Spin instructor touched resistance



  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    I love spinning, but don't touch my bike. It's MY ride. An instructor doesn't know what's going on that day and I'll go at the pace and resistance I like.

    IMO she was WAY in the wrong. She also seems to be blowing this way up too. I'd stay out of her class anyway, doesn't sound like someone's class I'd like to be in.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    If this business has a Facebook or Twitter account I would use social media first. Then go to the BBB if you like. They generally work for me! The instructor and management assumed you were in good enough physical shape to have the instructor attempt to increase your resistance. She SHOULD have asked you if you can go deeper and add more resistance. It is NOT her place to adjust your resistance or speed. If a client is injured b/c an instructor does, is the gym liable? This is probably how I would start my social media dialogue. She needs to know her place which is NOT to adjust anything without the client's approval.
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    A) Why was it a problem that they touched the dial in the first place? They are the instructor. Let them instruct! B) If you already apologized, this whole thing should just be done. C) I would have discussed it with them after classes (before swatting) and said "hey, in the future, if you see me not working hard enough, can you tell me what to bump it to instead of touching the machine?" I agree with the people saying "use your words."

    HOWEVER!! I would also like to point out that people are stupid and words don't always work. Unfortunately... Tempers and feathers get ruffled too easily nowadays, so everyone just take it down a notch!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Maybe switch to the cardio kick boxing class?

    Seriously, that instructor has a bad attitude and doesn't like you got one up on her...lol. Being a bit of a bully but you still you got the swat in, not her. What a cry baby, going to management cuz you hit her hand? Come on now. That should have been settled after class with a conversation.

    Go to class and pretend she isn't leading it, hopefully it's a big class. Couple of times and it'll all blow over.

    She's trying to intimidate you. Don't let her do it.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If this business has a Facebook or Twitter account I would use social media first. Then go to the BBB if you like. They generally work for me! The instructor and management assumed you were in good enough physical shape to have the instructor attempt to increase your resistance. She SHOULD have asked you if you can go deeper and add more resistance. It is NOT her place to adjust your resistance or speed. If a client is injured b/c an instructor does, is the gym liable? This is probably how I would start my social media dialogue. She needs to know her place which is NOT to adjust anything without the client's approval.

    and if none of this works go down to your district attorney's office and ask to press charges. THAT INSTRUCTOR MADE YOU PUNCH HER IN THE FACE AND SHE SHOULDN"T BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH IT
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Are you first person ever this has happened to that you've seen?

    Like you had no idea or forethought that her approaching your bike was something you've seen done to others many times over?

    Or that comments have been made in instructions prior to every class regarding "if I think you are taking it easy I'll make it harder"?

    Just surprised a cheery comment of "I'm already dying here" and turning the knob back wouldn't have been enough.

    My view, if you want a spin bike session of your own levels, you do it on your own.

    If you want a session where a coach is pushing you, then be ready to be pushed. And usually for those that are willing to go beyond verbal challenges, they've commented up front that they will up your resistance if they discern you could be doing more.

    Just seems for her to take the affront she's taking (which is a bit much too frankly), it must be an action she has commonly done.
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    The instructor is such a cry baby. The personal space was invaded by the instructor. If the instructor is interfering with her space. She has the right to move her hand away.
  • HouseOfMirth
    I've never seen her do it before. She's encouraged people, told them to go harder but I've never seen her touch a dial. It was a hot day (I remember she didn't even get on the bike and "coached" verbally all the way through). It was quite late on in the session, I was quite tired.

    Another instructor always prefaces the session with "I will not touch your resistance" and no other instructor ever has.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I agree with everyone saying you shouldn't have swatter her (regardless of how hard)- think of it this way, you're upset that she touched the BIKE (which you were just on- frankly, it's not even yours)... yet you touched HER.

    I also agree that she's being a baby and is over reacting. And since her overreaction (and refusal to acknowledge your apology) is clearly affecting your willingness to continue doing business with this company, move on. I would suggest going to the management and telling them that you've spoken to her and apologized for the situation, but she's is not accepting your apology and is making it uncomfortable for you to continue working out there. Try to get a refund, at least for the portion of the month/classes you won't be using now. Maybe they'll do something to try to keep you and maybe they won't- but at least try.

    You may need to go somewhere further or start doing a different workout, but doing something different is better than not doing anything at all because you don't want to go to that one place anymore.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'd mention to the gym that instructors should know some people have knee issues and need to be their own judge of what's appropriate. It's insulting to the participant to second guess their decision and it's potentially dangerous.

    A lot of yoga studios will have the instructor ask your permission before manually adjusting your posture. People don't all want hands-on training.

    I agree with this. I've taken a lot of cycle classes and have never witness an instructor do this. You should be in charge of your own resistance. I guess I don't think of a swat as hitting the way I'm picturing it. Not sure I woud have apoligized. I need to be comfortable in my gym environment so I would start looking for a new one.