Ice Bucket Challenge, Ribbons, Wrist Bands, etc....



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Wait, do people not realize that when you dump water on yourself, you also donate? Accepting the challenge means you do the water thing AND GIVE MONEY.

    What if you give the money and DON'T dump the water? Win/win.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,881 Member
    The icebucket challenge is an idiotic fad that's going to end up killing someone. Just donate the damned money already and stop feeding the internet stupidity monster.
    It's only idiotic for the ones trying to attempt idiotic ways of doing it. And I've seen them. But for those who are doing it sincerely and more than sure they are donating too, it may be the ONE thing they actually will do something about. I personally plan to donate and and just use a CUP of ice water since we're in a drought in California!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Clovermoth
    Clovermoth Posts: 33 Member
    It's slactivism. It makes people feel like they're doing something good for the world and they're really not. I can understand buying things that contribute directly to an organization that you would like to support, I have several HRC stickers on the back of my car right now. But the ice bucket challenge seems like a cop-out. I respect the fact that it brings awareness to the issue, but I think it should be coupled with a donation to the charity not just doing the "challenge."

    ALS has seen like 400% increase in donations over last year, it is hard to believe that the ice bucket challenge isn't having an impact whether you like or not. While I agree a lot of people are just doing the challenge and not donating it has brought a lot of awareness to a great cause

    I acknowledged that it is bringing awareness to the cause and I understand that many people are doing both the challenge and donating to a charity. My problem with it is that the rules are to do the challenge when somebody nominates you and if you fail you have to give money to the organization. I don't like seeing the donation as a punishment for failing to pour ice over your head.

    You actually donate whether you do the challenge or not. That is in the rules. And it does bring awareness to ALS. For example I was just nominated by my Uncle today and had no idea what ALS was....I went and researched it and now I do and I am also donating as well as doing the challenge. I'm not saying I'm superwoman, I'm just saying I'm glad that I was made aware and it's not hurting anyone. Where is YOUR donation.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Not sure how the whole thing works. If you are called out, you have to donate or get drenched?

    I know lots of people, including my own family, that are challenging each other to the Ice Bucket Challenge, but not donating a cent.

    I think it's just a "hey! Look at me" game to them.
    You are supposed to donate either way. You're "allowed" to donate less if you do the ice water.

    WTF....!!! what do you mean "allowed"? You have the right to donate or not, however much you want to donate ( or not), and if somebody pours ice water over your head when you don't want it, it's assault!! I'd just like to see somebody try to tell me how much, or if, I had to donate, and if they tried to pour ice water on me they'd be wearintg the bucket up their sphincter.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Not sure how the whole thing works. If you are called out, you have to donate or get drenched?

    I know lots of people, including my own family, that are challenging each other to the Ice Bucket Challenge, but not donating a cent.

    I think it's just a "hey! Look at me" game to them.
    You are supposed to donate either way. You're "allowed" to donate less if you do the ice water.

    WTF....!!! what do you mean "allowed"? You have the right to donate or not, however much you want to donate ( or not), and if somebody pours ice water over your head when you don't want it, it's assault!! I'd just like to see somebody try to tell me how much, or if, I had to donate, and if they tried to pour ice water on me they'd be wearintg the bucket up their sphincter.
    Chill out, Mike Tyson.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Not sure how the whole thing works. If you are called out, you have to donate or get drenched?

    I know lots of people, including my own family, that are challenging each other to the Ice Bucket Challenge, but not donating a cent.

    I think it's just a "hey! Look at me" game to them.
    You are supposed to donate either way. You're "allowed" to donate less if you do the ice water.

    WTF....!!! what do you mean "allowed"? You have the right to donate or not, however much you want to donate ( or not), and if somebody pours ice water over your head when you don't want it, it's assault!! I'd just like to see somebody try to tell me how much, or if, I had to donate, and if they tried to pour ice water on me they'd be wearintg the bucket up their sphincter.
    Oh, honey.

    Do you understand what quotation marks mean in this context? Do I really have to explain that to you?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The icebucket challenge is an idiotic fad that's going to end up killing someone. Just donate the damned money already and stop feeding the internet stupidity monster.
    If someone dies doing this, I'm pretty sure that person made a choice to do something really dumb and I call Darwinism at its best.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can attest to fundraising not being an easy thing, I work for a charity trying to put together ways to 'encourage' people to donate. We are a worthy cause, but there are so many of them.

    Speaking of the ALS challenge, how do people feel about other charities 'hijacking' the tag on social media and using it for their own charity campaigns? That is currently what is happening with this particular campaign.

    Edited: due to stray '?'
    There's a video being passed around explaining how it got started and initially, it was to donate to a charity of one's choice. It didn't have to be ALS. But the men who started it did it in honor of their friend who had ALS, so that kind of stuck.

    I have seen a few people donate to other charities and I think that's fine. It's all in fun and it all goes to one good cause or another.

    And, speaking of, I have taken this as inspiration to be more charitable in general. I started a FB page where members can suggest charities and "stunts" like the ice bucket challenge (anything that won't kill or wound me and doesn't involve nudity!) and I will film and post a stunt, post a link to the charity's website to encourage others to donate and I will donate a set amount every month to a different charity.

    Anyone here is welcome to come "like" it and participate:
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Watch this commercial --

    Now tell me how much you hate that people are donating to find a cure for ALS.
    I'm literally crying now. I hope everybody watches this and I hope everybody helps as much as they can
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Not sure how the whole thing works. If you are called out, you have to donate or get drenched?

    I know lots of people, including my own family, that are challenging each other to the Ice Bucket Challenge, but not donating a cent.

    I think it's just a "hey! Look at me" game to them.
    You are supposed to donate either way. You're "allowed" to donate less if you do the ice water.

    WTF....!!! what do you mean "allowed"? You have the right to donate or not, however much you want to donate ( or not), and if somebody pours ice water over your head when you don't want it, it's assault!! I'd just like to see somebody try to tell me how much, or if, I had to donate, and if they tried to pour ice water on me they'd be wearintg the bucket up their sphincter.
    Chill out, Mike Tyson.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: seriously!!
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    According to the Washington Post, the Catholic church instructed it's members NOT to participate as ALS research includes stem cell research. Anyone else read that? oh those do-gooders.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    According to the Washington Post, the Catholic church instructed it's members NOT to participate as ALS research includes stem cell research. Anyone else read that? oh those do-gooders.....
    It's because of the stem cell research.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,881 Member
    According to the Washington Post, the Catholic church instructed it's members NOT to participate as ALS research includes stem cell research. Anyone else read that? oh those do-gooders.....
    Being born and raised Catholic, I'm glad I don't follow what the church says anymore. But just don't put it on the Catholics. I'm sure just about any hard core Christian organization would deter it to if stem cell research is included.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition