Fat B*tch



  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Point being, the world is FULL of idiots that don't have a censor and claim it's just them being honest to cover up the honest fact that they're just cruel for some sort of superior feeling out of it.

    You HAVE to be stronger, you have to, for you. You have to ignore things. You can't change people. You can't control things or people. And like others have said, what they say/scream at you, says more about themselves, than it will ever say about you.

    This 100%
  • poodlenoodlemuffin
    poodlenoodlemuffin Posts: 23 Member
    That really sucks. Nasty people are one of the reasons I go everywhere with headphones on. Trickier to do that when you're with people though.

    On the occasions the random abusive strangers were close enough to respond to, and I was feeling strong enough to do more than scuttle off, I'd try and respond with something like "I'm sorry no one loves you, but please don't take it out on me".
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    What is wrong with people? Seriously?! You gotta wonder, wasn't there anything he could have been doing besides harassing random women and killing the few brain cells that are still functioning in his head. Don't worry about cruel people like him. I know it's hurtful, but ask yourself, do you really care what some jerk like him thinks anyway?
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Control of


    Hell of a woman

    I know they are kinda cliche, but I always loved those two acronyms. I had a professor once (who taught us the top one) who said that anybody who calls a woman a b*tch it's because he (or she) can't handle a woman who has her *kitten* together. The person who yelled that at you obviously falls into that category.
  • Mohana94
    Mohana94 Posts: 54
    One time I went cycling at the beach with a few friends and someone pointed at me and shouted the tyre is going to puncture and burst .. basically implying I was too fat to cycle and that my weight was going to crush the bike. I was so humiliated and I never went back to cycle there :(

    Even though he's just a drunk jerk the words still hurt :( Just remember that you are beautiful and worth it and never let these dumb comments from *kitten* like that jerk discourage you. :flowerforyou:
  • bezerkus
    bezerkus Posts: 79 Member
    As my Dad always said about people like that : "No Brain, No Pain".
  • It's the epitome of toughness though - shouting insults from a moving car, surrounded by your mates.
  • AshleyCraig54
    AshleyCraig54 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you :( It's a terrible, terrible feeling that propagates self-loathing.
    I know.
    It happened to me once when I was at my heaviest, around 250lbs, and I was in a convenience store with friends. Another person in the store nudged his friend and pointed to me and said "look at that fat f---ing whale over there, hahahahaha" and the two of them laughed and laughed.
    I hung my head in shame and walked out the door, and my one friend followed me, after not-so-politely telling them off. When he caught up to me he told me "If the worst problem you have in the world is that you are heavier than some other people... well I think you are lucky. And I think I'm even luckier to know you as my friend."
    I recalled those words every other time I felt judged. It doesn't take away the hurt, or the feelings of self-loathing, but it does take away the sting and it definitely gave me perspective.
  • MaryHuckleberry
    MaryHuckleberry Posts: 19 Member
    People who yell stuff like that feel horribly inadequate inside and they are just mean people period. You walk tall and proud honey. Have you ever read Caitlin's Moran's How to Be a Women or Maya Angelou's Why the Caged Bird Sings? Both are great reads and very empowering. Also, I work on a campus and the other day our office secretary who is 22 and slim was heckled by a couple of sorority girls just because she happened to be near them at the time. Have a great semester kiddo and don't let any idiot every get you down.
  • stefboston83
    stefboston83 Posts: 8 Member
    A love of frogs:

    I would use that **** for motivation. Don't let some *kitten* make you feel bad. He probably has a tiny co#k and that made him feel better. Just keep going buddy.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    People can be horrible. That person isn't worth your tears. Ignore the comments (sometimes easier said than done, trust me i know!) continue on with your journey and it'll all be worth it! Keep smiling :)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    In one ear, out the other. He's the one, whose rudeness filter is out of function. Maybe it never was functioning, maybe it will be repaired one day, but it really doesn't matter. He wanted you to feel bad and you gave that to him. Next time, don't give in, but look in the mirror and conclude he's right as long as you haven't lost the weight. Weight is neutral, feelings are too if you are in control of them. Work on growing a teflon skin, rude people are everywhere and you never know when you will meet the next one; will you react the same way and lose energy then, too? It's difficult to grow a thick skin, but read the forums, learn, and apply.
  • Shimmysista
    Shimmysista Posts: 75 Member
    I was called a fat B all the time when i was obese and I really didnt care. Yes I was fat, YES i was a B%($#. Its like yay we got a smart one over here! Way to go captain obvious hehe
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that response..... Might not be able to get it out fast enough for the jerk to hear, but saying it to myself would certainly make me feel better! :wink:

    dang it.... new to how to respond! trying again.
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    Jerks can be such jerks! ;)

    Really though...don't let someone like that get you down.

    I've always remembered what I heard someone say:

    "I may be fat, but you're ugly. And I can go on a diet"

    Screw that drunk jerk!
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    Jerks can be such jerks! ;)

    Really though...don't let someone like that get you down.

    I've always remembered what I heard someone say:

    "I may be fat, but you're ugly. And I can go on a diet"

    Screw that drunk jerk!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that response..... Might not be able to get it out fast enough for the jerk to hear, but saying it to myself would certainly make me feel better! :wink:
  • EBRE44
    EBRE44 Posts: 18 Member
    If someone is that much of an idiot they shout that at people with no consideration then you should consider their opinion the opposite of the truth, don't concern yourself with the opinion of such detritus. Keep going and don't let it affect your motivation, imagine how amazing you'll feel walking past them at your target weight!!!! Some people are just desperate to bring others down to validate how pathetic their own small life is, Chin up and forget them xx :happy:
  • Don't stress over that foolishness.
  • riotatme23
    riotatme23 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome to the ***** club! I was called one yesterday! It is just a word, and it reflects more on the person saying it than it does on you. :heart:

    ^^^This!! When I was in school random girls would call me fat right to my face and laugh. I was 5'6" 135. I believed them. I know now the problem wasn't me; it was them. Whenever somebody says something nasty about someone else, it's always them and not the target that's the problem. If you can keep that in your heart you'll be okay. :flowerforyou:

    Dont let *kitten* get you down. These ladies are right. The things he says say a lot more about him than you. Anyone inconsiderate enough to say something to a total stranger has bigger issues than any of us will ever have. He was drunk and stupid and being a terrible person.
  • virginia203
    virginia203 Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad that you posted your feelings here. We are on this journey together and to me it's not about being thin and beautiful, it's about being healthier and happier with my weight. God bless you and remember there will be *kitten* out there no matter what your size. You are a valuable person, please remember that! Love to you and lots of (((( Hugs ))))