A girl on my team called me fat...



  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    You seem to have body issues

    This is the 3rd post I've seen by you touting your weight, height, and measurements and asking if youre fat or some variation of that.

    Stop seeking validation from others and learn to love yourself

  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    ....do you think I'm big?...

    What do YOU think? That's the important question.

    If *you* didn't already think you were fat, at least to a certain extent, you wouldn't even be asking this question.

    If you had a correct image of yourself, you would already *know* that you're not fat. You would've told that girl to suck eggs, if only in your mind. Instead, now you're worried about it.

    I would work on that worry instead of dwelling on what another girl said about you (out of anger and rudeness, as others here have said). Because that will fester and it won't take a jerk like that girl to make you feel bad about yourself. You'll be doing it on your own. Just a suggestion.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Ignore that crap. Some people always have something negative to say about someone else. Love yourself. That's what matters.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,545 Member
    So what if the best spiker is a size 00? If she takes a volleyball to the face from an opposing spiker who is a size 8, is the size of her uniform going to make her nose bleed any less?

    QFT When I was in HS most of the girls on our volleyball team were HUGE! Like, tall and broad. Not fat, but by no means skinny, and they almost went to state, so... being a skinny volleyball player is irrelevant. As long as you can play your position, who cares?

    My 14yo daughter is 5'9 and 1/2" tall and weighs somwhere around 125. She plays JV volleyball (outside hitter) and could stand to put on muscle. Most of the varsity girls are definitely not what I'd term overly thin, more strong and athletic.

    Ignore her.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Jealousy can do horrible things to people. Don't give her a second more of your time... You look perfect... You could always spike it off her head..... Lol
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I am constantly surprised at the underlying sexist tone of these forums. I don't know any other forums like it. If the people involved are 19, they are are women, not girls. Try to be aware how often people use "girls" rather than women and think why that might be.

    Comments such as "women can be such *****es" - substitute in "black" or "gay" and see if you still think such sweeping statements are ok.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I am constantly surprised at the underlying sexist tone of these forums. I don't know any other forums like it. If the people involved are 19, they are are women, not girls. Try to be aware how often people use "girls" rather than women and think why that might be.

    Off topic, and I wasn't the one being called out, but I grew up relating "girls to women" in the same sense of "miss to ma'am." I hear "girls" used a lot more in SoCal, and out of the mouths of females. Sometimes it's just a mental age thing... doesn't always have to be oppressive.

    Back to the original post.

    It smells of wanting validation, but if this really did happen... if you know that you are healthy and of a healthy size, don't sweat what some butthurt player says in a moment of frustration.
  • pabstvortex
    pabstvortex Posts: 6 Member
    Maybe you misheard her. It seems really unlikely that anyone would call a woman your size fat. It just wouldn't make sense. You are thin, which is probably your aesthetic preference, and apparently athletic (seeing as you play volleyball), so you ought to feel great about your body.
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    people are cruel hun. They will accuse you of being something you are not and than laugh harder when you believe it. It is a proven study the more you hear things that aren't true the more you will believe it. Messed up right?

    Plus for that chick, it is a easy, pathetic way to make herself feel superior.

    You are not fat. And by her call you this she will not be any thinner
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    You seem to have body issues

    This is the 3rd post I've seen by you touting your weight, height, and measurements and asking if youre fat or some variation of that.

    Stop seeking validation from others and learn to love yourself

    How can ppl love themselves when it is human that we all have body issues? And you just throw a stupid response like this at her? Why comment, you have no helpful info for her and looks like you just want ppl to believe you are so content. If you are so content with your body etc, ignore me calling you out.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Definitely not fat. Hard to even imagine someone thinking that. Don't take it personally. Strength training is still a good thing, though, if you would like.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    She said that to make herself look better-but if anyone that heard that had any common courtesy and respect at all would not have taken that to be true. You know if your fat or not. Girls these days are cruel-if someone called me that and i had your stats-i would have laughed right then and there…kids telling each other to die or go kill themselves is another new low-No one takes that seriously-i wouldn't-stupid!
    And you are fit so don't listen to what anyone says-if you want to tone up you can but c'mon now:) she is a loser who wants to put other people down so don't let her take up rent space in your head-you have lots of other things to worry and focus on like you being awesome:)
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    She's jealous because you are too adorable!
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I'm on a volleyball team. We were spiking today (I'm a setter, this is my weak spot). After my third time not making it over, I overheard an offhand comment about being fat. Am I?
    I've been rather upbeat recently. Her comment crushed me. I'm 19, weigh 110lbs with measurements of 32-26-34 at 5'4. I used to be 140ish. I know I've got to tone, but do you think I'm big? I've got pictures on my profile.
    I'm not the biggest on the team, but not the smallest. Almost everyone on the team wears a size 1 or 0. The best spiker is a 00.



    External validation will bite you in the *kitten*.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm gonna be brutally honest. I think that it's WONDERFUL for people of ALL shapes and sizes to get out and be active, play sports, ect. But I just can't wrap my head around the best spiker being a 00? How does she remotely have the strength to get the air AND the ball over the net? I realize, that there ARE people who are naturally this size, and they are struggling to gain weight and/or muscle, by NO means am I downing and/or making fun of them. I realize that for some, being small and gaining weight is just as much of a struggle as it is for those of us who are overweight and trying to lose weight, however, if you are extremely small, and the measurements I found for 00 are as followed: 30-23-32 -- that is EXTREMELY small. By no means am I saying that people who are small can't accomplish great things if they put their mind to it, but they're gonna have to work their butts off to build muscle to be strong enough to do it.

    Volleyball is a sport where if you're a little thicker, it isn't a bad thing, and having muscle and tone is necessary. If you aren't strong, you're gonna get hurt.

    As for your *team* mates, that was a ****ty thing for someone who's a part of a team to say. She needs to check herself. When you're on a team, it's about building one another up and working together, not tearing one another down. She needs a reality check in the worst way. One has to wonder, if she isn't hiding body issues as well, and projecting them onto you, and anyone else to hide her insecurity.

    I agree with what others have said, as well. You have had a few posts seeking validation. I get it, being a young person is hard. You're trying to find yourself, and you're just getting started out in life. It took me a long time to realize, it honestly doesn't matter. People will tell you this OVER and over again, but it's something you're going to have to learn for yourself. What you think about yourself is the only thing that matters. You have to be comfortable in your own skin, and like what you see in the mirror. If someone tells me I'm ugly, a fat *kitten*, or anything else, I don't give a ****. I really don't. Unless you're my husband, you're not paying my bills, putting a roof over my head, food on my table, or clothes on my back, so there's no need for me to remotely be impressing you *general you, that is*. I dress to make me happy, enjoy things that make me happy, and do what makes me happy in life. The rest, it's just details.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Here's a quote that I think applies here:
    I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me

    ~JK Rowling

    I'd focus less on what other people say/think about you and more on what you say and think about yourself.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    Fat is an adjective - not an insult. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't of been offended if the same girl called you skinny, eh? Skinny & fat are adjectives used to describe our bodies - ones we place ENTIRELY too much meaning in.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Screw her. Even if you were fat, it's not a nice thing to say. And you aren't fat, so it's not only mean, it's wrong.

    And not particularly clever.

    She's just being a beeyatch.

    You don't want that sort of person to like you and should be proud that she doesn't. Puts you up where you belong.

    Leave her to her misery and go on with your life and your fun. :)