Not eating enough message



  • raven277a
    I agree. I will have to try my tablet in hopes they don't change that
  • YumeSerket
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    My doctor says my 800 calorie diet would be fine to get the weight loss I need to try and reverse my diabetes. Some days im only at 700 or 600. It took me time to be satisfied with this low calorie diet. I was eating probably more than 3500.

    Have you thought of getting a new doctor? Going from 3500 to 600 or 700 is quite a huge jump.

    What are your stats? How much are you trying to lose?

    This does not sound like a good situation.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)

    And yours is a disordered way of thinking. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    What bodies are you speaking of that aren't under medical supervision or have medical issues btw?
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    The way you stop that message appearing is to net over 1200 calories per day.
  • raven277a
    My previous diet was high in carbs low in fat so my calories were higher than you can get on low carb. Honestly I was 233lbs and should be 150 or even 140. My doctor has an approved special medical diet that are based on the shakes and bars which would be the same results. I felt eating real foods were better.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    My doctor says my 800 calorie diet would be fine to get the weight loss I need to try and reverse my diabetes. Some days im only at 700 or 600. It took me time to be satisfied with this low calorie diet. I was eating probably more than 3500.

    Have you thought of getting a new doctor? Going from 3500 to 600 or 700 is quite a huge jump.

    What are your stats? How much are you trying to lose?

    This does not sound like a good situation.

    I gotta agree with this, 700-600 calories a day for extended period of time seems to me to be way unhealthy.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    My run tonight brought me to under 1000 calories and I clicked the complete diary button for giggles --

    On my iOS app, I was given a weight loss projection like normal.

    I have already consumed over 1200 calories so maybe on the iOS app it doesn't slap you so hard if you have CONSUMED over, even if you didn't NET over.

    I'm gonna get a snack anyway (planned before I tried the complete diary button) that'll bring me back over but I found it to be a nice experiment.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    My previous diet was high in carbs low in fat so my calories were higher than you can get on low carb. Honestly I was 233lbs and should be 150 or even 140. My doctor has an approved special medical diet that are based on the shakes and bars which would be the same results. I felt eating real foods were better.

    Where you already diag. as db. then ? High carbs dont seem to help with the blood sugar issue.
  • raven277a
    I was formally diagnosed in June only after I switched doctors. She said based on my history my blood sugar has been an issue. Carbs turn into sugars in the body. Lower fat is usually higher sugar or carbs and the body holds onto the sugar it cannot process and it turns into fat.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    In the mean time you can add in calories to your log.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I really want to call your doctor a quack because this

    seems to tell me you can actually have quite a bit more food than.i don't know what you're eating but. .. way more than 600 measly calories.

    Also, diabetes may limit your sugar intake but I'm pretty certain it doesn't convert sugar to fat.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)
    You feel betrayed because MFP does not support VLCDs? Interesting.

    Getting enough calories to properly fuel your body is common sense. 800 calories is not proper fueling.

    The best of luck to you.
  • YumeSerket
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)

    And yours is a disordered way of thinking. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    What bodies are you speaking of that aren't under medical supervision or have medical issues btw?

    My way of thinking is most certainly not distorted in any way. Yours, however, is very ignorant. That is honestly an egregiously rude and disrespectful thing to assume. The word 'disorder' is *not* a word to throw around-- especially towards people whom you do not meet eye-to eye with. That's only, like I said, ignorance.

    Disordered thinking is disarray and compulsive. I've already been gone from this site for a long while, and don't you worry I made my way through the door just fine. I left because I was done counting calories, I was blissfully happy and didn't care how much I got. That's when I truly learned how to eat properly. You can't target everyone in the same calorie range. Some people have the appetite for 3,500 plus calories a day, others for 1,200 and below. Why is there only a stigma with the later? As I already said, I am not depriving or starving myself. I get more than enough nutrients a day. Speaking of which, if you wonder, that is why I came back, I wanted to make sure I was, just in case. I know I don't eat the recommended amount every day. I've tried eating more, and it's not that I wouldn't want to. It's that I don't care to-- not because I'm afraid or compulsive, but because I am satisfied. I eat hearty bowls of oats, berry-filled parfaits. I eat up to an entire bundle of bananas a day. The only thing stopping me from eating more is my stomach telling me it is full and satisfied. Today I ate 1,290. Tomorrow I might eat 800, and the next 1,150. Who knows? I don't. I'll eat when my body tells me to, and I'll stop when I'm full.

    Normal people don't count calories. They do what I'm describing. They just live. They eat when they eat, they don't when they don't. They also don't go out of their way to eat as little as possible or as much as possible. Neither do I. I just am. I just do what I feel my body desires. And my body respects me back.
  • YumeSerket
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)
    You feel betrayed because MFP does not support VLCDs? Interesting.

    Getting enough calories to properly fuel your body is common sense. 800 calories is not proper fueling.

    The best of luck to you.

    Then explain how I feel properly fueled. How I continuously feel better than I ever have.
  • EvelynR1967
    EvelynR1967 Posts: 78 Member
    I think it's great that MFP is making it very clear to someone when they are under eating.
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