  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Hi, I'm Kitty. Almost 55 and would like to lose 12 pounds. I found this app through a friend. Glad to meet you all!
  • allensachers
    allensachers Posts: 20 Member
    I am over sixty with another birthday looming in September. I think at this age my expectations are different then what they were when I was in my 30's so would enjoy reading blogs and notes from individuals I can identify with. Count me in...
  • Hi, I'm Wanda and have a lot of weight to shed. I will soon be 58, but I don't feel as old as that number looks!
  • Deano762
    Deano762 Posts: 4 Member
    August 16, 2014 10:15 PM
    Hello Fitness Pals,

    My work place introduced a walking program and pedometers to keep track of our progress. I thought this would be a great time to begin to lose the extra weight I put on since quitting smoking 9 years ago. I found this here great website to aid me in reducing my daily calorie intake and logging in my daily walk times. Since starting this approximately two months ago I have gone from 210 lbs to 189lbs . I put 25-35 lbs on since I quit smoking nine years ago and am clearly on my way to returning to a healthy weight. I am 52 years old and stand between 5'6-5'7.
    Myfitnesspal.com has helped me to keep track of my calories everyday and tells me what I earned by exercising. I really doubt that I would have been this successful this quick had I not been keeping track of both calories and exercise.
    I would encourage anyone who is just beginning this process to be faithful to log in your calories and exercises on a daily basis. And get a pedometer. Walk on to success
  • Hi Susan I'm 49 I need to lose weight because I feel it will improve my health. I have managed to keep under 80 kilos up to now. I have just returned from summer vacation break and my scale hit the 83.3 mark. I must say that I do try control what I eat but I would not say I diet. Now I really need to concentrate and start eating even healthier and reduce the pastries and starches.
    I have back, shoulders and knee problems so I have to be really careful with any form of exercising.
    Lets see what happens.
  • Hi Pamela I'm 49 I need to lose weight because I feel it will improve my health. I have managed to keep under 80 kilos up to now. I have just returned from summer vacation break and my scale hit the 83.3 mark. I must say that I do try control what I eat but I would not say I diet. Now I really need to concentrate and start eating even healthier and reduce the pastries and starches.
    I have back, shoulders and knee problems so I have to be really careful with any form of exercising.
    Lets see what happens.
  • kadenadie5
    kadenadie5 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there I just started on this FP August 5 . I want to keep logging in i missed two days only of logging my calories so that is pretty good for me. But I'm looking for people to talk to and encourage ., as I lose weight I want this to be the last ime I do this .I have lots of lbs.s to lose but I'm going first 21 days then heading to 63 days to cement in this new habit. I'm on the East coast too!
  • LeonXC
    LeonXC Posts: 68
    58 here. My hope and dream is to be under the 200 mark by my 60th birthday. If I live that long. :huh:
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    I'm 51 and 50-60 lbs overweight, menopausal and stuck at my heaviest weight ever. Getting very discouraged that I can't seem to get below 200 and stay there.
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Sue, I'm 49 but if you'll have me I'm a good supportive MFP friend.
  • psposey
    psposey Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Susan, Steve here.

    I am 52 (I think...) and have re-started MFP about a month ago. Always looking for fellow (almost) old people who are pursuing their fitness or weight goals and also facing the added challenged of not being quite as young as they would like to be :). Feel free to send me an MFP friend invite - the more the merrier!
  • joycepenman
    joycepenman Posts: 33 Member
    hi i'm 55yrs old and trying my best to lose weight but i have underactive thyroid
    which is making it more difficult
    would appreciate any tips and friends to help keep me motivated
  • ValleySimTech
    ValleySimTech Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Sue. My name is Bob and I'm 53. I started this weight lose thing earlier this year after gaining about 40 pounds in the last 5 years. My body did not like that so I knew I had to get busy and lose the weight. This place has been great and I'm making great progress. Feel free to add me as a friend and I look forward to seeing you reach all your goals.
  • Hi I am Pam. 52. started last week and did really good then screwed up a couple of days and gained it all back. Now I am depressed and have no motivation to start back up or keep going. I need some weightloss buddies HELP!!I I should say I have been dieting and exercising 3 weeks now but just started MFP last week.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    So nice to see how many over 50s are on here!
    I am 54 and need to knuckle down and get on with losing this weight!
    If anyone wants to add me as a friend I will happily add you!