Sodium!!! please help



  • LiveLife73
    will definitely try to make this sauce.. thanks
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    If you like a longer cooked sauce, up it by a few minutes. Perfect base for meat sauce too. (Or any of your favorite things)
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Just to note that the sodium set on is here higher than the RDA amount of 2300 daily as to where it is set 2500 on here.
  • fancyladymeek
    This is maybe a silly question....does exercise affect how much sodium you can/should take in? I walked 2 hours today and earlier I did an exercise video. I've been drinking plenty of water. Not sure if that affects my ideal sodium intake or not.

    I am trying to reduce my sodium. It's pretty hard right now because I made a huge batch of fried rice never realizing it wasalmost 1000 mg of sodium per serving! So since I can't waste the food, I'm trying to balance it with the rest of my food.

    Today I replaced whole wheat toast with a couple small corn tortillas. I am eating 1/4 cup low fat cheese and 2 slices of deli meat...but other than that I'm trying to be as low in sodium as possible.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,227 Member
    I think the only way exercise would affect your sodium significantly badly that you would have an issue with it is if you were working out intensely in a warm place so that you are losing lots of water. Generally we eat way too much sodium, even the 2300mg is the top end of how much we should have. I believe for people with high blood pressure the number they suggest is more like 1350mg a day (it might be slightly different but that is close). I figure since that is the case, it is unlikely you will consume a low enough amount, unless you really work at it, to endanger yourself. Remember their is sodium in places like water (both bottled and tap--especially if you have a water softener). It is only a small amount, but it is there and will effect the final numbers as well. I think assuming that you are eating more sodium than the number for your food consumption is probably a safe bet, but if you keep you food number at 2300 or lower (or 1350 of lower for those with high blood pressure) you will find you will do fine.

    For me I am on a diuretic which helps me expel the extra sodium (along with some potassium so I need to watch how much of that I eat as well). When I was first put on it, with no dieting at all, I lost 10 pounds. That was all water retained by me because of the extra sodium in my body. I don't have that any longer.
  • fancyladymeek
    Thanks Rileysowner! Before now I never really considered sodium intake, but I'm definately being more aware of it now.